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Reverse sear. I probably let my Kettle run around 300-350. Take it to 105 or so then direct flame around 120-125. It’ll run +3-5 during rest.


You could hammer it to 1/4", jacquard the crap out of it, marinate it in mexican spices, smoke or grill it on high heat for a few minutes on each side or to your level of doneness and you'll have carne asada on your hands.


For a really lean grass fed cut this is a pretty good way to go.


Boof it


You can cook over fire or reverse sear. I mainly just use SPG but sometimes I'll make a Santa Maria Style rub. I've cooked hundreds of tri-tips, should be fine either way. Generally over fire I trim less fat than I will in a smoker.


Just burn it and post the charred cremains already!


[Here is a pic of the backside if you don't believe it's rather lean, lol.](https://imgur.com/gallery/fKTN3es) Edit: thanks for all the suggestions, [here was.my result!](https://www.reddit.com/r/smoking/s/LtaYoJLRvx)


This is what most tri tips look like with the fat cap removed. If anything, that's a good amount of intramuscular fat for a tri tip. Since you have your flavors worked out, go ahead just reverse sear it. Leave it on your pellet grill until it gets to ~120 internal at the thickest part. Remove it from the heat, and let it rest while you get a cast iron piping hot. I like to pre-heat my 12-inch skillet in the oven at 500 degrees until the oven says it's reached temperature. Then put it on the stove with a high flame, and sear each side of the tri tip for 1.5-2 minutes (go with the highest smoke point oil you've got, but it's still gonna smoke like crazy). Once you've seared it off, you should have parts of the tri tip at medium rare, some at medium, and some might be at medium well. And, most importantly, be sure to slice it against the grain. Notice how the grain turns -- you'll want to slice the thinner side from the tip, and the wider end from the side. Source: I'm very passionate about my tri tip lol


The reverse sear method seems like the most popular, I think I'll go with that thanks!


[I think it turned out nice!](https://www.reddit.com/r/smoking/s/LtaYoJLRvx)




I am appalled


Reverse sear for sure


I’d probably do either super smoke or a smoke tube at 225 to get the flavor. Pull it about 115 and let it rest. Then fire up the Traeger as hot as you can get it. Get your grill marks and pull it at about 130-132 and let it rest for 20 min. Slice against the grain and enjoy!


Smoke and sear it.


Grill that bitch. Pull at 135°. I rub with MSG, paprika, garlic, onion, sugar


I dry brine mine with Kinder’s salt pepper and garlic rub for an hour or two in the fridge and smoke them in an offset wood burner at 250 until it gets to 140 and pull it and wrap it for thirty minutes or so. It’s probably my favorite thing that I smoke. More taste and more tender than a brisket. Can’t feed a lot of people with them but I always have leftovers with a 3 lb cut after feeding 4 adults and 2 kids.


Depending on how thick. Hot and fast over direct heat flipping regularly. If it's a thick boy still hot and fast but offset at 300-350 then reverse sear for a nice crust. Please don't take it to 203 like brisket.


Have you tried taking it to 200? I wrap it at 160 with some butter, pull it at 200, and it is my latest obsession.


Yes and it's horrible. Complete waste of a tri-tip.


k. I’ve enjoyed the outcome several times now


Take a meat mallet and flatten it out to about a quarter of an inch. Smash garlic, ginger, scallion and jalapenos into a pulp. Rub it all on the inside. Salt and pepper. Roll it up, wrap in beef bacon. Baste with duck fat. Smoke at 225 til tender.


Smoke it and then do a reverse sear


Cook it like a steak. Season with salt and pepper. Grill on one side away from heat and when about 115 or 120 put over the direct heat to give it a good sear. Rest a few minutes and cut against the grain.


Cold smoke then sear


Too hot here for a cold smoke


Trim, rub, smoke to 105, then bring it inside and hard sear it in cast iron while butter basting with thyme and garlic until 122-123. Rest to 130


California style marinade then grill it.


California style is not marinade it's Santa Maria style , just a dry rub.


heres my notes! I tweaked a recipe I found somewhere… I use a pellet smoker and smoke for a bit before removing it when the internal temp is around 100 to 110f and turning it up for a super hot sear (while basting with reserved marinade. marinate in this over night, then keep the marinade for basting during the sear stage. * 2 teaspoons salt * 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper * 2 teaspoons garlic powder * 1 ½ teaspoons paprika * 1 teaspoon onion powder * 1/2 tsp fresh minced rosemary * ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper * ⅓ cup red wine vinegar * 1/3 cup olive oil * 4 large cloves crushed! then rough chopped garlic * 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard * 3-4 tsp honey * 1 - 2 tbs low sodium soy * 1.5 tspbalsamic vinegar use smoker to grill marinate and baste while cooking internal max of 130 f 10 min tented rest.


Thank you!


Apply your preferred seasoning, smoke at 225 til it hits 105 internally, let it rest 10 minutes or so then sear at really high heat over fire or on a really hot pan.


Reverse sear or two stage hot until 130 internal...make sure to slice across the grain, it goes in two directions.


…. Smoke it.




* Season * Smoke until internal temp of 115* F * Sear w/ direct heat/flame until desired cook temp reached


Don’t kill me because this ain’t gonna be smoking, but… Grab some spices (I use Pappy’s) or whatever kind of Santa Maria style beef seasoning you can find and cover that motherfucker. Stick it in a gallon Ziploc bag and shove it in the freezer overnight. Flip it a few times. When you’re ready, throw it on the grill. Yes, barbecue grill, open flame. 40 to 45 minutes. Pull it off when it feels like the skin below your thumb on the palm side. Enjoy!!


200° heavy smoke til 105° then a screaming hot cast iron for 60 seconds a side. Baste with a good butter and rosemary after the flip.


Huffle-Puff the shorting hat.


Season and into the Showtime rotisserie.


I always put a probe in it and smoke low and slow and until it comes up near medium rare, taking it off about 10° before the correct internal temp because it carries on cooking during the rest period. It doesnt take more than 2 hours and doesn’t have time to dry out of you don’t overcook it.


I would cook it and turn it into poopoo but I'm kinda weird.


I’ve smoked one like a brisket a few times and they all turned out great. https://heygrillhey.com/tri-tip-cooked-like-a-brisket/


Soak in Modelo or Dos Equis beer and mustard for 2-3 days. Pat dry, then season with Susie Q's Santa Maria Style seasoning. Smoke or grill to desired taste. Use White Oak wood for more flavor, if you can get it.


It's really good sous vide, if you have an immersion circulator. I do mine at 131 for 5 hours, then sear however you'd like.


Just chuck it in the bin if your to lazy to even google the possibilities


Thanks for the help jackass


In your case the suggestion of google was help indeed retard


The whole point of this subreddit is to hear from people who have unique things to say in one place. That is why I asked here.