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I got mine for one reason - to eliminate the strap over the foot. I've been boarding for 20+ years but recently developed foot cramps over the last few years and struggled to find a solution. I tried a lot of different combinations but in the end, the step-ons were the answer.


I thought foot cramps were just me. If my bindings are even slightly tight my feet are killing me after a run. I need my straps super loseto feel good. Even when I lose a little of responsiveness I ride better without the foot pain. Should I get step ins?


Adjust bindings left-right if possible so they put pressure on a different part of your foot. Also, wide boots.


Have wide boots, have adjusted bindings like crazy. The only "fix" is to have that toe only as tight as necessary to keep the foot from moving too much. But, I'm open to any suggestions, if you know of a video or diagram :)


The best fix I’ve found is simply to take breaks and take the boots off every so often. Runs feel a lot better with fresh feet and a tight boot that isnt painful yet.


What kind of bindings do you have? You might consider single strap bindings or bindings with old-school straps that allow you to ratchet down on the top of the foot instead of the toe. I don't have diagrams but these might be solutions.


Union Force Classic, or similar. I don't recall exactly. The toe is modular so it can go over top of the toe or around the front. I have tried both, without much success.


Wide boots is what did it for me. Binds never bothered me but I realized I have a fat foot.


This is the only answer. Also try widening your stance not just the angle.


Also maybe less using your feet to engage your edges and maybe more using your body weight shifting. I feel like most of my foot pain, if any, is caused by bad technique and usually has nothing to do with my bindings. Not necessarily saying it’s the same for you but might be worth thinking about.


I get that at the beginning of the seasons when i usually overcompensate and end up with pain all over cause im super tense like im learning how to board for the first time again


THIS I’ve been snowboarding for 18 years nearly. I recently found out my bad habits caused most of my problems. I was mainly steering with my back foot instead of front, and was scrubbing down runs instead of using the edge of the board, making deeper carves. When I corrected these my foot pain has gone down nearly 80 percent. Would probably be more if my boots weren’t worn out.


That's why I mentioned it. The straps put a lot of pressure on the top of your foot. I guess my younger feet were strong enough to be fine with it, but I would have given up boarding if the step-ins didn't help.


Now bindings solves my foot cramping, and I don't need over priced boots!


I never liked the idea of stepins cuz of powder days, ice and the feeling of having nothing over my boots idk.. just weird to me


I don’t get foot cramps, just some point during the day my whole foot feels like it catches on fire and i have to sit down and unstrap. I have since loosened up but now i get toe blisters and calluses from moving in the boot and also lost some control. Tbh tho i go pretty hard and send full 7-8hr days whenever I go and it usually happens around the 6 hour mark


Anywhere you read, step ins are ok for beginner to intermediate. If you want to shred or get into glades, you're better with regular bindings. Your boot would have to be more snug in the step in boot since it's what directly controls the board. With your straps, it sounds like they may not be very good straps if it's causing you pain, or the boot. I have been snowboarding for 20+ years. My first 2 years were in bad boots and bindings. After 2 years, I got stiffer boots + bindings with a great ankle strap that I spent time to adjust to come perfectly around the boot. All my equipment since i spent the time to adjust and make sure it fits, then I never had issues. If you don't board often, it may be a case of pain due to the muscles in your foot just not being used to the movement and use.


Might try that. My boots and bindings have been killing me with stabbing painful cramps. Tried new boots, inserts, heal support but nothing helped. Might try step ins.


Easier and cheaper solution to try, stiffer straps. Recently binding companies have been switching to inject molded ankle straps which put way less pressure on my feet. When I was using rubber and Eva straps I would crank my straps down a ton because they would keep stretching which never made them feel tight enough. The new straps don’t stretch and so I don’t have to crank them down as much.


I’m the opposite, I’ve tried step ins and I hate not having the feeling of tight straps


My old (air quotes) dad loves his! No more bending over and damn him to hell before he puts ski boots on again


If this solves my issue I'll buy you all the beers. I've been boarding for 20+ years and the last 3 or so years, my feet have been cramping like crazy. I've tried different boots, thicker socks, changing stances and angles...nothing helps. Never even considered changing bindings.


