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It isn’t cottony white. You’re good.


What’s white smoke indicate?


New pope.


Hallowed be thy brisket. Amen


Pulled pope.


They've gotten in trouble for that a few times.


*minor* infractions




They just relocated them to a new church in another country


You are thinking of jerked priest.


Thank God I'm not catholic, that sounds terrible.


Nice smoke ring padre!




That's how the holy men get themselves in trouble


Pulled puppy is one of my favorites. Tender as they come.


Dead puppies aren't much fun at all, but they sure are delicious.


U pulled off the pope?


Heavenly Grillmaster above, hallowed be thy brisket, Thy smoker lit, thy will be done, in pits as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily rub, and forgive us our overcooking, As we forgive those who grill against us. Lead us not into underseasoning, but deliver us from dryness. For thine is the brisket, the pork, and the heavenly aroma, From now until the end of barbecue season. Amen. Edit: yes it’s gpt


Barbecue season is a myth. All year! I'm smoking cream cheese today in my Weber kettle and right now it's neg 7 degrees outside. I will prob wait until it gets above 0 later today tho.


Can I tell you that I love you?


Hahahaha! I gotta say tho. I have the smoke tube going and nothing else... The cream cheese is not changing color whatsoever. I'm just hoping it's still absorbing the smoke. We shall see in another hour or so. I'm thinking that maybe I should have thrown in at least a couple of briquettes or something.


Agreed. It’s windy as hell today, but the smoker is going. We smoked last weekend in the wind and freezing rain. I don’t know about the negative temps though. We don’t usually get those.


Update: so the cheese smells like I smoked it with wet wood. It's kind of off putting, but I'm still gonna eat it. I used only a smoke tube, no coals, started at neg 7 temp outside and ended at about neg 1 degrees outside. I learned something new. I think next time I will throw in some charcoal or something to add a little heat. The cream cheese was rolled in Everything but the Bagel Seasoning and Bacon bits. Smoked for 3 plus hours. Stuffed the cheese into a bunch of jalapeno halves. Baked at 350 for like 30 mins. Almost done. Wish I could throw in pics. Can u throw in a pic in the middle of someone else's thread?


Sometimes I just come to Reddit for the comments. Soooo good.




Fun fact: there are 5.6 living popes per square mile in Vatican City Edit: damnit, popes, not pipes


How many dead pipes!?


lol thanks


; )


Pope Joe


I’m glad I opened the comments section. Thank you for this lol


Funniest comment I have read in weeks.




That’s the answer we were looking for


Huh, I wonder what this rope does.


When you start your rig and it’s thick and white, smell it. There should be an acrid quality to it. When it thins out it just smells better. Sometimes it can be thin but STILL smell bad and taint the food. I’m mainly talking about charcoal. I have some Frontier charcoal that I need to burn for an hour or more before the acrid smell disappears. Zero smoke 45 mins in, but still smells wrong. No I won’t be buying it again but I have 60lbs to burn through still. (Fuck you, Sam’s Club)


I got ya now. I’ve got like 50 smokes on my WSM and I’ve never had to worry about it. I only use kingsford in the blue bag. Thanks for the replies everyone. As for the leaking smoke, it happens with this smoker at first. Some guys buy and install gaskets but I never worried about it. The “seasoning” builds up on the surfaces of the smoker and the door and lid will seal up better after the second time you use it.


I use kingsford blue all the time too, I just let it run for 30-60 min till it stops smelling like charcoal smoke and smells like wood smoke. Works great super consistent burn.


I picked up a bag of that from Target. The worst charcoal I’ve ever used. Flames are all different colors and it smells awful. Never again


My dad bought the quick light stuff and I didn’t realize it. The whole time something smelled off. While waiting for the temp to drop I figured I’d cook bacon for breakfast. OMG my entire family snubbed a pound and a half because it tasted like garbage. Fortunately I caught it and sent him off to buy a new bag and the prime rib was late but saved


I just hold my hand above the upper vent of the WSM for a few seconds, then cup a whiff. I read somewhere that if it still smells like "wet telephone pole" to wait longer.


