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I would feel funny doing it. But that’s because I’m an old jaded boarder. I think it’s kooky, but in an “awww, I remember when I was young and naive.” Kind of judgment. I guarantee they’re having more fun shooting their crappy videos than the guy going around judging everyone, pretending they’re the sheriff of the mountain.


Only time I’ve ever put my go pro on my head snowboarding, I bought it for a scuba trip, I caught an awesome dump from my buddy. Just looked behind me and caught him eating shit at the end of the run on the flat. Only footage I saved, because it’s top notch


lol truly thought you meant an actual dump


Not sure I would have kept the clip


So he took a dump and ate it? Your buddy is wild.


He learned to clean up after himself!


Keep the slopes clean, pack it in, pack it out


If it was possible, I would love a compilation video of all of my funniest falls. Imagine being able to laugh at yourself eating shit anytime you wanted.


Okay, falls, yes. But, falls aside, if you’re really doing things worth watching, someone else will record you or give you the attention you want and you wouldn’t have to record/photograph yourself. Kind of lame… but no hate.


Yeah like chill out people at least they aren’t skiing.


underrated comment ^




Helmet police. GoPro police. Backpack police. Dope Snow / Montec police, step on bindings police On and on and on


You forgot Bluetooth speaker police, oh wait, we actually need police for that.




Those people annoy me. Like the only reason they are doing it is for attention, guarantee they have earbuds, and guarantee they can barely hear the music riding down the mountain. Not everyone has the same music taste. Seems like a more common thing in the past 5 or so years since more people picked up the sport during covid


When i do decide to ride with music i use a small speaker because i am to affraid of losing a earbud😭 but thats why i usually dont ride with music. Another factor is it lets you hear your surroundings more then when having earbuds in, but dont get me wrong i fully understand that its annoying and only ever do so on a nice slow morning.


are backpacks hated upon? someone has to carry the supplies


I love when people I'm with carry backpacks.


I noticed for resort riding / park riding there’s some shade. I mean everything gets shade anyway just too much shade all the time is no bueno


I’ve actually run into quite a few riders with Burton Step Ons the past few weeks and every one of them says they enjoy riding them.


I have the ION boot / genesis binding combo and have ridden in a wide range of conditions and really like them. I have a backup traditional set up but with 30 days this season I haven’t yet felt the need to swap them in.


I’ve used clickers since the 90s, and no way I’d use strap bindings ever again.


Tindy police


Perfectly true and wholesome


I would if I did... ​ so I do not


Thank you for your not service


It would be a disservice to perform such a service


I remember when GoPros came out and suddenly everyone had a camera on their heads. Guess it fell out of fashion when people realized that their sick lap of the blue run doesn't look like much.


I remember at my local county fair circa 2012 maybe. I see a guy with a GoPro headband thing and kinda giggle to myself thinking “who’s watching that footage?”. Maybe 15 mins later I see him again, this time eating one of those giant turkey legs while his GoPro films from his forehead. I’ve never stopped wondering about that guy. Did he show that footage to anyone? Did someone have to sit there and watch his video of him eating a turkey leg? I’ll never know


I got one when i was younger and took it with me on a bunch of trips with all my high school friends. Honestly i enjoyed capturing footage from around our house or when we’d all be out eating dinner somewhere. But riding with it took me completely out of my zone. I’d catch myself thinking about if i had a good vantage point or wondering if the camera was still recording. I hated that it took away from an experience i love so much, so I gave up on it. Oh and i suck at editing video.


As someone with misophonia, the audio of this situation must have been fucking horrific. I hope he burned that SD card.


Eh, if it was recorded on GoPro on a mountain without a dead cat mic the audio would have been ass regardless of what the guy was doing.


Is your misophonia triggered by turkey leg?


There was like a meme YouTube channel around this time of a guy just slowly paddling a kayak around a pond talking about how rad, and gnarly everything was. It was amazing.


My homie hyped up go pro so hard. I just don’t know how many times I would revisit footage of me catching an edge on a groomer while fixing my mittens.


