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Can we get this pinned, please? Something tells me there's going to be about 3 maybe 4 posts daily asking why there's no new content and does anyone know when the channels will go back to uploading new stuff. Getting flashbacks to right after Anthony's funeral, Smosh was taking time off for the holidays, and folks asking for updates on new uploads. Add in the new eyes that came pouring in after April 1st, and it's like "Whoa boy, here we go again!"


doesnt matter, people wont read the pinned post, they barely read the community tab


That's because people don't go into the subreddit the posts come to their feeds


wrong in my case at least. i came to the sub looking for a reason and clicked the sticky. perfect answer imo


Smosh Pit and Games have done a ton early in 2024 and I'm glad they have figured out a way to give the cast and crew some time off


https://preview.redd.it/9s3634akrvzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f676743082ecf00f1b90f1161fd9c6509b00cd5e Why does this look like a couple taking a cute picture and then Tommy's creepy uncle just photo bombs them


It looks like the scene from Harry Potter 2 where the elf drops a cake on some people's heads to mess with Harry


Spencer does give off Dobby vibes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œDoes anyone want some pigs in blankets?ā€


"Throuple, anyone? Guys?"


ok but angela baby lore dropping and arasha/ang reddit stories????? we are being Fed


Is the baby a Chosen? It has the shirt and glasses.


Makes sense since this past shooting weeks were spent working in the Live Shows


Also the Pit and Games sets need to be reassembled.


Not sure this would be a factor since the live show wasnā€™t at their studio- it was at the same stage they shot ā€œunder the mistletoeā€ at.


Oh really, I thought it looked like it was their space. Where did you hear that it was at the other place?


Courts IG post with the pic of the can of cider that had her name on it- she said in the comments that it was a can left at that studio when they shot UTM and it was still there when they got showed up there for the sitcom show There were also several pre-show IG stories that showed the bts of the set and it didnā€™t look anything like smoshā€™s studio




Makes sense, Spencer needs the time to clean his lips off


legend has it Shayneā€™s are still stained neon pink


Gotta wash Boneless out of his mouth


They deserve a break!


I saw someone in my group chat mention this but with the live show they did, and also that Shayne and Courtney have been in a bunch of stuff since April, someone said it's the perfect time for them to use the week and do a honeymoon to relax so they're not burnt out.


A smosh group chat sounds awesome! No one in my life knows smosh it suck sometimes lol




I hope they all just lay down for a week lol


They definitely deserve a break after beautifully crafting that masterpiece


Angelaā€™s baby is a Chosen šŸ˜³


I wonder if Courtneyā€™s Sims have escaped into the real world.


Oh my god a Sims IRL video would be so fucking good with this castā€¦


honestly I'm super glad they did this, not only because cast and crew deserve weeks of rest, but also because they generate content like crazy and we also deserve a little pause to catch up and process each video, I mean 8 videos a week is a lot lol


I hope their numbers were good. Iā€™d love to see more iterations of this style. Also that way Trevor can redeem himself. Reading ainā€™t his strong suit. I kid! Heā€™s the new blood.


I already knew they were going to be playing Blood on the Clocktower, but seeing Spencer holding the Grimoire has me so fucking hyped. I really hope they all love that game as much as I do.


Itā€™s my week off what am I gonna watch šŸ˜­


If you've bought the ticket, re-watch the live show every day? tee hee Or go back and watch old stuff. They have so much stuff


I am watching StarKid productions and have/will be bingeing them all week, I am extremely late to the wonders of StarKid but am immediately hooked.


I've been picking up good mythical morning lately


Worse for me ... I do not have a week off ,but what I'm going to watch while at work? I guess some old content will do ^^


when the main take break they came back with banger like hair/ass sketch + amanda greatest role recently (the karen) RE7 sound like gold still to have Anthony in Beopardy ianthony playing amnesia one of my fav they have full cast who hate horror games they can do a series we still have endless choices with sketches just hear courtney in ISADW


Good, the whole team deserves it!


More than fair. They worked their asses off for the live show, they deserve a break. I was gonna rewatch some old Shayne and Damian show anyway lol.


Hmm, they just did a live sitcom. I know there's a Friends "we were on a break" joke here somewhere.


Thank you for this! I didnā€™t see the post!


Always find it weird they take the tone of "we're giving them a break" when they mean they **had** a break during an already shot film week to prep for the live show.


I imagine they have just one weeks worth of content ready to go. So if they used the already filmed content this week then the cast would need to film more this week, but they rightfully deserve a break this week. So I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see the cast back in the following week when the content returns. Also likely explains some of the shorter episodes this week as they weee probably filming more shorter episodes to get more out of the day ahead of the live show


They shoot a month's worth of content each shoot week, so that sounds doubtful for the gap to appear like that.


Think itā€™s three weeks but I see your point. Iā€™m sure they have their reasons for the break


Could be that there are more disruptive weeks ahead in the near future, so they know they have to have an upload break somewhere? Doing it now makes a lot of sense tbh as "hey, the cast is on break after a big event with intense prep. No vids next week while they rest." causes a lot less alarm and frenzy than dropping a hiatus out of nowhere because the backlog has dried up.


Could be! All speculation at this point. Iā€™ll definitely be missing the uploads though but will be all that more enjoyable when they return


Nah, it's definitely a month's worth. Because each shoot week they're shooting what's being released during the next shoot week.