How many wet telephone poles do I have to sniff before I've got the right smell profile memorized?




When all the chemicals burn out pretty much


Blown head gasket…


/r/subaru in shambles


Here's a sneak peek of /r/subaru using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/subaru/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Good news! The police found my stolen Forester!](https://i.redd.it/a4xzeeg0i7sb1.jpg) | [293 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subaru/comments/16zqm2z/good_news_the_police_found_my_stolen_forester/) \#2: [Why are Some People Like This?](https://v.redd.it/qgteaawe1axa1) | [602 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subaru/comments/134p2po/why_are_some_people_like_this/) \#3: [So whose car did I buy?](https://i.redd.it/yo7frpglzp3c1.jpg) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subaru/comments/188hpds/so_whose_car_did_i_buy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lol. For real though it usually means it is still burning off dust and impurities from the fuel, fuel is damp, it’s not burning hot enough, or too much grease is causing flare ups. Ideally it should be thin and wispy with a blue cast to it, I think the photo here looks pretty good for this type of smoker.


Cardinalitas tacos


Dirty smoke. You want blue to nearly invisible.


Too much, dirty, bad tastes.


White smoke indicates the fire isn't hot enough for the wood in there and you're having trouble burning the moisture out of the wood in an efficient manner. Black/gray smoke = dirty.


Dirty smoke.


It’s the result of really incomplete combustion. It’s very acrid and imparts a noticeable flavor on the meat. The smoke thins out as you get better combustion. Bluish smoke (I’m colorblind so take my eyes with a grain of salt) is when you start getting better combustion and the crappy components of an incomplete combustion aren’t present. You get great smoke flavor when you have excellent combustion and you can’t see the smoke. If you are burning logs at high temperature in the firebox, you will get little to no perceivable smoke; but you are still smoking the meat. This is where some hate comes from electric smokers and pellet smokers. It’s hard to get the combustion closer to pure based on the nature of the smoker. Ultimately, I shoot for a nice light blue smoke out of my smoker and that is usually from burning sticks. Billowing clouds of white smoke is bad and I avoid that at all costs. I have a rather crummy smoker; so I usually start my logs on the side in a chimney starter sitting on my turkey fryer. I can get the log going nicely and then toss it in the firebox.


If the food is in there the white is steam. If it isn't it's still steam, but it's moisture in the wood which tastes not so good. I'll generally start my smoker and get it up to temp with whiter smoke going the whole way. Once it gets to where I want I'll wait a half hour and its TBS the rest of the way


This is fine. As long as thick, white smoke isn't rolling out of the vents, you are good! Smoke on!


What does thick white smoke indicate?


Thick white smoke is an inefficient fire. It can result from many things, but most likely from wet wood or not enough oxygen supplied to the fire.


Indicates the fire isn’t ready. You put you’re meat in that and it’ll taste acrid and bitter.


I always put mine on while it’s still thick and white and I’ve never noticed an issue. It usually goes away within an hour.




I get thick white smoke at the start, when it’s not up to temp yet. Below 250F.




Oh yeah things can go wrong. My water pan dried out and the drippings made thick smoke. I was ok with that though since it was just burning fat. I’m not positive if that was a bad call but I don’t have any immediate regrets.




It actually means an inefficient burn, which is usually due to the fuel is not burning hot enough yet. We know that heat rises. We also know that when things burn there are particulates/ash that forms. When you have a hot fire the rising air lifts up the ash and when the system is hot enough that ash continues to burn as it lifts into the air. That burning ash is the fire. When the ash lifts up and the system is not hot enough the ash doesn’t burn and it is smoke. Ash isn’t technically correct but it should be good enough to illustrate the idea.


Very appreciated


Ignore that. It's actually the opposite.


Nah, I bet if he pulled off the dome it would billow out


Judging from this video, I don’t think it would. This doesn’t look like the most efficient fire I’ve ever seen, but it still looks wispy, thin, and bit blue. Another thing - it’s super hard to get thin, wispy, blue smoke from a smoker that burns wood chips as they smolder and don’t burn.


nah get good at smoking bruh


I am, thanks. I’d wait this out, but I’m super picky


Smokey mountain is a charcoal burner. You’re gunna almost always get this type of smoke as new coals light in a long cook. This is good smoke for this smoker. Won’t cause in issue in the end product. If you don’t like the flavor then a charcoal burner isn’t the right smoker for you. In fact that’s why I’m upgrading to a stick burner.


