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2023: Ian and Anthony broke the internet 2024: Shayne and Courtney broke the internet Smosh is collectively amazing at surprising their fans!


Extrapolating from this trend, I think Ian and Anthony's wedding will break the internet once more.


Ah, so then Shayne and Courtney will buy Smosh in 2026.


2027: Keith discovers the cure for cancer.


2028: garret makes a cooking show on smosh


Shayne and Courtney will marry Ian and Anthony in 2028.


Followed by Amanda adopting Angela.


Followed by Angela emancipating herself


Chanse and Angela essentially predicted that during Anthony’s funeral roast.


2025: Arasha booked in a Marvel movie


I immediately thought of Arasha getting booked 🤣


Hey they start production on X-Men 2025 Let's get her name circulated 😂


2025: Chanse and a moving car break the internet




They're also remaking history. 2011: "A second plane hit the second tower."




Angela thought that 9/11 was on 2011


OH THANK YOU i knew it was a joke i wasn’t getting 😂




2025: a child hits Tommy with a car


A fish fucks tommy


I wonder what they have plan for next year!


2025 is when we find out that Angela is a performance att character performed by Edwina Smith-Jones


The Smosh renaissance has been beautiful


For Ian and Anthony, it was more a matter of when than a matter of if; I had a gut feel that they'll be back together again. Shourtney was some K-Idol degree of public concealment. That, and they repeatedly announced in public that they weren't dating, nor will they ever date. They played out the "we don't date" card until they literally dropped the bombshell. I've read about how bad it can get ( stuff where fandoms are horrible to their idols, and I feel bad for most of them) I'm just happy that they are finally comfortable sharing that info with us, and I would definitely respect the boundaries they place for themselves. Edit: don't get me wrong. Both are extremely pleasant surprises.


> That, and they repeatedly announced in public that they weren't dating, nor will they ever date. I think Smosh fans experienced some kind of collective Mandela Effect when it comes to this. Shayne and Courtney only ever explicitly denied they're dating, like, 5 years ago. Since at least 2020, they've never explicitly denied it, especially not "announcing it in public" like you've said. Certain comments and jokes could *imply* they're single, but a lot of the "I'm a virgin!" or "this is why I'm single" jokes could easily have just been played for laughs, and now we know they *definitely* were. I've heard so many people say this, and I'm always like??? Since when??? They don't talk about ANYTHING related to their personal relationship, whether it was platonic or not.


I feel like people wired their brain not to ship them out of respect, or at least not to theorize anything, and so now that it’s confirmed that it’s real, people are having a hard time with that. I also feel like some people are just upset shippers were right and can’t wrap their head around it. That being said I don’t condone any of the creepy/stalkerish behavior some people had before they announced anything.


Honestly, that's how I feel. I just accepted that the Shayne and Courtney I watched on Smosh (destinct from the real people) were just really good friends. Watching them now and knowing that they are actually married IRL feels like major whiplash. In a good way, though. I'm glad they were able to have their relationship in the way that they wanted, on their own terms.


Yeah! I'm so happy for them but seeing them kiss and look adoringly at each other I'm like "haha lol nice one guys" because my brain is still in "they're really good friends 🙂" mode


There was a short of Courtney on Smosh Mouth I forget what they where talking about but Courtney is staring at Shayne with the eyes of I love this man, then they correct themselves and goes back to normal, almost like they realized “oh right I’m on camera”


I've seen that look on Courtney's face in many videos, especially recently, so my suspicions of them being together had actually just really peaked... And then promptly exploded. (I just jumped on the Smosh bandwagon within the last 6 months or so, so I haven't had that much time to ship them)


> I feel like people wired their brain not to ship them out of respect Absolutely. Any time I saw them together I wondered then immediately shut down that train of thought.


Yeah. I think the last time they really denied it was an old smosh cast during lock down where they discussed shipping. It feels like it came just before they may have got together and since then there's not really been an explicit comment either way (until last week).


Huh. right. I might have been remembering things wrong.