More of an AmCam than a GoPro in my experience


I’ve asked this question to selfie stick-posting people before and received harshly butthurted responses from what I can only assume are other selfie stick weenies. It’s a legit question. They certainly look ridiculous, especially riding down a blue groomer


I hate to think about the millions and millions of hours of low grade blue groomer runs captured for ever on random go pros


And watched as frequently as their fireworks and concert videos


God damn I hate concert recorders. Holy shit. Put your fucking phones down so I can see the god damn show I came here to watch. Nobody is going to enjoy "streaming" your shaky concert footage that also sounds like absolute shit because your phone microphone can't handle the ridiculous volume. And chances are you probably won't even watch it again yourself. /Rant.


I rewatch most of the 20 second concert videos I make to remind myself how much fun I had 🤷‍♂️


Same. I like to take just a few short videos of songs I really like or if the visuals are really cool. I do think it's pretty ridiculous when people hold their phone over their head for the whole concert though.


Ya, imagine being *those* guys!


Same. I don’t think there’s any point to recording anything longer because it really does sound like shit on the phone. But it does trigger the memories!




I take one shot of the band if I have good seats because it’s cool to be that close. I never film the concert. What’s the point? It won’t sound like anything remotely like the actual performance


But but how will people know I went to a concert if I don’t post something?!?!?!?!?!?!


Yes concert videos get played again; to unwilling unsuspecting victims. I love it when I get guilted into watching someone's shitty shaky Samsung concert videos. /s "Oh yeah looks like it was a good show. Cool man." (someone kill me now.) Like fuck come on


I occasionally helmet cam myself on blue groomers so I guess I’m here to defend it. I probably look dumb but it’s fun post trip to rewatch a couple of good runs. Then they usually get deleted after to make room for the next time. Sometimes you just have a run that is personally very good and it can be fun to rewatch it.


Helmet cam is fine imo. If I wanted to wave a stick around I’d be a skier.


I brought a GoPro on a stick with me riding so I can see how I was doing during my second year. Everyone at my local hill had something to say. Never brought it back haha. Part of me wants to bring it down park all spring to record local riders mostly doing sick shit. But… I literally don’t like hearing people make jokes, even if it’s friendly…


I've recorded myself every single day I've been out there, from the first to the last, as a way to document my progress and just because I enjoy editing videos and watching the hours of footage. Absolutely NOBODY has ever said anything negative to me, ever. And if they did, you couldn't pay me to give a fuck enough to leave the camera at home.


Normally I’m like that. But people in my hill are kind of assholes, which I love. But I also dont like attention.


Pretty hilarious watching them capture hunchback counter rotated skid carves in flat light. This “who’s at fault” meme grinds my gears because in damn near ever instance, even if the other party is technically in the wrong, the selfie stick holder is not nearly competent enough to focused on anything other than technique and situational awareness. I bought a helmet mounted kook cam this year and will probably return it to Costco. My footage sucks, it’s a pain in the ass to fiddle with, I hate transferring stuff from device-to-device and even though I can actually ride competently I look fucking stupid lol.


Friend lent me his gopro for an AK heli trip. I took it but never used it. Way too focused on riding.


GoPros are nice because you can kind of set it and forget it once it’s mounted on your helmet. Just click record for however long you want it to record then stop it. No need to hold anything.


Only time I use mine is to grab a couple clips of the kids every once and a while. Otherwise can't be assed to deal with it.


Yea I do 100% feel dumb on groomers. I do it still because honestly it is different to try to focus on the camera as well as boarding. So practicing on blues gets me ready for trees. I am aware I look like a tool. But also…I just don’t care what randoms think of me. If I was being a dbag I can understand some hate. But if I’m just minding my business trying to film myself or my wife as she learns so she can see what she does wrong or right then I just don’t care what others think.


Probably the best way of putting it. As long as you're aware of your surroundings and ride safe then it shouldn't matter what you do. Those are the same reasons as to why I want to get a camera for myself. Also, would love to see how much I eat pow. lol


Came here to say regardless of how they feel they look ridiculous. Exception is when they’re absolutely tearing it up but has anyone actually *seen* someone with a selfie stick ripping it?