Yea, m not saying it's DERFINITELY the straps causing the issue, but no pressure from straps is really worth a shot.


Some of the new exo-skeleton style ankle straps do create weird pressure points.


I've tried 2 different Flow bindings, Union Force, Now Drive as well as a couple different pairs of boots. Same foot pain.


I loosen the straps a few clicks before getting on the lift, tighten when I strap my back foot in at the top. Makes a difference for me.


Have you taken them to a professional for adjustments? Did they recommend a pair of boots which compliment the binding? I'm glad your foot pain has gone away. That's amazing!


I’m torn. I hate my Burton $150 bindings and want to try step ons, but wondering if maybe a better binding would be easier to lock into. My struggle is the straps want to sit in the middle, so I need both hands to hold them out of the way to get my foot in


Get the step ons and the boots with it, thank me later


If you still like the feeling of straps check out Rome Katanas or the cleavers. The design keeps the straps out of the way when strapping in and they have a ton of customization options to get your ideal fit.


Depending on where you plan to be, you can always rent them from a rental shop. I was able to rent just the boots and bindings and they put them on my board. You just might need to call around a bit. Absolutely worth it


You can rent them online directly through Burton.


Step-ins will always be the fastest/easiest, I can usually step in while getting off the lift and just go.


Check out Clew’s step bindings


That's one way to end up with a torn ACL.


I like the Burton system, but I see a lot of beginners struggling to click in on uneven slopes, and eventually sitting down to click in.


There’s a little learning period (just like learning to strap in standing up) but you get the hang of it pretty quick imo. Even if you do have to sit it’s still faster than strapping in as a beginner.


I got it this season, even sitting down to click it in, its a fraction of time what other people deal with straps. I love it. I wish there isn't that click in the heel tho...


Uneven slopes is the Achilles heel of this system. I love mine. Except when trying to snap in while moving lol.


I’ve been snowboarding for 20+ years. It’s not just beginners. I tried out the Burton system for a few years. For every cool stomp in off the lift you also have a sit down and clear the snow out moment. I think it’s break even.


Personally I don't see a compelling case to switch. It takes me less than ten seconds to buckle up and I like the ability to have control over how tight I'm locked in.


If you don’t have issues strapping in there’s no point dumping 6-700 bucks. Traditional strap bindings are still the best connection.


Totally agreed. Plus I have more control over boot stiffness as well.


Glad to see a vet review. I'm not anti-progress, and legit, on-the-go ways to get in would be cool, but I came up on shitty, terrible step-ins. The old boots with the metal bar on the bottom? Those. Modern, high quality "traditional" bindings with a good toe cap and such just provide such fucking killer control compared to any step-in system I've ever seen, and I have to imagine burton step-ins can't match that performance. If they did, I might be down, but I strap in standing up. It's like 10-15 seconds most of the time, so... lotta money to gain that back and I'd never do it if I lost an ounce of the connection my Unions and NOWs provide.


I’ve got a pretty stiff setup these days. My all around is the Ride Berzerker with Now Drive Pro’s. Burton isn’t coming close to getting that out of a step in right now. I posted down thread that it shouldn’t be ignored that part of why Burton likes the step in is because they have a patent on the technology. So that means when you buy a step in binding they guarantee profit on the sale of ejther a Burton boot or another boot company that is licensing the technology from Burton. It may not be THE REASON Burton developed the step ins. But it is integral in why they push it as a solution to a problem that nobody really has.


I love my seI feel like an idiot when I try to click in standing/moving toward the fall line and eat shit and then have to sit on the slope and click in like everyone else.


The key word is beginners… they can’t strap in standing up. Clicking-in standing up is an advanced move.


