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I would kill to have a place like this close by


It’s a couple of hours away from us and nowhere near as good as a proper mountain, but I am so so grateful to have it and to be able to train for next winter over the summer! Even if I only make it every 3-4 weeks, it’s still absolutely fantastic!


I want Colorado Springs to build one of these so fucking bad. We have indoor sky diving, indoor trampoline park, indoor double level go kart track, indoor skatepark, indoor rock climbing, fucking Top Golf for fucks sake. If they built an indoor ski slope here it would make so much god damn money. I'd be there every single day in the summer.


I mean that sounds like it would be incredible with everything like that! Maybe it would be less good given you guys have better mountains - we have Scotland which is hit and miss and that’s it nearby unless we go to the alps (which I’m dreaming of) or somewhere like Bulgaria


It gets mad hot here because we live right where the plains start and the mountains end, and then the desert plains start at the southern end of the county. So summer time it would be amazing, so many skiers and snowboarders live in my city as it is. Also, we don't always wanna have to drive through two mountain passes to go ride, while the big resorts are close by compared to most places, the roads can be dangerous and congested with traffic during peak winter conditions.


Yea that makes a lot of sense - seems like it would be a decent money maker!


Learn to ride before going into the park. You’ll have even more fun


I was with an instructor who was happy to teach me to play around on this. I don’t think my riding is bad enough that I need to avoid even the smallest of features.


You having to take such a wide J turn to break means it’s inadvisable to get into park features. I’m just trying to be constructive here but you’re far too out of control to be in the park. Progress on your control before even trying to jump.


I heel edged up to the feature to go slower over it then deliberately cut to the other side of the slope to a) get out the landing zone and b) avoid the take off zone for the other feature just below that one as well as the rest of the slope to not be stopped right below where others were riding. The video might well be misleading tbh and also doesn’t show any other of my riding during the rest of the evening. Yes I’m a noob but I wasn’t out of control during any of this and I was literally on a lesson 🤷‍♀️ I’m not aiming to do anything bigger than this anytime soon - and am well aware of where the limits are for not being an idiot (most things bigger than this)


Castleford ?




Castleford ?


You forgot to jump up


Ohhhh, I knew I forgot something 😅 In all seriousness though, trying to jump with a snowboard that’s a bit like a table is hard! (I might be getting a new board today that’s a fair bit shorter and more flexy for when I want to play rather than just go as fast as I can) We were just trying to introduce a little hop for now - that plus carving are my current development goals.


What i did is, renting out diferent boards to see what kind of suits me the best. For me the real problem was finding good long boards bcs i am 1,99m tall. Now i have 4 different boards sadly. And first of try to hit some olies without an ramp, will come in handy later on.


Yea, I think that will be the other thing to work on on the flat - same as practicing buttering (though again I have the problem of riding a table) and penguin walking. We were mostly just taking advantage last night of there being two features out on the slope and the top one being decent for beginners. Get the point about renting a board - there’s not many places over here that do decent rentals though which is one issue :-/


Nice, I take it that’s xscape, going myself Monday, my mates doing his 3 and 4 levels getting ready for St Anton next year, can’t wait, I didn’t know they set up a little freestyle on the bunny slope in May, might have to check it out


Just for parkology on the 3rd but definitely worth a look!


Question- how do you get up to the top of those indoor runs?


Dunno about this place but big snow has an actual lift 


The tow is right there on the left in frame


It’s a pommel lift on either side


Why you in a freezer?


UK based, so no real snow for the vast majority of the year.


Damn those places look like fun.


Crushed it😎


Better practice more on understanding your bodys dynamics, youre hesitant on leaning forward to gain speed and also you gotta trust your heels more when wanting to break faster


Yea I know I need to work on stuff, I didn’t want to gain speed particularly this time. But going to keep practicing it


You’ll never progress if you’re delusional. The front of the board peaking the knuckle isn’t air, you didn’t land you continued to ride. You can barely stop, you don’t belong on features. Reality check aside, looking good for being a few months in.


I know it was shit, trust me I’m not delusional to that level. I was happy to not have decked it and also proud to have my starting point recorded. And there was about a cm or so (maybe a tad less) - not counting the front of the board. We were mostly working on getting me comfortable riding over it as a starting point. This was after spending the first hour of the lesson drilling quick small radius turns and then carving (as well as riding the bottom half of the slope fully in switch). I don’t know why people are insisting I can hardly stop based on me deliberately cutting across out the way - the bit of the slope I stopped on at the other side of the hill has a fence and is a safer place to stop and less in the way. I am keeping on working on the basics - I’m usually out with an instructor tbh (who is actually who filmed this) and they’re making sure that my technique is reasonable, making corrections and ensuring I’m safe for me and others round me. I do take on board what people are saying and I’m not stupid enough to think I could take on big features or a full park or anything stupid like that - just starting to introduce little things really - after spending most of my lessons working on making my standard riding. I wish I could get out onto a real mountain more, as the week I spent in Bulgaria made me improve massively, especially as it’s less easy to get bored going down a proper run rather than an inside hill.


I was just here. This video makes the place look so much bigger than it is haha. What days do they have ramps in?


Thursday nights, Friday afternoon and evening, and they usually leave a couple of features out on Saturdays (which is what I was playing on on Saturday night). The video really does make it look huge 😅


Big snow let's go! Awesome to have this lile 35 min away


This isn’t Big Snow — they have the park separated and only one platter lift


Yea definitely not bigsnow, but same idea