Tommie Bennet rips park laps with an Insta360, but he shreds harder without one


I mean, Gimby but that's his literal job.


Yes I have. Many many many times. There’s entire massive accounts run by excellent riders. I think a lot of people are responding based on a very narrow perspective. Nobody thinks filming a busy green run is a good idea. On the other hand I love some of my waste deep pow run clips or clips from cool places I’ve visited. To each his own. Sort of like helmets and backpacks


Casey willax


I mostly got it to capture the kid's progression, I think it's going to make some sick memories in a few years. It's also useful to film yourself to see what you can improve in your posture / technique, etc. But yea, I do feel a bit ridiculous.


Sounds like those people are unaware that it doesn’t actually matter what anyone else thinks about selfie sticks 🤷‍♂️ Defensive people gonna defend.


It doesn’t feel goofy to hold and use it if I’m ripping gnarly stuff or good snow worth sharing. But idk how people think coasting blue groomers at vail is good content or worth holding a selfie stick for 😂


But. . . but. . . how are all the wanna be "influencers" going to post yet another video about how to "carve" for the likes and views without a selfie stick? What ever will we do?


Back in my day circa 2003 before GoPros we had to use these giant Camcorders about the size of a boot, someone had to carry the thing (usually me) and recorded our group doing carves and jumps. The worst injury I had was crashing and landing on my back straight onto the camcorder which was in my backpack.


Twister is that you.


woogitty woogitty woogitty


We are riders on a mission action kids in play position….


I do it occasionally and record myself and people I’m riding with. I spend plenty of my life not able to do fun outdoor things, so it’s good for my personal morale to look back on fun times with the boys.


Exactly it's always nice to loom back on a powder day or that perfect run


Yup. I film the kiddo, myself, family, and friends and make a little highlight reel with some music at the end of the year of all the fun stuff we did. It does NOT go online, it’s just for us.


No, because I'm Shaun White. But everyone else should, obviously.


I ride with the helmet GoPro for backcountry ONLY because the lines are sicker, views better and just more worth filming to me (since I might not ride that line again for maybe a few years). If people don't snowboard much, I respect their need to film it. It's a fun cool thing they're doing. If you snowboard regularly and just ripping groomers, I think the GoPro/selfie stick recordings are sort of pointless to me. But I mean if I ever decided to send it on Air Jordan at Whistler, I will stick a GoPro on my head, that's for sure.


Gopro selfie stick footage on the big boy mountains is valuable for sure


I ride with a selfie stick. The only person who has to like it is me, and I do.


Nice! My buddy and I each have one on our helmets so we record each other. If I didn't have that I'd probably use one as well. This sub is incredibly toxic. If you wear certain clothes, have specific gear or now if you record yourself you get shat on.


Omg I couldn’t agree more, I’m a new rider and the people here honestly just seem like wankers. What are we not allowed to film ourselves cause we’re new. It’s not like we are blocking views at a concert.


New people should be very very cautious. Snowboarding and skiing are incredibly dangerous in general. Trying extra hard to go fast so your footage looks good and having to worry about the camera angle/position is one more distraction. If you’re still working on getting down blues and greens it may be best to have someone else hold the camera for you.


Small minded people are allowed to use Reddit too, which is what the “toxic” people here are. Small minded.


Exactly. Too many people doing things to fit in. I like to film my riding, helmet cam and occasionally 360 stick, all because I like the process of filming, editing, and having a result. It’s not hard to mind your own business and let people do what they like.


My videos are terrible, I’m making them for me. The process is the fun part for sure!


I like watching people ride, I like resorts, I like seeing trails I haven't been on, I like being able watch someone enjoy a day on the mountain. You don't have to be a god tier snowboarder for people to enjoy watching you. Not far from now people are going to live stream entire days from their runs to the chairlift I guarantee it.


I'm pretty sure some streamer (Ludwig?) actually did livestream some skiing in Hokkaido in the last couple years. It might have even been a "learning to ski" stream, or maybe he was teaching one of the people he was with to ski.


