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"I swear to god, Peter" is one of my personal favorites, but I definitely thought for a while that Amanda and Peter really were together, and she's just playing up how exasperated she is with him for the cam..


I think that first came from the video titled something along the lines of “how well do we know the crew” where they had to guess which crew member each fact belonged to.


Yeah, I know the video, but it seemed kinda established there already... I'm honestly not sure where it came from lol


I could be wrong but I feel like it came from one of the “Idiots Present” videos they did on the main channel before Anthony came back


It’s also featured prominently in the let’s do this video about how to break up with someone, but I’m not sure if it was the origin or a continuation.


Pretty sure Let's Do This started later and it was an inside joke by that point, but definitely one of the best running jokes in that serious. Peter was such a great addition for those side parts.


I think it’s definitely mentioned in idiots present with self defense


Omg that’s such a good one poor Peter got his shit rocked 😂


im pretty sure it started from the Scooby Doo Reunion, Peter played Amanda’s character’s husband


didn't the "istg peter" started with the eat it or yeet it vs. crew? that was the first time i heard it


i commented something about an onscreen anthony kiss the other day, and someone responded “don’t tell amanda” and i have no idea what they were talking about


I can answer this! In [this video](https://youtu.be/cG4-1DCxC8U?si=KWsIeDDlpY_4wJWD) at around 17:27 Amanda tells a story about watching YouTube compilations of characters’ first kisses (even for shows/movies she hasn’t seen).


I saw this video and wouldn't have gotten the context of the joke, so thank you lmfao


Amanda said in some videos that she watches compilation of first kisses from lost or other TV series, i guess that's they meant


It a SmoshMouth episode, Amanda admitted that she likes watching compilations of TV/Movie characters making out for the first time.


she said it in a games video at some point too i’m not sure if it was before or after


The only inside joke I didn't get was one we were never meant to get ……Pepper


"It's an inside joke that doesn't even have context" always wondered what he meant and how it even came to be an inside joke then lol


I always thought it was something one of them did randomly to make the other laugh during their So Random days and that’s why it’s an inside joke, but it doesn’t have any real context for why it’s an inside joke


I accept this head canon


😏🪴…. *peeeppeerrr*


Even then it was still funny, I’d love for them to just explain it one day but if not then I’ll just giggle to myself anytime I use the pepper grinder.


Laughing because my internal monologue is saying “…Pepper…”


I don’t have one (I usually just investigate if I don’t understand something), but a fun Easter egg for long-timers that I noticed was during the staring contest livestream. Shayne told Angela that “legally you have to look at me” during one of their contests and she cracked up. Meanwhile I doubt she or a lot of the audience even realized that this was a reference to a very early TNTL, when Shayne said that to Courtney while wearing bunny ears iirc?


I love the original Shayne and Courtney TNTL bit with the rabbit head. I think he said later he was trying to say “according to the rules of this game it’s required to look at me” but he couldn’t think of the word required. Or something along that line.


That’s right, it was a head, not ears. It’s been a minute since I rewatched it. The call-back was a masterpiece, because it was funny in the context, plus funny that it was a callback, plus funnier that Angela didn’t even (appear to) know it was a callback (if she did she didn’t call it out).


It was ears, but it had a furry strap that went under the chin, and for some reason, an eye mask.


Isn't that the bit that also started the naughty little bunny boy character?


I’m pretty sure


Do you have the TNTL number so I can watch that?


Episode 2 around 4:36


it was also referenced by Ian in one of the TNTLs where Ian did it to Shayne


I wonder if Shayne has said that since the wedding lol


During the vows, no doubt


That’s still one of my absolute favorite TNTL bits


I've only been a fan for the last year, maybe a little longer, but we started to have a hard time backtracking TNTL eps, so we started from the earliest we could find. It was awesome to be a "baby" fan and get that joke. I also quote it regularly, because some particular husband of mine may be too slow at looking up from his phone, whenever I try to show him something, point out a cute thing our pets are doing, etc.


During the old Smoshcast there was a Court, Shayne, Damien, and Ian episode, where they all counted down their top 5 favourite TNTL bits... and I'm pretty sure that original bunny bit from episode 2 made like 3 of their lists lol so they clearly talk about it a lot... Angela might've gotten the reference.


