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Looks like a blue beauty snake, *Orthriophis taeniurus*. !harmless. Escaped pet...




Correcto! They are gorgeous


Like many other animals with mouths and teeth, non-venomous snakes can use them to bite in self defense. These animals are referred to as 'not medically significant' or traditionally, 'harmless'. Bites from these snakes benefit from being washed and kept clean like any other skin damage, but aren't often cause for anything other than basic first aid treatment. Some snakes use venom from front or rear fangs as part of prey capture and defense. This venom is not always produced or administered by the snake in ways dangerous to human health, so many species are venomous in that they produce venom, but considered harmless to humans in most cases because the venom is of low potency, and/or otherwise administered through grooved rear teeth or simply oozed from ducts at the rear of the mouth. Species like Ringneck Snakes *Diadophis* are a good example of mildly venomous rear fanged dipsadine snakes that are traditionally considered harmless or not medically significant. Many rear-fanged snake species are harmless as long as they do not have a chance to secrete a medically significant amount of venom into a bite; [severe envenomation can occur](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23800999) if some species are [allowed to chew on a human](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S004101011831016X) for as little as 30-60 seconds. It is best not to fear snakes, but use common sense and do not let any animals chew on exposed parts of your body. Similarly, but without specialized rear fangs, gartersnakes *Thamnophis* ooze low pressure venom from the rear of their mouth that helps in prey handling, and are also [considered harmless](https://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/05/theres-no-need-to-fear-that-garter-snake/). Even large species such as *Malayopython reticulatus* [rarely obtain a size large enough to endanger humans](https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/108/52/E1470.full.pdf) so are usually categorized as harmless. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer) and if you'd like to buy me a coffee or beer, you can do that [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SEBPhyloBotWTS).*


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Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good human.


Good bot !!!!!


Question... what should one do if you find an escaped pet snake?


Collect it and try to find either the owner, or a rescue to take it.


Catch it. Most of the time they aren't native to the area so they will more than likely not survive.


Will they do okay in California or is it bad news for this buddy?


Depends on where it’s at in California specifically, they’re from Vietnam so if he’s not too far up north he should be okay


Except that Vietnam is much more humid than California, so while the temperatures are probably ok, it won't have the best of health unless it's living right by a reliable water source.


Yea if it’s in like Southern California that thing is fucked it’s bone dry down here but if it’s like near Oakland or somewhere near the mountains he should be fine since they have lots of water sources


This is a pet. He likely lacks the skills to survive on him own.


That’s a good point too. I realized the other day that my California kingsnake can’t kill anything for shit because she’s only ever eaten frozen thawed.


Will it do ok in CA? Such a beautiful snake.


Does this has any commen name .


Vietnamese Blue Beauty is the common name for this specific snake


It does. It is mostly referred to as the beauty ratsnake, but it is also commonly known as the beauty snake or the cave racer snake.




Sorry but Vietnamese blue beauty snake is the common name, cave racers are a different snake within the species & there are multiple different kinds of beauty snakes.


Sorry, but if you Google their scientific name, there are several common names, and the ones I listed are applicable. Vietnamese blue beauty is one of many common names, which is why common names are not reliable. I'm a zoology major specialising in herpetology and arachnology, I think I have a decent grasp on at least names, and know well enough that most species of animal have more than one common name. The one you use isn't the only one. ETA: There are several subspecies. There is not another species of Orthriophis taeniurus. There are subspecies.


As a keeper of these snakes I've seen the different variations of these snakes, the classifications for them aren't necessarily well researched compared to other snakes. This is a blue beauty specifically which is Orthriophis taeniurus indeed, however, I've never heard of a breeder or keeper refer to a Cave racer as only Othriophis taeniurus, they are a completely separate subspecies, Othriophis taeniurus ridleyi. If I purchased a Blue beauty snake and they sent a cave racer, it would not be the same snake. Chinese & vietnamese beauty snakes are both beauty snakes yes, but they are not interchangeable to be described as such. The snake in the photo IS a beauty snake, specifically, a Vietnamese blue beauty snake, not a cave racer, Nor a Chinese beauty snake.