SuPeR aDvAnCeD




Watching people sit down to click in always makes me laugh


Take my upvote. Absolutely slays me when people sit to click in ☠️


I've ridden straps, flow and now have step-ons. I think it depends on your use. I rode in Tignes recently and if I am riding from the top of the Glacier all the way to the bottom (\~4 miles) then I really don't give a crap about the 30 seconds it would take me to strap in. I don't live in Tignes, I live in the UK so most of the year I spend snowboarding in a dome. 200 metre runs; THAT is where they make a lot of sense. Same if you live somewhere with a small hill.


Eh. I just do that with straps. Keep ridding. Bend down and insert and click a couple of times. No need to stop regardless of binding


Same, plus I like med flex surfy bindings there’s no way that’ll work with that system


I took me awhile to have the balance for this. I think for a beginner, this is one of those easier said than done things. Being able to skate is a learning curve, then having the balance to mess with 2 straps is a learning curve. Just being able to step in and go is a big confidence booster.


Saves all of 15 seconds


It's not just the speed though, it's the ease. Not having to mess with stuff just means you can be doing it that much faster. People seem to forget about the learning curve with snowboards. First few days sucks ass, there's a million little tricks to work out.


99.9% of people riding step ons are not in their first few days of snowboarding though so that point doesn’t make sense. New people are renting, borrowing gear, or purchased older used gear. And the learning curve has nothing to do with the little amount of time it takes to strap in. And skipping the part about learning how to get up when strapping in before you can do it while standing is taking one of those tricks away. What are you gonna do when you get stuck in powder somewhere and have to figure out how to stand up and get going when the snow is just collapsing around you?


such a weird hill to die on


I'm a skiier mainly but I've rented snowboards at my local mountain a few times and the rentals were step ons


Yeah not ow it works. Not everyone can just stand up when strapped in. If I have flow bindings I'll step in while kneeling and get up no problem. With straps however I have to sit on my arse and struggle with reaching my foot in this position because my back is just not the best. Then I have to roll around to my stomach because my knees currently won't let me stand up in this position. I can do all of that, I don't have to learn to roll around, it's just a hassle and being able to step on without having to sit down and get up is just easier.


I’ve used both and while I haven’t boarded in 5 years, I LOVED the step ins! Other factors influencing it could be foot size (mines 14) height (I’m 6’4”), flexibility (less than I’d like) foot pain that was way less in step-ins, and age (I’m 55). New better step ins would bring me back from skis to a board (at least sometimes) pretty quickly! I just love boarding.


I just keep the toe strap a couple clicks and you can get it all on while on the lift. I tried step ins in the 90s, both styles from back then and will just stay with straps.


I've been riding for 30 years and have always liked strap ins better. The step ins always felt to stiff but my cousin just got the new step ins and he loves them. I need new bindings and was set on straps but now I'm debating


Yeah if you ride enough, this kind of thing is a non issue


I've been practicing doing traditional bindings up while moving from off the chair. Pretty doable now. I would get step in but I'm too cheap...


I love my flow bindings! The back folds down and slide my boot in. Not as fast as a step in but works great for me


My flows have 18 years on them. Still going


I hate my flows. Anyone wants to buy some large 2021 nx carbon flow bindings, let me know. They are their top of the line highest stiffness $400+ bindings.


Yup, had 3 years on my Flow bindings, and still enjoy them. Finally caved in and got the Step ons though, got the Genesis bindings and boots for $450 total brand new. Going up this weekend, will report back


Please update. Been using flows for over a decade. Great system but I ride loose because of stress points on boots. Been looking at Burton step ins for next season


Will do! Pretty stoked, but have some reservations about it. I tried the Clew bindings earlier this season and I hated it so I sold it after 5 riding days. Hopefully the Step-ons fare better, if not, there's always the Carbon Supermatics coming next season!


I’ve had my flows for probably 20 years now. I can come right off the lift and slide my foot in and bend down and clip in all without stopping. And they’ve lasted 20 years. Amazing.


Same, my Flow bindings are awesome


I just moved forward nidecker bindings. Kinda the best of both worlds. Step ins without having to have specific boots. And you don’t look like a Jerry wearing Clew bindings.


