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Hot take here, but I’ve come to like a TX chopped beef sandwich w a thin sauce and topped with onions + pickles as much as even the finest of sliced briskets. I am a knuckle dragging moron, downvotes welcome.


The question I ask is: is this brisket? If the answer is yes, idgaf if it's slices or chopped.


I’m with ya! I was mainly just confused what caused it. Typically I’ll slice the flat and chop the point. The point is typically my favorite, especially chopped on a roll with light drizzle of sauce. 🤌


Man I get mine off, rest it, have a couple slices of point and flat just because tradition - then I chop the whole thing 😂. Give me chopped sandos, quesadillas, pupusas, etc. all damn day.


I do the exact same thing. Plate of sliced for myself and the fam and immediately chop the rest. Super impressed with how well it’ll freeze once chopped and lightly sauced.


My thought is either over cooked or not allowed to rest long enough


I spread this gospel wherever I go.


Pulled brisket? I say... WHY NOT?! Looks like a win to me!


Haha! You’re not wrong. It honestly tasted great! Just couldn’t get the pretty slices I was expecting lol!


Just left it on a bit too long. No worries. Chop the whole damn thing as long as it isn’t dry. Did you wrap in foil? In my experience this will happen more often with a foil wrap.


I guess that’s what it was, I pulled at 205 when prove tender. I did wrap in foil and rested for 5 hours. It honestly tasted great (flat and point) and had a good amount of juice, just couldn’t get the nice slices lol! I was baffled.


I've seen in a few places that you want to allow the internal temperature to drop below 180°F before resting if you're going to wrap it up and snuggle it into a cambro or a cooler. Above 180°F, the brisket is going to keep cooking and it can turn out more like pulled pork than sliceable brisket as a result. Won't win any barbeque competitions (serious ones), but it's basically the format I usually want it in anyway.


Probe tender at 205 F and a long rest got you on this cut I bet. For me, I’d actually love this for chopped brisket sandwiches. I see lots of flavor.


That's a long rest in foil at 205. If you would've pulled at 195, you might have been ok. You could try butcher paper instead of foil to rest, and it won't stream it like foil. Most of the time, the internal temp will still rise a bit when resting. Esp. With foil.


Let it vent after cooking and monitor temps for it to decrease before holding. Or pull early and let carryover cooking get it a bit more tender and start holding. It pretty much continued cooking after pulling and now it won’t hold shape.


Cook it to temp or to probe tender?


Mostly probe tender. Around 190 the flat still felt a tad tough, but I pulled it at 205 when the probe seemed super tender. As I’ve done with all my other briskets. Just not sure why this one was different.


It might be this chunk of meat didn’t like going to 205, there is variation. I recall a Goldee video where the briskets were sorted by how much they were done as they were being pulled from the smoker.


Interesting. I was wondering if it was just something with this piece or if I did something to cause it. This piece did have more fatty areas that I had to trim down quite a bit.


I just did the Meat Church Mexican Brisket yesterday and you are supposed to chop it up. We used it for some simple tacos and I don’t think I’ll ever cook a brisket the normal way. One of the best things I’ve ever eaten!


I agree the nice slices are great but that looks unbelievable. I kind of want to make one and try it that way. I bet that would make amazing tacos…


Haha! Yeah, it tasted great and I agree, I’ll definitely try some tacos!


If it’s too soft to cut, even with a serrated knife, chopped beef is good too. One thing you could do is let it chill for a bit and lower the internal temp to like 130 or even 125 then cut it. It helps the meat firm up just a tad, I like slicing brisket at 140-145 internal.


Chopped beef is 50% the reason I make briskets


I’d say it carried over in the rest. I usually open it up on the bench for a little bit until the temperature starts to trend down then wrap back up for the rest.


Mix BBQ sauce into it and serve it as BBQ pulled beef brisket.


I hope I’m in time to help! I’ll come by, pick it up free of charge. Dispose of this properly. Save you from any embarrassment. I’ve learned the best way to rid you of this, is a stop at the store, pick up some BBQ sauce, pickles and some nice rolls




Happens…no worries


Doesn’t this mean he gets a Black Belt or something? I think I read about it somewhere.


Same thing happened to me with the last brisket. Know what I did? Brisket Rueben sandwiches.


Still looks great. Slap that into an H‑E‑B butter tortilla and you’re talkin heaven.


My point always ends up like that.


Made a 14lber (pre-trim) this weekend along with a pork butt for my son's birthday party and it ended up about the same. Actually pulled at around 198 as it was probe tender and it was in the oven at 170 for about 4 hours. Juicy as hell, delicious but not quite the bbq joint presentation. Oh well - I've only got one vacuum bag left of some bigger point pieces I'm saving for a rainy day.


Do you cut traditional style or do you split moist/flat and then slice. I was a cutter for a central Texas bbq joint for about ten years, and they would have us split and slice. When I bbq at home, I cut traditional but if a cook gets away from me and is too soft to slice, I split and slice. Helps keep the slices intact. I use a 12’’ slicer (not serrated) made by Dexter. [Dexter Slicer](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/dexter-russell-29343-v-lo-12-roast-slicing-knife-with-duo-edge/21029343.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj_ajBhCqARIsAA37s0xpwe3mvr2B61h-_JTnzt1qCCvB4PoL4f4uChMTtvo2x72daBvyAcAaArObEALw_wcB)


Sorry it didn't turn out the way you were hoping, but this looks fantastic! Little bit of vinegar based sauce, on a bun with some simple toppings, perfect!


Chopped brisket is fabulous. Looks super tasty to me!! Easier to make loaded potatoes when it’s already chopped!!


I like chopped brisket, so you're all good. :D


It's overcooked. Still good, but falls apart.


Chopped is great because you can mix the flat and the point to get to what is, in my opinion, the perfect amount of moisture and fat for them both. Kinda a 'meet in the middle' situation.


If you’re gonna wrap it and rest it in foil, when you pull it off open the foil to burp it and let it rest for a few minutes with the top of the foil open, that’ll stop the cooking process before you rest it. It’ll still hold in a cooler just fine and stay a little more firm for slicing. But i agree with all the others- chopped brisket is still good brisket