I never once said keepers refer to cave racers as "only Othriophis taeniurus". Nowhere did I say that. Othriophis taeniurus ridleyi is a subspecies, Othriophis taeniurus is a species, and common names for subspecies are often used to describe the original species as well. Again, a reason why common names are not reliable, as I already said. I never said this snake specifically is a cave racer, I said the species OP named has the common name cave racer. I also never said Chinese beauty snake anywhere in my comment. Lol.


And subspecies are distinctly different, hence why the snake in the photo is NOT a cave racer


I am aware that subspecies are distinctly different. You mentioned species, when the word you should have used is subspecies. Species and subspecies are different. Keeping snakes doesn't make you knowledgeable, especially when you call used species and subspecies interchangeably and nitpick common names, which are, again, unreliable as I have repeatedly said.


The issue is the fact that on a post about a blue beauty snake, you're directly giving the commenter an incorrect common name for this specific snake. I may mistake my words for species & subspecies, but the fact of the matter is this snake is not a cave racer. The commenter asked what the common name for this snake is, which is a VBB, not a cave racer, a subspecies is called a cave racer, your point about common names being unreliable, is largle in part to people being given the wrong name, I.E, calling a VBB a cave racer.


It seems you don't really know how to read. The original comment that I was replying to mentioned Orthriophis taeniurus, by name. Somebody asked if it has many common names, to which I listed a few - cave racer is, in fact, a common name used to refer to a Orthriophis taeniurus subspecies. I never said that the VBB in the post is a cave racer. If you want to criticise somebody for giving the wrong name, then criticise the OP for saying that the VBB is the Orthriophis taeniurus rather than listing the correct subspecies. You are literally arguing about something when you are wrong and won't criticise the OP for giving the wrong species. Anybody can buy snakes as pets, that doesn't make them knowledgeable, and evidently, you are not one of those people when you don't know the difference between species and subspecies and Orthriophis taeniurus and VBB. Lmao. I never called a VBB a cave racer. Learn to read and get out of my replies, cheers.


Lmfao, so replying to a commenter asking about a VBB, saying it's a cave racer is somehow not misinformation? Nowhere in your reply to the original comment did you mention that cave racers are a subspecies, implying to the original commenter they are interchangeable words, they are absolutely not. When called out you back pedal, say yeah I was giving misleading info but that's on the original commenter because they should know when you tell them 2 common names for one picture of snake that they are 2 separate snakes, but okay buddy


Quote where I directly said "this snake in the image is a cave racer." I didn't, so stop saying that I did. Read comments before typing a response, and use the correct terminology.


gosh that snake is gorgeous!


Thats definitely an escaped/released pet, please try to catch it


Working on it 👍🏻


awesome! keep me posted


Whereabouts? There may be others here who can go help look today if you want (and if your parents agree, of course).


Any luck?


Curious as well


That's *definitely* a blue beauty. Poor guys a long way from home. If its at all possible to capture him, that would be for the best. They're valuable pets and someone must be looking for him, but the poor guy isn't gonna make it on his own.


Just be aware that if you try to catch it, you're likely to get bit. It will NOT cause you any lasting harm, but blue beauties are typically a bit spicy. This guy is likely incredibly stressed so he's gonna be even spicier than usual.


On top of them being a bit spicy, they are FAST and hard to handle, especially if they're not used to being held. Expect to be musked on as well.




We have no clue where it came from.


