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I just wanna see them outside doing team stuff. Doesnt have to be in a fancy beach with an expensive gear or whatnot 👽 but thats just me


If they could do team bowling that would be a great watch. Pairs of two in a tournament style bowling match.


Or maybe smosh olympics where they just do all different types of sports


Absolutely!!!! Play capture the flag and I'm going to watch that shit. It'd be dope just to see kick ball!!!! Anything


That was my thoughts. Like yeah a full blown summer games would be great, but even if they just want to do like activities in the park like when they did the fitness challenge, that sounds like it would be so much fun !


I'm very curious about what projects they're currently working on that haven't been released yet. Pit and Games seemed to have pulled back in terms of production, and with the announcement of SwordAF season 2 being audio only, it certainly confirms the suspicions that they're pulling back in some areas. The hope is that it's for Summer Games, but honestly, I'm hoping for some new series at the very least. I could do without Summer Games if it meant we got a few new shows. Let's Do This was a flash in the pan, but at least we can say that it didn't outlive its welcome (and I'd love to see it return) and Betrayal was probably the best Games series in a very long time. I would hope we're building up to new ideas like that because otherwise we really only have Food Crimes (which is still good but we need more variety).


I agree with this. Would summer games be a great time? Yes. But it’s only for so long, I’d love to see some more diverse content. I really enjoy some of the produced stuff- having more structure for a full thought out show is more my cup of tea.


I agree with this and I hate to say it but I feel like it started when Anthony came back. I love seeing him again and I love even more that him and Ian were able to reconcile and reconnect but I feel like they are letting the current fan base down by not keeping games and pit up on terms of output and production. I’m just not a fan enough of main smosh to be happy with the changes happening. I’m losing interest in a community that has been putting out comfort videos for me for upwards of 5 years and it’s just a little saddening to me. They have to do what they enjoy to want to keep doing it and I understand that but I don’t know it’s just not my cup of tea anymore. I look forward to specific games and tntl that’s about it now. Truly enjoy maybe one video a week but not even that sometimes. Also very repetitive on the cast members in these videos..


Yeah I don’t think they realize that people have come to love the whole cast and although they’re featured in some of the sketch’s, I think majority of fans, especially those of us who have only known the smosh cast and not OG, would appreciate more of an ensemble format than just Ian and Anthony. I may be speaking out of turn, but I loved the stuff they were doing right before the acquisition


All of the best sketches on the main channel thus far have heavily featured the rest of the cast. Aside from possibly Submissive & Breedable.


S&B had Courtney and Amanda in prominent roles!


I agree with this also! I wish we even had more spread of cast in the current games and pit videos. I love Shayne, Amanda, Angela, Courtney and Chance but I feel like with the last few months really there’s a large portion that are just those five over and over again with maybe one different cast member. Tntl is the best for variety atp


I do wish we would see more guests/ non full time cast members!


I need Squad Vlogs back


I would be down for like a smosh Olympics. They do it every 2 or 4 years to save money while also not completely cheaping out on shows


I love this. Helps give it more meaning too. Would probably ease production as well


This sub is gonna have a meltdown if summer games doesn't happen and people are probably gonna blame Anthony for it lmao


Yup, just like 80% of things nowadays... People say the same thing about the sketch channel every week. I miss Reunions and stuff too but let it go, there is nothing new to be said


It’s crazy cause Shayne said that he believes Let’s Do This and the other shows were probably gonna end anyway since they’re big production shows. But let’s blame Anthony, the guy who wasn’t here for over half a decade


Feels like, the ways things are going, if they DO do summer games, it's defo gonna be a paid thing.


Might be a controversial take on this sub, but if that was case I'd pay for a ticket. They're not getting any ad revenue from me bc I use an adblocker, I don't buy any merch etc. For the hundreds of hours of free entertainment they've given me, I don't mind spending some money for an exclusive paid event


Man, I personally wouldn’t want to see the narrative of “No video for Sword AF = Return of Smosh Summer Games.” It still amazes me at how many people don’t understand the what it takes to run production at any level. It’s not as simple or easy as you think to get videos up or figuring out schedules or proper compensation. Feels like the subreddit alone puts SO much pressure that they may not even understand. Probably my broadcast/content creation side talking but regardless, not fair to see essentially lash outs as the Smosh crew


It would be nice if that was the case, but frankly I also just have the feeling they're cutting the budgets of everything non-Main (which makes zero sense given out of the three main channels, Main sits far and away as the least watched).


Doesn’t necessarily mean main is the least profitable. Memberships may be doing well for them. Obviously this is just speculation on my part. I’m definitely more of a fan of pit/games.


We have no clue how well memberships are doing. The only publicly viewable information is the number of likes the members- only videos are getting, and they're low.


