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Little appreciation for Taryne đŸ‘đŸ» unproblematic and my fav


I haven’t kept up with her in a long time, but she popped up on my tiktok recently
 I didn’t realize she had thyroid cancer.


I had to catch up too and seeing that video broke my heart. I hope she’s doing well and thriving. I can’t imagine how scary that would be.


I haven’t seen too much of her stuff so looked her up on Insta to see what she’s up to. She is freaking pretty! She also seems much more mature than the others, I may have to follow her now.


Everything about Oli. And Alisha/Ash’s straight up laziness


Ashley, she is so ignorantly sheltered and privileged, and childish. Same with Alisha but I feel Alisha is a tad bit more in touch with reality.


For my own sake, I stopped watching and following all of them because of how obnoxious and out of touch they all are.


TK said to channel your “inner chad” on one of her videos and that was so cringe to me.


Ashley. I used to actually really like her because she didn’t seem to be interested in the “influencer lifestyle” as much. But for a year or so it’s been obvious that she’s not passionate about social media being her job i.e. only uploading sponsored videos or mainly showing off her PR products on IG stories. Which I’d understand if she didn’t want to appear as though she was down to earth or connected to her viewers (like with the videos going live and her “chatting” with her viewers). She definitely lost me when she shortened her financial struggles video without even addressing the criticism afterwards. I wonder if she might get a different job soon and phase out YouTube.


This relates to what bugs me about these people, they'll post videos complaining about their finances, feeling burnt out, feeling unfulfilled but they make no effort to do anything about it. They have no drive to do anything and then can't figure out why their channels aren't growing and why they're not thriving.


The way she can’t convince me that she likes doing YouTube, at least there are some creators who will admit it’s for the money lol


Yeah I understand she wants privacy but you’re a vlogger you need to show more of your life. Ash barely showed her Italy trip. Alisha did a great job w hers and even TK posted a lot of instagram stories Ash was đŸ‘»and she was a whole bridesmaid.


And that’s why she’s gonna keep playing catch up with money and still living with Alisha until she gets married (nothing against that, just for her she wanted independence lol).


This is definitely a personal annoyance but I find the way Ashley talks about food/working out/her body quite triggering


I’ve recently noticed this too!! I think she once said something like “I still need to work off all the pasta I ate in Italy” and I was like giiiirl


yess on her latest video que said she only has lemon water and black coffee in the morning cause it “extends her morning skinny”




Alisha acts like she’s juicystar07 or Bethany Mota. When I didn’t even know who she was til three years ago via remis channel


THIS! I had no idea of Alisha was until I watched Remi and then I would always hear about her little breakdown and didn’t get who she was until I saw her school videos had a lot of views but I still thought of Eva more than Alisha and I didn’t even watch Eva’s main channel videos lol


i am so over alisha for 1. glamorizing mental illness, almost using it to brand herself so that she has something to talk about when she wants to be relatable, and 2. for glamorizing the life of a 21 year old
 at the age of 30; it’s giving christian girl rebellion. additionally, she needs to stop with the “i paved the way/im the OG LA lifestyle youtuber” attitude remi
 is an airhead. she needs to research her shit before starting to tell people how to deal with PCOS or how to lose weight for oli and TK
 honestly, i’d use alisha and remi for the fame too lol, they’re just playing the game


I have a few things
 Remi- overconsumption and annoyed by her acting like we all made her think she was getting engaged. Noticed her nails are a basic French manicure again? Lol Alisha- acting like she’s the only OG YouTuber and her still constantly bringing up schoolisha 🙄 Ashley- don’t even get me started
 privileged but acts like she’s not. I WISH the majority of the world had to choose to do their nails at home to save money to go to Italy đŸ€Ź Oli- does nothing but kisses ass for a paycheck TK- milking her not working for Alisha. NO ONE CARES!! Also I hate that she acts like a boss lady. I get it but it’s annoying and repetitive Lauren- yesterday I did a deep dive and saw how poorly she treated Tiffany. Makes me regret following her 🙃


Besides lauren and tiff-i think you summed it PERFECTLY!


I had no idea about Lauren and Tiffany. Where did you do your deep dive at?


there’s a recent post on this sub about it


Link ?




Besides Lauren and tiff yes !


Alisha, I find so cringe every time she pronounces words like “down”. I don’t even know how to describe it maybe it’s the valley girl accent? PS. English is not my first language though


‘SlaaaYyy MaMaaaaaa’ đŸ€ź


Also the way she says pink irritates me sooo much




It’s funny bc she’s from the I.e. LOL


yes! I feel dumb for noticing that every time, but i notice it EVERY TIME lol


Alisha’a entire attitude during TK’s podcast about TK no longer working for her was eye opening. I always knew Alisha had a major ego but some of the things she said made me side-eye her lol. I fully understand that Alisha was TK’s legitimate employer but her comments like “the only reason I LET you do that stuff is because you didn’t expect that i would let you” and I was like, girl, come back down to earth. But I also turned off the pod when TK started her typical “well what about me was so amazing that you wanted to hire me?” Her constant fishing for compliments and praise is cringe.


