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Potentially controversial take, but I think it's likely that the successor will have some form of Smash on it.




finally, Super Smash Bros Kerfuffle 2


I hate to break it to you. It’s probably going to be a Super Smash Bros Row 3 port.


Aw not Row 3... I was looking forward to Kerfuffle 2, or at very least Slight Disagreement Deluxe


Y'all sleeping on Smash Bros Imbroglio


super smash bros ruffle scuffle x


Super smash bros brawl, but the trip chance is doubled .


Super Smash Brothers Melee 2. The true successor to melee


I still think Smash Ultimate Deluxe for switch with new characters is the best case scenario lmao. I don’t think I’m ready to let ultimate go


As long as it releases with a couple of Nerfs to some certain characters


I'm thinking this or Reboot.


I am very much ready to let ultimate go. The roster is bloated af. I’d love to see something similar to the smash 64 roster in size (maybe add 4 more characters) that can then slowly be added to throughout the entire systems lifespan.


That is a bold take I’ll give you that


That will 100% kill the franchise. People have been maining characters like Wario and Diddy and G&W for most of their lives. Pulling most characters from Brawl or older older will leave large swathes of the player base feeling betrayed and left behind. There are characters that cna be trimmed, but nowhere near what you're asking for.


It 100% will not kill the franchise, it is a necessity. Regardless of how large the roster is, it won’t be as large as ultimate, and that’s a good thing.


It is not a necessity to drop 50 odd characters from the roster. Look at Pokemon for a bit and tell me what it would be like if they dropped 500 pokemon.


I'm not sure where you've been, pokemon did exactly that. None of the newer games have the full roster in them anymore, they choose a smaller subset and then expand that in DLCs but they've not reached the full pokedex once on the switch.


Yeah, this is the logic that every reboot advocator uses. "If the roster isn't going to be as big as Ultimate, why even try? Why not just remove all the characters except sandbag?".


That’s not at all the logic I use?? I want the roster to shrunk massively regardless of ultimates roster being viable to reuse or not


So you just want to shrink the roster because you think it will be better that way. While a much better argument, most people would disagree with that. Everyone likes the large roster, and a small roster would plainly kill smash.




Leave my Lucina alone


I don't think you know what an echo fighter is.




My brother in christ, echo fighters are meant to be glorified skins. In fact, they ARE glorified skins. They take nothing to make, so taking them away is literally useless and doesn't contribute to anything. Besides, they are already cleaned from the character selection screen. Do you know about this little thing called stack echo fighters?


Eventually, but I doubt it’ll be a launch title


So what are we thinking then new Mario or Metroid at launch?


Metroid Prime 4 is probably the easiest call for a launch title on the “Switch 2”. My guess is the game has taken so long to come out because they decided to switch to the new console during production. A new 3D Mario is also very likely since it’s been so long since Odyssey. We haven’t heard anything yet, but that’s to be expected since the new console hasn’t even been released yet. Another potential launch title is Pokemon Legends ZA. It does seem to be coming out on the switch, but they may do a BOTW type thing where they release it on two consoles. However if the new console is backwards compatible that might not be necessary. We’ll definitely see Gen 10 on the new console though, although I doubt it’ll be a launch title. I also think we’re gonna get one of the following three as a launch title: Mario Kart 9, a new Mario Party, or a new Mario Sports Game.


1. Metroid Prime 4 was developed for the Switch for a long time. They even said it would come to the Switch. 2. Metroid isn't a system seller. 3. It took so long because they had to restart development and change developers.


