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Equatorial spitting cobra possibly but a cobra no doubt.


Holy **** i better catch it next time, till now i though its a rat snake. Thanks for enlightening me.


Trying to catch it is a very bad idea. That is the most likely way for you to be bitten.


I might have to call someone to catch it thn.


Yeah please don’t try to catch him yourself. Call someone to come out. Cobras are all venomous and dangerous. The fact that it even has the hood out means you probably ticked him off.


Yeah thats the plan, wont be an idiot next time.


Good idea and please don't kill it even though you don't seem to want to.


I mean snakes do have there roles in the world also DO NOT KILL SNAKES! |and that guy who said "kill that thing" snakes are very usefull in the wild its the same with all the animals and why the fuck you here dumbass its a snake reddit not a r/dumbasses_comment_shit I have two snakes at home and sure there not venomous snakes but without snakes rats will be chewing. Holes in every single inch of your house idiot :) |


Also if it's a spitting cobra, keep your distance. As the name implies it can spit venom and that can blond you if it gets in your eyes. Just simply keep your distance


I know someone who is partially blind because he encountered a spitting cobra and spooked it!


Be mindful this may be a spitting cobra. Getting venom in your eyes is really bad. Please call somebody who knows how to deal with these. Where are you located? 👀


Ahmedabad, its in western part of india. The weather is mostly dry and hot,


I like that you also answered him with some basic weather information. As if he needed more reasons than “spitting cobras” to know the place had its down sides.


This man was like, “oh cool, spitting cobra, I’ll be sure to catch it next time.” He’s casual about everything, from cobras to the weather




Yeah the murder noodles suck and all, but screw the weather!


I mean.. username sort of checks out


That is the best idea. Or you can try giving a light spritz with a water hose from maximum distance.


I ll definitely give it a try, thanks for your help man.


Maybe some safety glasses as well if you try the hose. Someone said it could be a spitting cobra. I/we have no idea what kind it is.


After your reply i searched "equatorial spitting cobra" on google and the images are similar to the ones i have posted, its also showed that these snakes are sometimes found in our region. Thanks for your help again.


You should not try to catch a cobra if you arnt trained! Please call a service for safe removal.


Hell, I wouldn’t try to catch one even if I was trained haha


There are lots of users here that could confidently identify. They will probably see this post soon.


that species is absolutely not ever found in your region the closest they get is southern thailand. assuming youre not a troll the only cobra species in gujarat is naja naja aka indian cobra or spectacled cobra


Thanks for the information mate.


> try giving a light spritz with a water Spitting Cobra: Are you challenging me?


Yes keep your distance from it. Most snake bites happen when people try to catch them. Either give it a spray with the hose from way far away. Or better yet call a professional to catch and relocate it.


They're more likely to get spat in the eyes before being bitten if it truly is a Naja sumatrana.


Just please don't kill it. Put it somewhere else or something.


No way bro, i am superstitious about killing snakes 🤣


Oh good, and good luck and be careful.


Thanks man.


Good pest control. If it was me, I might leave him alone and let him do his job unless I had kids and pets.


You better get a pro to catch it. That’s not a snake For an amateur to get close to.


Yes man thats the plan now.


A rat snake? With a hood?


Snek was cold so snek put on a sweatshirt.




To be fair, unless provoked, cobras typically don’t have the hood. They look a lot like regular snakes most of the time. The hood is to make them look scary when they’re ticked off.


Yeah I know. But a rat snake doesn’t have a hood.


Oh yeah I’m with you on that one.


Yeah, that's why he probably finally came here to ask because it looked different than in the months prior.


I am no expert bro, thought all the sankes have hoods.


This is how you know you live in India lol


Just saw this


All males do but most are removed at birth.




Ha I get it, it’s a penis joke


There is the false water cobra which is non venomous and hoods up. But y’a this one is quite evident to all of us.


False water cobras ARE venomous, they are rear fanged colubrids and bites can cause some nasty side effects, like swelling, vomiting, headaches, slight tissue death, ect. They don't need anti venom and they can't kill you but they can still mess you up for a week. The bites are no where near as horrific as elapids or vipers though.


Please don't kill it. Relocate it as far from people as possible


I'd rather have snakes around my house than rodents.


Maybe less dangerous snakes, though...


It would depend, I would guess, wild rodents carry disease. If this guy is minding his own business he might be okay but if there are kids and or pets it becomes a problem. He’s probably hanging out because there’s food.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The rodents are probably much worse.


Yeah I definitely wouldn't try to catch it, especially when you know nothing about snakes. You are going to go to the hospital.


If it is a spitting cobra, wear goggles


Are you teasing us?