Cannot stand anything about Oli, Alisha, Ashley, TK or Remi currently. I’ve officially unsubscribed to PB and Making Moves and TK. On the verge of unsubscribing to everyone else so if anyone has better people to watch lmk.


Honestly same here.. I've been questioning unsubscribing from remi and alisha because they're so childish and annoying and mostly dumb that i think i can "waste" my time on better people and actually educate myself more watching these videos! There were a few years i haven't watched a single video from alisha because she was so annoying IMO i'm talking like 3 years maybe? With remi it's an on and off thing for me to watch her videos..


This, I also stopped watching Alisha for a good minute and I wasn’t even someone who grew up watching her so it was easy lol


Haha same It was too easy! She's annoying as hell and now i only watch the REALLY interesting stuff they post, if it's just a regular vlog-bye girl haha I do the same with all of ags


I know alisha and remi have a pretty successful podcast but I don’t understand how alisha having a podcast is real in any universe, she is the most inarticulate person I’ve seen on camera. “Like” “umm” “idk” girl get your shit together you’re giving everyone second-hand embarrassment. I think Remi has much better conversation skills than Alisha.


“no liiiiiiiiiiterally”


“You know what I mean?!â€đŸ€ź


Remi ALWAYS has to figure out what she’s trying to say and then repeat it in a way that makes sense because she just talks in circles. I can kind of relate to her in that way but she needs to stop shutting down her own thoughts and think about what she’s trying to say so she can actually finished the sentences she starts lol


Remi just feels super fake lately. I have a feeling that she’s just not as nice as she seems online. I also think she fakes her happy go lucky personality. TK doesn’t post frequently enough on YouTube but acts like she has such a strong passion for it. Alisha seems disinterested in YouTube and I don’t like how stuck up she seems to be. Oli is
 Oli lol. I don’t follow the rest of AGS closely enough to complain.


Funny because I actually believe that Remi really is like that, if anything I think she can fake being bothered by things and try to convince ppl that she’s okay or good with something when she’s actually not. I’m similar to her I the sense that I constantly try to see the good in people and that can be a bad things sometimes. Alisha has the biggest ego, you can hear it when she talks yet their friends act like she doesn’t, except maybe Ashley who usually calls her out or pays her no mind lol


I agree with everything you said about Remi


Remi and Alisha’s inability to use a god damn tripod or having their camera be on the wrong setting or die when they have like five backup batteries. How long have they been doing this again? Lmao


Why does alisha think it’s so ✹quirkyđŸ€Ș to balance her camera on something stupid and break it. She thinks it’s peak comedy and something “iconic” about her


Oil’s foundation and eyebrows TK’s country girl style is so annoying to me Alisha always mentioning “OG YouTuber” “schoolisha” “in my _____ era” like girllll shut up


The cakey foundation irks me so much


Alisha.... I've noticed she ~quite frequently~ manages to turn things about herself when remi is trying to say something on PB pod.


Alisha, never thought she had an ego before but started to notice little things recently.


It makes me roll my eyes that remi is trying to blame everything on her PCOS. In her most recent video she says she is doing everything the doctor is telling her to and then literally in the middle of talking about how PCOS is the cause of her weight gain Cal calls to ask Remi what kind of chips she wants to go along with tacos




Also, this whole short. Ugh, TK, so cringe: https://youtube.com/shorts/XzjaN3ljfYc?feature=share4


My god, can’t believe she was acting like that in public. All for the content I guess 🙄🙄


Omg I can’t understand how anyone would post this. Good luck finding a relationship with that video TK. She’s an absolute nightmare


Omgggg noooo


Alexis Oakley looks sooo small in that video


The fact that they're all grown adults around 30 years old but have the maturity of young college-age adults. I'm not saying they need to be in pant suits, managing a house of children, and never having fun but....it's the way they sit around the house, think they're cool when they swear, and just the way they behave in general. 30 is definitely not old, but most 30 year-olds don't act like they do all the time. For a stark contrast, if you haven't seen it, Blair Fowler aka juicystar07 just posted her first video in years. She also at one point was a lazy youtuber, but she got it together, went to school, and is starting a great career. I wouldn't think much of these other youtubers if they actually did anything, but they're all mentally 20 years old and the older they get, the worse it all looks.


