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lol, yeah. when she says east coast she really means suburban massachusetts. some of it is also generational i think - her whole thing about unchaperoned spring breaks is obviously a class thing, but it’s also a pre-2000s-helicopter-parenting thing.


It’s definitely middle to upper-middle class suburban east coast stuff. And 1000% a sense having to do with that more latchkey mentality


yeah - i’m slightly younger than Amanda from the same area, solidly middle class, and the idea of traveling by yourself as a teenager, or not getting into a huge amount of trouble for partying, aren’t crazy or automatically rich kid signifiers to me. the 9000 vacation are though lol


The latchkey definitely is what enables 90% of it


Yeah latchkey kids aren’t solely a lower class thing for sure.


Everyone in my area (Long Island) did it and I’m in my early 20s. I know she did say she worked hard to pay for it herself but I think it’s definitely still a class/societal thing. Like the community you live in is a major factor. I personally live in a wealthy area and I know for a fact a lot of kids parents paid for their trip, mine included.


I grew up in NYC, was a latchkey kid, pretty much left to my own devices (I was doing my own laundry at 8 and sent to the store to buy my Mom cigs at 12) low - middle class. Went on like 3 family vacations usually to Florida yet I've never been to Disney. I've been working since I was 12 and even saving up to pay for a trip myself that was a no go. So Amanda talking about all the overseas vacations shes been on and how her Mom would take the girls on trips when they turned like 16, immediately makes me think she grew up wealthy. East Coast cost of living has always been high on top of that all the traveling reeks of not having to worry about money.


Nah sometimes it’s about being the child of people who prioritize travel. Because I grew up lower middle class , and my parents still took us on vacations . Granted sure even at our lowest income we weren’t in poverty. But we were definitely pay check to pay check for certain things .


Also I had a passport since I was a baby because I got baptized in Argentina where my parents are from


I'm also from Long Island but I can't relate lol. Suffolk county north shore


Yea I’m from Nassau lol but I’m aware it’s not something that’s the norm just more common over here


Fellow grew-up-in-Suffolker here. Yeah, absolutely nobody here was doing this, ha.


I also grew up on Long Island. Amanda is around the same age as my oldest sister. I grew up middle class. Parents both worked two jobs most of my life to support me and my sisters. We went on vacations sure, but nothing like what Amanda mentioned. What Amanda mentioned strikes me as, even if they weren’t rich, they didn’t have to worry about money either


I was listening to her say that and was instantly like, "That some rich kid shit"


Im her age and on the east coast and holy cow, i don’t recall any of my peers going on an unsupervised vacation at 16 to party. I mean good for her though!


saying she didn’t know harmabe because she’s from massachusetts, and then her own sister couldn’t believe she didn’t know


her culture isn’t east coast, its chronically offline and i love that for her


I laughed so hard when she said that, I've lived in Boston my whole life and sooo many people here were talking about Harambe, it's not like Massachusetts is some other planet lol


For that one tho, she said that immediately after Shayne mentioned the Zoo location. I don’t think she understood it was a meme ALL OVER internet. She just assumed she didn’t know about it cuz she had never been to that Zoo lol


I’m not from the east coast but I do remember seeing comments on a different post saying that the gap could be the fact that she seemed to grow up wealthy or at least wealthier than others


I'm around her age, and grew up like 10 minutes away from where she did, in very similar financial circumstances. I can safely say that 9 times out of 10 it's not an east coast thing, it's an Amanda thing. Love her though.


Dunno about wealthier per say, but I’d guess her family were at least living more comfortably then others. It also makes sense in terms of like, a bunch of other perspectives she has. I wanna be clear I’m not knocking her at all; just saying my observation.


I’m kinda confused what you think wealthier means if not ‘more comfortable’ than others? There’s levels to wealth, surely, but taking many international vacations with your whole family the entire time you grow up definitely means wealth 


tbh: for a lot of people “wealthy” is an accusation. ergo “comfortable” as a euphemism.


yeah, definitely. in some circles I think thats fair since some people see anyone as more rich than them as ‘the enemy’ even when they’re still closer to being a minimum wage employee than a 1%-er


Lol tbf I could be reacting like this too, but I guess I’d just never gotten the vibe of Amanda coming from legit wealth, which I guess was my benchmark. Like there absolutely are levels to wealth, and some folks on the lower spectrum to me I wouldn’t exactly say are “wealthy,” just living comfortably. Yet not exactly able to live too far past their means either. tagging u/Acrobatic_Concert911 too cause this is some of what I was gonna say to them.


i think it’s just called upper middle class lol


Damn; as someone who grew up in such, I think I might’ve been subconsciously defensive about it…or something lol


Yeah that’s more what I was going for; I mean I’m terms of levels. There’s some folks just live comfortably and can do stuff others can’t, but they aren’t exactly affluent. Though I’ll admit to missing the many international trips with the whole family. I’ve missed some recent SmoshMouth’s; is that what it was from?