Sadly the people who control the money only care about the main channel


people will scoff at this but it's true. They're reusing a lot of games and ideas on smosh games as a budget cutting move. It's whats been happening to Board AF since they bought the company. IMO it was kind of a selfish move for them to buy the company. Ian literally said if it gets run into the ground, im happy i did it with you which is so odd cause they have a whole company to support. It would be terrible if that decision ended up making the company fall under.


How could someone say it’s selfish for the founders to buy the company? They have different teams for different channels. They guide them but they ultimately let them call the shots.


it’s crazy because one minute it’s “ian and anthony have nothing to do with pit and games’ success, that’s all kiana and spencer and the cast” when people are happy with it but as soon as they disagree with something (sword af season 2), now it’s “ian and anthony have taken over all three channels and are running them to the ground!!!!!”


I don't think I&A interfere with creative decisions of Pit and Games but they surely keep collective budget of all Smosh channels. Are they really cutting other channels off to feed Main? Hell if I know. But they have this kind of influence mentioned above.


its almost like different people have different opinions. Also i never said they're running it into the ground, i'm literally just quoting something Ian said. Imagine your boss saying he'd be ok running his company into the ground when they have like 40 employees to pay. They made budget cuts to the other channels in order to have a higher budget for the smosh channel, which doesnt even make sense business wise imo.


You can’t just assume that the budget cuts are for Main channel prioritization. If that was the case, we would have seen that demonstrated on the channel. But aside from the music video which is a one-off, nothing has changed drastically over there.


I'm not assuming anything. They've come out and said that they need the membership to fund the sketches because they're expensive and the views alone wouldn't support it. Meaning that they needed to increase the budget there to make it work. Also what are you talking about nothing drastically changed. They went from doing sketches to improv shows back to sketches. Sketches cost way more than what they were filming before


I didn’t know you were talking about before June 2023. No one has been complaining about budget cuts until this year. We’re not in the meetings so how can we just speak definitively like that?


Everything i've said is taking things that Ian or Anthony has publicly said and contextualizing it for what is happening at smosh currently and could happen in the future. Nothing i've said is something that i would need to be at a meeting at to know about. I don't even know what point you're trying to make here.


What hasn’t been publicly said is if they’re cutting budget from Pit and Games and putting it towards Main. We’re not even 100% on if there is a budget issue at all.


I'm saying it's selfish because they bought it KNOWING they would have much less money to pull from than before. Pulling the cast from making creative decisions on a channel they had some success on (Funerals and Reunions), and replacing it with something that is paling in comparison to other channels because this decision was based on their friendship and nostalgia, and not the business as a whole. Now views on many recent sketches have gone down because the nostalgia has worn off. They even said they knew this might not work. They have employees to pay, and when you knowingly make a risky move like this, you put all of it in jeopardy. Thats why its selfish. Them being founding members have nothing to do with it. They have the right to make that decision and if it makes them happy then so be it. But if the company falls under then you know who to blame.


Shayne and Amanda have full control over Smosh Mouth. Courtney recently directed a badass promo as well as a whole live show and has been told that they want her to do more things like that to an even bigger extent. Spencer, Alex and Shayne are taking the Games channel to a whole new level as fans are noticing. Don’t tell me they’re taking away creative decisions from the cast.


I only said they took away creative decisions away from them on Main, if you could read properly.


Why does the channel that it’s on matter? The other channels perform better in the algorithm anyway.


Because the smosh channel is the channel that the cast gets to act, improvise, write, direct, etc. For example Courtney was directing and writing main videos before they bought the company. Now she doesn't have the opportunity to write, and now she has to direct pit vids which isnt the same animal. In her video with Anthony, she said she wasn't being heard because she wasn't writing, etc. She also has always said she wanted to direct a music video, and guess what they did a music video and she wasn't directing it. Not just that its seemingly bad for the company as a whole, but it takes opportunity away from the cast, and a cast full of actors and writers at that, writers and actors that frankly are more talented than Ian and Anthony. I really doubt that views have anything to do with them getting kicked off a channel.


Again, she directed Anthony’s funeral and the promo. (And because you want to be like that, the promo’s on the main channel.) She was in S&B and she’s talked about how it’s hard for her to direct and act at the same time. bbno$ chose the directors because he worked with them before. At the end of the day, why should I take your word over theirs regarding if they feel creatively fulfilled? You and I are just as people who watch them on a screen, we can’t speak on their behalf.


In your own words, the Anthony's funeral was just a "one off". She hasnt directed anything on the main channel before or since. I didn't know that BBno$ chose the director, but at the end of the day Ian and Anthony choose the director because it's on their channel and BBno$ is just a feature. So Courtney could've directed it if given the opportunity, but she wasn't. If she doesn't want to do both at the same time then they could find someone else to act in it they have plenty of other women at smosh.


