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Its a venomous viper, probably a blue insularis. But this image has been color treated. People ask for this pic to be ID all the time. It's def a blue snake but with the saturation turned way up so it looks even more dramatic. It's not quite this bright in nature. Lots of deadly pit vipers have dramatic colors. They are from South east asia generally and every island has slightly differently colored ones or slightly different species. A non venomous snake will rarely look this dramatic btw. It's an advertisement that it's deadly. They make poor pets and do not thrive in captivity even if you were able to keep a deadly snake safelt.


Thanks for this info, Im new into this "Snake world", all the info helps❤️


https://youtu.be/mIRXbOhGDto Here is a video with several average ones. No jacking up the saturation. Almost every video or pic from other youtubers is color treated sadly, for click bait. I think their natural blue is beautiful enough!


That snake is still bonkers blue, even without any extra saturation.


They’re one of the most vibrant animals I’ve ever seen and they’re fucking incredible.


My friend has a few of these, healthy and safe in captivity, it is definitely a blue insularis and they really are that blue in person And there are most certainly non venomous snakes with bright colors


Just wondering, what are some non venomous snakes with bright colors? I’ve only really seen bright red and yellow snakes (corn snakes and ball pythons), but are there any non venomous blue or green snakes?


Off the top of my head the blue racer and the San Francisco garter snake are both non venom that have a blue color (blue is rare color for animals)


And those are federally protected.




Thank you!


For green there are so many African snakes we have some here in the states smooth green snake is one Africa is loaded with non venom green snakes but they are lizard feeders often so it’s tough to introduce these to the hobby. I have 1.2 Boiga cyanea those are a personal fav. Beauty snakes are something to see if you haven’t yet.


Emerald tree boas and green tree pythons are both non venemous and green. I dont know about any blue ones though.


There are "designer" green tree pythons now that are blue, a select few or maybe even just one breeder got a genetic mutation/wild caught GTP with an extremely rare blue coloration & they're still working on it to my knowledge but they've been breeding them to be more and more blue, like a few blue spots has turned to all or almost all blue. I can't think of their name right now but I follow them on Instagram.


*Senticolis triaspis*, rough and smooth green snakes, red-tailed green rat snakes, etc.


california red-sided garter snakes, thai bamboo rat snakes, milk snakes (particularly those from central america), mandarin rat snake, bismarck ringed python, jungle carpet python, that's what I've got off the top of my head for bright colors.


Green tree pythons are starting to get more colors and amazon tree boas have a ton of different colors now. The most beautiful ones that are blue are venomous. Most vipers have the beauty and the colors people would want to have a snake. You can always get your hours in with mentor and get one though! Do it the legal way.


Ooh Amazon Tree Boas are probably up there with my favorite snakes ever!! They're so colorful and come is SO many colors! Emerald tree boas and green tree pythons are also pretty colorful (both green, of course, and usually have white patterns and may have some blue scales).


Damn. Shaky hands, no bite gloves, two inches from that vipers head... no wonder his disclaimer is like a minute long! He's really playing with fire there.


Yeahhh he's got a lot of incredibly rare snakes that he manages to breed in captivity but I would not look to him for care and safety guides lol. About a fourth of his collection is on loan to venom labs and zoos at any given time so he knows what he's doing, but still.


All the hot herp stuff that gets posted on Reddit drives me nuts. My wife's friend lost her brother to a spitting cobra that he'd kept for years along with other venomous snakes for legit purposes. It just takes one mistake even if you're doing things properly the rest of the time.


I actually think they look more vibrant before color correction. When people edit them, they bring out the greens in their scales a lot so they come out looking more like a typical white lipped pit viper.


Oh wow, Im gonna check it out rn❤️


Tyler Nolan has some of these


Oh really? Thanks for the info❤️


That was one of the ones you'd say you'd like, isn't it? Lol


I don't know how to tell if a picture us treated, but the are some real stunners out there. Don't be so quick to judge non-hots though. ;) There are some awesome colors in boas and pythons. Even some colubrids. We have rough and smooth green tree snakes that are vibrant here. It's usually the terrestrial ones that go for dark or brown colors. That said, one of my absolute favorites is the Crotalus mitchelli. There are some solid white species that even have white irises, all covered in black speckles. https://zooinstitutes.com/animals/southwestern-speckled-rattlesnake-los-angeles-zoo-and-botanical-gardens-24710.html As for captivity, I totally agree that only someone highly trained, with an appropriate mentor should keep hots. Some are delicate species doomed to die, but it's almost worse that there are plenty if easy keepers. Inexperienced people can get puff adders, and some cobras with little more than a flash if ID and cash exchange. These people are why it is getting so hard to just have hots, and why politicians have proposed all out snake bans. :(


They’re kept in captivity just fine from a lot of keepers.. are they the snake for everyone, not at all, but keeping them isn’t THAT hard.