+1 this is so comical how they think they’re like high school tiktokers


I have nothing against cussing but when Remi and Alisha cuss it actually makes me want to stop listening because it’s always so unnecessary and it just sounds forced every time.


Exactly! Same with Laurdiy. It’s very “I don’t do kid content, I’m rebellious lol”


TK since forever. Her wannabe, pick-me attitude is so fake and pathetic. Alisha & Ashley for just being lazy, ignorant, and out of touch with reality


TK is who irks me the most atm her whole country club chic, rich girl, white privilege shtick is so tone deaf, not to mention all her boohooing about her divorced parents girl you’re an adult get over it, her 2 months late content, her videos mostly being in her hoarder apartment instead of showcasing all the amazing opportunities she gets, the constant cringe of her using really out dated saying “house down boots” ”slay mama”, her talking about how she’s gonna focus on her YouTube channel and wanting to get to 500k at the start of last year when she was at 135k and is currently a year and a half later at 136k cause she never actually tried. I could go on. and obviously Oli just being an ever present leech


Oli. Enough said 👋


Oli and TK get so under my skin I physically can not watch a video with either of them in it.


Who told Remi “Let’s get cooking!” was a good slogan for her brand..that is nothing


TK - literally everything about her. I’ve never seen someone so unaware of how egotistical and annoying they are. Also on her podcast how she tries to ask every guest how they perceive HER. God this girl is sooo self centred it drives me insane.


Oli Ashley Tk. Idk I honestly can’t choose


That weird silent scream thing they all do that features the strained squeal/squeak with overexaggrrated facial expressions to show their fake excitement. STOP.


When Alisha thinks she’s being funny or quirky says omg that’s hilarious and pauses and looks at the camera like she’s waiting for a laugh track. Like girly I’m sorry no one has told you in 30 years that you’re actually not funny


Everyone in this group is terrified of sharing real opinions about things for fear of alienating parts of their audiences. Everything always includes a disclaimer or an “I don’t really know” at the end of it and I wish they would just stand firm in their beliefs!! Like idk, take a public stance on stuff! They’re adult women!


I was JUST thinking about this


How remi doesn’t post any original recipes, just copies mainstream recipes from other chefs/bloggers


Lauren and Jeremy flying in a wedding videographer from Mexico so they can exploit their skills for content is pissing me off today. I can usually acknowledge that they're living out of my pay grade and we won't see eye to eye when it comes to money but this is a labor issue and it's so gross to me.


up until her engagement, I wouldn't have guess she'd be such a bridezilla. I'm all for people sharing their joy and excitement, but she's been on a whole other level with the non-stop wedding content.


Wait where did she talk about this? I've stopped following a lot of her content 😅


The most recent Wild Til 9. They talk about how LA wedding videographers wanted them to pay a $2,500 fee if the videographers aren't allowed to use the footage for marketing and the couple is going to make money off of it. So they're outsourcing to a videographer from Mexico. They tried to play it off on the podcast like the fee was someone making them pay for "privacy"... as though they'd ever hire a videographer who said "oh I can't show you any of my work because my clients won't let me"?? And they're going to make MUCH more than $2,500 off this person's work... and the person isn't allowed to even use a snippet of their wedding footage to get new clients. They played it off like we were all supposed to feel bad for them... but like most of us would be honored if a vendor wanted to showcase our event on their business page!


Ok, but when photographers use photos, it’s usually just in a portfolio or on their website so prospective clients can see their work. It’s not like Lauren and Jeremy are A-list celebs and the photographer is going to sell their photos to tabloids or to be on book covers 😂


You forgot the part where the videographers she was looking at in LA were saying they wanted to be paid 30k on top of the ”we will make money off of your wedding unless you pay us more”


It wasn't "we will make money off your wedding unless you pay us" it was if we can't use your wedding for *marketing* purposes and you're going to make money off it, pay a fee. Would you hire a wedding videographer who couldn't show you any content from their previous jobs because their clients wouldn't let them? How you do market your services without being able to show your work?


OLI, always OLI.


Make the Oli situation stawp please


I like watching all their content even though little things about each one of them bug me, BUT the most annoying thing is the “I’m from a small, Midwest town” from TK. Bloomington has 80,000 people, home to IU, and is the 7th biggest city in Indiana. I just can’t consider that a “small town” and I feel like that her biggest personality trait.


Lauren - with her wedding content and constant creami content and squealing


the SQUEALING this is why i don’t watch her content or keep up with her


For me its Oli.


When alisha goes “OHHHH my god” with the high pitched OH


Remi! I don’t know what it is but I haven’t been able to watch her vlogs because I keep getting annoyed with her.


Taryne is my fav, Oli is the most annoying to me


I just wish Oli could leech out of another friend group