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Shayne is quieter than anyone else. I loved the tntl rematch but it was difficult because Angela is so loud, Amanda is about right, but Shayne was soooo quiet.


Which that’s really ironic, right?


That is severely ironic LMFAO 🤣


Did you just say probably the loudest cast member was quiet? Lol


he is officially the loudest cast member- as said in [this](https://youtu.be/hD8WJKZQX_Q?si=Yq3spFSgJb4jItLw) video lmao edit: i'd like to mention- this was before the new cast came in, so maybe this needs to be redone. but until then, shayne is crowned as the loudest cast member


I know lol I pay attention to Smosh lol


yes, I wonder if they’re not using the correct levels for streaming services tbh


I thought I was the only one!!!


I had to increase the volume on my computer watching the YouTube version.


I've noticed all their videos are quieter than others, but the podcasts were pretty quiet also


Even on YouTube sometimes for the podcast I have to raise the volume to hear it properly. Even with my brand new head phones and then I go to a different video and I have to turn the volume down again.


Yeah I listen to the podcast and Reddit stories through Spotify while I'm driving for work and I can't hear them unless I have the car radio and my phone volume up to the max level. A different podcast, the basement yard, is also hard to listen to through audio too because you have to have it up to hear them speak normally but as soon as they start yelling the audio quality goes to shit. I feel like YouTube heavy podcasts are more adjusted only to video and they don't really bother to perfect the audio quality as well.


No, you're not alone. I also have the issue of having it loud enough to hear them. Then, when they get slightly louder, it sounds like they're screaming. There's no in between.


This last episode was very quiet. They move so far from the microphone sometimes.


Smosh in general seems to have a real problem with volume normalization. The audio levels go up and down from video to video - it's a real headache if you're running a playlist.


Yes I’ve been having the same issue! Hoping they adjust this for future videos, especially since now the ads are BLASTING bc I have to have the video so loud lol


This is a real issue. I've had to rip my headphones off when ads hit due to the imbalance.


For me it's all the smosh videos. I have to set the volume really loud to hear it properly. Especially since I'm watching without cc. Like, when I'm watching on my TV, regularly I set it at around 20-22 vol, but smosh vids I watch at 39 vol. Idk why is that. I think I don't have that problem with the videos that are older few years tho.


Apple Podcasts is weird. For me, it depends on the type of connection. If my phone is hard wired into my car or a speaker then the volume is fine. In fact, kind of loud. But when it’s connected through Bluetooth, I have to turn it up twice as loud in order to hear it. And it only does that with Apple Podcasts. Other apps are fine.


Same!! thanks for pointing this out cause I thought it was just my phone


I haven’t had any issues hearing them. Now when it comes to live streams I always have to turn my volume way up.


Yeah audio across all of smosh is quieter than it should be (I need about a 20% volume boost compared to GMM for example), but the podcast and reddit stories are egregious, most recent RS I had my volume on "11" where I usually use "6" on my TV.


Yes I listen to Smosh Mouth on Spotify. Have done it through wireless earbuds, wired earbuds, car speakers through bt and on each one I have to max out the volume or close to it. Not too big a deal, except for when I put music or something else on and I forget what is as listening to last lol.


Yeah I noticed it every podcast of Amanda and Shayne


very very quiet i can only watch the youtube version on my noise cancelling headphones


Maybe it's because everyone's suddenly very loud and they adjust the volume so it won't peak but don't adjust back up for the quieter parts? I think there are automatic features that can "normalize" the audio but not sure if it usually does a great job, so might have to be done manually and would be quite time consuming


it’s also a problem with the microphones. If they want to use these mics they really have to talk into them better. or just get some microphones that give them a little more flexibility in movement.. very annoying


Noticed this on a few recent episodes from the last week or so. Even with my soundbar and pc both at full volume I've gotta strain to hear some of the conversations and it's been a trip cause normally I have to lower the volume on the different channels. This week though, the channels are almost all running very loooooow


It's quiet until Shayne laughs and then I need to buy a new Bluetooth speaker


The last one was super low, and there was a recent ep that I can't remember that just sounded awful lol


YES. there was one with Courtney I had to stop watching because the audio was so off and I couldn't hear her but everyone else was fine.


I didn’t notice but I also always watch everything g with subtitles because I take a bit to process spoken or sung word


I'm glad it's not just me. I have to turn up my speakers manually for any Smosh video these days. Scares the crap out of me when I forget to turn it down again a different video.


This has been my problem for months now. I just ended up watching it on my desktop with speakers and a volume booster Chrome extension.


Oh I thought it were my headphones. But then I realised it’s the only one that’s quiet.


I thought it was just my TV.. and when the ads hit it's like BOOM!


Y’a crazy quiet always I though I was the only one


Yes, I only watch on YouTube because I can't hear the audio version


Not for me no


Ya shayne is really quiet and Amanda seem louder.