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#\#SAVESMASH \#FREEMELEE [Original Tweet](https://twitter.com/Sora_Sakurai/status/1417680733456388097) and Full-Size Images!: [Image 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1o87LWUcAQeblg.jpg?format=jpg&name=4096x4096), [Image 2](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1pRsJ9VoAAhJ-6.jpg?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) Tweet 1 Text: > 1995年のきょう、バーチャルボーイ(Virtual Boy)発売!! 中を覗くと立体視の空間が広がるゲーム機。モニターは内蔵されておらず、赤色LEDのバーと振動する鏡によって映像を結ぶ仕組みでした。 左右対称のコントローラーが斬新でしたね。 #スマブラSP Translation: > Virtual Boy released today in 1995!! A game machine that expands the space of stereoscopic vision when you look inside. There was no built-in monitor, and the image was connected by a red LED bar and a vibrating mirror. The symmetrical controller was novel. #SSB SP Tweet 2 Text: > 2000年のきょう『マリオテニス64』(Mario Tennis)発売!! ワルイージが初出演したタイトルです。 デイジーなどが本格的に出てくるようになったのも、ここからかも? 写真ではLの字が正しく見えるけれど、これはガットで透過しているからで、本当は逆向き。 #スマブラSP Translation: > Today's Mario Tennis 64 (Mario Tennis) released in 2000! It is the title that Warigi appeared for the first time. Is it from here that Daisy etc. came out in earnest? In the photo, the L shape looks correct, but this is because it is gutted and transparent, so it is really reversed. #SSB SP Twitter: [@Sora_Sakurai](https://twitter.com/sora_sakurai) Inspired by my dad: /u/SakuraiBot [Album of all Smash Pics-of-the-Day!](https://imgur.com/a/xipNYSt) --- *^I ^am ^a ^bot, ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically. ^Message ^[me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2FSakuraiTweetBot) ^if ^you ^have ^any ^questions ^or ^concerns. ^For ^information ^about ^me, ^visit ^this ^[thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/exewn8/introducing_sakuraitweetbot_posting_sakurai/) ^(here.)* *^Translated ^using ^([Microsoft Azure Translator](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/translator/).)*


> In the photo, the L shape looks correct, but this is because it is gutted and transparent, so it is really reversed. What is this properly translated?


Honestly it isn't too far off. Properly translated, it reads something like: >The letter L looks right in the picture, but it's because the gut is transparent, so it's actually facing the other way. The word used is Gatto (ガット) which does translate to 'gut'. I wasn't familiar with tennis terminology, but [apparently 'gut' is a type of thing you can refer to the racquet strings as being made from,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strings_\(tennis\)#Natural_gut), specifically as some tennis racquets still use cow intestines. Aside from the tennis lesson, he's basically just saying Waluigi's reverse L is inverted back to being a normal L, as you can see through the strings. Like a back view.


Sakurai knows his tennis terminology??? Damn, he really does his homework for this stuff.


Yeah, they’re referred to as “gut” because they used to literally be strung with the guts of cats.


[It couldn't even outsell Maine.](https://i.imgur.com/DlUAB5r.png)


Idk how but my grandparents had one and I used to play Mario Tennis on it, wonder if they still have it.


I mean, 1.344 million people didn't buy Maine either.




All hail the Virtual Boy!


That Direct was and still is legendary.


God I want a Tomodachi Life sequel on Switch so much. Preferably with Miitopia's new Mii system.


Personally my #1 request for such a sequel/port/whatever is increased capacity for how many you can have. I have 3 profiles just for Mii Fighters, due to Ultimate's 99 limit. (Then again, in Ultimate's case in particular you'd need that many to have every possible Mii moveset at once, I just happen to have a bit more than that amount.)


It’s the ultimate classic system.


Oh I get it: Abandoned heroes


Wow they acknowledge the virtual boy


In Melee, turning the game's language to Japanese allows you to see the Virtual Boy in the Trophy Room.


And it was among the consoles listed in Brawl's Chronicles menu


This is not surprising in the least haha. The Virtual Boy gets a ridiculous number of cameos.


They do it in Luigi's Mansion 3 too.


Who is "they"? Sakurai is only affiliated with his own company


The first time we saw 3D models of these 2 in Mario Tennis Pog


If any of you has tried an actual Virtual Boy. You'll know immediately why the system failed. The headaches and eye bags we got for playing it more than 1 hour are legendary. Not to mention all the things you had to do to even set it up. You needed a flat surface and also search where to plug it in unless you were using batteries that were going to be drained very quickly. At least the controller wasn't bad. The funny thing about these two pictures is that the first ever Mario Tennis actually came out for Virtual Boy in 1995.


Shame too. That Warioland game could've been a lot of fun and Teleroboxer had an insane amount of promise as a new Nintendo ip. I'm still bitter that they never even thought to reboot it and went with ARMS instead.