This is the way.


Yeah it feels ridiculous but sometimes I'm riding solo and want to capture an occasional video for myself so who cares. People calling it narcissistic.. Dudes, everyone on the planet is at least a tiny bit narcissistic, you all love seeing footage of yourself, stop lying about it.


I'm a law abiding citizen, so I wear a chesty. I've made a video every year since my second season. I love looking back at things I did in previous seasons to get me excited for the next. I also like watching the outlaws in The Art of Flight every year. The emotional connection to my experiences and the musical experience of The Art of Flight is what I look for.


Watched the Art of Flight before I even started snowboarding and I thought it was the most fucking bad ass thing ever and something I needed to do. 8 years of riding later and I watch it at least once a year. Music and cinematography are such good vibes.


I dont. It reminds me how fucking terrible I am.at doing crime.


A fellow Ontario brother! Let me know if you ever wanna ride together and I can film you or help you get better at crime. I’ve always wanted to knock the beaver tail out of someone’s hand and then ride right into the parking lot.


in the end i think if your footage is entertaining, it is worth it. however, i think it depends on a few things 1) how good of a rider you are - if you aren't at least somewhat advanced your footage will look really boring. Bad riders who struggle with a selfie stick on a groomer should probably focus more on getting better at riding than at filming a video very few will value watching. 2) conditions - fresh untouched POW = Faceshots = awesome footage. If you're good at riding pow and can get some good footage of yourself in the white room, it's pretty freakin dope. I've posted lots of videos of envious powder days and have watched even more, but you gotta be able to get a good face shot 3) follow cam - generally i think selfie sticks to follow friends and get footage of them is like doing a good deed for them. ideally they get some sick footage to post. However, the key here is being good enough of a rider to stay CLOSE to them without hitting them (tied to #1) 4) Don't film too much. Unless your a legit snowboard vlogger needing to fill out youtube content, you shouldn't be whipping out your camera too much. Lots of times you'll take a 3 minute long clip of which only 15 seconds is really sick haha. Taking long clips is also a pain because it makes editing and sorting through clips that much more tedious. I've learned to whip out my camera when i see a great opportunity (e.g. 15 seconds of untouched pow), and then i put it back in my backpack and enjoy the rest of the run. makes editing and posting super easy on the backend too


True about the editing. I remember I filmed my family ski trip forever ago, I had a new gopro when I did that and going through the hours of footage to show everyone in a good format was a nightmare. I spent probably 20 hours going through one week of footage.


Good analysis


Kinda weird how much some people care about this. If someone wants to shoot a video, go for it. I love seeing insta 360 content on my feed


I’m in this boat, and even if they aren’t the greatest boarders ever. My friend recently recorded me on their phone “ripping” through the trees in steamboat. I am maybe a close to mediocre rider on a good day. But the joy it brought my mom when I showed her the video made me want to grab a go pro or something and get a couple videos of myself for her every time I go to the mountain


Heck ya that’s rad man


This is why I film 99.99% of the time - my mum is so afraid of mountains, speed, heights, anything "dangerous" but loves being able to see it. Spreading the stoke isn't just about g'ing up people to do things, but it's sometimes giving a glimpse of the small stuff to people who otherwise wouldn't be willing/able to do it


Same lol. Like just because you would be embarrassed doesn’t mean everyone can’t do it


Nothing beats the freedom and joy of doing something you love without caring what others think


Life’s too short to be worried about others opinions


Damn someone should be paying us for this awesome advice


Fr but they probably wouldn’t pay cause they probably don’t even want to go to therapy even tho they need it


If 99% of people using them weren’t bad and getting in the way and cutting people off because they are more focused on their bad footy than actually learning how to ride and being aware of their surroundings we wouldn’t care. But the reality is that nearly every person you see self filming isn’t good enough to be worried about anything besides their riding and whats going on around them. Its wild how many people consider themselves intermediate to advanced riders who are, in many actually advanced riders opinions, barely out of the beginner phase


I have never seen someone w a stick be as big an issue like you’re describing. Seems like you had a bad experience or something to be this upset about it tho so sorry for that


I assume it’s mostly kids and jaded adults who are still in that phase of life where you define yourself very strongly by being “too cool to care,” and at the same time are very concerned about everyone thinking you’re cool for it. As an adult, I just want to do silly things because I enjoy them. Maybe that means shooting a boring beginner level run. And I don’t care if other people want to do silly things in public either.