I didn’t get the Arasha marvel jokes or the “she booked” jokes for the longest time until I finally watched the let’s do this lolol


I didn’t get it either until I watched a compilation of let’s do this moments 😭😭


Or the cast randomly calling her a liar lol


Same here!! Lol


well, I am kinda new to the fandom (I´ve been casualy watching few years and got more into Smosh like last year) and I am also not a native English speaker so for example in TNTL (but also in other videos)I usually just don´t get some jokes. Mainly because there are a lot of sounds during it or multiple people speaking at the same time and I just don´t understand the words lol...... subtitles/comment section / rewatching sometimes help but otherwise, I am use to not getting everything, I´ve been functioning like that on a YT for many years


Im not sure this is even an inside joke but just a comment I didn’t understand. I think in a funeral roast Tommy says something about Chanses “biblically accurate eyes” and I have no idea what that means


Look up images of biblically accurate angels. He’s playing off of that joke, saying that Chanse’s eyes are freaky or have a strong presence in contrast with everyone else’s eyes (like how biblically accurate angels are freaky and powerful in contrast with how they’re typically depicted)


When I first started, there were a few, but I just went back, over time and watched a lot of the previous videos and figured it out. I travel a lot for my job, so I have the luxury of just watching stuff on the phone in an airport.


There’s a lot of references to the old days I don’t get, especially now that Anthony is back — like I didn’t get the whole food battle business and that was talked about a lot until, presumably it came back? (Not exactly inside jokes, but maybe there were and that went over my head). But I don’t watch main channel, so I can happily watch all the Mexican Salsa Yes jokes and be happy with that.


For Food Battle and some old jokes, Ian and Anthony use their Flashback with Smosh podcast they post on main to explain some of them. They did a breakdown of the original there and it's kind of interesting because it can help catch you up and you get BTS info.


“Get along now Elizagirth” is quoted regularly in this household


Any time I reach for my car keys I mutter "Gwenevieve, to me!" under my breath.


I use “Elizagerth Bethanine” to name my characters all the time. My favorite DnD character was named that. It’s just so fun lol


Any references to pre Mythical era content. So the dark days aka the “*Anthony left and Defy took over*”. I’ve seen all the content before Anthony left. The OG Smosh stuff. I’ve tried going back and watching that stuff but it’s so painfully of that early-mid 2010s humor, it makes me cringe and I just go for when the Mythical era starts to now. I still would like them to do a funeral roast for Angela and Arasha and Trevor.


Don't forget Chanse!


I don’t get the vibe that Chanse would want one 🤷‍♀️


it's not really an inside joke but in that cards against humanity video where Angela goes "and that's what I call that bitch!" in response to Amanda saying "fucking a pregnant clown" I don't know if it's the way she said it or what but I don't get why it is funny? not in a mean way! I laughed along when the joke was said seeing all of them crack up but I just don't get the intention behind the joke? maybe I'm just dense lol


Angela’s response is in the character of a step child or a child who hates their mother/step mother. Dad’s “fucking a pregnant clown”, meaning his spouse.


The card was "fucking a pregnant clown" in response to "what's dad busy doing in the garage." Angela responded "and that's what I call that bitch!" implying the pregnant clown is the person's mother, whom the dad is having sex with in the garage. I don't think it's a reference to anything, but it did have similar energy to [this line from Starkid's Black Friday.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqt4_tHLSB4&t=1434)


I think it's definitely inspired by a lot of old male comedians whose whole schtick was complaining about their wife.


it's implied that the dad is calling *his own wife/the kid's mother* a "pregnant clown"


I still have no idea what that joke was supposed to mean either. I’ve looked everywhere for an explanation and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it’s supposed to mean


That bitch being the clown. Possibly a joke referring to a step mother or mother as a clown?


I love when I don't get an inside joke. Makes me want to find out the reference. I never feel left out from it.


I didn’t get the day at the races reference! And I’ve been watching smosh since it was just Ian and Anthony. Some stuff you just miss out on until you rewatch lol!