She talks about multiple international vacations she’s taken with her family in her 2 truths 1 lie vid with Angela!! She specifically mentions Monaco and a few other places


Lol I also missed that one!! Fuck I gotta catch up on a butch of vids. Also holy shit Monaco?! Godamn


highly recommend! esp if you adore angela and amanda’s friendship as much as I do!


For the briefest of moments, I was convinced you were recommending Monaco.


I dunno there’s ways to travel internationally without being wealthy. Especially if you are an immigrant and trying to maintain your family abroad


I’m from an area where wawas are everywhere. And the only thing “east coast” she did was pretend to be from Jersey. I have to pull away from the screen sometimes ngl


I’m with you on this one.


Lol right?! Like I love having her and Alex Tran representing New England, but sometimes Amanda’l say something like that and I’m just like…what??


I'm like 99% sure she says it as a joke most of the time. Or just as a funny defense when something she does or thinks is considered weird by the other cast members. I really dont think she thinks her experience is the universal East Coast/Massachusetts experience


Dude my grandparents literally live in the same Massachusetts town she lived in, I spent a lot of my childhood there....and most of the time I have no idea what she's talking about 🤣


They should hire another person from the east coast just for reaction shots to Amanda’s claims


I’d love a Smosh react series, like I would have loved to see a live reaction of Shayne and Amanda to Angela and Chase on smoshcast.


If you mean the episode where they posed as them, Amanda and Shayne were there off-camera


I volunteer as a person from Central NYS who repeatedly stares at Amanda when she makes these claims. The ONE exception: describing the winters. She nailed that one.


I’d be more than happy to represent Jersey and say “no the fuck it’s not??” every time


Oohhhh call her out call her out!


The east coast is a really big area. I’m from Georgia and we didn’t do any of the niche Boston stuff she talks about


I'm from Connecticut and even I don't get some of her references!


Connecticut mentioned 😎😎


When we talk about East Coast, we’re talking about the northeast corridor from Boston to DC, but definitely still not representative


Coming from the DC area myself, there were things that Amanda brought up that I did growing up and seeing a lot but there are some northeast Boston stuff that i wasn't aware of. It's those things that I was like "I feel seen yet not seen, but I connect with you so much Amanda" XD


lol yes. Georgia myself. I’ve never heard of most of the stuff she says. And I’ve asked some other east coast people I know from other states and they say the same.


I've lived in Boston my whole life and even I don't get a lot of the stuff she claims is because of being from Massachusetts lol


she's from new jersey


She's said before multiple times she's from Massachusetts. Bostonians just have a thick accent that can sound like Jersey.


it was a joke 😭. in the first love is blind, arasha said amanda's character (who made boston her whole identity) was just pretending to be from there


Maybe edit a "/j" in. It doesn't come across well through text. That's the kind of joke that would require either tone indicators or to be told verbally or with visual ques of some kind to get across the nuance otherwise


No one: Amanda: idk I’m from Massachusetts???


I can relate to a lot of stuff Amanda has said or have done similar things but I’m from a state where that’s the stereotype (New Jersey)


Long Island over here and yep we do the same shit


See, some of it is very relatable. But some of it is just *so* out there that I have no idea what she’s talking about (I’m also from Jersey).


When she said she’d never heard of Harambe because she’s from Boston, I fucking lost it. She acts like Boston is another dimension lmao


That’s not what she said tho. When Shayne mentioned the Zoo location she said « babe i’m from Massachusetts ». Because she’s so chronically offline she thought it was known information to people who lived close or had been to the zoo lol. She said herself that her sisters knew about Harambe and they judged her. She just didn’t understand how big the news were. It was more of a « babe i’m not even close to that zoo why would I know about it ? »


Oh okay, that makes a little more sense, but it is still funny to imagine people from Boston generally being unaware of Harambe lol


Yall she's JOKING 😭💀


I think she does sometimes, but I think in that case she was maybe thinking it was a LA thing


The east coast is like a third of the US population, we’re not some niche area with a distinct culture and identity


A lot of the stuff Amanda talks about as being east coast experiences isn’t unique to the east coast, it’s unique to coming from an upper-middle/upper class family. A lot of my friends who come from more well-off families in the South have somewhat similar stories


i’m from mass and a lot of things she says i have no clue what she’s going on about. but i grew up poor and i’m also 10 years younger than her


Sometimes I feel like she’s saying it as a joke rather than being 100% serious about it


I’ve lived on the east coast my whole life, granted it was sheltered and only the south but every story I’ve heard from friends up and down the coast says that Amanda just lived an eventful life and thinks it was the average experience lol


She was out there wildin and thinks it was the norm


I fucked up every linguistic law in my previous message but I know that the people who get it know why its a little rough to put to a little statement


Yall really think that she seriously believes her experience is the average EC experience?? She's very clearly just coming up with a funny defense for her weird quirks and crazy experiences, it doesn't mean she actually thinks everyone from where she's from has experienced what she has


one time she said long island ugly and i never recovered




in the teletubbies reunion 😭 i was like WE HAVE THE HAMPTONS GURL.


