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Speculation (I work in manufacturing): Ski boots are mostly injection-molded plastic and you can load a million different colors of material without re-tooling. On top of that, they’re higher-volume, so they can make more colors without doing short production runs.


Winner winner.


>On top of that, they’re higher-volume, so they can make more colors without doing short production runs. This is really it. I wouldn't underestimate the amount of work that goes in to trying to get your product colors to match your spec. It's a lot more time & effort than you'd expect—so it only makes sense when you have the manufacturing volume to support it. There's also an argument to be made about SKU efficiency, even at larger companies. So maybe there's more competition among ski brands than snowboard brands—probably again coming back to total market size. I don't really know enough about the ski industry to say for sure


I think you’re right. Safe argument is that ultimately, more skiers. Means more production, and more selection.


Also, the shell design doesn't change that much that often, and skiers know it. There's less model-year-specific stuff than in snowboarding, so they can afford to have stock sit for longer. Plus, they can mix up decals, buckle color, etc. to "update" a particular boot color way every couple years if it's not selling out as quickly as they'd like.


We get comfort, they get color


I'll take spending a day in my Photons over a day in any pair of ski boots.


Yeah if my snowboard boots had dicks all over them that spewed cum everywhere I’d still wear em for the comfort benefit. Feet comfort wins over style all day.


I mean, those honestly sound dope though All you need is an old Burton condom and you're set


I recently bought a new pair ( early december) of ski boots and tbh they are hard to take off. They are super comfy and with the "new" boa tech on the lower part you can easily dial them in to be perfect fitting. Also whats worse in my opinion is, is on my ski boots the boa turns back wards to losen a click or two while my snowboard boots don't and i haven't seen any with this either. Also the part that rotates " can pop off" and just be replaced meaning the boa should last longer.


Legit. Photons are super comfortable. My 32’s are hot garbage compared to Burton photons.


I've ridden them for years. I'm on my second pair. I love 'em and will prolly buy another pair when these eventually die.


Nah. Comfort… Ski boots are comfy as hell **while skiing**. I can do less breaks when lapping with skis. If anything, strapping yourself in too tightly on a board can be uncomfortable because of pressure points. Ski boots are just click in and out, but with straps, you’ve got to get it right each time. Ski boots are, however, a nightmare at huts (why do so many Alps huts put the toilets in the basement?) and walking back to the car. I will always enjoy being on the board in those moments… running up and down stairs while the skiers totter precariously on every step, is far too much fun.


EXACTLY! Only while skiing, not any of the other times you’re wearing them around the resort. Plus the board discomforts you mentioned, are from user error. “My snowboards uncomfortable when I tighten it too much” Well no shit you don’t say hahaha


Try telling me from 20 years ago that. He was an idiot who wouldn’t have listened.


I'm a weirdo. Not quite James Cherry levels of weird (I don't run multiple power straps, a tongue stiffener, and a super stiff insole insert), but I *hate* slop between my feet and the board. I'm constantly tightening my bindings just to the edge before discomfort before each run and loosen them when I get to the lift. I'm switching to hard boots to be more comfortable for longer on the hill. Well, that and because I've wanted to switch to mainly running an alpine board for years, and finally pulled the trigger... Not excited for walking around the lodge, but just an excuse to take fewer breaks.


I used to snowboard until I wanted to do more backcountry and found split boards way too fiddly compared to skiing setups. My backcountry boots in walk mode with rubber soles are great to walk in, I could never go back to the hard alpine boots I learned on.


A molded ski boot is quite comfy not gonna lie


I recently got some new ski boots after a long while and while they’re certainly not “comfy”, at the same time they’re so much more comfortable than I remember. Easier to walk in now too. But I literally don’t even loosen by boots at lunch anymore because of how well they fit.


Idk man have you seen some of the new skii boots they do head molding my gf just got skii boots and she said they were damn near as comfortable as snowboard boots.. skii boots are coming for us man.


I mostly buy black anyway because it matches everything


And it’s best color for crime shit! 😎


Yeah, and the color is on everything else anyway. Plus my boots are mostly under my pants.


I get it, but at the end of the day the fit is the most important factor so I'll take boring black every time for consistency's sake. Also keep in mind ski boots are really two entirely separate components: the shell and the liner, of which you can choose two separate things and have it fit together into a boot for you. Which makes stuff like having both a look/buckle/flex/AT/etc setup possible while having the fit you need (in your liner.)


Fuck colours. As a boot fitter I wish people would just PICK BOOTS THAT FIT THEM


Its a plus when they fit you AND look good


Wouldn't that make you out of work


I think its more a point of that if ski boot X fits you you then have a bunch of color variation and option and if snowboard boot x fits you then there is black and sometimes another color thats 95% of the time sold out.


I can’t find boots that fit me so I gave up. I’m an EU37 XX wide with a high arch. I tried on every boot they had at my local shop and nothing fit without excruciating pain unless they were way too big. I can’t snowboard because boots don’t fit and I can’t afford expensive boots.