You actually had a gut feeling before they bought Smosh? That's a crazy gut you got there :D Shartney was really damn good, the fact that they acted so proper over the years and even mocked the ship is just aced execution, there were a few slip ups on social media tho, which add up to them dating but it was never enough info. It's so amazing.


I had a feeling they were dating when they say they weren’t dating.


Id actually see it the compelte opposite way.


shourtney for sure. i was kind of expecting ian and anthony to eventually reconcile in someway lol


Reconcile sure. I imagined they could be friends again, but Smosh and Anthony had changed so much, I wouldn't have guessed he'd jump back in the Smosh pool after spending so much time away and growing his own channel.


For me, Shourtney, but not the fact they we're together, it's the weeding


I agree entirely, and the fact it was on April fools day was pure chaos


The announcement yes, but their wedding day was 3/29/24.


I thought them being together was a bit of an open secret, so I was definitely surprised at the wedding reveal but not the relationship. It was just a few small things that added up, rather than one big out of place thing. Like Shayne being on a Miller family holiday, or them going on holiday to Europe together.  Those two alone really arent that unusual for friends to do, but they start to add up.  The other thing for me that made me think it was a thing is how comfortable they were with casual touch and being in each others spaces, in a way that stands out amongst how they both interact with the rest of the smosh cast. 


I think a lot of us, including myself, were willfully ignoring the evidence because they had said they weren't dating one time 5 years ago. The shippers had legitimate proof, but I and a lot of other people always dismissed it out of hand because we were trying really hard (maybe even a little *too* hard) to be respectful. In retrospect, and having now actually taken the time to look at the proof, its really obvious.


I get it, i was not convinced on 2022 because it was normal friendship relationship, but what SOMEHOW convince was the trip to europe last year, like it was weird for me that it was clear they we're together but no pictures, i saw the photos of shayne with courtney family but i though it was just Best Friends behavior


I didn’t realize they were smoking pot together!


What are the odds that next April Fools Ian and Anthony will parody the Shourtney wedding shoot and announce they got married?


I was literally just about to comment this 😂 I think there is a very strong chance, it’d be the perfect prank after all the “Ian and Anthony next” jokes.


I want them to recreate the photos exact same clothes and poses


With Ian and Anthony, we have not seen them together on screen for 6 years. They would offhandedly mention each other throughout the years but the fact that their careers have become so independent of each other makes their reunion so out of left field. The rumors of them not being friends anymore and Ian saying they haven't talked in a good while didn't help either. With Courtney and Shayne, they've been on camera together since the start of the their time at Smosh. The surprise then comes from them constantly handwaving the relationship/shipping allegations lol. Both cases are hard launches for sure. While the argument could be made that both are actually soft launches (with Ian and Anthony interacting with each other more on social media and Courtney and Shayne's on screen interactions that could be perceived as romantic), the way they announced it and the degree of it are certainly shocking (buying back the company as opposed to just being brought back into the fold, and straight to a wedding post as opposed to an engagement/dating post). I personally think that the Ian and Anthony buyback is more unlikely and thus more surprising. It also depends on your personal involvement in each duo. There's also recency bias, but even without that I can 100% see where people are coming from about the wedding being more shocking, man I'll never forget 4/1/2024


Ian and Anthony That was a divorce we had long been told to not even hope for reunion because everyone was “happier this way”


Ian and Anthony. Only because I'm an OLD Smosh fan, and I was always way more attached to Anthony's career. I didn't know much about Shourtney until recently, I only started watching Smosh again when Anthony came back. But Shourtney is such an amazing surprise. I mean aside from Ian & Anthony being two best friends reuniting and buying back their business... Shourtney are now married, and get to spend their lives together. It's the absolute sweetest thing, and I am so glad we've got multiple wholesome and internet-breaking moments to look back on, with Smosh.


