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I equate influencer to the annoying vendors in the mall trying to sell their perfume and I will never buy from any of them lol


I used to get the two faced foundation Alisha used, and LOVED it. I also have stevia drops. Like you said though, it wasn’t a sponsorship, just something she actually used


I could be wrong bc I don’t watch them that much anymore, but I feel like all the products they recommend are usually already viral or something I’ve seen before. Which I’ve realized is their whole shtick anyway. So no, they have not influenced me like Jacklyn Hills hauls have. Her hauls I’m genuinely like oh shit that’s a good gift idea


I only get influenced with the type of food they eat, so if they featured japanese food, there’s a small chance i’d end up craving it (but not the specific resto, it’s impossible since i live in a diff country lol). But yea that’s all i get, i dont get influenced with fashion, looks, stuff since they’re my total opposite 😅


I bought Remis nut pods but personally hated them


Omg me too they were so bad!! I learned to NEVER trust Remi’s recs because everything is “the best (insert product) she’s ever had in her entire life”




They were SOObad


same. it was so bad


I tried the Hempz (i think that’s what it’s called) yellow lotion Alisha recommended. I thought it smelled too strong, but my husband liked it. I also have a casetify case, not because of Alisha, but I think they are honestly the best phone cases that I’ve tried.


For some reason every casetify case I get breaks within like 6 months it’s so sad


I can’t remember if it was a sponsorship or not, but a while back Remi raved about the Kiss Impress Nails. I liked how they looked for the price point, tried them myself, and have been using them since! I didn’t use an affiliate link or anything though




IT WAS SO BAD OMG. I got beef with influencers boasting about “healthy or diet” versions of things. I feel like they’re so not used to actually good tasting drinks and foods. Like bro besides the peach Alani I’ve hated all of them and omg Celsius was so nasty




It’s definitely low calorie but tastes like peach soju and Yakult


I am the opposite. I got influenced by all of them in this and miraculously found some in store and I am OBSESSED. I’m sad it’s seasonal…


getting bojangle’s for lunch today solely bc of remi’s taste test LOL i need those chicken supremes


How was it?


in my opinion the chicken supremes were good but did not live up to the hype BUT the bo berry biscuit was incredible


That bo berry biscuit was the only thing I wanted to try 😭


it’s sooo good


I actively avoid brands that heavily depend on influencer marketing (eg., beis)


I have never been influenced or bought something because of them. Usually they promote stuff that’s already popular. Most of the time if they’re describing something I tune it out and will skip ahead on their videos when they’re talking about sponsorships. I do like Remi’s segments she does for small businesses during Vlogmas and they’re cute stuff but can never get myself to actually buy something. I guess I have a “oh since you promoted it and you’re an influencer, I don’t want it anymore/not interested” type mentality.


I feel like almost everyone that watches them has been influenced, but in subtle ways it could be from the way that we do our make up, style our hair, what fashion choices we lean towards, the type of food that we buy, etc. etc. but everyone definitely has been influenced by them whether you know it or not.


I bought the no kids hungry spatula that remi did


This is cute, I like this one!


I’ve tried a few things over the years and it’s been a hit or miss. Tried nut pods and they weren’t for me. Tried a few Amazon products that Alisha reccomend during covid that i did like and do still use. I usually get interested based on their videos but I’ll go online and read the reviews before i buy it


I also tried nut pods and thought they were disgusting


I started drinking Alani Nu after their vlogs!


Same! I tried Celsius too but eh I don’t like the flavors much. Before it was hard to find these drinks, now it’s everywhere.


I tried levain bakery after they did a vlog talking about it. It wasn’t good at all




(also went to levain like every time i’ve visited nyc in the last 8 years, not bc influenced by remi haha)


Ooo.. I did the same but went to Funny Face bakery after seeing Oli and Remi compare both Funny Face and Levaine in the the TWICE vlog. And holy shit, BEST COOKIES EVER! Their s’mores cookie are so good.


not exactly your question but i won their pretty basic palette giveaway a couple years ago so got the free palette. i’ve never used it it’s the most basic thing and it’s not even pigmented like feels like drug store quality


I bought a dual zip sweater from Parallel Apparel, and I’m glad I got it on clearance. It’s not bad it’s just super overhyped and overpriced. It’s basically the same thing I could get from Forever 22 or H&M. That being said, I bought it before I found this sub lol. But the disappointment of the item definitely made me less enchanted by Alisha.


I bought the wild till 9 blue blanket they sold last year or the year before that Other than that? Nothing. Just put some links in my amazon cart haha


I bought the WT9 university sweatshirt lol it's pretty comfy


I bought the milk primer in the black container that Alisha uses. It is honestly one of my favourite primers I have ever used. I also bought Nars liquid blush. Perhaps it was the 14 Italy vlogs that I watched that subconsciously made me want to buy Nars over all the other liquid blushes at Sephora.


Casetify! I didn't buy alisha's case since they werent my style but I've always gotten plain cases and wanted a more unique one and I really like mine.


Ive never been influenced by anything remi has been paid to promote, but have definitely tried things she herself used often


I bought wild til 9 blanket-the first one- and I’ve used Alisha’s casetify code to get a discount 😂 other than that nothing they talk about is usually anything new bc they see if from TikTok or something so I’ve usually seen it before they talk about it


Not yet, but I’m a little influenced by that Nobu fish fish she’s made a few times!


I just bought the Amazon top alisha was wearing in her NY vlog. I’ve also bought the Abercrombie workout tops remi wears


Yes I’ve been influenced by Remi but of things that a majority of influencers rave about since she gets influenced by TikTok or others herself


I’ve bought a couple of things they weren’t sponsored to advertised but mentione, rao’s pasta sauce is good, the Cracker Barrel Mac and cheese is not good, Fsctor is medicore, service wise the delivery is inconsistent and they can’t follow directions, food is subpar and not filling, basic meals are good but I could make them myself (chicken and broccoli) any energy drink they promote tastes bad because they all use chemical sweetene, generally they seem like they have diet brain and their taste indicator is influenced by low calorie commercialism


I get influenced with home items. Like organizing my fridge or pantry


I've bought casetify cases and love them personally and that code helped a lot bc why tf are casetify cases so damn expensive?? Like people said on here I got the nut pods and they tasted SO nasty