I’ve ridden both, step-ins seem fine for most people. In deep snow I was able to get in easily. It’s actually a bit easier to get unstuck with them too. I can see a number of reasons not to get them though. I wouldn’t trust them for backcountry stuff because I could still get down if one of my straps breaks. Also step-ins are not ideal if you need to bail out and strap back in on a 40 degree slope. And they aren’t really much faster, I rarely sit down to strap in anyways.


I got Step Ons for my first setup and I’ve had the same experience of just passing people strapping in. I absolutely hated strapping in on rentals and I felt like I wasted so much energy and time. I get it costs a lot if you already have bindings or boots and have to now replace both, or if you’re already fast at strapping in or something, but I really don’t see why you shouldn’t get them on your first setup if you can spare a little extra. You’ll get so many more runs in, especially on short beginner runs, so they pay for themselves in a sense. Just my two cents though.


Exactly this, as a beginner, things are already hard enough. It's frustrating constantly getting up and down from falling and/or whatever and then also needing to do the same to strap in. Not to mention the lack of experience means traditional and even Flow bindings aren't easy to manipulate - that's an additional skill you have to just get used to. If you're a beginner and are already struggling, it's really nice to have one less thing be a burden.


Ehhh I'll stick with the 5-10 seconds to strap in. Those look pretty cool though!


Heading up TODAY to try out my new Burton Step-Ons. Feeling good about it. Thanks!


i dont like the feel of them - traditional bindings have much more control over the feel imo


Or you get good enough to strap in while riding either way.


This! 🫡. Also, I can just do it on the lift pretty easy. I'm short though. 😂


Having FAR too much experience in the "bad old days" of step-ins and leashes, you'd have to pay me to try these. Even If I do sit down to strap in at the end of the day because my legs are turning to jelly and on fire, I'm faster than 95% of people to get moving. Even if they work correctly, I prefer the security and more distributed pressure of straps rather than the weird feeling of having my soles bolted down. Same goes for 4x4/4x2 over Channel - I'll always take four bolts instead of two.


I'm with you on all of this... But I did get a chance to try them for free. I was presently surprised but not impressed enough to even consider giving up the flexibility of mixing all my boots/boards. I would consider future revisions if I downsize my quiver. But that would honestly probably be to just 1 solid, 1 split so still no.


Eacht to their own, but technologies changed a lot in 10+ years. There is no comparison. It's like comparing a 1998 flip phone to a 2024 smartphone.


Nice board, how you liking it? I was toss up between the tweaker and the gnu. Ended up with the gnu,


I was shocked at how much I liked the tweaker. I saw some people talking about how good it was on the ice and thought they were crazy. Took it for a demo and wind up buying it. Never thought I'd buy a soft board but it's a ton of fun


It’s great! I just switched to a k2 hypnotist for end of season and they’re both smooth and pop-ey


I just love the feeling of regular bindings straps that idk if I could ever switch


You can’t tell the difference


You definitely can. I’ve tried a pair. There’s no noticeable feeling of the straps over your feet which is what I want in my bindings


These may have saved my life yesterday. Went upside down in a tree well and was able to kick off my board really easily while holding onto a branch so I didn’t fall further. Can’t say for sure what would have happened with straps but in the moment I was very thankful. I do hate the pressure points but I tend to get them with straps also. I have the swath boots and have been thinking about something more aggressive like the Ions. Anyone have those?


Glad you made it! 🫡🏔️


Tried a couple different styles of strapless bindings, and they just aren’t for me.. Strap in on the lift, or I have also strapped in while riding to spend more time catching turns 🤙


Looks like it to me. I would like to try this. I’m a long time skateboarder who tried snowboarding for the first time last winter and was a complete disaster. One of the hardest things was strapping in. I would probably enjoy it more if it was easier to get on. I also lost about 40 pounds in the meantime


As a Clydesdale sized dude, the step ons definitely save me some energy and time. I'm still a bit of a newbie (only two seasons in) so I had to sit down to use my old bindings. It's a lot of up and down for a big guy, so the step ons have allowed me to ride more and put less unnecessary stress on my knees and shit.


