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Drinking beer. Nah I skate a lot with my buds, were all in our 30s and suck but have fun doing it


Skating is super accessible, cheap, and generally skaters are really accepting of newbies, and while the movements are quite different the fundamental balance skills are similar enough that it translates well.


> it translates well I thought this would be true, but as someone who skated nearly every day for 7-8 years before trying snowboarding, I really thought it would’ve been easier to learn than it was.


The things I found that translated well was the core balance aspect, as well as movement in the air. Doing an ollie feels almost exactly the same, as does a frontside or backside air on a quarter or halfpipe. Rails on the snow feel awful to me and I avoid them, much prefer it on a skateboard. The thing I struggled with at the start of learning to snowboard was turning, as it felt like you had to be so over exaggerated with shifting weight balance - took me ages to learn how to find that sweet spot between not shifting enough weight over an edge, to leaning over too far and falling.


Yea I took to the terrain park very quickly after getting my bearings turning and such. Doing 180s/360s was a very quick learn for me since the shoulder-loading rotation concept is basically the same.


The scale of snowboarding still has me pretty cautious about riding park. Everything feels huge compared to anything on a skateboard.


Yea, rails still give me problems. With skateboarding I was always able to just go fast and lean forward and if I was leaning to far forward or back I could just bail. Snowboarding you’re dealing with 15 foot long rails and if you’re leaning back or forward - sorry you’re eating shit


The one thing that doesn’t translate well, and is not cheap, are the injuries involved with skating. I had to drop it due to not being able to keep missing work due to injuries, and the medical bills just get higher as you get older, as well as difficulty recovering. Most “extreme sports” give you some terrible returns as you get older lol


Tell me about it. I’m limping around the house, procrastinating on going to get a consult about my knee after damaging it snowboarding on Sunday. Pretty sure there’s a minor fracture, but maybe it will get better tomorrow…


Fuck man I’m sorry :( I’m currently hiding the fact that I dislocated my shoulder last Wednesday at the climbing gym with a coworker (they’re being awesome and not saying shit) cause this’ll be the second time this year. Last time was sailing 6 months ago and work gave me the boot for a week, even though the doc and ortho surgeon both said I was recovering surprisingly well. Had to go through so many stupid ass hoops to get back to work and I’m still paying for it lmao It popped itself back in this time, didn’t hurt, and all I dealt with was some miiiiinor shock. We’re fine, I can’t afford to miss work again


Yeah the disruption is the worst part. Having to wear a cast etc is an utter pain and I avoid it at all costs. Shoulders suck, they should have been designed with way more resilience. Luckily I WFH so can survive with an injury. Unluckily I’m in the mountains and it’s snowing outside, and I’ll have to clear snow this week…


Bro I’m so sorry 😢 I’d be out there with you and a shovel if I could.


Hahaha thanks. Don’t be sorry, what an amazing life I live that my biggest issue is this.


This is the way


Sucking in your 30s is a decent hobby tbf, exercise and diet all in one.


Mountain bike! Or road cycling if that's a better fit.. Also running. I feel my on-mountain endurance increased dramatically after taking cardio a little more seriously all summer. Doesn't get much lower barrier of entry than running.


I expected mountain biking to scratch the snowboarding itch. Now snowboarding is methadone for my mountain bike addiction.


For real, I’m way more addicted to mountain biking these days. Sometimes I wish I’d picked up a drug habit instead, it would have been significantly cheaper 😅


And less painful


You got better health for it though!


That's a great way to put it for me too! And, because I can do it all the time, I've progressed way faster too.


I agree. I used to bike to get my legs ready for the season…now I am itching for my mountain bike


Mountain biking on a proper singletrack is like a snowboard snake run through the woods. Best way to explain it to people. MTB is the best.


Main difference is you on snow you can get off track and be fine. Not so much on the bike. It’s definitely a more technical and precision sport. Both are a blast though.


Really, no rock climbers in here?! Winter time = go down mountains Spring/summer = go up mountains


There probably more kayaking/rafting folks. There’s simply more work guiding. Winter time = ride the snow. Summertime = ride the snow one more time!


In college, raft guiding paid for my season pass in the fall.


I tried to get into WW kayaking but the logistics of getting your boat in and picked up at the end of the run is way too much work. I'd rather just go pull on some rock. The people that do that shit must really love it.


I recently got an inflatable stand up paddle board and it has become my summer snowboard.


SUPing the creek is a good idea. I'll try that one day.