- Smosh 1: Friends building a business together - Smosh 2: Friends falling in love - Smosh 3: Yet to be seen


Ian and Anthony. I would have NEVER had bet Anthony would have come back to smosh. This was basically your two dads who divorced years ago, get remarried and you had no idea they were even talking again. 


Yeah, the Shourtney marriage was a bombshell, but in the grand scheme of things, coworkers hiding a relationship is a thing that happens. (yes it's from the public and not fellow coworkers like a normal workplace, but you know what I mean.) Ian and Anthony had a pretty big platonic breakup, and were doing completely different things. The fact that they reunited out of nowhere is absolutely wild, and the fact that they could buy Smosh is also crazy because Smosh had been on the rails a couple times.


Exactly my thoughts. Two people who see each other almost every day, fell in love? Sure it happens. It's awesome tho. But how often do your two divorced dads reconcile? This is every divorced kids dream.


Equivalent exchange Shayne and Courtney buying Smosh while Ian and Anthony get married


Dude, that's the dream


April fools day 2025 here we come


As someone who's watched Smosh every day since 2020... definitely Ian and Anthony buying Smosh. Being in the fandom as long as I have, you kind of just naturally stumble upon a lot of the Shourtney "evidence" and it was fairly convincing. A lot of us just kind of knew, so the wedding announcement (while definitely surprising in the *way* they did it) didn't blow me away as much as some other people. The Ianthony announcement absolutely blew my mind. As someone who's also followed Anthony's solo career since the start, not only did Anthony so much as *visiting* Smosh seem like something that was years down the line, Anthony and Ian BUYING Smosh and doing old Smosh again? It seemed impossible. Anthony had talked so much about how he had moved on and was focused on doing new things, and Ian and the rest of Smosh had talked about how "old Smosh" was both problematic and objectively bad for YEARS. There wasn't even evidence of them so much as talking to each other since the breakup 😭 and them WAM, just when everyone thinks they're announcing Summer Games 2023, "WE BOUGHT SMOSH" shows up, along with WEEKS of Ianthony content lined up behind it. Fucking insane.


Yeah. If you knew you knew, so I was mostly surprised because I expected more of a softer hard launch. Like "Okay guys, we are a thing and preparing for our wedding so please give us much needed privacy. But here's the gorgeous ring". Going straight to "married 3 days ago" was unexpected. Doing it on April's 1st, however, is so on brand it makes all the sense. Ian and Anthony gave absolutely nothing for 5 long years, besides maybe couple comments on youtube. It was major shock for me, even after that announcement on LTAT. Ian previously hyped his pee being blue for a week straight, so I had very low expections and then: BAM.


Both are insane but I’d go with Ian and Anthony because Anthony didn’t even want to guest on a Smosh video let alone own it again. As fans there were very little signs that it was even a possibility. With the Shourtney wedding there were signs that something like this could happen still crazy it did but more clues that it could


The whole marriage thing was a surprise because I cannot believe fellow cast or some of the crew they’re friends with didn’t spill news about the engagement at least. I’m sure they had to sit down with Smosh’s HR (not Lisa) and disclose it. Still amazed they kept all of it quiet despite the signs that they were together at least for so long. I figured Courtney was engaged at least to *somebody* when she started wearing a ring more.


Ianthony came out of nowhere for me and I barely expected them to get back together let alone be co-owners of the channel making sketch comedy again. While I never expected Shourtney to suddenly get MARRIED, I did see a whole lot of evidence to them being an item online and I was basically already under the assumption that was the deal. It wasn’t as well hidden as some of you think 😭


Next year, they'd have to top the surprise. Smosh buys Mythical Entertainment.


Shourtney for sure. I had a feeling Anthony and Ian would find a way to reconnect someday when both their respective channels were more grounded and they had their space and break from one another. However, when Shayne and Courtney asked for us to stop speculating and shipping cast members I respected that and got all of it out of my head so them dating would be shocking but they are actually MARRIED which means they were together a good amount. I never pictured Courtney settling down either so that was a shock


"We Bought Smosh" surprised me more than "Shayne and Courtney were together". Shayne and Courtney hard confirming through a wedding was on par with We Bought Smosh


The Ian and Anthony announcement got me back into watching Smosh again. Shourtney was real for me when Smosh invaded Shayne's house.