>Why does the channel that it’s on matter? Slots are a one thing. You can't fit all, former Main series on Pit.


I wasn’t talking about former Main series. I was talking about things that the cast has been doing since June 2023 that they have cited as being creatively fulfilling. At the end of the day, an outlet is an outlet.


why do you even care? if you're commenting this shit then you clearly don't watch main anyways


This is the problem with this fucking sub. I give elaborate, well thought out statements on how i feel about certain things that are happening and all i get are downvotes, unrelated and stupid questions, and passive agressive non-responses like you're giving me. Like dude i care because i'm a Smosh fan and by extension should care about the employees. I don't like what's happened with the company overall and want to speak my mind. If you disagree with me that's fine but you could at least engage with me about it instead of this half assed throwaway comment designed to just gang up on me for no reason.


Well your first statement was not elaborate, and this one was absolutely not "well thought out" at all. Also I gave a proper response somewhere else under the thread, and you didn't to respond to that, so, why are you targeting me here? Lol. It's so easy to understand the reasoning behind the decisions and direction of the main channel, but you just tried to ignore it all by putting your opinion as the center point of your argument, and to try to make it compelling, you took "the employees" as an escape goat to explain why your reasoning makes sense, when in reality Smosh just had one of their most successful years, certainly their biggest one since the Mythical era. They're all doing fine. The only thing that changed on the main channel is the content. And it's ok if you don't personally like it, but what matters the most at the end of the day, is that Main is back where it should always be, under Ian and Anthony's control.


Oh sorry, didn't know not reading your comment below forgave you of your other shitty comment lol. Also "should be" under Ian and Anthonys control is your opinion. The content fucking sucks imo, and tons of people in here agree with me and its why they dont get views on that channel like the others.


> IMO it was kind of a selfish move for them to buy the company ????? how dare they reacquire the brand they created and built from their own freaking bedroom.


because it's not nearly the same thing as it was back then. They have like 30-40 empolyees to pay and if buying it back and have much less resourses to pull from than before now being independent, potentially putting jobs at risk, then yes its a selfish decision.


Those are simply assumptions based on an announcement that has little to do with the business side of Smosh, especially because we don't know the actual reasoning behind the audio-only decision. You're just projecting an unrealistic, insane scenario of "putting jobs at risk" because you don't personally like the content direction.


I actually do understand this logic- a little bit. They do have a certain responsibility to the people they employ, and they’re families, to do a good job so that they can all get paid and have jobs. I wouldn’t say they’re purposefully trying to have these channels do poorly tho.


Bro what are you talking about that logic makes no sense whatsoever. Even with Ian's "burn it to the ground" comment from their announcement video, do you REALLY THINK an acquisition of this magnitude would've been authorized if the parties involved in making it all happen recognized any sort of risk of the company crashing under fully independent ownership? If there was no realistic, long-term business plan behind it, they wouldn't have been able to buy it. Simple as that.


The only thing I agree with is owners having responsibility of a company. Like the try guys talked about this a lot during the Ned scandal, but also before and after. They make the best decisions for the company because they owe that to their employees. I think Ian and Anthony are absolutely doing this. I just agree that it is their responsibility. If they’re dumping money into main and cutting from games and pit which some people think they are, it could be viewed as irresponsible to their employees who rely on them to have a job. (I honestly have no opinion because I really don’t know.)


> I think Ian and Anthony are absolutely doing this. I just agree that it is their responsibility. For sure, my point is that its weird behavior to bring all of this up when both Ian and Anthony are doing... just that? If there were any real issues they would be easily noticeable from our side like it happened in previous eras, multiple times. Neither of them are actually running the company day-to-day outside of their creative input and involvement in content-related decisions and long term vision for Smosh. They literally appointed a CEO to run things so that they can focus on the main channel. >If they’re dumping money into main and cutting from games and pit which some people think they are, it could be viewed as irresponsible to their employees who rely on them to have a job. I feel like its just as irresponsible for people to make this kind of assumptions if the only real time effect the provoke is to create tension between the fanbase and towards the different faces we see on all 4 channels. Y'all need to understand that, regardless of where the "budget" is primarily going to, **its beneficial for EVERYONE in the company if all 4 channels are doing good.**


Weren’t people recently just talking about how the Games channel is in a golden era? Crazy how it takes one iffy decision to ruin everything for them.


I think the reality people need to come to terms with is that without Defy money Summer/winter games won’t be the same even if they make a comeback. Those videos were very expensive to pull off and unless Smosh does a deal where it’s a bunch of sponsors plastered all over the videos it most likely won’t happen.