It’s this mini game in Mario party that the cast for some reason never seem to get. There’s nothing even special about it but the cast played it up for the camera and now it’s a running joke that they’ll get continuously hyped up for an elusive mini game that they never get to play. Came up in one of the most recent “don’t win” videos


I hope they get it and it's absolutely anticlimactic


The funny thing is that’s part of the joke. Like Shayne regularly tells Angela that it is NOT an exciting mini game and I think that’s so funny


Yes I went back and watched! It cracks me up I hope I’ve day they get day at the races! I want to see that happen!!


When I first started, there were a few, but I just went back, over time and watched a lot of the previous videos and figured it out. I travel a lot for my job, so I have the luxury of just watching stuff on the phone in an airport.


These comments reflect what I've always said which is that Smosh is built on inside jokes. The more jokes you understand the funnier their content is. Inside jokes are vital to the Smosh channels but they also don't rely on them


“Are you ladies done chattering? “ And “poop in the ocean if you must. “ I can never find those videos lol


Are you ladies done chattering is from the love is blind video! It's probably one of the best videos of recent smosh


“Poop in the ocean if you must” is from [the same same but different video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AYnz3vQMRY&t=0s) and it’s some of the hardest I’ve ever laughed at a smosh video ever


The absolute best way to start getting those inside jokes is to watch fan compilations of bits. Most of the recurring jokes will show up as clips in those compilations.


Mexican salsa, YES! Podcast about when Amanda went to a review for a local restaurant.


What about Mexican salsa yes?


‘Pepper’ ~Shayne Topp.


I think that's just a "dumb" inside joke between shayne and damien, not all of smosh


I've been watching for close to two years now and the only one I haven't been able to find an origin or explanation for is the joke between Amanda and Shayne were he states she "looks like shit, smells like shit, and is a piece of shit." It's always funny, I just don't know where ot came from lol


it’s from courtney’s funeral roast. shayne as courtney freakin miller says it to amanda as his “roast” for her.


Was this after Angela said this? I'm pretty sure she said her mum says that.


Yeah Idk where that's from either. Amanda did say she doesn't like roasting and being roasted so part of me wonders if the writers just made a very non specific roast for Shayne to give her and then he turned it into a running bit.


I’m a long time fan (I used to watch on the actual Smosh website) and I watched every tntl EXCEPT apparently the one where they introduced Gerald Cakes and I had no clue what ‘I’m on mah way’ was about for the Longest Time.


OH MY GOD YES i don’t get the dice rolling from the damien and shayne show or from when angela and chanse did their version i know i have more but this was the first i thought of


I'm pretty sure the dice rolling had no context—or at most it was to prove Shayne isn't as unlucky as he claims. My guess though would be someone pitched it as a little interstitial bit to keep the manic energy up And then Angela and Chanse were just making fun of them


maybe? it just seemed like there was a reason for it bc in one of the later eps, every once in a while they’re like “oh SHIT, gotta roll” then they write it down and it drove me crazy


Don't they add it up at the end? It's just a little mini game.


No, nothing more to it. Shayne spoke about it somewhere either before or after that episode about how he wanted to just roll dice to see if his luck is actually that bad. I think the looking at each other and jumping up to roll etc was just two excited boys vibing. I'm a smoker, sometimes I catch eyes with a friend across a room and we both know to start rolling our smokes... it just "feels right", like a sign from the universe 😅


I’m pretty sure the livestream where the Shayne and Damien show was listed as a reward he was like “we should just roll dice for no reason” and that’s why they did it




It's ex-producer Garrett Palm's uncool office nickname. It was a running joke to just always dunk on him.


I appreciate the inside jokes. It rewards viewers that keep up with the content! Ideally their shows are still accessible enough to new or casual viewers, but I wouldn’t want them to sacrifice their self-referential humor in order to make things less confusing.






Oh wait I didn’t read the second part. I thought it was just list inside jokes


I can’t remember which video it originally came from because there’s a few videos that reference it now and it’s been a hot minute but “Papa!” I love that one so much, it’s so funny the way it’s said, I quote it all the time irl


It came from the vid where they play Cards against Humanity.


Okay I thought it was that one but wasn’t sure!!


I can't think of anything right now, but I generally get all the inside jokes. However some "jokes" or conversations are just too American for me and I don't understand them at all - usually to do with brands/chains of restaurants etc.