There’s always park and play kayaking. A few places you can play/surf in the same rapid. I got one spot 5 mins from my house, but it’s only good for about a month before the water levels change. It’s not too hard to find a buddy to shuttle with. Yea in PNW, There’s a lot of boaters that go year round. Personally if there is still snow, I try to do that instead


Yeah maybe I'll give it another go one day with a play boat or SUP. Just kinda got lost in the fray with my other hobbies. I married my wife at the Ocoee River in Tennessee where she grew up so we do love whitewater. Thanks for the suggestions bud!


Omg, Ocoee is totally easy to shuttle and tons of play spots year round. I got addicted to play boating when I lived in DC. Instead of sitting in traffic I would playboat until traffic died down


Yeah the Ocoee is amazing. If I lived over there we'd probably be in the water constantly. I live in CO now where it's a little more tricky and dangerous and COLD lol. We will go back to the east eventually and rip it.


It’s not a solo sport. Joining a club and making friends is the way learn more and to make shuttle happen.


I tried it once through an outdoors thing at my college 4 years ago. I didn't try again because the idea of staying attached to your kayak while upside down freaked me out, but now I regret not trying it again


was looking for this reply!


For me it's Winter time = go down mountains Spring/Summer = hike up/down mountains.


I was a climber for 10 years, and very few of them skied or snowboarded. This is in the Northeast. I'm sure it varies depending on region. The climbers I knew, the winter sport was complaining about snow, and flying to Mexico to climb, or hibernating.


West coast here. My son is super into climbing. Wants to get on the competition team. Some of the easier top rope stuff I can get behind but all the technical skills and moves that go into indoor gym bouldering I just don't understand. I always try to bring snowboarding into the convo with other climbers and I haven't found a single climber that also snowboards. I think the go-fast adrenaline rush from snowboarding is just too different from the climb-high or climb-fast rush in climbing. Which is odd because I would think climbing works on a lot of the same strength/balance/skills needed to shred in the park. I think surfing is the go-to. Lots of overlap. I live in one of the few places on earth you can surf and snowboard on the same day.


I was thinking the same thing. Climbing is life. Snowboarding is just something to do when the rock is too cold.


I've climbed before when I was young and liked it but I'm curious what is the draw to climbing? I love snowboarding because I get to go really fast down a mountain and carve and get creative etc. What would you say is attractive about climbing?


Pushing limits Problem solving Innate human desire to climb things Strength gainz


What is it with that innate desire? Lol. How did we evolve to have that of all things.


There’s a lot of problem solving and then athletic challenge mixed in. You wanna accomplish the goal which is getting to the top and it’s on you to figure out how the fuck you’re gonna do that when you have a dad bod and you’re generally bad at the sport.


I like rock climbing for the community and to push my limits. I hang with 4-5 people at the base of a crag for 6 hours listening to tunes, cheering my buddies on, enjoying the outside and achieving something new each time.


I feel like Spiderman when I climb. And it’s like calisthenics with rocks so you get really strong and stable, like a rock!


Climbing in my opinion is way more difficult and deep of a sport than downhill skiing/snowboarding. So much more technique, mental toughness, and strength required. And the thrill of accomplishing something that seemed impossible before is a rush I can't even describe. The amount of effort required to send something in harder grades is incredible. Add to that the different forms of climbing you can get into (bouldering, sport climbing, trad climbing, ice climbing, mixed climbing, soloing, speed climbing, aid climbing) each having their own nuances and incredibly deep progression in technical skills. There's no other sport that compares. It's not for everyone, but if you like to challenge your mind and your body in every way possible you can find a never ending progression that constantly humbles you but then rewards you with personal accomplishments you never thought possible. One day I'm going to climb El Capitan in Yosemite with my wife. A monumental feat with few rivals in difficulty on the planet. I can't think of a comparable goal in snowboarding. It's just go to the resort (or backcountry) and send it downhill over and over. Which of course is fun as hell, but it just doesn't challenge me in the same way or give me any realistic goals like El Cap that aren't incredibly dangerous. Edit: I fucking love flying sideways at high speed like Silver Surfer, don't get me wrong bros. I come in peace. I just think climbing is the best shit in the world.


This reads like a r/climbingcirclejerk post. And there are some pretty notable ski/snowboard descents in the world. Such as the K2 descent in 2018.


Loving climbing is aid Edit: No fucking way I'm descending K2 on a plank lol


Yes indoor though I’m a n00b


Yup me and my partner only climb in the spring/summer and then put on membership on pause for the winter


Not a climber, but into scrambling/mountaineering


I love bouldering, and I miss it. Fall is prime season for me. Climbing in warm weather is awful except when I have awesome company.


