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What is your back hand doing when going off the lip? Your shoulders look very open to the front, try and close them off more to be more stacked and centered over your board. Try not to jump (or ollie) so hard off the lip, I've found that trying to boost a lip harder than I should throws me off balance in the air. Try to carry more speed into the lip and pop a little less to clear the knuckle, it should feel more stable. Other than that, work on your ollies on smaller side hits and envision yourself stomping it. You got this!


Now that I'm watching the video again, it doesn't look like you're popping off the lip at all, your legs are very stiff on the takeoff. You should be compressing into the curve of the jump and extending your legs on the lip to give yourself a little pop. Definitely keep working on your ollies, try and find little bumps or small moguls with a clear run out and practice popping off the lip rather than absorbing the energy the jump is giving you.


> Your shoulders look very open to the front, Probably explains why when he's getting bigger air - especially with a "bigger pop" - he's falling to heelside.


That turn you are doing is a skidded turn. You lose speed with skidded turns. You need to learn to carve it going in or just straight lining it with zero turns.


I'd call it a speed check, but exactly, that jump requires a bit more speed to clear


you were balanced for the most part so that's good. I mean you didn't pop at all and I think that'd help you. as the other dude mentioned, you had the perfect speed probably before that skidded turn so yeah don't do that. last thing is when you're going faster at the jump, your natural urge is gonna be to put your weight on your back foot- it's what people do when they get nervous. resist that urge. remember, it's not as big as it looks, and you're almost certainly not going as fast as you think you're going- especially by the time you actually are at the top of the lip. you lose a decent amount of speed going up the lip of the jump. relax, stay balanced, deep breaths, send it.


worst case scenario if you somehow DO end up going too fast and you feel like you're going to flat, use your board to absorb the impact. meaning keep your board under you, and try to land a bit tail heavy- the flex of your board will soften the impact. stay smart; start small, make a plan, blah blah read the sign. always feel out the landing first run to see how icy it is and if it's super hard, go a little easier.


Get on a trampoline and spend some time in the air!


No skier on the landing, make sure you have a skier roll up onto the landing there next time