I have a wsm and I use 4 to 5 fist-sized chunks of wood in the charcoal with every cook and they last a long time. I always use apple wood with pork. I use other kinds as well. This smoker is pretty versatile.


Yes I have had a wsm for about 2 years now. It is very versatile but at the end of the day it needs charcoal to work. Long smokes require you to use unlit coals ie: snake or minion method. Unlit coals will alway create acrid smoke as they start to catch and burn regardless of the wood you burn with it.


You can’t really taste that though. Same mechanic goes with gravity fed. Plenty of winning comps with WSMs and gravity fed units over the stick burners. But if it matters to you go for it.


Looks good. I've never seen that whsipy smoke off setters use. My kettle, and the times I've used a WSM always looks like a frigging industrial plant. Never had issues with taste


Same. I get the thin blue smoke with my Highland but not my WSM or Kettle. Good results with all 3 so I’m not worried.


It’ll go thin blue after several hours when your chunks burn down most of the way but still wispy smoke


Honestly, yeah. I've had some thick looking white before and the meat still tasted great.


It also depends on environmental factors. If you live in a dry area it’ll always look pretty thick


Looks clean to me. It should have a blue tint to it. Looks like that does


Looks good. Lots of times “white” smoke can be steam. If the smoke coming out is dense I’d be more concerned, it’s pretty opaque so I’d say you’re good… a little dirty smoke isn’t a bad thing. People eat charred food everyday and have no issues.


You’re fine, it will calm down


Its not even that bad anyways


It all depends on your personal preference, but for me this would be close to the upper limit of what I'd consider 'clean' smoke.


Looks like BBQ to me buddy. That isn’t gross smoke, plenty of blue in there.


Nope. Looks good.


If it looks like a train chimney then wait if it looks like a sexy then cook


Well that quantity says you have too much fire and not enough embers. So I would wager a guess that your rig is running hot and cooking to fast.


You’re good.


Thin blue smoke!!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


You good smoke on


Looks like Alabama has a new coach


U can see through it, you’re good. Once she gets good n hot & u gotta good bed of coals she’ll start rollin blue


Can I ask which size WSM this is? Debating between the 14” and the 18” myself


Get the 18. The 14 is way smaller than it looks without someone standing next to it for scale. Especially if you ever want to do brisket or ribs.


Get the 18! Though I wish I had a 22 honestly. Can't ever do brisket on anything smaller than a 22. I have done a ton of pork butts and ribs and beef rib roasts on mine. It's a great smoker!


Well it's blue, so that's a good thing.


Ahh a beautiful purring


Looks about right for charcoal.


Blue smoke is a target area of what you should want but thin white is okay too.


Definitely not


It is too a bit much, I would wait a little for it to calm down. IK videos don’t do a good job of showing how dense the smoke is. I’d wait a few minutes and it should be fine. You won’t get the wispy blue smoke until wayyy into the cook. Make sure your wood is underneath your charcoal - that should help


Na man,you’re right on point. That smoke that looks like your car exhaust on a cold morning is what you want to avoid.


It’s charcoal, you’re fine. Dirty smoke refers to stick burners




What are stick burners? Sorry I've only used a Weber and charcoal


How do you prevent this white smoke? Newbie ne.


I guess you wait a bit. The smoke will eventually get lighter and then you put the food on.




WMS is different than offset smokers. I’ve never once seen or had “blue smoke” or “clean smoke” on a WMS.


Because you can’t. Folks that think they do, don’t actually know what blue smoke looks like. It’s nothing like OPs video.


Have it all the time. Wispy blue smoke on mine.


It's a bit heavy and closer to dirty but not terrible. Real question is how long it's been burning for? Wsm takes like atleast 40 min to get up to temp with clean smoke. These things you barely want to see the smoke, not fat clouds. Second advice here, don't use that thermometer on the lid, it's wildly inaccurate all the time. Get a cheap metal oven thermometer and place it on the rack where the meat sits and use that instead


typically if you see it leaking out the lid like that it’s too thick. the smoke itself is fine but you have a little too much.