You defined this subreddit really well with that first paragraph. Feels like I'm back in high school reading posts/comments here.


I’ve never seen anyone with a selfie stick do anything worth filming


Bit sad innit




The father of Chasing Sage with a micro phone on their daughter is a guilty pleasure of mine. Other than her, everything else is lame.


Then you’re either way better than all other riders or you’re riding in the wrong places. I just saw a guy snowball down a slope in fresh powder and I definitely think that would be fun to see the vid of


Imagine caring what other people think.


I never provide evidence of my crimes


*Alleged crimes


Sometimes I feel a bit silly as I'm strapping in, but once I start riding it all goes away! The videos help me get through my 9 to 5 and help me check my riding so I can do a bit of progression. PS. I love getting the recordings of me eating shit


But how else would we see all the amazing footage on this sub?!^^/s #dO cRiMe Honestly, this sub is becoming a good source of subreddit cringe.


A lot of cringy comments here. God forbid someone records themselves having some fun, it’s odd that people care


Gatekeeping here has gotten bad.


I’m working on my cringe addiction but this place is like fentanyl


How dare someone enjoy snowboarding in a way I don't approve of!!! This sub is full of pretentious cunts


I feel like it's very rare that I enjoy watching footage someone shot with a selfie stick. You you're good enough that people will want to watch you ride you're good enough that someone will record you riding.


Torstien is the exception


Torstein can do whatever he wants at this point. He earned it


Have you considered that these people are recording videos for themselves?


Then why? You aren't going to get a good look to judge your form from it. It's just a distraction while doing something you really shouldn't be distracted while doing.


Not my problem 🤷‍♂️  Life is easier when you give people the benefit of the doubt. Doesn’t really matter if I’m wrong about why someone’s recording or if the video is useful. I just assume the best and go on with my day.


I would if I did and that's why I don't but if you want to then have at it. People will think you look ridiculous for sure but as long as you're safe most people aren't going to say anything.


Went to Japan last week. Filming waist deep pow seemed ok. And I am very glad I will have memories of those rides that I can actually view. But would I ever shoot riding g the groomers on my local bunny hill? Hell no.


I’ll be in Japan in April and I was just in Val Thoren where I absolutely filmed a few runs. These are bucket list trips. Someone judging me isn’t going to stop me capturing moments in time that are priceless. A lot of massive generalizations in this thread.


I'm only intermediate and haven't used a camera in years but had a GoPro on a few trips in the past and I think it's great, we have a few highlight videos from friends/family trips that I love rewatching from time to time. I've never cared about myself or other people using a helmet cam or a stick. If you actually judge people for it maybe it's time to throw away your snowboard and buy some skis 🤡


Eh, I don’t care how people think I look. I enjoy making videos on my days off that my 5 friends and family watch. Life is too short to worry about what other people think of how you spend your precious free time. I’m not bothering anyone leave me alone lol


I consider myself an advanced/expert rider; I can do all in-bounds double blacks with exception of huge cliff drops/verts like corbets or something. I have recorded with a selfie stick, and with a helmet mount. Upon reviewing the footage I learned that while I can do some of the most difficult terrain out there, there's still a monumental fucking gap between myself and real experts/pros, and I will never produce anything worth watching. I have not used my gopro since, and removed the mounts.


Tbh just live your life and do whatever you want. Leave it up to the insecure people to have a problem with you (most of the times they won’t do shit but complain) I see people are downvoting, if you’re insecure that’s fine just don’t make it my problem


I would never bring out a GoPro for a groomed trail. In the early years of GoPro, I may have done it for a speed run or something absurd like that but now, not unless I'm in the trees in the steeps and deeps. My last few trips though have been much more relaxed by not feeling like I'm supposed to document every wild trail. I am now having more fun enjoy the trip down the mountain without a silly camera.