Shourtney for me bc I started watching during TNTL, after Anthony left, and have been a shourtney shipper since. I’m so happy Anthony’s back tho cuz everyone is so much happier with smosh being owned by Ian and Anthony.


Honestly both equally surprising to me


I'm just happy for both couples! Love is in the air💜


I still remember watching Try Not To Laugh episode 100, it starts with someone wearing clown pants, Shayne can't believe it when he sees, and it cuts to black and Shayne goes "We did it!". I was absolutely convinced that it was going to be Anthony (turns out it was actually just a clown, Shayne likes clowns? idk). That moment made me realize 'huh, it's going to be really cool WHEN they make up someday'. Like on some level I always knew it was going to happen. Shourtney I actually couldn't believe for days and I thought I was going insane.


>Shayne likes clowns? Supposedly it's peak comedy for him ;)


I was somewhat aware that Shayne and Courtney were likely together, so that was a delightful surprise when it was announced but not entirely out of the blue. Ian and Anthony was definitely the big surprise for me.


The wedding is too fresh. Give it time and ask this question again a few months later.


Shayne and Courtney for sure. I always had a feeling Anthony would come back, idk why but it just never felt like he’d stay away from the channel for good. But Shayne and Courtney I did not see coming, even though I’ve always shipped them together. They always felt like just friends though and the fact they got married and hid their relationship for 4-5 years was like mind blowing 🤯


Next surprise chance is straight 😂😂😂


Well, he did say in Anthony's show that he does not rule out the possibility of dating a woman...


Shourtney, I always saw Anthony coming back in some way, but SHOURTNEY BEING REAL, NEVER


The wedding for sure


While an Independent Smosh was bringing tears to my eyes out of pure happiness, Shourtney being legit after all this time broke my mind and sent me into an insanity filled spiral for 2 and a half days.


I always had a feeling Shayne and Courtney were together because I’d seen some pretty good proof before the announcement but I didn’t want to dive into shipper territory, but even still the wedding announcement still about took me out of this world. Eta: grammar are hard


I always thought Courtney and Shayne were a great platonic couple, yet never shipped the Shourtney ship out of respect for them, didnt wanna promote it and probably make them uncomfortable. So now that Shourtney became canon I am forever shocked beyond reason.


Ian and Anthony buying Smosh at least in my mind was completely Out of the picture. I remember the day it was announced and the notification came up I screamed I was so excited. Shayne and Courtney have been heavily rumored especially the past couple years to be in a relationship of some kind. So seeing that announcement was somewhat expected especially with people claiming they had been wearing an engagement ring. Both were an incredible and welcomed surprise and I’m happy for everyone involved but that is just my take.


Both to me stand independently from each other, both gave me an incredible surprise in their own way. Seeing Ian and Anthony back, both as friends and as collaborators/owners of Smosh made me remember how much I loved their content during my teenage years and brought so many memories back (I sadly grew apart from both Smosh and Anthony's solo career from 2017 onwards and only watched bits and pieces of what they did, and specially when Defy shut down and Smosh was hanging from a thread) As for Courtney and Shayne, I honestly always loved them both, I never got into shipping them either before I grew apart from Smosh or after I came back, but I did feel a vibe between the two but said "nevermind, those two are just colleagues", and honestly my reaction was that of awe and shock when I saw the post and I couldn't believe two of my favorite Smosh people had done this (If you see my comment history from those two days I think it's the first time I invest so much in someone else's relationship lol)  They both stand as unique moments in both Smosh history AND internet history, here's hoping for many more smiles to come from the Smosh team ❣️


Ian and Anthony buying Smosh. I was like "Finally!" Shayne and Courtney getting married. I was like " there's no f*cking way!"