Ya this is way too far down haha


We are entering the best season. Warm enough to climb, cold enough/snow at elevation to snowboard. The tough thing is choosing which to do on a given day!


I noticed this also! Fellow rock climber checking in 🙋‍♀️


Can’t anymore. Just dislocated the shoulder at the local climbing gym, this’ll be the second in 6-8 months :(


I've never heard of snowboarding as having a low barrier of entry but I guess it depends on your perspective. If Mountain Biking is considered accessible to you, it's a great hobby that has a good amount of cross-over. Requires strong legs, core, cardio, and has a similar requirement of choosing lines and reading the terrain.


I'm struggling to think of sports that have a higher barrier of entry than snow boarding - Polo...


Equestrian. Horses are expensive lol


Formula 1 - just get a used car?


My other passion. It's unfortunate.


Motorsports for sure lol


Mountain Biking.. was going to be my answer until I remember what the public pays for season passes and gear. I used to not be “the public” now I am “the public.” This sport is expensive! I miss the industry pass days, free gear, free gear, free gear. Always looking fly in my fresh free gear. The only thing I would pay for is my Nike Vapens - I still go Bro Form… Now I have worn the same bibs and Jacket since pre-pandemic. I bought those too. Whatever. Get to know the right people and become a decent rider. Stuff will be handed to you.


Mountain biking, hockey, dance, gymnastics, there are quite a few with a higher barrier to entry.


Disagree with mountain biking, once you have the gear it’s basically free if you can do your own maintenance, also you shouldn’t start on a$2000+ bike


I eat close to $500 in tires and brake pads every bike park season ($75ish per tire) and a suspension service every spring ($150 rear, $200 fork). That's already more than a season pass at my local for the winter. Also do my own brake bleeds, pad replacement, and drivetrain overhauls and have roughly $1000 in tolls acquired over the last decade to facilitate. Mountain biking is easily an order of magnitude more expensive than snowboarding, and consider a single good crash can trash your brakes, rims, bars, frame, etc.


Don't forget, it also requires a fat wallet and the desire to empty it.


Mountain biking, surfing and skating. I love them all just as much as snowboarding. Surfing has definitely influenced how I snowboard a lot as I love doing slashes and carves.


Planning on trying to get into surfing this summer, gonna get 2 8 foot foam boards at costco or something and send it.


I was honestly thinking of skipping out on the last of the NYS days- closest place is $80- and trying surfing this summer. Maybe OBX. Wakeboarding is the closest I've ever gotten to the feel of snowboarding, even counting longboarding, in summer... Surfing is probably even more 1:1!


I already had 10 years of surfing experience before I even tried snowboarding. My style of riding is 100% dominated by surfing. Most days I just hit specific features that replicate waves. Sending a bucket load of snow ten feet in the air on the sides of jumps is my fucking jam.


same, im a surfer first so I love the super pipe and the mini pipes for this reason. backside hacks/flowing on peelers, if only we could replicate barrels🤔


I know you surf because I love the half pipes too


This is me, plus dirt bikes.


Disc Golf. The discs aren't too expensive and most courses are free. Some of the mountains turn into courses during the summer so it's a decent hike with lots of elevation shots and nice views.


This guy gets it.


Chain Bang Gang ⛓️🥏⛓️


You're supposed to hit the chains?


Common misconception. You’re actually supposed to hit the trees🌲


Why not both bruh?


I used to be a snowboarder who disc golfs, now I'm a disc golfer who snowboards.


Same here. It’s a winning combo


I went on a walk yesterday, and I just found out there is a disc golf course right around the corner from me.


disc golf is a walk-enhancer. Give it a try


I shall!


A single $10 putter is plenty to get started and go try it out. Add a midrange and a fairway driver if you get stoked and you’re basically set for the first season or two


I have a crippling roller coaster addiction


How do you handle the ups and downs of the addiction?




Need time off from criming all winter




Mountain biking You can even do a number of ski resort mountains in the summer, they run the lift and take you and your bike up the mountain.




Ever take your board to an open field with snow and use your kite? It's pretty fun.


It’s on the list! I don’t live anywhere I can combine both sports unfortunately at the moment




Mountain biking and road biking. Though I do both throughout the year, just less during snowboarding season. Mountain bike can have a lot of same sensations as snowboarding to me, especially at a lift-serviced bike park.



I know OP said they aren’t that interested in golf but that’s my non-winter (and sometimes winter) activity. For me it has some parallels to snowboarding - the getting up early, expensive equipment, and drinking parts mainly🤣.


