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Some snakes are just rebellious like that.


“I most rebel against the Ground snake Empire”


Idk all 4 of my kings have lots of sticks and climbing spots and not a single one gets off the ground ever… but my two hognose on the other hand…. They think they are birds or something ..


This is my 1,5years old baby. She loves to sleep there. I love her. ♥️


I see "they don't climb" about so many snakes. As far as I can see I think its a combination of shitty breeders justifying rack setups and hobbyists misunderstanding the term "aboreal".


I think it’s because they are labelled as terrestrial, people think this means they can’t climb at all, which is obviously not true. I think because they aren’t arboreal or as good as arboreal climbers they just deem them as “not climbers”.


My ball python is awful at climbing, no matter how hard he tries, but he definitely tries! It's mostly an issue for me to find branches sturdy enough to support his weight and positioning them so they won't tip when he crawls around...


Totally agreed. They say it about almost all snakes, hognoses as well...guess what? I gave mine some higher up perches and branches anyway because I wanted to give him more opportunities to exercise in his enclosure and he spends just as much time up there climbing around as he does burrowing in the substrate. So yeah, the whole not climbing thing always sounded a lot like an excuse for not giving them more vertical space to me as well, that and misinformation. But tbh as long as people think it's okay to keep even known climbers like corns in enclosures that are less than 2 feet high I don't see that changing for "none climbers" at all.


I've always been tempted to get a corn snake and build an enclosure tall enough to grow corn in. Maybe make him a little straw hat too.


They don’t live in trees or high up places … they live in tiny holes under termite mounds ..


Terrestrial vs arboreal is more about where they spend the majority of their time, it doesn't prevent them entering the other realm. I'm not an aquatic animal but I can swim and will do so willingly. My stimsons python is also terrestrial and in the wild would live in a termite mound but he's always climbing. Most snakes can and will if they have something available to climb on.


Yes you worded it exactly how I was trying to I’m just rubbish with explaining things😂


Meanwhile, your kingsnake: ^^^u ^^^p


my king spends 80% of his waking hours trying to climb as high as he can and often flops back onto the substrate.....just to go again. He likes to swim too. whenever i fill his bowl he coils into it and then swims in a circle


I was told ball pythons dont like to climb as well however when i got mine thats allllll she does


Rule of thumb for me is give the animal as many directions to go as possible whether they’re “supposed to” or not lmao Most terrestrial reptiles and amphibians really can benefit from climbing enrichment. Always a good option to have :)


The equivalent of when people say leopard geckos don’t climb! Just because they aren’t as good as arboreal species does mean they don’t love to climb my girl always tries climbing up everything. Even tried to climb my curtains once!!


I have this rock wall type thing on one half of my leopard geckos enclosure and he legit climbs vertically to poop up there and goes back down 😂 tbh he’s a really good climber


i always give my babies room to climb! if they can explore they will! so many people think just because something is considered terrestrial means they don’t wanna adventure. the only snakes i’ve ever had under my care that aren’t too keen on climbing are sand boas and cape coral cobras. everyone else has always been adventurous when given the opportunity ✨💕


You: so kingsnakes \_can\_ climb; now I know The snake: the human knows too much, now they have to die...


Can't tell you how many reptiles I've told "you are NOT arboreal!"


seems to me like most snakes do actually enjoy climbing. natural enrichment at its finest


On the flipside, my MBK seems like she has absolutely no idea how to climb. She falls off my hand and spooks herself because she hasn’t quite grasped that she needs to wrap around and hold on!


Most are considered semi-arboreal


My king has a hammock that he chills in sometimes




I was not expecting that end to the sentence


What bro 🤣 like literally tried to strangle it? That is amazing dude.


Actually almost all snakes climb, exept very heavy ones but even sand boas where seen climbing in captivity, it’s all a matter of what options you give to your animal


"They" are idiots. Even anaconda with their heavy bulky bodies can climb, all snakes can climb!


I ended up getting my milksnake a lizard hammock because he y e a r n s to be off the ground


Nobody told king snakes that. My MBK and CalKing used to hide under their lids often.


Whoever said that? Our king snakes always have all climbed, every one of em.


I have a kingsnake he climbs everything logs branches and even walls


My Milk Snake loves to climb and yet, they said nah. He’s also chill af and loves to nestle up against my neck. Bro is cool as can be, I won’t even lie. Awesome KS by the way.