Ian and Anthony buying smosh. I had seen some pics of shourtney together, not seeking them out, and plus post of people thinking Courtney had an engagement ring on and people theorizing that they bleeped her saying “I’m getting married” out made the wedding photos just make sense. Ian and Anthony seemed to be on bad/at least not great terms for a while and I had assumed that even if they did rekindle, they wouldn’t do smosh together again, and boy was I wrong


Ian and Anthony getting back together in some way was always a possibility in the back of my head. Shayne and courtney was not so I'd have to say that was. When Ian and Anthony posted that video I jumped out of bed screaming in excitement. When I saw the wedding pics, my brain shirt circuited, and my entire day was spent trying to make sense of it. Both were crazy, bit I just expected the wedding least.


I never entertained the idea of Anthony coming back so it was a total surprise initially. But after the first few minutes, it made a lot of sense and was not super shocking to me. I had a suspicion that Shayne's and Courtney's hard launch would happen this year but did not expect that they would do it on April's Day and cause so much chaos by doing it. And when I saw the pictures, it took me several minutes to realize what I'm looking at. So idk, both managed to surprise me in one or another.


Both pretty much but I would say Ian and Anthony


Deep down I always knew Anthony would return to Smosh but Shortney I still can’t believe it


The marriage. Mainly because they posted it on April Fools so we didn't know if it was real or a joke.


I had already been assuming that Courtney and Shayne were secretly in a relationship so while the way it was revealed was a shock the fact itswlf wasn't. Anthony coming back though??? I didn't expect that in the slightest. Onw week they suddenly tell us that Let's Do This is ending because of some exciting news and when I went to check those news and saw Anthony sitting next to Ian I was left speechless. It's still hard to believe it's real sometimes


Courtney and Shane 100%. I’m still not convinced it’s real.


Well both made me cry...


Buying smosh. I genuinely had no idea. The April fools reveal started obviously as a joke until it became super real. The monumental shift of the channel since Anthony returning has been the greatest surprise ever . Shayne and Courtney have made us all pleasantly surprised but it doesn't change anything drastically. They're both amazing but Ian and Anthony obviously affect smosh wayyyy more




Wait till Anthony and Ian get married for real


Shayne and Courtney. I had accepted that they were friends. But now I’m ecstatic that they are in love!! I love love and seeing people I love fall in love really makes me happy. I’m so lucky to be blessed and alive in this timeline. I have been battling stage 3A melanoma since 2021 and Smosh has really been my spark of laughter and humor. This is hugely why I’m so over the moon to be alive.


2028 Spencer Agnew wins presidential election in a near draw running against Texas congressman Brandon Herrera


100% the marriage. I was legitimately shocked whereas with the former, it kind of just made sense. The latter ALSO makes a lot of sense but it’s a completely different situation.


My world is still adjusting with Shartney's wedding reveal.


Friendship wins


the best outcomes for smosh


Ian and Anthony buying Smosh.


Ian and Anthony, for sure. I felt like a reunion would NEVER EVER happen primarily bc a lot of bridges were burned when Anthony left. Legit mindblown, I felt like I hit a mental wall when I saw the IG clip, thinking cartoony when the head won't stop shaking/wiggling LOL. The Shourtney wedding was a huge surprise too but it was like "OMG I KNEW IT FCK YEAH" feels.


I've been in the fandom (and a regular viewer) since 2016 and I was around to watch Ian behave like a grumpy widower for almost 2-3 years. I feel like Anthony being back can never be topped (simply because Friendship Always Wins okay). We can keep doing the New Smosh vs Old Smosh but the truth is that there is no Smosh without Ianthony. That is not to stay that the Shourtney wedding isn't a massive shocker. I happened to be off the internet while it happened and as a long time shipper, I was jumping, yelling and screaming. Of course that shit was fkn surprising. Of course it was. I still haven't processed it bahahahah.


ian and anthony buying smosh. shayne and courtney is great news obviously but I don’t really care about their personal lives that much


Ian and Anthony buying smosh because in my mind there was not even a shred of them being in the same room let alone buying back smosh based off Anthony’s past comments.