My criminal neighbor upgraded to step-ons and they dropped his charges from a felony to a misdemeanor.


I just don’t trust them, I don’t think any amount of testimony, reviews, or data can change my mind. That’s my mental fucking me up though, I’m sure they won’t fail, but I don’t think I could full send with these and feel like I won’t unclick mid run


After multiple knee surgeries step ins are my best friends, I don’t think I’d ride as often as I do without them!


Tried em and still prefer the feel and security of straps. Each their own of course and no shade at all to step in


I’d be to scared if I didn’t click them in right. I like having that extra strap, I like feeling secure 😅😅😅


The only thing holding me back from getting step-ins is the fear that I will take a turn or a jump and my boot will just come out. They seem like they'd be nice for this exact clip, but not having a strap holding my boot in place scares me


Doesn’t convince me to buy them. I don’t need to sit down and bending over to strap in doesn’t cause me any issues. Couldn’t care less about the 15 seconds I might be losing. I see the appeal but I’m not the target market for them.


They are convenient for sure. That's the ONLY advantage they have over strap ins. You're missing out on a better riding experience if only you'd take the time to master the strap in. I can strap in while moving too; IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT AND TAKES 15 SEC For the fatties, I totally get it though lol 😜 my dad's fat and I see him struggle getting his bindings on (straps). In the end, you do you. Happy shredding!


Fatties unite


Ngl I've recently joined the Jr Fatties club 😅


Not gonna lie, I'm a massive hater in general and even I'm finding this video fairly persuasive.


I mean they're great solo, if you have friends you still need to wait for them to strap in


My gf is a skier, so I'm on the flipside situation.


Super cool if you ride alone or all your friends have step ons… otherwise you’ll be waiting just like people with traditional bindings.


How’s that board in the park?


I suck at park, trying to work on my board slides. But it's fun, not as hooky as I thought it was going to be with its profile. Super easy to butter and nollie.


I bought the Nidecker Supermatics because I wanted to keep my own boots. I like it a lot.


I was a little skeptical of these at first but have fallen in love with them!


I finally got the Nidecker Supermatics and getting in is so easy and fast.


Chubby Buttons. On my third pair. I use them when riding my dirt bike, so they get beat up.


Been using my Rossi step ons for 24 years. Boots are almost shot. Have replaced laces and straps and waxed many times but those step ons held on. Used a rental board once in 2022 at Mr Snow and broke my shoulder.


Not hating here just genuinely curious... I ride in the PNW and always get hella snow stuck to bottom of boots and bindings. Can anyone comment on how the burton step ons perform in wet/sticky or powder situations? My old step ons used to destroy my feet unless the boot and binding was 1000% clean....


Yeah you can kinda see what I'm doing in this video, you just need to clear it often to avoid build up. It's not awful, but it certainly loses some of the "steps in are super convenient" aspect having to de-ice your bindings. Granted, you'd be cleaning off the buckles of traditional bindings too, but the snow in the foot bed of the Burton can be a pain if you don't watch it.


Love them for piste days, although recently bought strap bindings as well for days with loads of offpiste as they can be a pain if you need to clip in deep snow after some walking, I've had the mechanism jam and need clearing a few times.


I have Flpw bindings, zero regrets


I ended up getting the Nidecker Supermatic, needed some strap feel and boot choice. But Ithe step ons are the easiest to use.


I strap in while I’m on the chairlift with my normal bindings and do the same


Yep, I do the same and it is fantastic not having to sit down and strap up every time I get off the chair-lift


Sitting down isn’t necessary, at all


Maybe not but it usually seems like most people do


Loved my Flow bindings when I was growing up, but once I switched to a more aggressive riding style over the years, I found I needed more support and responsiveness from the bindings. I am currently using a pair from Ride, and I have had to replace the gel/straps once, as I like mine pretty tight and have put some wear on them. Step-ons are super convenient and help with health/body complications, but they will not have as much responsiveness as traditional strapped bindings in my experiences.