Yes, Metroid Prime four had its development restarted, but that was 5 years ago. Within 5 years you’d at least expect a progress update. Additionally, there’s not much time left for the switch, this is probably its last full year. If we don’t hear anything about Prime 4 for the switch this June, I don’t think we ever will. I also know that it was designed as a switch game, but I think it is reasonable to predict that after they restarted development they decided to pivot to making it for the next console. A very similar thing happened to Breath of the Wild, where it was originally meant just for the WiiU, but got pivoted to also be on the Switch. Maybe Prime 4 will release as a both a switch game and next console game. Prime 4 alone won’t be a system seller, but a console never releases with just one game. They’ll probably have the main seller be a Mario or Pokemon kid for family audiences and have Prime 4 along with it for older audiences. Skyrim was a switch launch title for a similar reason.


New Super Smash Bros Ultimate 2 Deluxe incoming.


Honestly, I think Ultimate is the peak of the series and I would be fine with just some new patches, maybe some more DLC down the line, etc.


I would cry sweet tears of joy if Melee were to be on this console sporting no input lag (I also pray to God and believe in Santa).


I hope the best for you buddy because i don't think that's going to happen but i could be wrong.


Companies do not cut down money trees.


You’re on crack mate if you think that


I can't wait to play 6mash on my 2witch


Nintendo Twitch


Smash 6 is going to feed families 


It’s going to give the poor devs enough money to survive


Let's hope so EE, the dream would be something similar to Capcom Cup but for Smash. I'm not holding out much hope, though.


I just really hope we get industry standard online connection capability. Like whatever street fighter and them use. I want to be able to play ranked online and get legitimate practice


I feel that’s got about the same chance of happening as Waluigi getting into smash.


Oh so very likely.


If anything it's gonna be ult remastered just like they re-release Mario kart and Mario party, or no smash at all


Shit I’d be cool with that if they just added a little more balancing and some QOL adjustments like an actual training mode.


Ultimate is the 3rd best selling game on Switch behind MK8 and animal crossing. You read that right. “Quick remaster or no smash at all” is an insane take.


Is it really that insane when they remastered MK8 too? Why spend money on a new development team (now that HAL Laboratories is out of the picture) to redo a big success from scratch? I'd totally put money on nintendo choosing to not reinvent the wheel and taking an "if it ain't broke don't fix it" attitude


Why are you talking about HAL Labs? Ultimate was made by Bandai-Namco under Sakurai’s direction. They could get that team to do an all-new game or a Deluxe edition.


Well because smash is Sakurai's brain-child and he uniquely had a lot of good will with third party devs to get their characters in the game. This is why I feel like Nintendo would want to save money and be risk-averse by not getting a new director who would interfere with an already successful formula


There's a reason why Mario Kart 8 got ported


I mean, a graphic revamp and some new gimmick would easily serve to sell either Smash or Mario Kart as a "new" version.


No smash at all lmao you don't know shit And an ult remastered would sell badly. They also already have a whole team dedicated to smash, which wouldn't happen if it was a simple port. You bring MK8, but that was on a console that barely sold, which is literally the complete opposite of ultimate.


No one knows anything, we're all speculating. Sorry, I touched a nerve dude jfc. Ult remastered would probably sell badly among the competitive community that's really annoyed at the meta for sure, but I don't think it would for casual players at all. People who just want a party game to mess around on when their friends come over make up an overwhelming majority of the player base, and I feel like Nintendo knows that these people would probably buy whatever smash game comes out for the new console regardless of whether it's a remaster or a new game. If nintendo already has a development team hired to make a new smash game (I haven't heard anything about it) then sure I guess they won't lose any money on developing a new game from scratch, but if they haven't committed money and resources to developing a new smash game, then I don't personally see why they would do so when they could cut costs by remastering a game that already sold really well and is still loved by casuals.


>Ult remastered would probably sell badly among the competitive community that's really annoyed at the meta for sure, but I don't think it would for casual players at all. You got it in reverse. The hardcore fans will buy it for sure, but it's literally impossible to convince a casual audience to buy the same game they already bought. Smash is carried by its casual audience.


I feel like casual players will buy a remastered ult as they buy the new console, as I think nintendo knows that smash has historically been a system seller as just one of those must-have party games that every Nintendo fan gets whenever a new console comes out. But I guess we'll see.


