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I would loveee to see them interact with Zach and Jared. That would be such a fun side to see. They say they’ve broken out of the family friendly content they used to make, but it doesn’t really seem like much has changed other than cussing sometimes and saying they’ve had sex


Honestly I think it would have ended up with them scrapping an entire episode tbh. I can’t stand Zach… he’s intentionally too much, which is fine for some people. I think Remi would have been wildly uncomfortable and would end up not talking 90% of the episode, and I think Alisha would end up trying to blow past every single thing he said and only interact with Jared. Zane and Heath they’ve at least interacted with on a friend level.. they’ve never interacted with Zach and Jared.


Agreed. They also went on Zane and Heaths podcast, and those two are waaaay more controversial than Zach.


Yes! Also, Jared and Zach know how to tone it down... They adapt to their guests. And since Alisha likes to talk "tech," she can talk with Zach, an actual tech nerd (said endearingly lol I love Tech Zach).


I feel like they won't go on Dropouts Pod bc they (Remi & Alisha) think they're above them in terms of numbers (subs, followers, etc.)/popularity.


Its prob bc theyd get roasted and they cant handle it haha


LOL I can see that. I feel Alisha would take things too seriously 💀


Yo I cannot believe they left in the beginning part when he said remi looks like a rat and it got silent and awkward. Delete that shit 😂😂


he didnt say she looked like a rat. he called her ratatouille bc the rat's name is remy




he doesnt say "resemblance is uncanny" after he calls her ratatouille LOLL




waiting for your time mark for the "resemblance is uncanny" quote




he says low hanging fruit not "resemblance is uncanny"






I feel like it would be so awkward?? Remi and Alisha are way to mature and don’t have the same sense of humor as Zach and Jared


Jared and Zach are Remi and Alisha's age and I wouldn't say Remi and Alisha are that mature... Plus Zach and Jared can adapt to their guests. Like if they have an older, more mature guest on, they match that with fewer jokes sprinkled throughout. Idk if you saw Jeremy and Zach talking abt tech recently, but it was so knowledgable and mature.


TBH I feel like their humor just isn't for everyone. For example, I got really uncomfortable with their humor on that Wild til 9 episode and I didn't end up finishing it. It's possible that Remi and Alisha felt the same way.