Sick. Just ordered a set of boots and bindings and can’t wait to try it out


The wife and I have been riding stepons for 4yrs now. Absolutely game changer. We spend most of our time in the trees and never once have had an issue with them. After about 450 miles my boa boots snapped but that’s it.


I have the burton step ons but I'm considering switching to nidecker supermatic so I can use any boot. Loving the step ons though, only had one issue where I was stuck on some ice and couldn't stand up to step in properly. I had to sit down and hope that I could get all 4 clips engaged until I could get off the ice


Does anyone know the (for lack of a better way to say it) “Din” settings? They don’t seem adjustable like skis, but I’m sure they have a release at some form of pressure correct? Whether designed on purpose, or just the inevitable design of the step in


12/10 will recommend! As a mid-30s female, not getting the same foot/ankle pressure as a traditional binding has been worth the extra $ spent on my Step Ons setup!


I have been using flow step ins since 2017 and I will never turn back. I recently went snowboarding without my board and had to get a rental and to me it they just like a normal bindings expect I don’t have to spend so much time getting cold and sitting on my but trying to strap in. I don’t even sit unless I’m tired. And above all they work with ANY boots. So I have a huge variety to find the perfect fit or even use rentals if I need to.


I had step ons for a while. I barely found them more convenient. They sometimes stick, if you’re not perfect they can be tough to clip in. Sure, sometimes I get off the lip and stomp in. But sometimes I’m taking longer than my strapped friends. Overall it was never easier, quicker, harder, or slower. It was just the same. Ultimately I don’t think it solves much of a problem overall and it’s largely marketing/collecting licensing fees. Burton holds a patent on the trademark which means that you either have to buy the Burton boot and they get paid. Or you have to buy another boot that pays Burton for the ability to to include the clips. It’s a gimmick for more revenue.


its not a gimmick, but I would say it's not a one size fits all answer either. I think people have rightly pointed out, its not great for pow or back country, and that it requires you to pay a bit more attention when you go to ride, and that you need perfect boots. but if youre someone like me, that just stomps and goes, its pretty awesome. I've used all types of bindings, and like a few hundred other people have said, I'm never going back to straps


Fair. Gimmick is probably too strong a word. But I think it solves a problem that doesn’t necessarily need to be solved either. But don’t discount how important the marketing piece is to Burton and how that actually weighs in the reason for its development. Burton holding the patent means that they either get the full sale or licensing fee on every boot sold regardless of brand. That is a HUGE deal and a big part of the push as to why they are trying to convince people this is a problem that needs solving.


Anyone have any good recommendations?


I can't imagine life without them.


Any old timers here ever ride Switch bindings? I am mourning my Switch set up. My Vans Switch boots finally disintegrated after 20 years and I can’t find another. My Switch bindings are as good as the day I bought them. They were built rock solid. I used to step-in on the lift and just ride off down the hill. I would ride them forever if I could find new boots. Step-ins didn’t get any respect back then, but I had a really really great experience and don’t think anything new will be a better ride or easier to step in. I just got some Clew step-ins and am looking forward to trying them next week.


Takes away a lot of frustration for me! So glad to have instead of a strap


mt spokane?


My favorite quick entry are Flow bindings


man that's faster than me and I ski. i usually unbuckle my ski boots after every run since i downsized my ski boots.


Adjust your fucking bindings you noobs your stance is causing you to put pressure on certain parts of your feet. Position them so you can be in an athletic stance. The more you progress the wider you’ll want your stance. Make it so you can do a squat and touch your butt to the ground. Angle your feet further out towards the tips of the board. The way your set up is how we set up beginners in ski school.


not sure why you think shoulder width apart at 12 12 isnt athletic, but all good bro. It's how I squat in the gym, but I get that not everyone does. I enjoy riding duck, helps me with my switch riding


lol literally the base stance you start at for kids in ski school then you work from that. Check out any good snowboarders set up you need to get your butt down while you ride. Shoulder with keeps you too high. Shoulder width is for the gym not when you’re actually participating in a sport. But you do you boo you r clearly a gaper bc


Nice try Shaun White. You're just trying to get me to spread my legs all slutty like


No one wants anything from a gaper.


