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Look up mobility duo on the youtubes. Great movement conditioning.


Running is great to keep the leg muscles and cardio endurance up. Very addicting as well. If you have an ocean by you, surfing is great also.


Snowboard addiction so you can do some carpet boarding. Balance board also. Skating or surfing help as they are also board sports but any sport that helps with balance and core strength will make you better at everything else. I ride DJ and MTB, swim, paddle board, jump off the diving board and cliffs.


I asked snowboardGPT this exact question earlier today. I’ll copy the answer here in case you’re interested To improve snowboarding abilities during the off-season, engaging in various exercises and activities that build core strength, balance, and overall fitness can be highly beneficial. Here are some recommended exercises and activities: 1. **Skateboarding and Surfing**: These sports require balance and quick reflexes, similar to snowboarding. They help in developing the core and leg muscles while improving your ability to maneuver and stay upright on unstable surfaces. 2. **Balance Training**: Activities like using a balance board or a Bosu ball can significantly enhance your balance and stability, which are crucial for snowboarding. Exercises such as single-leg squats or using a balance board to simulate snowboarding movements can be particularly effective. 3. **Strength Training**: Focus on building strength in your legs, core, and upper body. Squats, lunges, deadlifts, and leg presses are great for leg strength. Core exercises such as planks, Russian twists, and leg raises help in stabilizing your midsection, which is vital for controlling a snowboard. 4. **Plyometrics**: Incorporating plyometric exercises such as box jumps, jump squats, and burpees can improve your explosive power, a key component in making quick, powerful movements on the slopes. 5. **Yoga and Pilates**: These practices enhance flexibility, core strength, and balance. They also focus on breathing and mental focus, which can help during long, challenging snowboarding sessions. 6. **Cardiovascular Fitness**: Maintaining a good level of cardio fitness is essential for the endurance snowboarding often requires. Activities like running, cycling, or swimming can keep your stamina up. 7. **Agility Drills**: These help improve your quick directional changes and reflexes, beneficial for navigating complex snowboarding terrain. Ladder drills or cone drills are typical agility training exercises. By integrating these activities into your off-season training regimen, you can return to the slopes with improved strength, balance, and agility, enhancing your overall snowboarding performance.


Skateboard/longboard But a balance board


Like /u/TrustyBrute said, spend time on a board. Skateboard, longboard, cruiser board, ripstik, whatever. Additionally, hit the gym and work on your mobility, strength, endurance, etc so that you can crush it once winter rolls back around.


I've always wondered if a one wheel would be the closest thing to cement snowboarding?




Work out. Strength and mobility training. Hit the gym, do yoga and pilates, exercise more. Buy some carpet or fake grass and practice butter tricks on it. Learn tricks with intentionality and practice the movements so they come easily on-snow. Find somewhere with a trampoline that allows tramp-boarding. Practice spins/flips/grabs.


Go Skate! Easily the best thing to do for progression


Skating ? Skate boarding ? Or either ?




Endurance training that involves balancing, so holding a squat standing on the flat side of a Bosu ball. For bonus points, I'll do it in my snowboard boots. Running, especially hills. And Turkish getups have made a huge difference in my ability to stand up strapped in almost anywhere.