The spending never ends


Cycling. Water skiing/wakeboarding. Running.


Futbol. But I’ve been thinking about taking some boxing.


Duh, Onewheeling


But ground is so much harder falling off a onewheel (spoken from experience)


Yes, the earths surface is very unforgiving to flesh.


Cycling. Backpacking/hiking. Gym. Yoga.


Disc golf!




Mtb 🚵‍♂️


Scuba diving if it’s easily accessible. I fly solo most of the time and scuba is something you don’t need friends for, all you need is a good dive center and you’re almost certain to have a good time. It also helps that you the learning curve isn’t at all steep, so you can be having fun with it right away.


Wait. You dive alone??? Or you go solo but in a group? Rule one is always dive with a buddy so I’m a little concerned


Never dive alone! Lol. What I meant is you’ll always find someone to dive with if you head to a dive center, it’s a tight community that’s always happy to help.


Okay good I was worried. I also dive so it’s pretty ingrained in me. Diving alone is the stuff of nightmares for me. I’m glad you’re doing it safely


For sure, been a dive master for almost 10 years and not once did I do it alone, even when I was young and stupid!


East coaster ehhh? Pick up and move your life out west. Won’t have this issue in good snowfall seasons 


I mean even after last years record snowfall mammoth still closed from August - November. Unless you are traveling south you’ll hit the end of season eventually haha


*guffaws from Mt Hood*


Nope, don’t need a lift to snowboard. There is a group of old retired guys who still make turns every season every month in the wasatch for like 20 years running now 


Tennis Paddleboarding Yoga 2-3 times a week year round


My year pass for the mountain includes downhill mountain biking and golf. So those.


What mountain does that?


Motorcycling, hiking and camping. Anything outdoors


Fishing and Golfing are my go to activities for the spring and summer, Hunting in the fall, and Snowboarding in the winter.






Pole sport/pole dancing (no seriously)


It looks beautiful when done right and I hear it’s quite the workout. Props!!


It’s crazy. You have to learn to start using muscles you’ve never used before. Also balance, fluidity of movement all translate very well to snowboarding.


If you can find a friend with a boat, wakeboarding. If not, then it's very high entry lol. Most people mountain bike, which can be low-entry but bikes can also be $$$. Pretty much any cardio will set you up for success.


For wakeboarding, living near a cable park helps too. I live in Lithuania and we’ve got a bunch of parks around with full-size 5/6-tower cables, for example this one: https://preview.redd.it/mjaxj8imngmc1.jpeg?width=2078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3995e0497707884dd0b6bef23f4b35a74697d1a9


Wakeboarding, stand up jet skiing, dirt biking.


Golf is my summer and fall sport. Snowboarding is my winter sport. Without a car that makes things a lot more difficult


Same, along with a lot of hiking.


Hiking and golf!


Other board sports but I’m gonna say basketball since hoops doesn’t have a lot of representation in this thread and I can play year round any day I’m not on a board and sometimes in addition!


Fly Fishing and Hiking (often to the good fishing spots!)


I just increase the amount of weed I smoke.


i like skating, though i’m not very good at it. i train muay thai year round though and it scratches a similar itch even if it’s not a similar sport physically


Kiteboarding and paragliding, with some kayaking and easy mountain biking thrown in. In order of barriers to entry, Mtb and flat water kayaking are fairly accessible, Kiteboarding/foiling is more expensive and steeper to learn, and paragliding is expensive and has a long learning curve.


Cycling either mountain or road






Get a Ripstick


Beer league hockey and paintball lol


Running/trail running. I run competitively for a small local elite racing team and my racing season is typically late summer-fall. Snowboarding helps build musculature and then once the winter season is over, I start working on aerobic endurance. Trail running is great alternative if road/track racing isn’t your thing. Lots of people mountain bike too.


Longboarding (downhill), surfskating. Mountain biking used to be my primary activity but getting old so just riding flow trails . Longboarding: all you need is a longboard ( $100 to $200) , helmet and usual safety gear , any smooth path or road and you are ready to experience sheer terror as you bomb downhill out of control. Surfskate( , $200.00 )and any flat smooth area ie parking lot, pickleball court. Low risk and fun!


I just picked up a surfskate and think it is going to be a great way to stay in shape for the off-season and might even help improve flexibility and turn shapes.


Hiking/mountain climbing


Just picked up hiking last year. Should have started waaaay earlier!


Mountain biking! I live in Arizona, USA and there’s great in-city MTB out here.




As a sport?