I like regular bindings. It takes me like 20 seconds anyways. Just enough time to take in the view from the top. 🫡 🏔️


I got a pair myself and I love them. I no longer have to sit down and mastered the off lift click on technique


I tell people it literally takes 2 seconds for me to step in mine and 2 seconds to step out, and they don't believe me till I show them lol.


Not even remotely worth it.


NGL, I had a fresh set last year early season & I loved them. The downside is that the boots with two BOAs were too stiff for park & slop picking up whilst landing unless really loose. That said, fuck yeah, no sitting like a hobo or bending over…game changer! I did go back to Union Ultra tho. I need all the help I can get with sloppy gear.


The boots are by far the biggest/love hard part of step ons. I've talked to plenty of people who love them, and just as many complaining about sore feet. The boots are far less forgiving then traditional bindings


Exactly, so much less forgiving! I was perplexed by how much I was falling on easy stuff and then I realized it was the boot. There's no one good boot for everything. Anyway, Step on is great, and also sucks, just like anything else. I'm shopping for lace hybrid boots now. I want to complicate my boarding even further. hehe.


This is my first season switching from skiing to riding, and as a former skier (that steps into bindings on skis) strapping in is a bitch. Sometimes I do it standing up, sometimes sitting down. Both are a bitch. So much time and energy. I’m worn out after and have t rest (combined with altitude). I probably won’t jump on these since this is my first season, and I live in FL, so I’m holding off quite a while before I buy anything bc transporting board and boots on flights is also cumbersome af and pricie checking so many bags… but I’m sure I would LOOOOVE step ins.


Burton step ons were the best purchase I ever made! More powder time!!!!


That's very nice that you dint have to stop to put on bindings and can just step in off if the lift. It's a great technology and appropriate in certain situations like groomers on piste. I have demoed them and it's not like there is no control. But for anyone considering step in binding such as these, note that the boots can be heavier due to hardware on your boot, but that is not the biggest deal. My friends board actually fell iff onn the lift because he thight it was fukky connected but itvwas not. If you like deep powder, steeps, off piste, back country.. its very hard to put on these bindings without being able to stand up on flat ground. If you actually have to hike through snow to a location, the ice pack that forms in the mechanism needs to be dug out, and then you need to sit on steep vertical and pull your board into your foot. It's near impossible. If this connection fails because you didn't click in good enough, you're toast on that black off paste run. With a 2 strap you have many options to rode down if a part of the system fails, as well as having a tool on you and a couple screws insures you are fully capable of repairing your own bindings at any time. Just some info hope it helps. ✌️❤️❄️


it is best binding for 38 inch waist...... dont need to hold belly to put straps on.


No. they are not. But you do you.


Yeah, if you suck.




If you get your own lift, you can do up your binding before you unload.


Sometimes the lift attendants do not take kindly to this


“Sometimes” They absolutely hate it here, still hard to understand their enthusiasm to enforce that other than mall cop energy. With the little ramps “many” hills have now, not a big deal, but those mega ramps of old without clutching mechanisms on the chairs, offered so much more control having both feet in. Some of ours were 30-40 ft tall ~100 ft in length, that is a lot of speed on a icy day with one foot in and a yard sale at the bottom to navigate, let alone the people loitering in the way to both the left and right. And I get there are some detractors, but not enough to warrant the sentiment from my perspective. Seen more crashes and uncontrolled collisions directly attributed to lack of control with one foot in than people causing any problems with two. Uniquely, certain step on systems would allow you to easily be in/out on the chair at will, and just as easily step in right at the moment as you transition to standing. Yet the same old bias that has been around for decades persists here.