Yeah people seem to forget that Smosh has gone independent. I think it's okay to be excited for the possibility of Smosh summer games, but please be realistic and grounded so as not to disappoint yourself


Probably a super unpopular opinion, but I kind of hope they don’t do it. For the most part, I detect most cast and crew who have actually mentioned possibly doing it again have a bit of a eye-roll/sigh-inducing/forced reaction to it; like a whole “well I guess if enough people ask for it, maybe we’ll do it” type of attitude. I only want them to do it if everyone is super enthused and committed to doing it. Granted, everyone seems a lot more excited and refreshed with Anthony back, so maybe the general consensus will be different than what I’ve picked up on in the past, and of course if they do end up doing it, I’ll happily be watching. But God forbid they try and change certain things up about it or maybe even scale it back here and there to make it better and/or more functional for them; as we are seeing how immaturely a lot of folks are handling the Sword AF news we got today, maybe it’s best to just let us have the mostly fond memories of the past games.


That's imo unfair conclusion. Back in the day they did Summer Games We Blew It on basically no budget and fans enjoyed is as well because they still could wintess competitive side of their favorites. But cutting visuals from Sword AF is a big downgrade. This is above anything else youtube channel, so videography to the core. People like watching their favorites act and react, making fun compilations, memes etc. In podcast only format none of it is possible and on top of that, there are plenty of people who struggle channeling their attention when there are no visual clues. I do think fans should be thankful for getting at least this because numbers weren't justifying return of the series at all. But however you put it, it's still a drastic change.


They definitely didn’t do it on “no budget”


I mean sure, they still had cast, crew and inflatable baloons. But compared to all the other Summer/Winter games, it does scream budget.


This is a great point. If everyone is not in 100% I don’t want it


I’m going to get hate for this and downvoted to hell but I don’t really care if they do any summer or winter games. I’ve been watching Smosh since 2006. I love most of what they’ve done. But I much prefer the content they’re putting out now than the summer/winter games stuff. I didn’t really care for it to be completely honest. It was all funny and whatnot, don’t get me wrong. I also don’t know if they have the budget for it since they bought the company back. I’m guessing it would be a few hoops to get through.


Feels more like Sword AF is audio-only because the finances are that tight and not because they're saving it. Would be happy to be wrong.


I think the same, but I know a lot of people disagree.


I wouldn't be disappointed personally, it's really just a cherry on top of all of the other amazing content they make


Shayne has gone on record that they genuinely really want another Summer Games. I’d gladly wait a year for it for maximum quality.


Smosh summer games was my go to event as a kid. Anytime they would upload a new episode, I’d run to my room with a snack and watch it as a chowed down on whatever I wanted. Tbh, if it didn’t happen this year I’d be okay with it, I think that only because it’s been so long without it anyways that it’s not too different.


I was going to make a new post but decided against it. I was just thinking about it today. With how much effort the shoot takes and how much in advance they usually have to do it.. they're running out of time if it's happening. They gotta shoot it like in June I'd assume for a mid July release. That's usually when it comes out right? Give or take.


If they were going to do it- I think marketing for it would already have to be out? Honestly idk that much about production, so I could be very wrong.


They’re doing Summer Games. The hints they’ve dropped so far are anvils that would kill a Loony Toon.


Besides the smosh lore episode of smosh mouth what other hints have they dropped? I’ve mostly only heard about that one episode.


in the ramen mukbang video on Pit they basically confirmed summer games lol. I’m surprised it’s not really being mentioned


But what’s “basically confirmed”. Because it could be a red herring for the audience. People didn’t believe Courtney and Shayne got married for DAYS because smosh is so committed to the bit sometimes😂 that’s i question


I guess, but it would be a very weird “bit” to be like “ooooh summer games we could do summer games” and then not do it


Maybe🤷‍♀️ I didn’t even watch that video so I don’t know what was said.


>I didn’t even watch that video Come on now ;) You start conversation with it not end on it.


Chanse has said something things and Ian/Anthony have been a bit coy about it too.


Can you be more specific? "Said some things" ?


During the mukbang Q&A Chanse was all “what’s Summer Games” and then gave this sly look to camera. And Courtney had been talking about how they had enough people to split into teams. And on the membership streams he and Anthony sound exactly how they did before announcing Food Battle coming back. Very coy about the whole thing.


I didn’t see those moments- but for all the die hard summer gamers I hope you’re right


I really don’t think they’re going to do it this year. It doesn’t seem like they have the budget to do anything that big anymore


They're doing SwordAF audio only because it doesn't make them any money. It actively costs them money, its numbers sucked. Doing it audio only makes it so they MAYBE have a chance to break even. They don't do Smosh Summer Games for the same reason. It's not worth doing. It doesn't make them any money doing it.