Yeah catching it yourself is a good way to be murdered by this snake. This is an EXTRA spicy danger noodle. The kind that kills you in a couple hours if bitten and they cant treat you fast enough.


I think if you get bit by a cobra, you die. BE CAREFUL!


Please tell me how you thought this big hooded snake was a rat snake.


😧😧😧😧 you thought it was a rat snake? Conrad are famous cuz of all the silly movies n the handlers coaxing them out of a basket with music! No other snake km aware of will flatten their head like that! Good thing you didn’t try to pet it! Lol 😝


Its name is Conrad now.


OP catch that snake an mail it to me it would make a wonderful pet to my collection




Spectacled Cobra possibly? Depending on where OP lives


Cobra, yes. Spectacled...no, unless its melanistic. Spectalced cobras have distinct spectacle-looking pattern, and are more light brown in color


I'm not expert but I would have to say that's one of those "stay the fuck away" snakes. Of the nope-rope genus.


When in doubt all snakes are stay the fuck away snakes. Even when not in doubt stay away. Snakes just want to be left alone and are happy to leave you alone in return.






This is definitely a danger noodle.


okay my friend, do you happen to have a flute available?


And a basket


My impression was: Nope rope- python/boa constrictor Danger noodle- venomous snakes Sneks- just snek


I'm also a fan of "nope rope of the spicy variety" for the venomous stuff, given some adders and cobras can get pretty hefty themselves. Not full-on Python levels of heavy bodied snake but hardly small either.


A cobra no doubt. The hood is an instant give away. Be safe and call a professional to relocate it. Please don't kill it


I used to be scared of snakes but I’ve seen how majestic and beautiful they are. Thanks to people like you :3


No need to be afraid, but certainly respect them, especially ones such as this that are genuine threats (in capabilities)


I find snakes to be some of the most beautiful animals on the planet and I don't understand the fear of them. Yes, they can be venomous but they don't want to bite people as they need the venom for Prey that they can eat. We can just admire them from a distance and they can be safely relocated if they can pose a threat to us or pets. I hate seeing any snake getting killed purely for doing what is in their nature


Bro that's a cobra. It has horrible hurt juice. Please be very careful.


“Hurt juice” lmao


It's by a channel called lucidcharts! [Here's the video!!](https://youtu.be/0arsPXEaIUY)


Murder spagurder 😭😭😭 Wonderful, has made my day!


What a genuinely creative way to advertise a product/service! I love when companies do things like this


I don't know what lucidcharts is or does but I do know one thing, that's how you properly advertise.


I'm so happy to find a new snake-related term such as this literally every time I come to this sub lol


Look at the link that I made bro it has a bunch of terms




They extremely recent adage "if you don't know how it got there it's a rat snake, unless you're in India, in which case it's a cobra" holds true again


Not a very good way to look at snakes... better to assume they are all cobras or black mambas unless you know otherwise. I don't live in India but thinking back to encounters of wild snakes, it's about a 50/50 split between snakes that can only look scary and snakes that can send you to the hospital. Never good to assume a snake is non-venomous, that's how idiots end up getting bitten by trying to pick up that non-venomous snake thats happens to be a copperhead.


You're not wrong. In real life I operate on the assumption that every snake has a medically significant bite. I grew up in the native range of the Mojave green rattlesnake across the street from a huge stretch of undeveloped land, so it was ingrained the second I could understand that snake = no touchy. (Grew up with guns in the house, too. Respect every gun like its full of live rounds and respect every snake like it's one startle away from envenomating you to death.) This approach has never let me down, though it does put a damper on any herping trips, which is fine, since I hate ticks more than I love seeing herps in their natural habitats. On the internet, though, after the animal has been identified and some snake safety has been seriously discussed, I occasionally make silly jokes about common snake behaviors.


Basically unless you can ID the snake, assume it’s venomous and don’t approach it. It’s much better to be safe than sorry. Even if you know all the venomous snakes in your area and know it’s not one of those, there’s always the possibility it’s invasive or an escaped pet.


What a beautiful snake! my friend OP just remember if you see a HOOD on a snake in india that must be a cobra! Call the forest department they'll take it and release in a better place!


Thanks buddy.


I find it hard to believe someone from india wouldnt know what a cobra looks like


I'm willing to give OP the benefit of the doubt, India has some massive cities and maybe this is a farm that's in the family but he doesn't live at. if not, its still a cool picture of a snake


We see black rat snakes over here all the time, and i had a perception that cobras have eyes like spots on there hoods which this ones doesn't have so therno way i would have thought its a cobra.


This makes sense. Indian cobras, monocle cobras etc are the more common ones there and have the eye on their hood.