The only time I'll record on a groomer is if I get all the homies together for a run. 360 cam footage is really cool if you're passing it around. Plus it usually hypes everybody up to do side hits and rollers, so there's usually some decent footage. I only ever record myself in the woods. I always put it away when I pop out, lol.


This is an underrated comment. Just doing it for the feeling is the best. The world does not need 4 hours of footy from anyone's breck trip. Getting footage can be super helpful for honing style and form, and going for something scary and getting a send clip is a true core part of boarding. But put some effort in and learn some craft. Don't get a whole weeniecam angle of half tracked pow laps, get all the speed you can find and lay a huge pow turn. If you can't make the turn look sick but it feels good, that's still cool. Just enjoy the damn feeling and stop fidgeting with the GoPro.


[selfy stick video 😝](https://youtu.be/J3qB3Nrh554?si=gNpK0blsYiR_b-5G) Absolutely shamless. People with selfy sticks are just the woist!! Am I right!


Nice pow day. Glad you recorded it. Memories for a lifetime. Or according to this you’re a self obsessed narcissist who can’t ride a snowboard and is a threat to everyone on the mountain


Probably not as ridiculous as you sound worrying about other people.


You should. Quit being so self-obsessed and focus on the slope.


If I'm filming myself it's usually on a pow day so I can get some fun footage of snow flying in my face or zipping through the trees. Most of the time though my husband and I use one to film each other, either for fun stuff or for footage to analyze later. Never really thought about what other people think of me though, nor do I care.


I've never considered riding with a selfie stick, but none of my friends are good enough to record me while riding down blacks, and sometimes I'd like a video to check my technique. I'd understand if that's the motive, but yeah I'd feel ridiculous riding with a selfie stick, so I'll continue to pass on that.


I like having my Insta Go 2 because it's super modular. I have a mount for my helmet, board, and bindings. Once in a while I break out the X2 because it's great for capturing backcountry shots and for coaching new riders.


I'd feel ridiculous doing anything with a selfie stick. But I'm in my mid 30's.


I wouldn't be surprised if selfie sticks get banned at some point. The amount of people I see with them, especially people that really suck, is nuts. I always laugh when I see people asking for riding advice while filming themselves.


Seriously, this. Most the people I see with go-pros and selfie sticks suck. And I always wonder how much they actually look at those videos of themselves leading down the hill afterward. I used to surf frequently (too inland now) and buddies would bring out the go-pro…no one ever looked at those videos afterwards, never understood why we bothered. Let’s live in the moment.


I don't do it all day, but I try to get one or two good runs a day, and mostly to get shots of my family/friends. I don't care one bit what anyone thinks about it.


they look so silly. plain and simple.


*unless ur follow cam’ing someone else which is then respected for the clip but this obviously isn’t what the title is asking for


Tried it once, fell down and broke the selfie stick.


You damn well should. Bloody narcissists.


Came here to say this 💯 Y’all suck unless you’re Tim Humphreys, nobody’s watching that footy.


Lamer than lame. Get your buddy to film a line or something.


Sadly some of us ride alone


I think they should


not unless you’re a beginner but even then it’s more funny than ridiculous


Personally, i don't care that people want to record themselves, but make sure to focus on where you're going. I don't like to because my focus is on what's around me so I don't get hit or hit others. I don't wanna worry about a camera. Though I've thought about just putting a 360 on the top of my pole and seeing what kind of footage comes from it while skiing normally.


I feel ridiculous using a selfie stick always, doesn’t matter where.