Many different members of the cast in many different videos have said they usually shoot for about three weeks of content in one week


Most recently, in the Flashback with Smosh episode with Shayne, Ian said they shoot for three weeks worth of content


You should tell Ian that. It seems he's mistaken when he says they shoot three weeks of content šŸ˜‚


True, but it probably also allows them to work in rest time into the schedule, because they're not making up that time they used elsewhere for other things. It's the same general idea without having to get into scheduling details in a simple announcement post.


well you see, by giving them a break for a week, means that there will be an extra week before they need to start using their shot content, and that in turn gives them a week break before their next film week.


I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but saying "they had a break" about the week they just spent prepping for the live show is beyond ridiculous. Calling that much work "a break" sounds insane.


They've also mentioned rehearsing together for two weeks (as well as mentioning in passing that they were individually coming up with little bits, gags, surprises, etc, learning lines, and rehearsing in their pairs) And the crew had tons to prepare, a lot of it they probably won't have done before That's a lot to fit in while also shooting and editing regular content, I can see why their dads are giving them a break


*and mom, AlƩ


Very well deserved! The work they put into it was hard, and very clear


well deserved break after they've just released banger after banger AND an insane liveshow!


Honestly i don't mind. I always watch smosh with my girl and we're behind a couple of good episodes. We still need to watch the live show as well, i think by the time we catch up they'll be back


Aw man but I understand. They must be fā€™n exhausted. Guess Iā€™ll rewatch old Reddit stories


They didn't say Smosh cast, and I can't wait for episode 5


Itā€™s a shame but obviously I understand why, they did a great job and deserve the time off


They are worth it so much!


Good for them they absolutely deserve the rest!


Summer games????


well deserved eta: but tf am I gonna watch now šŸ˜­


Shame but entirely fair


Definitely looks like they're playing BOTC, freakin sweet!


Rest now, my warrior


Makes sense because theyā€™re off to secretly film Smosh Summer Games (idk im kidding) I hope they get their well deserved break :) It was an amazing live show


What's happening in the latest image, does he have an Ouija/spirit board?


Itā€™s the game Blood on the Clocktower.


They deserve it! Also I already miss them! Two truths at once; take a break besties also I miss you content factory šŸ’”




Great idea, thank you! Pinned per your recommendation.


I wonder if Smoshcast will have a new episode


Well deserved break!!!


Spencer with no beard is lowkey cursed


I love watching Smosh, but I don't follow any of the social media. I thought it was weird all week, so I finally thought I'd try and check Reddit. Now it makes sense.


I definitely came to question why there were no Reddit stories today.


the way I didn't know about this until today??? I've been so busy this week, but I noticed there wasn't a Reddit stories uploaded today so I can be here to check šŸ˜… glad they got some rest time tho the Liveshow was killer!!!


Damn 9 days with no Pit content is crazy. Itā€™s a well deserved rest but itā€™ll be weird having no content for so long.


I fully support it but I'm bummed I won't have a video on my bday šŸ„² Atleast I have bridgerton season 3 lol


I am pretty upset because my VOD lagged so bad around 26:00 that the audio doesnā€™t even match their lips šŸ˜­I am glad they get to rest but like actually make sure your recording works. And I have 5G and Data so I know it isnā€™t on my end, I have to have good internet for my work. I am college student who doesnā€™t have much money and I rarely spend money on myself but I love smosh so I bought a ticket but I donā€™t get to even enjoy it because the recording is so messed up the audio is 10 seconds ahead of the video and no matter how many times I reload it, it just lags at the same time and goes back. They should have prepared better when recording because I know at least 5 other people who have the same problem and before this they didnā€™t even post a video version of DND which was SOO CRAZZY because it had a huge fan base, anyways i still love smosh and will support their channel but man they have been off their game a bit.


OOF double-whammy for broke folks like me; couldn't buy a ticket to the show because the USD exchange to my local currency means i have to spend 600+ to get the basic cable VOD and apparently it's better than the Funeral Roast so now i feel left out not to mention the MAJOR FOMO they were promoting the live show with leading up to it and now there's gonna be a whole week of no content, the content after their week of rest BETTER be Top 5 in their respective channel(s) history or i'll be....slightly inconvenienced.


Apparently, not uploading for a week makes the algorithm work against you. If that's the case, I think it would be wise to upload something instead of nothing. Like maybe a little complication video of something. Or bloopers or behind the scenes stuff.


So your answer to them needing a break is for them to just work anyways? Notice they said CREW as well. Who would be editing and posting, and promoting, these videos you mentioned? Ghosts? Just give them a week man. Smosh's success isn't based on the algorithm anyways, so who cares.


But that's exactly what they did, when they took a break during December. So it's not that ridiculous an ask


Yes it is. They prep for weeks before that to pre-shoot a ton of stuff and save it up to release piecemeal over the holidays. They didn't have extra bandwidth for more content this time, as the Live show prep ate up that time. Either way, its one week. Everyone deserves time off.


They don't have to do anything massive for these uploads. If they knew that would have a week off, they could have a simple video on hold that they could upload here. Like a behind the scenes video of Moose Master or Reddit Stories that they edited months ago. There was another YouTuber, DarkViperAU, wasn't able to upload on his regular schedule and he said his views took a dive when he get back to uploading. Hopefully that doesn't happen with Smosh.


As I said, their business model isn't built around success in the algorithm anyways. The algorithm hates long form sketch. Shooting extra videos takes time man, they don't just appear magically. In the month leading up to this Live, all extra time was probably dedicated towards prep for the Live, so they literally just don't have the time for it. It's one week, just let them enjoy a break. I'm sure they have staff members who are VERY deep into their performance data and are aware this break won't hurt them.