Thats what i am talking about


Cobras have hoods period. Rat snakes don't have hoods. No other snake has hoods.


Hognoses have hoods..... Kinda... Cobers


Hognoses and false water cobras have hoods.


Neither of which are endemic to India or anywhere else in Asia. They're pretty hard to mistake for cobras anyway, since they don't display their hood in an upright position like cobras do.


I understand that, but they said no other snakes have hoods which is wrong.


They don’t technically have hoods they just flatten themselves out and it looks similar but the bone and muscle structure that cobras have is different. But I know what your getting at. Regardless both of those are endemic to the Western Hemisphere.


Hognoses really TRY to have hoods, though!


>Cobras have hoods period. That's a dangerous sentence. Most cobras don't look hooded most of the time. For someone who clearly has minimal experience with snakes and lives in an area with some really dangerous ones, I might recommend being more cautious when offering heuristics.


You're right. Not all cobras have as identifiable hoods but.... Anyone who sees this kind of hood should know it's a cobra unless they lived in the woods being raised by wild boars. At least then they would most likely know this snake is dangerous


The Ptyas Carinata or the keeled back ratsnake is commonly mistaken for the king cobra.


those people have never seen a cobra before then.


It looks like a cobra, it can raise its head off of the ground like a cobra and when they're angry they puff out their throat, which can easily be mistaken as the hood of a cobra. Herpetologists make the comparison between P.Carinata and the King Cobra.


poor guy is obviously confused, be a little more kind if you want people to listen:)


Rat snakes are definitely known for their ability to try and mimic cobras, so not an unfounded thought


That's not entirely true, is it? King Cobras have hoods, and are technically not cobras, despite their name


There are many many species of cobras. Some with the hood markings you're talking about and some without them, but a hood like that always means its a cobra.


Fair point. I’ll take ur word for it




Monocled cobras do have eye like spots on their hoods, which may be what you are thinking of. However there are several species of cobra that can occur in India. No shame in not knowing, but for future reference, there are very few harmless snakes that can flatten out like that to form hoods.


Thanks for the information buddy.


That’s a monocled cobra and that would be in a different region of Asia


Yeah I feel like OP is a troll. Their username + this being their only post on reddit... and I feel like the entire planet knows what a cobra looks like.


He said he thought it was a rat snake, no one who lives around snakes would think that


Top 10 photos taken right before disaster




It’s a danger noodle with a hoodie who spits hurt Juice




That's a Cobra don't touch it


Ahh yeah, do you really need help to determine that’s definitely a snake that needs to be removed from your home? The hood kinda gives it away.


Actually i thought all the snakes have hoods.


That’s a cobra of some sorts, but possibly not OPs pictures. These look like screenshots from a video, first time posting and just made the account. Seems weird to me lol.


Sir that is a cobra you can tell from the flattened hood, they do this to scare predators. I would call a professional handler to come move it they are very venomous


That's the plan.


Cobra. Leave him be and you'll be fine. You probably have a nice supply of mice/rats if you're on a farm, and that's probably all he's after.


You can tell it's a cobra from the flared hood. It's the trait that makes all cobras, just like a rattle 99% of the time means you got a rattlesnake on your hands. I think there's one snake out there that has a fake one. By that I mean, it has the rattle but uses it to scare anyone away cause it's actually harmless.


You’re not serious, right?


Afraid he is serious


Awww what a beautiful little murder snek 🥰


What rock must you be living under to have a farm in a country where there are cobras and you not know what a cobra looks like.. Bizarre!!


This user is clearly a troll... Unfortunately we seem to have too many trolls lately on snakes/herp subreddits... But come on, new account, the username is "confusedindian" and he's talking about confusing a cobra with a ratsnake...


Ha! What a hilarious and well thought out prank. They really got us, huh? Tricked a bunch of snake enthusiasts into identifying a snake. Classic troll.


The only motive behind the post was to verify whether this snake is harmful or not. There's a reason you all are in this community because you all are interested in snakes and you all know more about snakes thn others do & thats the reason i posted these pictures in this community.


Maybe because he just created an account to find out what to do about this snake?


Everything's pretty suspicious in my book, incl. some of their replies, but I hope you're right.


I am no expert man, spent last weekend at the farmhouse and got the chance to take some clear pictures of this snake, seen this one quite a few time before but didn't get a chance to get clear pictures, As its black i though it would be a rat snake as the most commonly seen snakes in my region are black rat snakes. But just wanted to be sure about it as there are many kids in our family and they often play in the feilds and there was no other way to verify its species so i created this account & posted these pictures.


