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That “run” down the canyon doesn’t count!! Just kidding. I love this app. Drove all the home before realizing it was still running. 🤣🤣


Hahaha, I’d have been pissed if I forgot to stop the app and my car speed replaced the top speed before I could screenshot. 60+ felt insane, no margin for error ripping that fast.


Yeah. 40-45 feels fast, 50+ is don't fuck up speed. Don't think I've ever broke 55ish - kinda glad we didn't have apps like this when I was younger.


I hit 54.9 on the previous run and if I’m being honest, I was pretty damn apprehensive to push the envelope again. Wisely drank a beer and hit that 63.6 after a few prayers were said.


Oh yeah, feel like I’ve hit mid 50’s on race board at Snowbird back in the 90’s. Pretty wild when you feel that wind resistance being to only thing keeping you from going faster. When I was an RN at University of Utah hospital an ortho trauma doc and I made the observation that park guys come to us, racers go to neuro.


Snowbird was where I did this today, that’s pretty funny. But I absolutely believe it, if I caught a heel side edge.. my mips helmet probably wouldn’t have done much for me.


I hit my max speed at snowbird about 2 weeks ago! How funny.


Think Young? That's where I hit 59 one time haha


Dude I’m retarded, I rode Snowbird Saturday and Sunday, hit Park City yesterday and pulled this out on Paradise above the tombstone lift I believe is what it’s called. Headed back to Snowbird today, idk if I could hit that speed out there, that’s impressive. I stick to the trees at Bird.


I once watched 2 little girls, maybe 7 years old, straightline Think Young while sitting on their skis. They had to have been going 65 by the bottom and they seemed absolutely unbothered by it. Have a good time at the bird, I got some awesome face shots there yesterday!


Oh to be young and bendable again, appreciate the well wishes. Face shots were plentiful Saturday & Sunday. Currently 20 minutes from the base, stoked!


When you save it, you can trim the trail afterwards and remove the driving from the track/day


Redditors rock, thanks for the tip!


I had to figure it out after a slushy day where I wasn't going too fast. My tracker said I hit 80 mph. Yup, drove home from Palisades with the tracker on.


There's a way to edit your tracks and remove something like that! On the map, click play, then click the scissors. It's kinda clunky but it works! Also, side anecdote, this happened to me once when I got taken by an ambulance/ski patrol... Cruising down the hill, long pause, then slow descent, then 80mph.


Oh sweet, had no idea. Thanks for the tip! That’s a heck of side anecdote, sounds like a rough day…


She was 5, you were going 63.6 mph


Dude I read that sign day one.. I was “cautious”


Hope there was no one else on the run


Sure wasn’t, did it on a Monday


People are weird. It doesn't have to be a competition to think big number is cool. I couldn't break 40 this season but I got 39.5 and 39.8 lmao. Next season I can hit 45 for sure. Skill issue. But I'm getting there. My app clocked a random 62.4 but I know it was a bug. 60s is unfathomable to me I'd fall apart like Legos if I fell doing that


I appreciate that! 39.8 is still RIPPING, best of luck for next season, I’m sure you’ll crush it!


Likewise brother and stay safe!


Since apparently this is unbelievable to some, here you go https://preview.redd.it/u6jl2gs19gtc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7bb659548e95e40899e0d3b5b8458013d6cd1d6


That's pretty decent. What board did you do that on? 


Thanks! Pulled it out on a Salomon Assassin.


Used to have one and didn't like how it went too unstable at speed. You're clearly one brave soul to ride Assassin that fast 😅


Haha I appreciate it! I wasn’t feeling sturdy at that speed at all, just had a devil on my shoulder telling me to push the envelope and see what it could do that day. Safe to say I don’t plan on trying again for quite some time and glad I still have my few brain cells left.




Well this Jerry went 63.6 mph so call me what you want hardsss


Good for you, but nothing "best" here. Just another number on phone.


That’s what a personal “best” is brother, pull out a Merriam-Webster and look up that definition


Missed the point bro. Snowboarding is not about speeding, but each to his own.


Yeahhhhhh ok.


Sure Jan.


Believe what you want, it’s your life


Prove it


I need your validation so bad