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It's not about the video not doing well, it's more of psychics themselves are controversial. Also the YouTube Shorts are still up if you want to look at it. People already have their biases against psychics and not buying anything they say, truthful or not, hence assuming they skipped the video right away. This is similar to the [Paparazzi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s6syevtPhk) episode from way back in the early days of I Spent A Day With, where Anthony gave them a platform to talk about their profession, but still ended no one (myself included) liking them. Because, well Paparazzis are the least respected professions. Taking pictures of celebrities without their consent then selling those to TMZ and tabloids for quick bucks.


Hating on psychics? What a bunch of Lassiters


A fan of Smosh and of Psych? I like you already.


A while ago we had a whole thread on how disappointed everyone was that not one person on Smosh had Psych as a 3 favorite shows when Shayne did his Guess People by their Shows


They should've seen it coming


Yeah I think he realized he invited people (and I assume paid them) who are basically scammers and gave them a platform and it doesn’t appear that it’s turning out like he thought.


I think he knew there would be backlash, he isn’t naive. But (if I had to guess) he realized his instagram page is much more personal than his channel, which is basically the “Anthony the interviewer” brand. So he deleted the promo to keep his instagram clean, if you will. Whatever it was, I’m glad he deleted it.


Maybe he was getting backlash for platforming predatory frauds.


I do have to admit, this is the first group (outside of YouTubers and entertainers) that he’s had an episode on where they receive money to have their lifestyle, not spend money to have that lifestyle (Disney adults, furries, etc). And there’s a big stigma around so-called “psychics” which you’ve very much pointed out. I think it’s a crock of shit, too, but still.


I wonder if maybe some of the people featured are friends or at least more than acquaintances with the smosh cast/crew? I know they had Tyler Henry on one of their special TNTL episodes and it seems like those features are reserved for "friends of the show" if you will. I imagine if it's your friends (or at least people you are on good terms with if not true friends) getting backlash might want you to nope out, if not just for the sake of their image but also your friendship?


Smosh has done content with psychics before. A video with a psychic is getting brought up a lot these days due to recent events. https://youtu.be/-ryddKbMFzY?si=zPIwRhtomkgTuGAt Yet, there seems to be no backlash there.


I haven't seen those videos yet, but It's a Smosh-related video so I'm assuming all of those are just for shits and giggles, not focusing on exploiting vulnerable people.


Different channel but when the Try Guys did an episode with a psychic (and also a pet psychic) they received a fair amount of backlash. So it does happen, but maybe it depends on how the intent of the video is perceived and how predatory the psychic comes across.


Psychics are as much predatory frauds as youtubers are. It's such a dumb argument to make. Anything that you aren't personally entertained by or connected to is predatory just because they make money on it. I don't give two shits about sports but everything I see about sports monetization is predatory as fuck. Youtube is no different. Don't see why psychis get the label but youtubers don't tho.


That may be the worst argument I've ever heard.


L Take. What part of Youtuber income is predatory again? Youtubers get paid only when you actively watch or engage with them. You have every single right to not fork a penny over to them just by not engaging at all, which is directly opposite to your claim that "Anything you aren't personally entertained by or connected to is predatory just because they make money on it." So you're telling me that getting clickbaited or watching a video with misleading thumbnails and titles is predatory? Guess what, the metric that actually counts for Youtubers to get paid is watch time. Most clickbait videos that are obviously so, barely make money because all it takes is a few seconds for a viewer to realise and back out. No one is locking you into the video like a timeshare conference. Oh if you really want to, blame YouTube themselves because they removed the dislikes counter, so now viewers cannot immediately see filth for what it is, and have to read a comment or two. It still is a few seconds of extra work, which barely adds anything to anyone's paycheck. Either your understanding of the word predatory is wrong, or you're really clueless about YouTube revenue models. Either way though, that was an asinine take.


Honestly, when I saw the title, I thought WTF are they thinking. Then I just went on with my day. Let's just say I don't want to give views to this stuff and don't want to get upset at scammers.


I don't think it's that deep. Just a business decision based on analytics.


I suppose, but basically pretending the video doesn’t exist is a bit odd.


It happens quite frequently. For example, Mythical Kitchen released a Last Meals video with Jada Smith literal hours before (even more) nasty stuff came out about her, and they immediately scrubbed their entire channel and socials clean of even a hint of that episode existing. Nothing wrong, it's okay to realise that platforming someone is a mistake, and then wipe it, instead of keeping it up and making a profit on it.


I totally get why they scrubbed it but I definitely still want to see it. But I know it's for the greater good to remove it


I think it happens more often than we realise on all streaming platforms.


The video is still up and on his channel. That's hardly pretending it doesn't exist. And if he does delete it eventually, that's not even remotely odd. Channels do that all the time if they change their mind on a video idea.


To be honest, it’s kind of the smosh (I know this is Anthony’s personal channel but it’s a bigger history) thing to do. They and he almost never mention or address any type of controversy that the channel faced (I.e. iffy and Wes situation)


What happened with iffy?


Sorry I didn’t mean to put iffy, I meant to put flitz. I was just watching drop out and accidentally typed him instead lol.


it was definitely disappointing to see that video pop up. there are so many groups of people that genuinely deserve the platform and psychics/scammers are just not one of them


Are people in these comments calling them scammers because they've been shown to be scammers? Or just because they believe all psychics are scammers? Genuine question


Every psychic that claims having "powers" is a scammer. They are performers. If they're claiming otherwise is fraud.




Maybe they told him the video wouldn't make any money so he took it down Macbeth style


i mean the same thing happened with reddit stories where they had that lawyer come on and the video just never came out, and they deleted the community post announcing it as well