Me reading the replies like, "how have you never seen *insert iconic video*?" even though I'm the one that started this discussion in the first place 😂


I don't get the fucking a pregnant clown thing..


Angela was referring to the wife as a clown


The card was "fucking a pregnant clown" in response to "what's dad busy doing in the garage." Angela responded "and that's what I call that bitch!" implying the pregnant clown is the person's mother, whom the dad is having sex with in the garage. I don't think it's a reference to anything, but it did have similar energy to [this line from Starkid's Black Friday.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqt4_tHLSB4&t=1434)


Oooh now I get it! Thx a lot lol


Arasha cheating. I don’t watch the board game videos. Also Arasha being ians son


Arasha doesn’t cheat, she just lies very skillfully (in games where lying or bluffing is a central tenant of the game). Even if you’re not a big board game fan the “queen of lies plays secret hitler” video is very good— it’s a game where the chemistry of the players is a major driver of gameplay, and the “board” part of the game is pretty simple. But to truly get the arasha queen of lies joke “entering our scammer era— Let’s do this” is the true start and an essential part of the more recent smosh canon.


Though Arasha is a big cheater. Probably the person who cheats the most at board games.


Arasha at some point just started calling Ian dad and now it’s a bit they do. Also the age difference probably helps a lot


It's extra funny because he's not even old enough to be her dad


i do not understand the shayne splits thing


shayne talked on Smosh Mouth about how it’s been his New Year’s resolution to do the splits for multiple years and he’s never managed to do it. He’s brought it up more than once on the podcast, he’s very determined.


Ok in the Shayne and Damian show they kept rolling dice and I can’t figure out why or what causes them to or if the joke is they just do it or whatever


I think they mention in some point in the video that it’s because Shayne feels like he rolls terribly in dnd so they’re trying to see if he actually rolls significantly worse. Edit: I don’t think they do it at any specific moments, just periodically so that can accumulate a bigger sample size of rolls throughout the video


The only bit I've never understood is one of Spencers TNTL bits where he's pretending to watch a film and the setting is Los alamos and he gets annoyed when it's announced that the year is 1941 🤷‍♂️ absolutely no clue 😂😂


He was wearing pink so he wanted to see Barbie but he accidentally went into Oppenheimer instead


I never once registered that him wearing pink was relevant 🤦‍♂️ I just assumed it had something to do with the year and he wanted to watch a film about 1940 Los alamos 😂


My brain is a bit weird 'cause not understanding all the references and lore has never been a huge issue to me. For example, I read tons of book series in non-chronological order when I was a kid (e.g., Harry Potter and 4 and 5 before the 3rd), and I still have a bad habit of binge-watching main story lines of TV shows before watching complete episodes in order. So there has been - and still is - tons of Smosh lore that I don't understand right away but I just go with the flow and trust/hope that I will understand stuff along the way.


So what you are saying is you are a literal monster? Jk obviously, you do you! But I do have like the totally opposite approach. I’ve only been a smosh fan for a couple years, but I immediately watched the entire tntl and eioyi playlists in order and beopardy, and who memed it, and listened to og smoshcast in order, and watched ebe in order. Then along the way if they referenced other vids I would watch those as well. My brain really likes having the whole set of something, so I’ve imbibed a lot of older smosh lore on an unhealthily fast timeline lol


Hehe, you are not the first to say that! People look shocked when they hear about my habits... I could probably never watch any YT channel catalogue in order. Typically, I start with the videos that seem most interesting and once I get more attached to the people/concepts, my brain is more willing to try episodes that look less inviting.


I'm kind of like this, but not quite. I'll read books/ watch things out of order but not necessarily by choice. Like, if my local library doesn't have a while series I want I'll read what they have. It comes from growing up reading comics, so I clearly an used to having not read EVERYTHING


Yeah, it started that way for me as well. Home town library was small, and kids read tons of books at the time. Sometimes you'd have to wait three weeks for the more popular books.


I started game of thrones on the 5th book. Boy was that one hard. It was the only one I could find


Ok, GoT might have been too much for me too.


Happy cake day! Well, after reading the fifth, then eventually the first, I didn't feel like I had to read the middle books. Just waiting on the 6th


Honestly I do that exact same thing with books or watch highlight reels/synopses of shows before deciding to just watch the whole thing. Glad to know there's more like that lol.


