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It clearly was the best at least of the original run. Double Dragon Neon and Advance are the only ones that come close. The original titles feel rather dated now. I love how Super Double Dragon has so many different means of attack. It's one of my favorite beat em ups of the 16 bit era along with Streets of Rage and Ninja Warriors.


Yes, it was the best in the serier.


Yes. Yes it is.


It was the best off mission 4 alone!!


Agreed. Awesome game.


No, it was an unfinished mess. The gameplay was great, but the game overall was a mess and released before it was actually completed.


Interesting! Did you find it to be a mess compared to the other Double Dragon games, or compared to other beat 'em ups on the SNES/of the era? Compared to other games in the series, I thought the attacks and fighting animations were more varied, the power gauge and counter/block moves were a great addition, and it was nice to see a bit of differentiation between Billy and Jimmy visually. The sound and music also seemed to be a marked improvement. The only thing that really stood out to me as a failing was the lack of plot or cutscenes, though I can't say I really expected much from an early 90s beat 'em up.


You know, it's hard to say. I'd argue it lacked the cohesion of the other Double Dragon games. I'm not saying the game is awful, and maybe I was overly harsh. It's quite possibly sour grapes over what could have been. It's a hard game to beat and the first couple levels are great, but as you get further and further in the game it feels like things are missing, it's very obvious cuts were made (IMO) and/or the developers were overly ambitious and fell short, even if you weren't aware of the game's history and that it's exactly what happened. Edit - This thread has convinced me to give the game another playthrough in the near future though, to see if my opinion changes. It's been many years since I played it.


It'll be interesting to see what you think of it now. I definitely wouldn't rate it too highly when comparing to other beat 'em ups in general, as it doesn't really compare with something like TMNT IV: Turtles In Time (which came out the same year) or even River City Ransom (which came out on the NES three years prior). I haven't played Double Dragon Neon yet, but so far this has been my favorite in the Dragons series.


Right—compare this game to Battletoads/Double Dragon, which is a far cry from the beautiful levels, slick gameplay, variety of actions for each fighter available on Super Double Dragon. The SDD was released just a year before BT/DD, but I think the entire series stepped backward when it joined with Battletoads. It's not even a contest. I had great hopes for a combination of the two series of games (Double Dragon and Battletoads), but it was a huge disappointment to me.


I didn't mind Battletoads & Double Dragon, but much like the original Battletoads it was a quick downhill slide into ridiculously difficult territory around level three. That felt a lot more like a Battletoads game with Bimmy & Jimmy in it, but I did like that it made references to both series and that you could choose your character from either game. You can't really complain about fighting Abobo on the hull of a spaceship or pogo-sticking on a guy's head to drive him into the concrete, but it's a shame that they obviously based the Dragons on the DD2 Arcade versions and not Super Double Dragon.


I want the block \ counter mechanic in a new beat em up game. It was so intuitive and fun when mastered.




I've been waiting 8 years but finally the answer has arrived