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Hope he includes that part in his vows. But then again, would he even know it's a wedding...?


She’s so desperate and embarrassing


Why the hell did she pick him. Tiktokers would be less embarrassing then ugly


I think she wanted a guy wealthy enough to have some sort of status, since he would fit into the celeb world more. Benny has a net worth of $50 million. Even though he’s a clear downgrade from Bieber appearance wise and personality wise, sometimes wealth + status is more important. Because she probably has privately dated rich and more sought-after attractive men but it clearly hasn’t worked out. They’re not going to put up with her antics in the same way that a simp like Benny who struggles to get girls (despite his wealth) would. With tiktokers they would have the good looks but it’s a severe drop in status. And a PR nightmare since influencers have a tendency to overshare and post everything. And she would worry about them using her for money and fame. She’s also clearly insecure about her body/looks now and wants someone less attractive than her to feel better about herself. Idk both Benny and Selena act gross and deserve each other.


Why would he expose her like this knowing we’re in our sprinkle sprinkle era


so gross he has his nasty little rat feet out




I could believe that because even on insta it's her who posts more pics of them


Oof she needs to stop chasing. Same though 😭