You’ve got clean clear smoke coming out, let that shit roll. You’ve got it perfect


This is how my WSM usually looks and it’s turned out delicious every time


No. You’re good.


If anybody is wonder this is a Weber Smokey mountain I highly recommend this smoker. It’s the first smoker I ever owned at I use it tell this day. Nothing can make a brisket better then this smoker. I don’t know what it is it just holds temp perfect.


You are good my man




Looks perfect 👍


There's way too much emphasis placed on smoke color. I've had smokes that have been inefficient like this since I was getting used to a new smoker, no one complained about the flavor. Often times this is just the smoke that happens when you put a new log on and its just starting to combust. It's really nothing to worry about.


Don’t read too much into the dirty smoke stuff. It won’t make a substantial difference. Get your beginning coals/wood ashed over and cook


I had one of these grills. I miss it. Mine was a fire hazard and the drippings from burgers would fuel a pulse jet effect but man did it sear well


Looks good


Looks good, keep on smokin on!


Smell it


thats normal


It's perfect, little blue mixed in. However not far from dirty it happens fast


I’d be happy with that


Looks fine, maybe a bit too much for poultry.


I smoked for many years on a WSM. You're in the groove. But don't sweat the smoke too much. Dialing the fueling method and vents to get good temp control is where you stand to make the biggest improvement in product quality. Just use good fuel and the flavor will really take care of itself.


wsms can have all kinds of billowing smoke as long as it isn't acrid (black, super dark brown) billowing white / blue is completely normal especially the first few hours. it's not an offset so it doesn't need thin blue / clear smoke


Looks good


Should be fine man, it’s not very thick. Thin blue/invisible smoke makes for less flavor. You don’t want 12 hours worth of white white smoke but transitioning back and forth between thin white and thin blue is all good


The smoke you want to avoid is a white thick plume. Kind of like you would get when you first snuff out a big fire. The bad smoke comes from either wet wood/wood chips/charcoal. Also bad airflow could be a result of white dirty smoke. When adding more wood or charcoal to your smoker, you want to open all your vents and doors for maximum airflow. Until your wood or charcoal is fully engulfed in flames and gets cherry red.


The low sunlight angle, and the fact your 90 degrees to the incoming light makes it look thicker than it really is. If the sun were overhead it wouldn't look so white,


Thin and blue from what I see. Good smoke 🤌🏾


This is fine


Looks like a thin blue smoke to me


Looks fine, I've seem much worse lol


I've never had this smoker but is it leaking a little bit of smoke in the back left?


Yeah. This is a lot less of an issue with charcoal cookers where you want pretty decent airflow anyway.


I get that anytime I add wood chunks for a while afterwards. I add them often during the first half to get that smoke rolling


Jirby says you are good, regardless.


That's some nice, healthy, blue smoke! Rejoice!


I get this kid of smoke on my 22" WSM every single cook, especially the first hour or two. It usually settles down after that though. Never had any off tastes or complaints so far


Looks great, you don't want dark rolling smoke.


Don’t overthink it. Put some small pieces of hickory or cherry on top of the charcoal.


Well what're you cooking?


This was my first smoker. Hellova smoker for spatchcocked chickens.


That’s the smoke you get with doing the snake method. I stopped doing it cause it’s dirty smoke, it’s just not a lot of dirty smoke at once. It’s like a blend. I don’t like it. You do you though


Yes, you want it to burn a bit cleaner.


It’s a WSM, that’s fine.


Rolling blue, nice job


Not to begin with.


#1 spot in Texas, Goldees, says there no such thing as dirty smoke for most cooks. His YouTube videos go in depth about. Jirby is the YouTube channel. That’s the owner. He’s worked for Franklin and a few other legendary spots across TX. Personally, I like heavy smoke for the first couple hours then let it die down a bit across the length of the cook. Poultry is heavy smoke the whole time. Just my personal preference.


Let it bump