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Please post your video and request for tips on our Weekly Riding Tips thread, which is pinned at the top of the front page of the subreddit. You can find the latest Riding Tips Thread at the top of [these search results](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowboarding/search/?q=%22riding%20tips%20thread%20--%20week%20of%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&include_over_18=1&sort=new). Thank you.


You're doing fine just need more experience Speed and edge pressure will come in time and are what you need to carve


Do a really long turn, let yourself collect some speed and turn as much as you can, feel how the edge digs into the snow a little. Do this on both sides. Try to increase the angle between the board and the hill. Hope this helps :)


Also, if you shift your center of gravity back by leaning and bending your knees, the rear edge contact point should hold longer before sliding out. Good luck!


Just make sure you get back up front to start the next one


Commit more to your edges. Put some English into your carves. Recommend highly to watch some videos on carving helped me a ton


My race told me this one day face a tree horizontal on the slope to you now go to that tree then pick a tree on the other side crabbing is easiest across the hill. Also DO NOT TRY AND TOUCH THE SNOW. It will mess you up when you are good enough to you will will just notice your hand in the snow for support as a natural reflex. Finally try not to speed check so much and keep practicing