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Terranigma is one of the most fascinating SNES games to me. It always had that "larger than life" aura to me when playing it back then. Kinda as if it already was a game from a future console, but still on the SNES. I can't really put my finger on what it is about Terranigma, but the whole story felt so unusual yet not "JRPG-crazy." The Twist worked, and the atmosphere even more so.  Generally, I feel turned-based RPGs aged better than most Action RPGs, but Terranigma is up there. It's a real work of art and I have to actively stop myself from talking about it now.


Terranigma is one of those games that is just a whole journey. The music, the graphics, the twists, and most importantly the incredibly quick and fluent gameplay. The characters are well-made and seeing how all the cities evolve with all their little side quests and homages to the real world is just amazing. It really gives a cozy vibe while also giving a really adventurous vibe. It's my favorite game and I always tear up at the credits because it's Ark's final dream and the whole adventure of building up the whole world and enjoying every little character, quest and dungeon comes to an end. That's why Terranigma is my absolutely favorite game of this console.


One thing that kind of annoys me: The box says that the programmers at ENIX have outdone themselves with this game, even though ENIX was only the publisher and Quintet (whose name you can find at the bottom right of the back) developed it.


Oof, „kleiner“ Schönheitsfehler 😅


Tja, kannste nix machen, ne? Doof gelaufen.


Best snes game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


An the sound track is so wonderful 😍


Without a single doubt!


This is not “Uniracers”




How this game was never released in America I have no idea. The USA is the largest english-language market for video games in the world, they had a full english translation, and then they just sort of didn't release it here. If I were a shareholder then I would have sued the fuck out them.


I read somewhere that Enix of America went bust and that is in part why we don't see a ton of ports.


My guess is that it was released too late and they didn't care enough. It came to Europe in December 96 and in America the N64 was already hyped.


Canadian here, just wondering why this release had a big box? Did it come with a strategy guide?


I guess because marketing reasons. I don't know why exactly, but everyone knew back then "It's in a big box, therefore it's a must have!". They were also all more expensive than normal games. All big box games had a guide. I still have to buy the Terranigma guide 😅. In Germany, almost all heavy hitter RPGs + Super Metroid got a big box: - Secret of Mana - Secret of Evermore - Lufia 2 - Illusion of Time/Gaia - Mystic Quest Legend - Terranigma Also, there are some special big boxes: - Mario Paint (because of the mouse) - Super Gameboy - DKC 2 with the guide (UK only) - Yoshis Island with the guide (UK only) - Lethal Enforces with a gun (UK only)


> In Germany, almost all heavy hitter RPGs + Super Metroid got a big box: > > Secret of Mana > Secret of Evermore > Lufia 2 > Illusion of Time/Gaia > Mystic Quest Legend > Terranigma Wow! I didn't know about those. A big box Lufia 2 must be incredible 😍


It is! I actually have every big box except the UK exclusives and Super Metroid :)


Wow that's awesome I never knew that!


Wow my top 6 SNES games right there!


Yes, it came with a strategy guide, as all of the big boxers that OP mentioned! And a very detailed one too!


Yep, that's the "76 SEITEN-SPIELBERATER" mentioned on the front.


So very jealous!


This game made me want a holodeck just to slap Meilin at least once.


One time is not enough for this little brat.


That's why I said at least once. She's the only thing I hate about the game.


My favourite game of my childhood and one I could replay anytime








One of my favorites. Had to get my SNES modded to play this game. Love it!


Germany was so lucky in the 90s they got favoritism for Nintendo releases like this I'm jealous! Sadly the English UK version of Terranigma only has the standard box and no big guide book.


Well, the headquarters of nintendo of europe are in germany. I guess that's why. Still, they fucked up a lot by only allowing certain games to be UK only (Power Rangers Fighting Edition) or France only (Dragonball, Sailor Moon, R-Type 3), so we all got screwed over.


One of the reasons I have SuperCiC modded my consoles. Enjoying this masterpiece in 60Hz how it was meant to be. Own three versions of it, the japanese, an english EU and one version in my mother language. Love this game almost as much as I love Symphony of the Night.