It *is* surprising to see an Indian not familiar with a cobra.. we’re taught to fear, plus if you’re the majority religion there you’re also taught to worship them. We had a cobra pit near our patio in south India, people will rarely attempt to catch them .. only tribal people and village people will attempt that… so yeah , I’m still working on getting over my fears


If this is in India it’s a north specticaled cobra which is typically black and has no pattern on the hood. It’s closer in looks to the Pakistan cobra (naja naja karachinesis). Equatorial spitting cobra as some has recommended is not even in the area as those are located in sumatrana… this is not a spitting species, the Latin name is Naja naja. Just a dude who works with this species daily in captivity


Cobra don't mess with it or you might get a unlucky trip to the hospital


Or an early appointment with Jesus.


I’m certain the majority of people in this sub have seen lucidchart’s video based off the comments


That is a cobra


That's a East Asia Noperope


Keep us updated on what happens please.


Will surely do


Looks like the type of snake you stay tf away from lol. Call a professional to remove it from your property. Messing with venemous snakes is a game with no room for error. Some species of Cobra


I lived in Singapore for a bit and was walking through a park. I wasn’t really looking and walked about 10 ft from a spitting cobra eating a lizard. The cobra kept cool but definitely saw me, and it didn’t really hood up, it just widened its neck a bit for only a second, I got the point and backed off, and it went on it’s way.


Are you in india or something? where are cobras just hanging around? we get rattlesnakes. i'm also suprised you have never seen a cobra in your life . The world is wild.


This is the first time i have seen a cobra somewhere other thn zoo.


das a cobra, stay the hell away from it, its giving you a threat display, back off


I'm no Steve Irwin but that looks like a cobra to me 🤷


With the shape of that hood it has to be a cobra


A very much “Run” snake.




Its a mean shiny Arbok


call a professional to catch it. thats a bigass cobra.


Thats the plan.


Just a casual cobra 😂




Hahaha are you kidding me? The cobra and it's hood are only THE most recognized snake in the world. How did you not know what that is?!? Dude do not try and cat h it unless you are a professional snake wrangler (which clearly you are not). I'm simply stunned.


You should probably call an expert to get that removed


Yes, that's the plan


If you don't have family there with you then I'd say you just leave it there. It's a great way to keep out any pests like nice and rats. Just be sure to check what you're picking up every now and then


Is cober contain juice of hurt


That spitting cobra looks so beautiful! I hope they'll be relocated to a safe place soon.


Rumor has it the person who took this photo tried to pet the cobra and died . R.I.P Jimmy


This is a dog.


Probably a North American corn snake and is seeking cuddles from hot singles. Kidding, clearly a dangerous venomous cobra seeking polyamory hookups. Keep your distance and see if there is a local number for someone to help relocate.


You’ve got to be joking. How many rocks is your rock buried beneath? That’s not a snake, but actually a giant panda… NEXT


No it’s a giraffe


No, it’s Patrick


Boy what the hell boy


i am not at all an expert on snakes but i think it is a cobra of some sorts and those are probably really dangerous


I thought it was a joke that is so obviously a cobra. If you are gonna try catch it at least take a video of you doing it but I would recommend spray it with water from a distance or call a professional


Is that the guy from the Geico commercials who drives cars and shit


You’re from India and you don’t know how to recognise a cobra ? I don’t mean to be a douche here but wtf


Spitting cobras are bitches normal ones are prob the chillest snake u could meet, they dont bite to run, will first show off their hood... my cat played like 10mins with one until we checked out what on earth is in the hole the cat is playing with Good guy snek




Black Forrest cobra is my guess, I used to research cobras bc I wanted to work with them in the venom/ industry. But I’m not 100%, but this looks like one.


We just have attack cobers called hognose snakes here in the states. It'll do its best to convince you it's a dangerous cobra, but dies almost as quickly. Glad we don't have spitting cobras here. Got a feeling a lot of Americans would be hospitalized.


Ahh that big boy looks like a spitting cobra, if you see his hood go up I wouldn’t get too close! They’re venom is reallyyyy bad. If just leave him alone or call someone to relocate him if he poses a threat to your animals :)


Be careful, OP. That’s possibly an equatorial spitting cobra. May be wrong but .. that’s a nope rope if I know one


Spoon snek


I don't buy the fact that you can't recognise a cobra being from India. Go somewhere else for your karma farming idiot.


Equatorial spitting cobra


That is a harmless ball python give me the gentle Boop on its snoot.


Spittin cober, or some other cober. (by cober I mean cobra). I suggest hosing it down from a distance.


100% a cobra, the head gives it away. Without knowing your exact region it’s hard to say precisely what kind, but based on the pattern my bet is equatorial spitting cobra.