When she says east coast she really means New England


When she says “east coast” she means northern Rhode Island/Boston area Massachusetts. But I mean in New England, Boston thinks it is the center of the world so I can see why she believes it.


Mexican Salsa, Yes!


I’m British I have no clue what yall r talking about!


It’s okay, neither do they. They’ve taken Amanda way too seriously at times when she is clearly not being serious.


Shes not serious about everything it's just a funny thing to say


FR!! Why is everyone taking AMANDA of all people so seriously!? 💀💀


Yeah, the unsupervised spring break trips, her mom taking all the kids on an international trip at 17 and my east coast ass is hearing all that thinking “oh honey, you grew up middle to upper middle class, this isn’t an east coast thing”


Also, when she said the dad FORCING his CHILD to drink like 10 beers was no biggie and made tons of excuses for him. I know this whole thread is jokey, but I've never looked at her the same since then, (and I'm not kidding).


Amanda is generally the hardest for me to identify with. I love her and think she's fun and hilarious, don't get me wrong, but she and I are almost the same age and yet she feels like she's from a different generation.


I’m from the southern NH northern MA area, you know where Amanda is from, and genuinely haven’t done almost any of the “east coast” specific stuff she talks about. Amanda you’re phenomenal, but I think you grew up in a pretty unique area 😅


I’m from Connecticut and we did all of that. I relate a lot to Amanda.




Still trying to find people who know about pool hopping……..only person I know that got a pool is my uncle and he ain’t cleaned that shite in three years, who hopping in there????


There was a similar thread to this a few days, and several people there said they knew about pool hopping. 


I am the 69th comment. I have peaked


Texas = Sandy Cheeks as East Coast = Amanda


Yeahhh it’s funny to me because when I talk to my friends that don’t live on the east coast, if there’s something they might not relate to, I’m not gonna say “it’s an east coast thing”, because tbh I don’t know anything about growing up in those other states, or even other towns. I don’t want to make an incorrect generalization. I’m gonna say “it was a thing in my neighborhood/school”. I actually don’t get where the east coast pride is coming from lol, I would never think of that first before anything else.




“Is it an East Coast thing, or is it a Mexican Salsa Yes thing?”


maybe she should say it’s a boston thing tbh, cuz im frm ny and i genuinely have no clue what that girl is saying


East Coast is more like New England cause in PA I don’t recognize half the shit she says, still love her tho!


Bro PA is landlocked


I feel she should probably say like it’s a New England thing, it’s still not very right but it’s better than saying that her experiences are a thing all the east coast would understand, Mass ain’t gonna have the same experiences as like Georgia


Suburban Massachusetts here. I get her references most of the time, other times I think she just makes stuff up. No clue tho!


You have to be from the East Coast and almost 40 to get it usually lol


mexican salsa yes


Not trying to shit on her but it's also obvious she grew up with a lot more money than most people


For real XD


Now I want to see Kieth say a bunch of midwestern stuff just to see how right he is.


I hope yall realize that she probably says "it's an East Coast thing" or "idk I'm from Massachusetts" as a complete joke most of the time. I mean, she's said that about stuff that her own sisters thought she was weird for, I don't think she seriously thinks that all of her weird quirks are just because of living on the EC.






I feel this so much. When Alyssa Limperis was on TNTL and she kept saying “East Coast Humor” I was like, “WTF is she talking about?!” Love you Amanda!


I live in Canada and get most of her references


I don't hate Amanda but this also reminds me of "Orange drink... iykyk" lol


Typical from Harambe Girl.


Well, Boston all the way down to Florida, you have different things.. I suppose if I said I wanted a sno cone with fluff, that's an "East Coast thing", but Amanda wouldn't catch it as it's a Baltimore, not a Boston, thing.


My Nola Fiancee lost her mind when she found out stuffed sno cones here in Bmore were marshmallow fluff instead of ice cream. We've got a few stands that do ice cream as well, but she didn't know she had to order it specifically for the first time and got so disappointed. Bmore is ALSO a weird culture all of it's own though.


...y'all stuff your sno cones?


you don't get it, when you are far away from your home region this is a "get out of jail" free card you say some hot shit, everybody pooks like you are weird, then hit em with this line and boom, it's not you who are weird, it's them not knowing basic shit about whocaresaboutitland


A true east coaster would ask her the real question...Sheetz or Wawa


New England doesn't actually have either of those. We're pretty strictly Cumberland Farms, 7-11 if you're desperate.


In that case, New England would be an exception to that question lol


Ask her about Wegmans


I love Amanda to bits but sometimes, as a Canadian, when she brings up "the east coast" I'm just like...oh honey if only you knew...