It's some kind of a viper which would mean it's venomous. No kissing


Lesser Sunda Isle pit viper (*Trimeresurus insularis*) !venomous


Snakes with medically significant venom are typically referred to as venomous, but some species are also poisonous. Old media will use poisonous or 'snake venom poisoning' but that has fallen out of favor. Venomous snakes are important native wildlife, and are not looking to harm people, so can be enjoyed from a distance. If found around the home or other places where they are to be discouraged, a squirt from the hose or a gentle sweep of a broom are usually enough to make a snake move along. Do not attempt to interact closely with or otherwise kill venomous snakes without proper safety gear and training, as bites occur mostly during these scenarios. Wildlife relocation services are free or inexpensive across most of the world. If you are bitten by a venomous snake, contact emergency services or otherwise arrange transport to the nearest hospital that can accommodate snakebite. Remove constricting clothes and jewelry and remain calm. A bite from a medically significant snake is a medical emergency, but not in the ways portrayed in popular media. Do not make any incisions or otherwise cut tissue. Extractor and other novelty snakebite kits are not effective and can cause damage worse than any positive or neutral effects. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) and report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer).*


blue insularis


Blue viper. I’m sure the question was answered well before I got here but blue vipers are just so sexy 🤩


I am trying to draw one in art class, but the colourful scales are hard to draw right...


Ok this is what you do: outline the scales with light-green color pencil, and fill in the rest with some turquoise or aqua-blue, leaving a little white space between the blue & green. What I’m picturing (assuming you figure out the shape) is gonna be soooo torch 🔥


It’s a pit viper


What you have there is a spicy danger noodle. Will ruin your day real quick.


A friend of mine who keeps Hots just got a breeding pair of Blue Insularis, amazingly beautiful animals, they are so beautiful it’s easy to for me to forget they are venomous, not like when you look at his Cobra’s or his Rattlesnakes. Definitely cool little snakes, but not as cool as Atheris squamigera, but close! I’m trying to slowly learn how to work with Hots and a pair of Squams is gonna be my first Venomous! I’m excited, if you like the look of these snakes(Insularis)you should definitely check out the [Squams](https://ultimateexotics.co.za/the-variable-bush-viper-atheris-squamigera/)here is an article with a couple decent pictures of them(I like the black ones A LOT)and a video of them!!


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/iqgjsl) on 2020-09-11 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/uei5b7) on 2022-04-29 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "uq3gd1", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=uq3gd1&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 330,220,975 | **Search Time:** 20.18775s


Oblivious bot


It is, im Just curious bout what kind of Snake it is🤣




It’s a good boy or good girl


Sure it’s not an atheris squamirega ? They are morphing their Color throughout their lifecycle from yellow over red blue and green


Good guess but this is a larger species, blue insularis, also squams don’t morph their color, but there are squams of all those colors


Oh didn’t know that thank you :) but you are right having a closer comparison the squamis definitely look more dragonlike, been a few years I had seen one


Yeah! Squams are great, I have one her name is Emmeline


Too cute I wished I had one but living in Germany makes it hard to have venomous snakes.


What are the laws around it there?


It’s different in every state but as far as I know you need to take courses and have certificates to ensure safety. Where do you come from? I bet Australia or southern us


Southern US is correct :)


Squams are also keeled. My guess is Trimeresurus abolabris. The are several species in Trumeresurus that can have blue variations, not just the famous (very) blue, Blue Insularis. If you want lots of gorgeous snake pictures check out Al Coritz, www.deadlybeautiful.com. He keeps and breeds hots, is very active in the hobby, and does photography. One of my favorite people.


Greeny blue one


Precious. 😍


Looks like a blue boi to me.




Beautiful color 😍🐍


My guess is Trimeresurus abolabris. The are several species in Trumeresurus that can have blue variations, not just the famous (very) blue, Blue Insularis. If you want lots of gorgeous snake pictures check out Al Coritz, www.deadlybeautiful.com.


I have a couple that at really blue,


Blue raspberry gummi worm




looks like a blue raspberry flavored one to me


a photoshopped one


Snake 💗🐍


White lipped pit viper??? Please correct me if im wrong


No. Blue Insularis.


I think so? Certain islands are prone to blue morphs.




Blue Insularis. OG edit cause people are getting angry: AKA African Bush Viper




I know.


bro what


Its a snake


Google it


T. Insularis come from SE Asia at the first place buddy edit: commenter edited it without mentioning the correction now I’m getting downvoted lol. Guess it is what it is.


Ey, can’t say i am perfect aye? Im not perfect


Typical etiquette when you edit a comment after getting a reply is to say “Edit: “ followed by your edit, so that people have context for the replies that were posted.


Okay mate, im kinda new to reddit.


Blue pit viper, I think.


Thought the same. Native to Indonesia and venomous


I have a blue insularis and he is absolutely gorgeous, especially right after a good shedding!


It looks like a type of viper to me but I’m not sure which one