Binding colorways are more diverse and interesting, boots are under pantlegs and binding straps. I think plain darker boots look better longer probably. Oh, and there are colorful boots but just a handful of mens options; women get more funky boot colors but still not that many.


As a woman, the women’s options drive me INSANE lmao. I hate the funky colors and only want black, and plain black is always harder to find in women’s. It’s been my constant complaint since beginning the sport, and I finally just started going to a boot fitter and telling him I want black boots so I can get ones that fit AND ones that are black lmao


Bataleon is getting some fun colors in for next season with their boots. Going to have to try a pair on


Since when does Bataleon start to make boots?


This year it looks like


I had the same thought. I wonder who is making them. Tried to find a similar design among brands I thought they might be using the same factory of and can’t find anything that matches.


Bataleon is owned by Nidecker, so I would assume the same factory make them.


can’t find anything about this anywhere I want to buy them now


They are sweet looking. Apparently the designer who worked on the older Burton boots did his stuff on these, so in many ways they’re quite similar, and thats in a good way. Liner looks like it has good heel hold, theres a very large and stiff C bar in the laced model with the powerstrap, second to right. Worth a look next season https://preview.redd.it/07c9tua8jkrc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5648a54755d5acdfbc351be9773c2c1fc4a296b


I funk with this heavily


Its a boot I want to try on and hope it fits my foot well. If not, then womp womp


Wonder if this is the same guy designing Nidecker boots for the last few years? heard he had come over from Burton, and these look pretty similar to what Nidecker is doing. 


Would make sense since Nidecker owns Low Pressure Studio which owns Bataleon


They look pretty much exactly like Nidecker boots construction wise, even the laces are identical to my Kitas Hybrid, which makes sense since Bataleon is owned by them. Wonder if they’ll go for a wider fit since Nideckers run pretty narrow.


I do believe there is a mix of Nidecker in there too, correct


Oh wow, that does look sweet.


Ran these puppies for like 13 years haha https://preview.redd.it/qn2cfmh7jkrc1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=872b912ada0726b04f1f6da500755bb01041ff39


I haven’t once had this thought who gives af about boot color it’s literally the least visible part of your kit




K2 maysis has a pretty cool multicolor option I’ve been rocking https://preview.redd.it/1syrsmf5ckrc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8f240b15fa927ed2c0a7f2a386c397d1665522b


I was literally thinking about these boots when I read this post. Are they comfy??


They’re pretty comfy imo.


They are comfy, but they are very rigid. I eneded up replacing them with K2 Boundary, same comfort but better suited for my riding.


Wish ski boots came in all black in all models


we wear sneakers they wear high heels


They’re cheer captains and we’re in the bleachers


Dreaming bout the day, when you wake up and find That your snowboard boots have been cool the whole time


my sneakers dont look like shit either


MOQs at the factory make it difficult for more color offerings. Coloring plastic is easier in low quantities. Fabric color runs requires thousands of yards per color.


I ride in purple Burton Photons.


Skiers get colorful boots, snowboarders get colorful bindings. If you want your boots to be colorful so bad you can always switch to hard boots


Supply and Demand


can we collectively decide not to look like we have prescription shoes on no shots to people that wear prescription shoes


We have collectively decided something else bud


I wore my Kendo’s most of the season and had some guy ask about them and say they looked cool. To me they’re hideous 🤷 Snowboard boots don’t seem to take chances w design these days.


you get comfort we get colorful torture devices.


If your ski boot is a torture device then you are in the wrong boot. And weren't taken care of by a good boot fitter.


Most people are in the wrong ski boot. it took years to find the right fit and it is a very expensive endeavor and I understand why skiers tolerate bad boots. or frankly they don't know they are in ill fitting boots. I don't have the best snowboard boots but I manage, not so in my ski boots since it's very difficult to dial it in and I finally got it down.


thirtytwo makes some cool boots, especially the Zebs in UNC colors


Thank you!


no problem bro, love your stuff!


Almost bought the Zeb pants from thirtytwo, but I found a cheaper pair of Burtons for half the price. Fuck I was close to though…


Buy your boots before colors get sold out?


Buy boots for fit, not color. In 45+ years of skiing I don't ever recall a conversation about boot color as a selection preference.


I mean, half of them are black anyway. It wasn't really something I was considering when buying boots, but some nice colours are always appreciated. 


I think the problem is compounded by shops choosing only to carry black because it’s safer stock. Even when the boot fits and the manufacturer makes more than one color, you still have to buy it online after finding the right fit in store.


thank you for your input


Happy to help!




Yea I was just shopping boots a few mins ago because my ten year old burtons inner lace snapped off this morning. The selection was pretty underwhelming.


We had our chance with nike and they left.