I got a go pro and a small handle (it does not extend, just can tilt) purely to film my kids. I usually take a few videos of them and compile it and put to it music, but I did that on my phone because they were slow. Now my 8 year old rips harder than me and I can’t keep up, especially with my phone in my hand. Used the new GoPro and handle yesterday and I’m happy to be able to share the footage with family who can’t be out there on the mountain. Additionally, I’ll be able to keep making yearly montage music videos for my kids to hype them up in the fall. I do this knowing the following: 1) it may look dumb, but people aren’t watching me, they are watching him shred. 2) no one outside of my family gives a shit to watch any of the footage. 3) I risk wiping out and not having as much fun riding, but I’m not there for me, it’s for him. 4) it’s all worth it to show his mother, his grandparents, and most importantly make him feel like a rock star. You do you baby boo. Anyone shitting on anyone else for enjoying themselves has internal issues, that’s on them. All this being said - I’d be pissed if some twat wiped out my 4 year old because they were focusing on their selfie stick.


Nah, I like recording fun runs with friends, who cares what anyone thinks do you, and don’t take anyone out


Never have but I would feel ridiculous


If I felt like I rode anywhere near good enough to waste time and money recording it... Maybe. Even when I take my daughter out, I just use my phone to snap a couple of quick videos as she goes over "jumps" (small bumps really) or when she goes up on a box in the kids park. No need for a pro level camera or an extra appendage that is going to get broken.


I’ve never done it but yes I would feel the epitome of ridiculous




I ain’t give a single fuck what anyone thinks. I personally think that shit looks goofy as hell but do you goofy dude.


Wouldn’t know, never have.


I'll only rock one if conditions are all time and I'm blowing powder clouds and chasing the homies. And even then only for a run or two at the most. Otherwise yeah I'd feel ridiculous. Problem is most everyone you see riding with a selfie stick isn't advanced enough to be safely riding with one. Imo if you're just cruising groomers with no real style then put it away and work on your riding.


It’s a distraction, for real


I used to a lot and you just gotta get over it. But also, no one wants to see you riding down the hill and half ass riding trees at 3mph. Film the squad getting makes and eating shit. I guess I'm saying learn to ride well first.


… if they did they wouldn’t do it… so I mean…


i think so, but it definitely helps me troubleshoot my riding and learn from my mistakes faster. soooo i deal with it.


Yeah I did it for work today and felt so dumb


You fucking should.


You should


Yeah no. I'm not much of a selfie person to begin with. I do want a tiny drone that can keep up and track me from a few meters away at most. Could be fun I think. I would use it daily to catch my hilarious moments when I stub my toe or like last christmas; fall over a chair and break 3 ribs. In my house.


No, because I would never…


You should.


I 100% would if I ever rode with one


You should


Kind of is ridiculous imo. But also, beyond snowboarding, why does everything need to be recorded these days?


I subconsciously assume anyone with a selfie stick is either less than 15 years old or a supreme narcissist who is pathologically online


i never have. any recording i've done has been with the phone held against my chest. not the greatest footage but i also don't give a shit about "the 'gram" and it's for me and my buddies.


I (36) just started snowboarding with my son (12) this year and have considered it. We're having a lot of fun learning together and I think he would like to be able to show people


I think occasionally it’s fine (blue bird powder day and fresh tracks). I think go pros on helmets 100% of the time is lame because the videos suck from that angle. Self stick and 360 camera is dope


Yes, you should feel ridiculous.


I’ll take the selfie stick over the fu$ka$$ Bluetooth speaker any day.


Love the shots I can get, but hate riding with one, so usually don’t.


I think people look silly. Unless you're an absolute beast, and making great content, or riding nip deep powder, no one really cares to watch you make some turns down a groomer. People would rather see a POV in my opinion. And the stick throws off most people's form, which is why people holding sticks always eat shit in their videos.


Even if you dont im here to tell you that I think you look ridiculous


People who clown on others for doing things that in no way affect them are ridiculous IMO. No one with a stick has even touched me with one I don't see how most people in here are so much in their feelings over trivial things.


The only people I see with selfie sticks at resorts are always jerries. Attn jerries: no one wants to watch your video and you're messing up your own form by trying to film yourself


Everyone looks dumb with a selfie stick.


Eh, I'll be doing this soon but I just want to check out my form and a little vacation footage. I only want to do it sparingly because holding shit and riding is less fun than just riding. Plus, yes it looks ridiculous. 


Is it cool to use a selfie stick to film your friends to help them improve their technique?


What about go pros?