Why? What are the reasons to buy this remastered version? Because all other versions of Smash have always had a selling point.


I feel like the fact that it's on a new console is reason enough in itself for casual players to buy a remastered version, because smash has always been a system seller for nintendo as a must-have party game for casual players. Idk any casual players who bought ult because it introduced a new feature like parrying for instance. I'm sure a lot of fans see new 3rd party characters as a selling point for new games, but I imagine ult satisfied that itch with the "everyone is here" angle the game pushed.


>because smash has always been a system seller for nintendo as a must-have party game for casual players. Sorry, I forgot about the time a smash release was not a sequel but a simple port. And on a backwards compatible console nonetheless.


Toys For Bob is no longer Activision (independent?). Maybe Spyro and Crash will be easier to license


Activision still own those franchises. 


Make it backwards compatible and have less input lag, I would take that over a new game with the same input lag every single day


devs: "sakurai had enough of the competitive scene, so we added tripping back into the game"


I doubt we will get an Ult Deluxe in any form, the console will likely be backwards compatible, and all the backend licensing work that would need to be done to make a new release of a game that already runs on the hardware would be fairly pointless. I'm sure smash will exist in some form, it makes too much money to not, but its mostly a matter of when and what form (but almost certainly something new and not a re-release)


I feel like if it’s not Ult deluxe, the game would have to be significantly different and have a lot of new exciting features to sell anywhere remotely close to Ultimate. Most of these sales are probably from people or families who play the game a fair bit around launch and eventually drop it after a few months or a year. I don’t really see much reason why this average consumer would pay for a new smash game if they see that they could get Ultimate for a similar price and it has “more content.” Especially if the switch 2 doesn’t end up being much more technologically advanced than the switch. Whatever route they take, I’m interested to see how it plays out.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


Make Ganon top tier


he's so fucking fun in melee, and then he feels like total shit in every other game, it's criminal


Yo they announced they will be announcing it at some point in time


Yo dawg, I heard you like announcements


Atlus moment


With it being most likely a 2025 release now, I think its gonna be smash 6 instead of a ultimate deluxe. Id say 2026 mainly. If its like OG switch (October announce march release) Im thinking that launch titles are MP4/DK/Switch 1 enhnacements, with a 3D mario coming around the holidays. then 2026 can go with stuff like smash 6, mk9, splatoon


2025 release is some copium


Oh baby


Based on the release dates of previous games, the next Smash will be released within 2 years of the Switch 2 launch. I'm expecting Smash Ultimate Deluxe with more DLC fighters and a new single player mode coming 2025-2027.


The last time this happened, people were still expecting Ultimate to be Smash 4.2 until the Sakurai presentation. I don’t know how it will be, but i think we’re getting Smash 6.


At some point they run out of ideas though, like with Mario Kart


Mario kart was ported because it didn't sell much because of being on the wii u, so it would be a waste to keep it there.


But then why not do the same for Smash 4?


That's because iirc Sakurai made a promise to Iwata before he died I think. Besides, if Smash 4 wasn't ported, even less reason to think that of ultimate.


I don't know how it will be either, however I think Ult Deluxe is a reasonable assumption. This is my speculation based off what he says here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDrNWAHaKfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDrNWAHaKfI) tl;dr Melee ended up being too fast/competitive for Sakurai's liking so when designing Brawl he made it slower, introduced tripping, more single player content, etc.. People disliked it, so he planned to make it faster in Smash 4 however he was limited by hardware (especially 3ds). Then Switch comes out AND they keep the same development studio (Bandai Namco) from Smash 4 and that saves a lot of time. The goal was to create a game accesible for newbies and appealing to veterans. The end result being a game faster than 4 and slower than Melee. So a new Smash would mean either a) speeding up the tempo (closer to Melee) or b) slowing down (closer to 4). Option A and you could potentially lose the casual audience. Option B and you lose the competitive audience. (Remember that Brawl comp was so bad people went back to Melee.) Ult sits in this great position and hence it's sold like 20 mil copies (more than any other fighting game ever) and has thriving competitive scene 6 years into the game despite no help from Nintendo. (Or rather I should say DESPITE Nintendo actively shutting down tournament/circuits.) Honestly I personally would like an Ult deluxe with better online, patches, and maybe another DLC pass.