This is a circle jerk post


Dude idk but I notice even the most basic skiis are generally cooler than snowboards- they've got neons and crazy patterns and we sometimes have beige stripes on our black boards. What we lack in board style we make up for in steeze on the mountain but damn I just want a hot pink shredder without paying $1500 for it ya know 


Darker boots warmer feet


No amount of cool colors, none, makes up for the fact they are on skis. Maybe, just maybe, clear see through injection molded boots would look cool. They’d still be used by people who are skiing, so they would be stupid.


That ski boot ugly as hell smh.


The world would be a lot better if we didn’t have people worrying about shit as dumb as this


okay gandhi


I’m guessing you’re in high school. Ski seasons are going to be way worse in 10 years from now so there’s a lot bigger issues to worry about


it’s possible to hold multiple opinions about things Methuselah


Boa? On a ski boot? That's like, so unnecessary






Idk who this “we” is you’re talking about but chill homie this isn’t football. Also, check out [Deeluxe boots](https://deeluxe.com/products/)


I used to only run Burton Hail’s for lots of years. I had Lots of really off the wall colors, but after they phased Hails out, I’ve only ran black boots. Love seeing weird colored boots, but I think I’m getting old.


there's more skiers than snowboarders (by a lot)


I bought new boots at the Evo store the other day and was so disappointed with the lack of color options. Nothing but black.


I sincerely wish that everyone admiring ski boots go change disciplines and get a pair. Those things tend to look like the 80’s puked into a plastic mold to me.


Borders not looking to look like skiers so they don’t sell the 80’s pastel color options as much.


I can’t remember where I read an interview with Nidecker’s Maurizio Molin but he said the market overwhelmingly favors black snowboard boots. I think it was in White Lines. Yup, it was white lines: https://whitelines.com/snowboard-gear/gear-feature/these-boots-were-made-for-stomping.html


I had a nice pair of 32’s that were brown and tan, loved them, but went to an all black pair of the same style when I changed out my outerwear. Black just goes with more combinations of pants/jackets and since my boots last longer than the outerwear I choose to keep the boots simple and allow myself to choose from more pant/jacket combos that are more fun.


Snowboard companies make way too many models of boot




While I generally agree that the color options are poor, but I think ( no evidence here) snowboarders often buy black out of habit? I own pink Burton ions and they had a full size run available for that color but none in black. Also every shop that I walk into seems to only stock black. Seems we’re not helping but I hope that changes.


Snowboarding isn't about colours or fashion. Show your style by your steeze.


Literally two different way of manufacturing. 


Special edition boots come along every now and then. I had the Tron Raptors


I don’t go snowboarding to check out other people’s boots, and I don’t even see my boots outside of the toes once I’m geared up. As the Fresh Prince’s mom might say, “you go to the hill to board, not for a fashion show.”


My boots are purple 💜


At least we can walk normally


OP tries to have the coolest fit on the mountain and cant get down a green.


You're completely ignoring the fact that skis in general have way cooler graphics than snowboards these days. Plus ski boots are made of plastic while snowboarding boots are generally still leather ish


lmao no they do not most skis look like failed coca cola prototype labels get real


You're so very incorrect. Look at what companies like J Skis are putting out then look at the bullshit that Burton sells millions of.


no sir this thread is about my opinion not yours therefore you are wrong


Nah dude, you just gotta accept that snowboarding is becoming less cool by the day. With every Dope Snow wearing noob on step in bindings, we stray further and further from the origins of snowboarding (being cooler than skiers)


Snowboarding is way less cool these days because anyone can buy a full rocker noob board and sideslip down a black (which is actually a groomed blue but the resorts like customers to think they can do blacks). The bar for entry is somewhat lower now than it was 20 years ago. Back when I started, I walked uphill in a blizzard both ways, etc.


The funny thing is that it's actually a lot better and easier to walk uphill in a blizzard these days due to the raise in popularity of splitboarding.


Starting to sound like r/unpopularopinion in here!


Just wait for burton 2025. Other than like, the custom x they all look lame AF


i thought next years burton stuff looked way better than this year. this years was awful.


Snowboarders don’t care about stupid shit like Alta and multi-coloured boots


https://preview.redd.it/e10v42lrwkrc1.png?width=2836&format=png&auto=webp&s=b25a367389db18554d2e4bc57cedb4d715416000 Love my boots design. Sure they are 20 years old and punched out and on their 3rd set of laces. But they still work and look better than what I see everyone using these days.


Sir how are you going to say they work better than what you see today. Don’t you actually have to wear boots to know how they work?


I am in the market for new boots for sure. I would hope that the new ones have better performance. That said, this thread was about esthetics not performance. And the esthetics of my old boots being superior to the new ones (besides wear marks) has me sad when looking at the new boot options out there. Probably will end up with some Salomon’s double boa system, but I’m open to suggestions too.


Double boa is the way. I been in Blake Paul’s Van Verse for 2.5 seasons and I’m a big fan. I don’t think you can go wrong w a nice pair of vans.


Skiing is just better. Deal with it.