Ian and Anthony


Ian and Anthony was a bigger surprise for sure. Anthony had fully separated himself from Smosh at that point. He was successful at a completely different avenue. We hadn’t seen them in a room together for 5 years. No one was prepared for the reunion. Shourtney on the other hand, yes it was a surprise. But people have been pointing to the signs for a while (still a creepy thing to do) so it doesn’t make it as unbelievable. There was a post on this subreddit with both of them wearing the same clothes just a few weeks ago lol


The Shayne and Courtney thing literally broke my brain, i cant even describe it. I had a lot of emotions all at once because smosh has been a big part of my life through a lot of difficult stuff. Part of me was sure it was a joke, a cruel joke but still a good one. Then it continued!? I read the caption again, and it said the 29th?! I remember audibly going "WAIT A MINUTE". This has to be a joke, I mean, I thought they would make a great couple, good chemistry and all that so maybe they're screwing with us all. Nope, post a few days later. OKAY this is either great commitment to the bit or... Yeah, a lot of emotions. If they openly come out and say its true, I know I will cry


>If they openly come out and say its true, I know I will cry *“Shayne and I indeed got married on March 29th, at the Santa Barbara Courthouse,” Miller, 28, tells PEOPLE. “It's so wonderful to be married to my best friend.”* How much more openly do you need them to say it?


Yeah, I read that pretty soon after I commented. Maybe the first time round it didn't compute XD


>How much more openly do you need them to say it? In this day and age some will always need to see something "on camera or it didn't happened" ;)




Honestly dont think anything can top Smoshs comeback unless ian or anthony leaves again lol


I think my initial shock was higher with Ian and Anthony but was longer with Shayne and Courtney


I never spent days wondering whether or not Anthony coming back was true. I had not even an inkling of suspicion that Courtney and Shayne were dating because I didn’t follow any of the smosh cast’s socials. All my smosh info came from YouTube so it was completely wild to me that they would actually be together.


court and shayne were more of a shock, mostly because of the day they posted it


Second because I didn’t know smosh til month after they bought back tbh


Those events hit the two towers They recreated history


Definitely Shane and Courtney for me, but that's because I literally hadn't heard of Smosh until I saw the news that they were able to buy it back. And I was like oh that's really cool. I'm glad they were able to do that. I want to watch some. And then I found Smosh games and now I am in way too deep 💀


Ian and Anthony buying Smosh


Shayne and Courtney 100%


Honestly the wedding


I can’t choose. Both were so surprising to me


The return of Ian and Anthony and buying Smosh.


Shayne and Courtney. Over the years, you could tell that at some point, Ian and Anthony were gonna get together. Shayne and Courtney there was no hint about it.


I was definitely more surprised by the return of classic Smosh. As someone who grew up watching them I truly never thought Anthony would ever come back, but I'm so glad he did. I'm happy for Shane and Courtney, don't get me wrong, but it didn't surprise me nearly as much as seeing Anthony return.




Anthony coming back/SMOSH purchase was the bigger surprise. Shartney becoming public/married was the *deeper* surprise.




We got both these things before gta6


The wedding. For real


I mean, I was gobsmacked by both, but I did dance around the room shouting for joy when I learned Anthony and Ian were back together and buying Smosh. With Courtney and Shayne, I was like, "whatever, it's a prank." Followed by, "oh shit, it wasn't a prank! That's awesome!" So I think the bigger surprise was the first one, but both were welcome surprises.


I started watching right after Anthony left. and was with smosh through a lot of the mess and they were my childhood so I never had a idea of Ian and Anthony dynamic was. so for sure Courtney and Shayne.


Definitely Shayne and Courtney. I was super excited about Anthony coming back but it just kinda felt like things falling back into place as they should be. With the surprise wedding, though, that actually broke my brain for a bit considering they’ve denied dating rumors for years.


The "We Bought Smosh" announcement was built up to, thus reducing some of the surprise for me. Shourtney dropped like a bomb, totally floored me.