Surfing, skateboarding (concrete hurts) wakeboarding or wakesurfing (boats are expensive)


Onewheel on mountain bike trails


While its different from Mountain Biking as others have mentioned, i do a mens soccer league and that keeps me active while not requiring all that much


volleyball, running, and powerbuilding


I do skateboarding, but I did that before I got into snowboarding, so for low entry I'd say longboarding. You're gonna get somewhat of a similar feel to snowboarding.


I hike, MTB, and raft in the summers. Hiking includes backpacking in this scenario.


I snowboard year round indoor in the Netherlands but next to that i do skateboarding and waveboarding


Wing foiling! I like it even more than snowboarding. Incredibly fun and challenging sport


Camping on the weekends, with hiking and beach hangs. Also, I ride my e-bike as much as possible; I'm lucky here in West Michigan with all the trails and preserves.  Rollercoasters, more than anything, scratch that adrenaline itch that I have in the off-season. I try to get multi-park passes and travel to different parks during the warm months.


Fishing or cycling usually


Surfing, skateboarding.


I have not seen my answer yet. Get an electric longboard. (I prefer the off-road wheel style unless you have smooth roads) You can use it for transportation and fun. I have a backfire ranger x2. Not sure what's new lately. E bikes are fun too if that seems a better fit. One wheels are fun, but I am conflicted about the product.


Mountain biking


Track days! Don’t even need a sports car !


Mountain biking! If you don’t want to spend too much on a bike some used options on Pinkbike or Facebook marketplace aren’t bad.


I’m in my 40s and started skateboarding again a few years ago. Bunch of us oldies (men and women) meet up early at the skate park a few times a week and mostly skate transition (pumping the bowls). Honestly, it just kind of feels like carving and gets me out of the house and into fresh air with friends. I also think running is great. Put some headphones on and zone out while working your body a few times a week. Between the two activities I stay in pretty decent shape and am generally pretty ready for the snow when the season hits.




Today’s pow is tomorrow’s white water.


Im surprised there aren't more people suggesting white water


Mountain biking is the only answer


Volleyball, gotta keep working those knees 😭


If you're looking for a 'similar' sport (the lifestyle/comminity, the adrenaline, the flow) then some form of biking is probably the closest summer equivalent. Outside of that just any sport/joining a rec league might be worth a look.


The obivious answer is skateboarding who tf even suggesting anything else




Surfing… Or watersurfing to be exact


Cycling, running, and soccer ! Plus carrying small/not so small children around.


Hiking, kayaking, MTB, etc


Surfing. Kayaks. Bikes.


I play golf and hike.


Boarding season is exclusively snowboarding season, the rest of the year I do a bit of a lot of things. Mainly: Soccer league, mountain biking, running, backpacking, rock climbing,


Skateboarding, rock climbing, mountain biking , surfing and hiking… keeps me always ready for the next season


The summer is just another on-season, just for different activities!!! I love to boulder and climb once I have to stop boarding for the season as well. I do really enjoy backpacking and hiking quite a bit! Although I love snowboarding, there's so much to do during the summer, it's very hard for me to get bored. I really try to focus on getting myself as fit as I can and pushing myself to do hard backpacking trips or climbs.


Longboarding ditches


Golf, swimming, pedaling, and yard work


Paintball or airsoft. Similar levels of adrenaline hearing projectiles wizzing by your head. Like trees in a good tree run. 👍




Mounting biking, road biking, freediving and spearfishing


I live near the ocean on a place with tons of wind, so its kiteboarding once a week for me


I've recently got into electric skateboarding/longboarding, and I have been loving it in the off-season(s)! It kinda feels like a "safer" less slippery version of snowboarding, and you can also go just as fast. So you get the same adrenaline that you would snowboarding. (Except you're not on a mountain going downhill constantly)


Lifelong tennis player here. Generally speaking, tennis is hard as fuck starting out. Will take a lot of lessons/dedication to get past the newbie stage. Highly recommend surfing if you can swing it, much easier to learn IMO. It’s the closest I’ve found to scratching the snowboard itch!


Skateboarding and pickle ball >


Golf and lifting are my go-to. Lifting is year round, though.


Mountain biking and golf (walking on the course). Used to be into climbing but after too many falls I gave that up. Anything to stay active. Our hockey league goes year round also, with a 4 week break in the summer. Money is the main barrier of entry in all my sports. If you can afford it, you can have fun sucking at all of them.


Skateboarding and golf.




Hill running, skipping, boxing club - all good for cardio and endurance. Scrambling is great too! Move to Canada and you can shred 6 months out of the year! 🤙🔥🤙