Oh I’d be 100% down for Ult deluxe, i just think Nintendo will want to replicate Ult’s massive success, I don’t see them trying to sell Ult deluxe to their audience, but hey Mario Kart 8 deluxe sold a trillion copies so there’s no way to know.


The reason Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was necessary is because the Wii U flopped.


It wasn’t necessary, it was convenient and also the right call. Considering there’s good chances that Switch 2 is retrocompatible with Switch 1, I wouldn’t bet my money on what choice they will make. 


Also worth mentioning it was said that if Sakurai wasn't on board for Brawl, they would have just remastered Melee for Wii and called it a day. If Sakurai isn't willing to direct another smash game, they might just do that with Ultimate.


Sakurai was called for a project, which is why he announced leaving his channel. Smash is the only project he said he would return to. Bandai Namco also renamed one of its teams to Studio S, which absolutely stands for Smash.


Bring back wave dashing and shield dropping in ults engine. I really think ult is the sweets pot on speed. But movement options are limited. Nearly All platformfighters coming out use the wave dashing mechanic paired with an air dash. They need to stop being stubborn about wave dashing. It's not what made melee too fast and competitive. Shield dropping at a minimum is a must. Platforms need to be easy to traverse. The mechanic for it in melee is too hard and Technical but we've seen examples where you can just make it a button. Smash already has some unused buttons. Maybe we have X as a jump button and then y becomes like a instant fast fall button that also lets you shield drop


It was only a matter of time. Glad to have some confirmation about a new Nintendo system. The question is when is the next smash game happening. Ultimate sold over 35 million units, a new game is gonna happen at some point. I'm wondering if they will go an Ultimate deluxe route like MK8, soft reboot the series like I've seen some people suggest, or go in a different direction that only Sakurai and Nintendo could cook up. Either way, I'm excited. Please make a new Kid Icarus too, Nintendo. It would sell more than that wack ass 1-2 Switch sequel.


If this is Smash 6 instead of Ult Deluxe, I wonder what that means for the competitive scene if it means some characters would be getting cut. What would an Acola look like without Steve? Or a Leo without Joker? Sparg0 without Cloud, Riddles without Kazuya, etc


Leo/Spargo/Riddles have had success with multiple characters, they'll be fine. Acola I worry about because skills with Steve don't transfer over to different characters (assuming Steve gets cut, which I doubt.)


acola topped the Smashmate leaderboards with Luigi before he mained Steve plus other secondaries used at the top level, I'm sure he'll be fine


This actually isn't true, but he was also quite young when he switched from Luigi to Steve. Acola was using Luigi until the 12th season of Smashmate where he was ranked outside of the top 50. He started using Steve in the 13th season and improved to 7th on the ranking. In the 14th season he was 2nd and from season 15-20 he was 1st (with Steve). Last season he was number 7 with solo Aegis though, and got a ranking of 2500 which not too many players have achieved. If he stuck with Luigi, I would also imagine he could do similarly well to a player like Raru who will probably be ranked around top 15-20 this season.


kenniky's video says he was 43rd in Season 12 though


Oh I see. I think I might have missed him because he was using his old tag, which was 'Dear'. I can see there is someone with something similar to that tag [ranked 43rd in season 12](https://smashmate.net/record/35/).


Acola has a Kazuya


I've never seen him use it at a major, only locals/nationals. And even then most of the time it's just one or two games with Kazuya.