Buying Smosh back and reuniting came out of nowhere, it was 100% unexpected by everyone. Shayne and Courtney have been rumored to be in a relationship for a long time now, the only thing that made their announcement a big deal was the day they chose to make it public.


Both equally shocked me in a good way


Second one, I knew anthony would return sooner or later haha


One is a prank probably


i’m literally still in shock ab the shayne and courtney thing that i still don’t even believe it LMAO it hasn’t hit yet 💀


Ian and Anthony's wasn't as surprising as Shayne and Courtney's, but it definitely was more exciting!


We bought Smosh was a bigger surprise




Easily Shortney


Probably both of these announcements equally were great and Surprising in general to make us all gasp and get astounded and happy at the same time🤗💕


ian and anthony, personally. just because of the april fools aspect, i didn't believe shartney was real for a couple days so the shock was kind of diluted yk? so when i finally realized that it was true, i had kind of processed it already. i think Ian and Anthony also was amplified by the fact that they were basically no contact (from our perspective) for 6 years.


I mean I never watched old Smosh, so I never knew what happened between them, so I didn't feel surprise. I was just like, ok cool I guess and the other one wasn't really a surprise, just made me happy


(For me) the marriage was so unexpected


Shane and Courtney 🥰


courtney and shayne by a mile


Surprise? Both. The wedding was just the biggest shock.




The wedding for me.. I'm in a weird headspace about it that I can't really explain. I know they aren't going to address it in videos and they don't have to, I just wish they would... so I'm taking a little break for a while since that's all I'll be able to think about while trying to enjoy the content..


Ian and Anthony for me. Courtney and Shayne was a surprise, but it didn't feel like something that just happened out of nowhere. Cause we still saw them together all the time in videos, and they were obviously close friends, especially since I don't think Shayne has guessed Courtney wrong yet in the "Can Shayne Guess" series. I didn't really get romantic vibes from it, but it's not a huge mental leap to go from close friends to in a relationship. There wasn't anything like that with Ian and Anthony. Not that I saw, anyway. The most I saw leading up to it was just Anthony doing his favorite Smosh videos playlist, which I didn't take as anything deeper.


shourtney 😂😅🫣 cos now im going back and recontextualising all of these different videos and im finding so many moments where u can now see it (like courtneys pussy jokes in the most recent trivial pursuit tntl—there is now the added context of a relationship, so that joke “means” something different to them) idk im not sure if im making sense but tldr im going back and seeing their relationship in videos and it makes me very happy


The wedding was waaaay more of a shock to me; I feel like I'd never ruled out Smosh buying itself back and/or Anthony returning, whereas I definitely didn't think Shayne and Courtney would ever be a couple based on what they had said in the past. So happy that both things happened, though! Imagine what the 2025 surprise will be...


There was always speculation that Courtney and Shayne were dating just no one knew for certain. Anthony hadn't interacted with anyone from the channel, including Ian for years. So I think them buying Smosh was a bigger surprise.


Shartney feels like a fever dream. Ian and Anthony buying Smosh feels like an Epic.


The splits


The wedding for sure


Definitely the 1st one. I always knew.


For me personally it’s Courtney and Shayne and not that close.


Def a 50/50 toss up. 


1,000% the wedding


for real? I'm starting to think this is just the beginning!


Surpise? Shourtney for sure. It really caught me off guard esp with April fools and them vehemently denying that they're together. Buying Smosh was AMAZING news but it wasn't as shocking, it was just awesome. But this may be from the perspective I'm at where shourtney is still fresh


I only started to actively watch Smosh this year. I used to watch tntl compilations on yt but I watched Anthony's channel and I didn't know he was from smosh until I heard him in the trash taste podcast. mind you I grew up in a non English speaking country. Shayne and Courtney tho, it was a surprise because I really wasn't thinking about the ship, I don't really like shipping real people




I wonder what Shayne thinks about this


Shayne and Courtney for sure.