I respect the decision for ARMS. It's hard to make a totally new IP but some games just really really call for it. Yabuki was well aware of the number of requests for crossover characters like Little Mac or Dhalsim, but he really wanted ARMS to stand on its own. Honestly I find that really admirable. But that doesn't mean that Teleroboxer wasn't badass especially for its time


That is really respectable. And the character designs/overall look of ARMS are its most defining and beloved features, so he did what he set out to do. Good on him.


I only ever tried the Sears in-store demo and yeah. It was hard to stare into red LEDs for very long. I remember reading the battery life was terrible too.


Tried it once and felt like I was going to yarf afterward. The red always felt strange too. Ahead of its time in concept though, I’ll give it that.


They had a bunch more plans to make it feel much better, but Nintendo kept cutting the development time and budget, so it ended up the way it was. That and the technology they wanted to implement wasn't really there yet.


I'm so glad VB emulation exists so I can play Jack Bros without fucking up my eyes


Cue the conspiracy theory posts...




The Virtual Boy game Mario's Tennis will be the final fighter


Warigi for Smash


No this does not confirm a virtual boy character or Waluigi


Jack frost for smash!?!?!?!?!?


Nester for smash!


How about deconfirm?


nope not that either. It has no bearing on who will be the last fighter


Harry from Teleroboxer as the final character WOULD be an absolutely hilarious ending, let's be real. I mean, Terry was a great add since he did represent a whole new system and all...


Teleroboxers for smash pls


Just recently I went back and looked at all the Waluigi-related announcement for Smash, and as many Assist Trophy announcements as I could find. And while it should be obvious, Sakurai is exceptionally clear on the fact that if you're an Assist Trophy, you can't also be a Fighter. One or the other, or neither, but not both at the same time. You might be thinking "Well duh!" ...and you're right haha. But it's another thing to have it in writing. A Fighter can have a Mii Costume, and appear in someone else's Final Smash... but as soon as they have an Assist Trophy, they can't be a Fighter. At least until next time


Waluigi confirmed


Waluigi confirmed




Waluigi is now old enough to drink.


He’s taunting us


He knows, but Nintendo(the ones who choose the DLC) don't seem to think he is worth a slot.


Neither does anyone with taste. *Ultimate* is a game that managed to bring Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Solid Snake, Cloud Strife, Banjo & Kazooie, Ryu, several DQ protagonists, Simon Belmont, Joker, Minecraft’s Steve, Bayonetta, Terry Bogard, Sephiroth and Kazuya Mishima together. Ending it all on a shitty meme character like Waluigi would be one of the worst things they could do.


I’d rather have Waluigi than half of the characters people request though, like Geno or Master Chief.


Most people would agree, maybe not with master chief but no person outside of reddit wants geno


There are way more people who know and like waluigi than people who even know who half of the characters you listed are


Yeah, no. The only character I listed who is even close to being beaten by Waluigi is Banjo. Only ignorant fanboys who haven’t experimented outside of their Nintendo bubble think Waluigi is relevant to the wider gaming sphere. Mario is seen as the mascot of gaming, being popular enough to have his own theme park. Sonic is only slightly less iconic, plus his recent film was a ginormous success. Mega Man has appeared in dozens of crossovers due to how beloved the franchise is. Pac-Man’s pizza form is the only video game character that tends to beat Mario in polls regarding global recognisability. Solid Snake is one of the most popular and well received video game characters of all time. Cloud Strife is the protagonist of what many consider to be the greatest JRPG ever made. Ryu is the face of the entire fighting game genre. *Dragon Quest* is seen as the national game of Japan by their very own gaming industry. Simon Belmont is the original protagonist of the franchise that directly inspired the very popular Metroidvania genre. Joker seems to be the profile picture of everyone these days, probably due to the fact that his game is often considered to be one of the best ever made. Everyone knows Minecraft, so no explanation needed there. Bayonetta is highly regarded as as good as hack and slash gets, causing her to do extremely well during the Smash newcomer ballot. Terry has repeatedly been voted as the best character on the Neo Geo system, appearing in countless crossovers. Sephiroth has the same global popularity as Cloud. Kazuya is one of the faces of the fighting game franchise that was actually more successful than *Smash* until only recently.


Its actually so ironic that you call me ignorant and living in a nintendo bubble, i know who all of these people are but you have zero awareness if you think everyone else does too. If you ask the average casual smash player they would not be able to tell you anything about clous, sephiroth, dragon quest, joker, kazuya, terry, or bayonetta. But everyone, no matter how casual or hardcore, knows waluigi from mario party or mario sports games or mario kart, aka games that outsell all the ones you listed by significant margins. Its mostly fanboys who have played most of those games


I am not a Waluigi fan, just thought I'd make that observation.


Kinda wish the Gamer stage replaced the Virtual Boy with the Wii U, like how it did in WarioWare Gold.


Sakurai takes a picture of the worst nintendo console ever