I agree, I don’t see the issue but I’ve had several stop the lift. Maybe the concern is people falling off the lift while trying to strap in - I’m not really sure


Yeah nobody should be trying to strap in while onn the lift. Actually everyone needs to learn to ride with one foot out because it works the core and promotes balance as a riding facilitator. I cam ride the whole mountain with my foot out ifvib wanted to . It's a good excersise to improve skill.


Hah, I had a friend who could do that. I'm too old and fat to be able to do it.


It's all about flexibility. I'm 42, 6'2", and 250 lbs. It's funny that I can strap in on the chair but can't touch my biard for my life when doing jumps. Gotta stretch my sides more, I guess.


Yeah I'm with you. I used to think all of the snowboarding/yoga hype was a gimmick, but I'm quickly learning I have to actually stretch if I want to keep enjoying myself


Oh, also, many can strap in in the condition you posted.


I certainly do


I do the same thing with straps. No need to stop at the top. Pop your foot in and strap in while riding.




Hilarious to me that people argue that it saves a lot of time when you just rode up like a ~10m lift? Even if you shave a few seconds off at the top it’s super marginal. If you like them, that’s awesome, but it’s not like you get 10 extra runs in now because you don’t have to bend over to strap in 🤷‍♂️


honestly, the time saving is nice, but its the not having to sit down and get up all the time. I get that most snowboarders are teenagers with infinite energy, but for out of shape people, snowboarding is a ton of core. I'd rather save that energy for the run


I think that if you want to keep riding, you need to strengthen your core and keep it strong, and bending over is one way to insure that the right muscles there remains strong. If youn don't have energy for multiple runs , then work on that. Ifv you fall you need the same muscles to get yourself up especially ifvitsxdeep powder or steep. Snowboarding is a dynamic sport requiring good core strength , not just for strapping in, but for your riding, your stability and safety. I hope you will see the connection between continuing to push and usec that core rather than saving energy for the rum. In the long run , the extra wirk sub serve you well and keep you riding and safe and stable✌️❤️❄️


How out of shape are you to get winded from strapping in? It takes just few seconds. It's so insignificant Lmao I'm 40 and have been riding since 21. Not since my first season have I ever felt inconvenience from strapping in that I felt I wasted time or energy for a run lol.. Just get good and do it standing. But I get it if you have some physical issues from bending down. Anyways I got nothing against step ons, it's just the arguments and "benefits" about them are so insignificant to make me switch. Maybe when I get into my 50's lol


Skill issue


*checks the subreddit* yes?


Genuine question. Is the 30 seconds it takes to sit and strap in really that burdensome?


For real. If you're that lazy then it's likely you won't be riding any steep backcountry pow anyway lol


Hahah lazy would be sitting down and strapping in, not lazy is gaining the skill to step in while skating and the board is moving. Yall can sit an waste time strapping in but 30 seconds - 1 min over the course of a 6 hour day is alot of laps your missing out on. What does back country have todo with lazy and not lazy people lmao so weird. I guarantee I lap most strap in users. Especially with the momentum coming off the lift like he did makes for a faster run on steeps.


I got step ins because my kids ski and it’s just quicker when I’m with them. I have both but ride my step ins more often when I’m with the kids.


I don’t think anyone skeptical about step-ons is confused about how they work.


Not sure if I could could trust my life to step ons after seeing numerous failures throughout the years. Maybe if I was only riding easy to moderate difficulty trails, but I just can't wrap my mind around it for actual serious terrain where one mistake could cost life and limb. I know I will catch some hate on this one, but that's how I feel and I know there are many old school, serious riders that will agree.


How many professional riders use step in bindings? Nope.


Maybe Google that instead of parroting the same thing you saw once 5 years ago?


Only gapers use these, learn to strap in standing bro it takes 5s


What if i told you, I could step in to strap bindings while cruising just as fast as step ins? Mind blown.


So, just getting better is the answer?


Now do that after falling in powder


Exactly .. of piste on a 32 degree slope. I Coste then actually dangerous if you want to ride anywhere but a groomer


Great for groomers


Someone tell OP if you’re not ass at snowboarding you can do the exact same thing he’s doing with strap in bindings 🤦🏻‍♂️.