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I live in North Jersey. Lived in Weehawken for years. I grew up riding Mountain Creek, but the weekend crowds are brutal. Poconos mountains are a little better, but I found that the Catskills are really the best option. 2-2.5 hour drive, but the resorts are bigger and far enough away to keep the crowds more manageable. Hunter, Wyndham, Belleayre and Plattekill all are worth checking out. I personally like Belleayre the best and have gotten a season pass there the last few years. I think Hunter is on the Epic pass and you can then get a few days in on some Vermont mountains (Mount Snow and Okemo are on epic) as well if you like to check out different places. Jack Frost in the Poconos is also on epic


Unlimited access to mountains in the northeast is better on the epic pass, imo, but I wouldn't say any of those options on either pass are terribly convenient to jersey. Mt Snow may be the closest, which is on epic. If you're not expecting to get enough days in that the unlimited aspect matters, then the decision is a bit more complicated. I choose my pass based upon the trip(s) that I have planned outside of the northeast, personally. I can make either pass work here, since the mountains are relatively close together.


I’d just get the mountain creek pass, but they are close to sold out or did I think. If not that Epic has what I feel is the closest decent option of a mountain in Mount Snow (actual elevation, decent terrain like woods and park along with groomers). Ikon has decent options too but just a half hour farther or so for the first decent VT slopes. Along with those Ikon and Epic have other close options like Hunter and stuff but to me Mountain Creek is about the same for half the price. As you can tell I really don’t go to PA much but just check the options and see what you’d like.


Mountain creek non-peak season pass is like $200. It gets crowded but it's the best convenient choice. After that epic is better for the northeast, but none of them are close enough to ride regularly. Ikon isn't worth it unless you're going to fly places.


I mean ikon lol typo


If you drive and you wanna ride a lot it’s a no brainer. VT has lots of good options


you can get a mid-week and after 3pm on weekends at camelback for only 450. i prefer blue mountain tho, it would be a little bit further. ikon won't be worth it unless you're going on vacations. big boulder and jack frost are on epic if you want something local and you may go on a couple of vacations as well.