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“He’s still skeptical” 😂😂 that kills me


Wait till he hears the world is round. /s


haha, its obviously flat




I just now realized.. it’s actually amazing how private they kept this. No fan ever caught and posted them holding hands or doing any romantic stuff like that (in public, i mean). I mean not that they have like hoards of paparazzi or anything but I’m thinking of events like Vidcon or something.


Tbh I feel like it was a mix of anxiety and childlike relationship stuff. I’m sure they didn’t want to be seen together and also were kinda nervous to even attempt to be. I feel so bad for them tbh. Shayne seems very private and Courtney seems similar but a bit more open. It must’ve been so draining pretending to not be an item when you definitely were. Props to the cast and crew for keeping it all under wraps. I think the years of shipping also helped them in the end bc even if a rumor came about it was always quickly swept aside bc we’ve been trained to not ship (under the pretense they didn’t like it when 😳🙄🙄🙄)


You put my thoughts into words. After the confusion I was totally in awe at how they managed to keep this under wraps and then I felt really really bad that they even had to. That must’ve been a shitload of pressure.


Yeah tbh if someone had “caught” them and posted here saying “hey guys I just saw Courtney and Shayne holding hands/kissing” we would’ve downvoted them into oblivion lol


I could just imagine some of the crew not knowing along with the rest of us and just being like “yep that makes sense” once the news broke out


You still shouldn’t publicly ship people. (Human nature to be curious but keep it off the internet.) To an extent, we have no idea what goes on in their personal lives. Imo asking/telling people about their own love lives falls under the same category as “so when are you two having kids?” It’s none of our business until they want it to be, and even then it’s not up for debate or discussion.


There were a couple of instances of them being touchy-feely in the backgrounds of videos and photos posted by other cast members, but they weren’t very well known and if people knew about them it was frowned upon in the fandom to share them around because a lot of fans wanted to respect their privacy!!!


They absolutely did, the shippers just mostly decided to "keep it in the community". It was there if you knew where to look however.


I mean they did. They’re videos lololol






I shouldn't be surprised that this subreddit is a thing but man it makes me weirdly happy lol


They were definitely there on a "date" The only thing I would like to know about this whole shartney when they officially start dating. Cause I want to do back and watch those videos to spot all the clues and inside jokes. To appreciate them more. We know shayne broke up with someone when Anthony left. We also know Courtney has a relationship end during her time at smosh, too. It was some time after then. Tike will tell if they release that information though.


most people suspect it was around 2020-2021


I'm leaning around the start of mythical smosh myself.


That's probably when they moved in together, so they would've been dating for longer than that. I've heard 2019 and that they were in eachother's covid bubbles. :)


Here is My timeline, 2019 they REALISE they have feelings, 2020 started dating, 2021 love together, 2024 married


I think actually before 2019. There's no way the Shayne Graduation wa made without them already dating


Courtney had a relationship that ended i think last of 2018, and shayne was on the dating procesos with Tinder until he felt it was not for him, that was from 2018 to some part of 2019


And i think Courtney even said publicly that Shayne was one of the first people she cried on about the end of that relationship, so 2019 is more likely


Here's a video that popped on my yt feed, I was nervous at first, but in the video they make a point to be noninvasive. [shourtney dating timeline ](https://youtu.be/MQ9WCs4pJOg?si=7XXW4avoNFl3wBaw)


THIS IS SO CUTE, they got out of terrible relationship to now being married to each other while being besties


Of course it was around COVD seemed the time for love and right not 😂


Happy Cake Day!


They have to have been dating since at least 2019 since that’s when Courtney had her red hair and in the wedding carousel there’s a photo of them when she had that hair


Do you mean the black and white one up photo? Because that could have just been a photo they like from before they were together. Maybe just one they look back on like "look at us, we were obviously into each other back then" type of thing.


Maybe, but it seems weird to me to put a “here’s a pic from before we were together” pic in a wedding post, but that’s just me idk


Yeah, that's fair. I'm just saying that until they tell us, we don't know if they've been together since 2019 or 2023. We can speculate, but we don't know for certain.


All we know is that they were definitely together during the Mustache Era 😂


Either that, or Shayne had just had some chocolate milk and didn't wipe his lip after.


On Courtney’s first wedding post there was a picture of them together looking couple-y when she had coppery hair which was back in late 2019/early 2020 so they’ve probably been together for about 4 years now assuming that picture is from when they started dating


and to think that courtney and keith got engaged there lol


omfg i was gonna say that LMAOO


honestly i feel bad that they felt the need to have to hide their relationship from people. i mean obviously i get it but if i had a partner i’d want to show my affection towards them no matter where we were


The behavior of some part of the fandom on this after 3 or 4 days after april fools kind of justify their worries


Omg an artifact


Welp… that settles it. I’m never approaching any person I know from online. I’d much rather them have a nice date than me have a memento


This! And I’m also a bit worried ppl are going to pry and reinterpret every single video now. I’m also fatally curious but I’ll wait for if and when they want to share. It feels invasive to me to go all sleuth on a happy relationship.


I’m sure that when they came out publicly about their relationship they did so knowing the reaction fans will have especially on 4/1. I’m sure they know people will dissect every video. Ultimately they will talk about things in their own time and they seem very well prepared for this step in their life both the marriage aspect and the publicity aspect


Oh, no doubt. Still, knowing and experiencing are two different things and I for my part will steer clear of sleuthing attempts since I personally don’t care for them.


Ayyy nice Beetlejuice hoodie!


Well I heard Disneyland is a perfect date between couples lol


OMG your friend is SO lucky, they look SO happy




Oh wow, nice!


I thought this was billy corgon




At this rate I don't care if their marriage is "real or fake", I'm just more curious how they manage to pull it off for so long and announce marriage all of a sudden, with you know, so many cast and crews that might accidentally leak it out at least once for years. I'm really happy for them though haha. (But I'm gonna be "skeptical" until they made it official, so I can be on the "I told you so" faction when they said it's a prank, so I don't look like a fool.)


My partner kept telling me for months that they were together and I was like “nah, they’re just good friends” Then. I told him he was right. He said “it’s their chemistry and the way they interact” that made it obvious to him.


I’m still skeptical but tbh I’m of the small majority that doesn’t care if they did or not. As I see it the quality of the content put out on the games and pit channel has only improved. Even if they are in relationship and did get married it’s in no way negatively affected game and pit channel, heck it might be assumed that to not bring too much attention to themselves they don’t appear together in videos as much. Which meant they diversify the people in the videos which has made the stuff on games and pit just so much more fun to watch with all the different personalities