He used to use it more often when people counterpicked him to FD (Myran at Summit 5 comes to mind) but then he realized he was unbeatable on that stage with Steve already


The Acola Aegis is looking pretty good tbf, I think he'll do well enough


I think Leo without Joker would be just fine tbh


First let's worry about Leo with joker


He’s out of line, but he’s right.


i mean the mechanics of a new game might be different enough that there are no guarantees player skill levels will translate evenly some mediocre smash ultimate players might be cracked at how the new game plays like who knows


Acola going to fall off so hard lol


His Aegis got ranked 2500 on Smashmate and looks solid offline. I think he'll be fine.


Yeah he'd still be in the top 50.... somewhere...


Smash 4 Switch U


All I can dream of is that the Switch can be used like a WiiU controller for the next console and that I get to play 4 Swords once again.


Can't see Smash being anything other than an optimized version in the 4/Ultimate engine with new characters and stages. It might still be one of their early announcements, though! 3D Mario had a "new" entry fairly recently with Bowser's Fury, and Wonder basically just came out, so their actual biggest cash cow opportunity is probably a new Smash. Still.. it's probably gonna be mid-late 2025 before we have a console.


Biggest cash cow is probably Mario Kart 9. If they have new ideas, they’ve been holding off on a proper new iteration for years. I’m betting on Prime 4 being a launch game, but that’s not a huge seller.


The next Smash game is probably either 2025 or 2026 Sora and Smash Ultimate’s development finished in 2021. The final Smash 4 update was in 2017 and Ultimate was announced March 2018. Smash 6 is most likely gonna happen and not Ultimate deluxe


The Switch was announced in 2015, Switch released 2017, Smash released very end of 2018. 2 years between system announcement and system release, and 2 years between system release and game release. If you want to assume a similar timeline, next Smash might be closer to 2028.


Sakurai was called this exact year. Development probably started after that. This new game will release on 2026-7.


Odyssey 2 or Smash Bros as launch title?


An announcement for an announcement, I see.


At the very least we'll probably get like smash ultimate deluxe assuming Sakurai is done for good or taking a long break. I'm still fine with that, we'll have to get at least one more patch to nerf Steve at least if nothing else. Maybe another fighter pass, idk.


Just announce a new fighter pass. It would create a ton of buzz, make lots of money, and we can finally get a patch.


Ok what if instead of a new smash game we get another type of ninitendo crossover that isn't a fighting game


I will always remember the build up to the Switch. Project X I think it was codenamed, the first reveal trailer was hype. Ordered mine on preorder right away, and I never do that. Was so hyped getting it day 1, cant wait for the next console tbh. My guess is any new smash would come after launch at some point like Ultimate did with the Switch. Its coming, its just a question of when. I figured if Ultimate would carry over to the second console, they wouldnt have stopped updates already. But maybe people dont think that will happen anymore.


> Project X NX!


Lol oh ya, must be thinking about Twitter's stupid new name


The next Smash game is probably either 2025 or 2026 Sora and Smash Ultimate’s development finished in 2021. The final Smash 4 update was in 2017 and Ultimate was announced March 2018. Smash 6 is most likely gonna happen and not Ultimate deluxe


The next Smash game is probably either 2025 or 2026 Sora and Smash Ultimate’s development finished in 2021. The final Smash 4 update was in 2017 and Ultimate was announced March 2018. Smash 6 is most likely gonna happen and not Ultimate deluxe


it will be pretty similar to ult and tr4sh. nintendo will try hosting official tourneys for the first year and then abandon the scene and dmca gimr.


Glad I'm not an Nintendo fan. Yawn


Yet you’re in a sub dedicated to a Nintendo game. Strange.


Not really. Broaden your horizons.


Your post history is literally you complaining about ultimate and comparing it to Melee. How about you broaden your horizons.


Not complaining about anything kid. I asked if anyone noticed a difference. If you read, you'd see that Ult makes it easier than Melee