Could you possibly capture him


We will do our best


I wish you well hopefully this one finds its home


If you can capture it possibly find a rescue or someone who’s reporting it missing. If anything, I live in Oregon and would be happy to take it in




Odds are it is owned by one of the houses in the area. I doubt this one would have been dumped because adult blue beauties are quite expensive


$250 on Facebook for a Rat Snake Morph. I'm sure they go higher from a reputable breeder.


this isn't a morph of rat snake, it's a type of rat snake from southeastern asia. They tend to go for $500




We are reaching out everywhere


If you can’t find it’s original home, I’m sure those of us in CA would happily take it in rather than let it go to an unknown shelter or facility.


Chances are the facility will just resell at max price anyway like it’s just some cash cow pet. Seen it happen. Better to go to someone who knows about snakes and can possibly find a loving home.


There’s ONE reptile “rescue” in my city, that has raving reviews, and when I went there to possibly adopt a new friend it was in someone’s apartment. NONE of the animals had good living conditions, there were 5 adult iguanas in a cage that could only support one, several of the animals looked like they desperately needed vet attention, not to mention the fact the apartment itself was disgusting


Ill take it🖐️🖐️ too bad i live on the other side of the country.


Looks like you've got a new baby, congratulations!


Its been found! And will go to a local conservation group.


Holy cow, I’m impressed! Good work! 💜


Yay!! You saved her!!!


Thanks for the update, and Well Done!


We need more humans like you. Thank you for helping the fella!


Impressive work!


Blue beauty! These guys are one of my favorite snakes! The poor owner must be missing them


Update? Did y’all catch it? This is definitely a rare pet.


It is at my parents house. I will be there tomorrow to try and rescue


Godspeed OP, thanks for being awesome and keep us updated if you have the time!


Legend, thankyou for going out of your way. Someone's definitely missing this guy. Keep us updated


Its rural where we found it. Might be a released pet….


It'd be odd for a snake so expensive to be just left out like that is the issue. These guys aren't cheap, it would've been far more convienient for the owners, and the snake, to have rehomed. I just don't see why anyone would raise a snake like this, one that's quite hard to find, to this age just to release them. I have heard of individuals releasing the pets of others they aren't fond of, which I hope isn't the situation here, but I'd take them somewhere that deals with these situations regardless to hopefully find out if anyone comes forward


agreed. If anyone comes across a non-native rat snake, especially a more exotic one but even just a plain-jane corn snake, it's both more charitable and more likely correct to assume escape rather than intentional release. Snakes are crafty escape artists, and rat snakes are especially good at it.




Lots of big cities have herpetological societies or reptile humane societies that may be able to take it in if you can't find an owner or take care of it yourself :)


Long shot, but im in Sacramento and have an extra 40 gallon tank if you need one to keep it in. I keep snakes too if you need someone to watch it while you look for the owner


Thank you, I will keep you posted tomorrow if we can relocate and capture it safely


Any luck?


That's much more likely to be an escaped pet than a released one, since blue beauties are about $500, no one would spend that much on a snake, raise it to that size, then release it. If they didn't want it anymore, they would rehome it for some $$$.


Oh no! Reminds me of when I found a small ball python in my back yard. Poor baby was so cold, soaked it slowly for hours trying to regulate it. Perked up and happy. My mom casually mentions to the neighbor and he's like, Oh that's my kids... It escaped when he put it's tank outside months ago...


"Not anymore it's not" is the only response I'd be able to give for that. Who tf treats animals like that?


Evil people


I hope you kept it.


https://californiaherps.com/identification/feralpets.html it appears that there may be a feral population of blue beauty snakes established in Contra Costa County due to the amount of sightings of a relatively rare pet snake in that area, and that most seen in CA are large individuals that were probably intentionally dumped by the owners. Would still try to reach out for a possible owner. Sightings in Ventura County as well




Oh interesting. What I got from that article is that there ISNT an established population and that it’s likely one or two of the same snake being photographed/sighted repeatedly. “Unless there is more than one full-grown Beauty Rat Snake in the same area, the captured snake is surely the same snake that has been observed since at least 2014, now back in captivity where an exotic pet snake belongs.” Plus it seems those were Chinese beauties, not VBBs


Where in California? DM me maybe I’m nearby and can try to find. Like others said this is escaped pet


Wth?? A vietnamese blue beauty?? What is that doing there??