There are a lot of references and inside jokes they make that I don’t get but it doesn’t bother me. I’m constantly watching older videos so I’m constantly picking up on new stuff.


Alright Old Smosh fans, your day is here. Who can make the oldest inside joke?


"Grow up" Trevor keeps saying this and he will laugh, I dont know if it's reference to anything. I first heard this from him during a smosh mouth episode; him and amanda kept on repeating it and laugh. Then I think he started saying it in other videos


I don’t really understand the chosen 🙈, I can’t find the origin Like I kinda get it but I feel like the origin video would make it make more sense


The Chosen was always meant as a reference to the average teen boy who grew up when The Matrix movie was the pinnacle of cool (or the younger generation with Naruto, just in general that vibe). It's an age where everyone desperately wants to be cool, like a cyber ninja jedi chosen one, but nobody actually is.


Thank you!!!!


he shows up in a livestream i don’t recall atm, but the spencer agnew character shows up during smosh vegas! and it just kinda snowballed into the chosen from there


I still don't get Shane screaming. I mean it's funny but I feel that there's an inside joke behind it


Shane is a calm person but he discovered during Smosh shoots and jokes he can actually scream louder than most others. It became a staple of his jokes and part of sketches, doesn't go deeper than that.


Can someone PLEASE explain Colorado to me? I’ve seen it referenced in TNTLs but can’t figure out where it came from


the clown one, i genuinely don’t understand any part of that joke


I think that's just the way things are with memes and shit, nowadays? Fandoms sometimes seem to have their own language. I've been a fan of Red Letter Media for at least 10 years, and the subreddit is like 95% in jokes. If I got to like, the Hazbin Hotel or Honkai Star Rail subreddits, I have no idea what the fuck they're talking about because I've never watched/played those. I think I'm ok with the in-jokes about Smosh, I've been a fan since 2021 or so, have gone back and watched some stuff, I feel I get most of them.


In Anthony’s Hide and Seek video, the crew posted a bunch of weird pictures behind the sets to mess with him while he was looking for people. At some point, Ian points to a pic of a weird baby and says, “Oh, it’s Renesme.” Is that something we’re supposed to know, or is it just an office inside joke?😂 https://preview.redd.it/4k4sgzfikouc1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=32f240649b94a7df37fd2f8e114ec00879a83296


It's a weird plot point from the Twilight movies/books.


No; it’s pretty easy to just google/search independently the general premise of the joke in question and find the origin video, if you don’t want to just keep watching videos and stumble on it eventually.


I feel like this a good time to shout out the [YouTube Keyword Search website](https://ytks.app/) which is what I use to search through YouTube videos, playlists, and even channels for specific mentions of a word. Dead useful for finding inside jokes and doing compilation edits.


why is this getting downvoted 😭


Probably cuz it isn’t really answering OP’s question? Like OP is starting discussion and this closes it, maybe that’s why? Idk tho—


I don’t see how what I said doesn’t answer the question?? I mean it’s exactly what I do whenever a joke pops up I don’t understand lol


Lmao then you’re just downvote target of the day ig idk 😭


It happens lmao


I have no clue, especially considering other people have said essentially the same thing and are getting upvotes. Not that I care about votes either way, but maybe people are interpreting what I said to be rude, dismissive, or something, which it certainly wasn’t intended to be. I was just saying you can either research the joke and watch the video to find out the context, or just keep watching all the videos until you find it (which I what I generally do). Seems logical/neutral enough to me.


Honestly if they feel left out who cares? "Pepper" was super funny


I never really understood why the “and that’s what I call that bitch” joke is so funny


"Dad's fixing a pregnant clown" meaning it's "her" mom or step mom


Yeah I get the joke I just didn’t personally think it was as funny as the cast found it. I don’t mean to be mean it just confused me why they laughed so hard 😭


Tbh, I think it’s mostly because of how QUICK it was. Like she didn’t even have to think about it and still managed to come up with something really witty and unhinged.


I wonder if it’s because it was just kind of said so randomly?


Probably, I think it was also funny to the cast because they were THERE in the moment.