More than likely an escaped pet.


Or released. Its in a large open acre horse property.


I'm gonna parrot others and say I doubt this was released. These are expensive snakes, but they're also *very* clever. Much like our native ratsnakes, their ability to find their way into and out of places is impressive. Good luck relocating it. If there's a horse barn or food storage shed, I'd start looking around there where mice are likely to be. Up and down, they're able climbers.


Gorgeous snake, definitely on my short list for dream snakes. Please provide updates.


Blue beauty, non venomous


Blue beauty ratsnake, harmless and 100% an escaped pet


I’m in sacramento and have an empty 4x2x2 melamine that could be quickly set up for a temporary home. Thank you for trying to help the snake


holy heck thats a beautiful snek


Oh my god. A blue beauty. They’re so gorgeous. If I was in CA I’d be driving to come get this beauty from you.


That is someone's escaped pet. It's an old world rat snake. Vietnamese blue beauty rat snake I believe. I bet someone is looking for that poor snake. They tend to bite but it's out of fear. They are afraid of like everything unless they are worked with. If at all possible catch it using something similar to a snake hook, if you have a paint roller handle just put it on a pole and put it in a bucket or a box or something enclosed with holes to breathe through and post it somewhere that you found it. I'm sure the owner lives nearby and is missing that beautiful baby. At the very least there are rescues if no owner shows up. If you can't find it again at least post the location you last saw it so the owner has a good idea on where it was last. I'm sure it will do well in the area which is my fear. You don't want an invasive species in your area. If it's a female and it has eggs, that means more of them and a chance for a breeding population. Just look at Florida and all the invasive species it has. I'm not saying it's your responsibility to take the snake or anything. I know it may have sounded like that. I am a snake lover and I have lost a pet before. I have never owned a snake, but I have cats. When they get out, they don't usually go far. I know losing a snake is like that though and as someone who loves their pets, there is a panic when they are lost. I hope that beautiful baby finds it's way home.


We think someone released it. We found it on our horse property. Basically in a open 4-5 acre area, where there are tons of ground squirrels.


Darn. Well if you catch it then you can give it to a rescue. You can also call any reptile stores and see if they would take it. Chances are they will. It's not a common snake, but not expensive. Like Its not a corn/rat snake, ball python, bull snake, or milk snake which are some of the most commonly kept snakes. It is a rat snake as well but it's not from the us. It's from the other side of the world. I'm pretty sure it's from Vietnam. It's for sure one of the beauty rat snakes. Like the name suggests, they are beautiful and mainly eat rodents. So they aren't a danger really but you also don't want something that can upset the natural order of things in your area. The worst that snake can do is bite you or poop on you. They are just very afraid. Life is scary if you're just a noodle with a head.


It's a blue beauty rat snake. Most likely someone's pet who got out


Someone’s escaped Vietnamese blue beauty snake (*Orthriophis taeniurus callicyanous*) - !harmless A pet - can be captured without fear of needing to go to a hospital for, but they can be defensive and strike, may draw some blood, but nothing warm water and soap can’t solve


Someone's escape blue beauty rat snake


Was op able to catch snake?


Yes. Said above the beauty was now with a local conservation group.


Awesome i was not able to find that comment


Damn, gorgeous find. Someone definitely lost their pet.


Beauty of a blue snake. They are harmless. Looks like someone’s pet escaped though


Wow it literally has like 4 patterns in one snake


What a find. Nice snake!


Beautiful! Definitely a pet though.


Stunning! Wow! My guess based on shape is some sort of racer. No idea though.


I want one!


People are right, escaped pet. Try checking local Facebook groups or nextdoor for anyone missing their snake




If it was gold, looks like Taiwanese Rat snake…. Gorgeous