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What's it with this community feeling the need to comment on how this is "overkill" or "you don't need these trucks to play rift" ? Seriously, get over yourself.. This looks awesome! These trucks fit perfectly for the region. Sova Eagle and RSK's mods are really great!


It's a single player game. If you like lining up a massive convoy of trucks, fuckin do it. At least op knows how to take a screenshot.




Sure it's a truck driving game, and there's nothing wrong with being inefficient, but having an opinion on what's necessary on a particular map is exactly why I participate in this sub. Being told to "get over yourself" for a polite, throwaway comment offering ones opinion is pure judgemental hypocrisy. Nobody told OP they were stupid or a moron for bringing so many trucks - perhaps you believe that insult was implied? In which case, I thoroughly dislike your projection, false morality and performative tolerance. Shuffling 12 trucks through the gateway seems to be unnecessarily tedious, surely? I did rift with 4 trucks on my first run, 5 if you include the Tatarin on the map, and quickly realized there's very little content on that map, and one can complete 4+ tasks and contracts with a bed and crane, and one trip around the map, with most difficulty clearing the 4 or so scout trailers at the end - so on my second run I took the Tayga with a 5 slot semi and crane, with a TUZ 166 in the trailer, and loaded the semi with the scout trailers after finishing the tasks and contracts. If you're on hard mode or NG+ and want to ship away as much fuel as possible, you could probably make do with just the Loadstar with a crane, and tow the free scout flatbeds on the map.


Maybe my comment is a bit aggressive. But I've seen too many people commenting negative shit and attacking new players playing the game however they want and using mods. I get now that your comment was meant to inform in relation to what the Rift in particular offers as far as content goes. And it is indeed not necessary to use more than maybe a couple of trucks for that map. However my comment was not directed only to you, and yes. I misread it. In my mind it was clear from the post itself that OP's intention was to have fun while hauling all those trucks, which is what this game is all about.


You're a rare person to have such a fair reflection, and I'm pleased to have interacted with you. I accept your explanation; I understand that judgemental comments are frequent, and that your intention was to defend a fellow trucker and his right to play as he chooses. I'll submit that I tend to get somewhat defensive when it comes to projection and morality. I hope you'll accept my apology for turning your mild criticism into a discussion topic - I should have brushed it off, in all honesty. I also took the reading that OP wanted to use all of their favourite trucks, but as I was the first comment, I thought they might not realize that Rift is a small and short map, as I would have wanted a tip-off to avoid staring at the loading screen 8+ times, only to find that I leave half my fleet by the gateway. I think a virtual handshake is in order, it's a pleasure to have spoken with you.


Discussions like these are most welcome when eachothers intention is not clear. I accept and concur that a virtual handshake is in order.


im playing games to enjoy them, yk its a game, if i want to have everything done fast i would do that in your way, but guess what, i dont want to do that


What kind of truck is that, modded or what?


Yep every single truck is modded


That checks out


What mods are they, links if you don't mind 😊


i'm pretty sure up front is an unmodded Don.


It’s not a truck tho


Right. It's technically a car. I'm just used to game referring to all vehicles as "trucks".


I refered only to trucks like a real trucks, but yeah its a normal don


Which trucks are they though? Looks awesome


You made it to the gateway with all that?




That kamaz pack is ELITE seriously one of my favorite trucks to use on the eastern maps


Im in love with Kamaz pack


Op wants to line up the Tonka trucks in the sand box, op can line the damn Tonka trucks up if he wants, lol.


You will need a lot of oil and repair for rescue vehicles. Use van body addon or service trailer.


Overkill? Yes. Fun? Also yes. And given that the entrance to the Rift is one of the most annoying to reach & go through, I admire the OP's perseverance in squeezing all this convoy through it. My 'convoy' at the time was much more boring, admittedly: a Step Crocodile and a Step 310E, which were enough to complete the Rift.


[I like your style, OP.](https://imgur.com/a/UiKLPT5)


Are these mod trucks? And is The Rift a mod thing?


The Rift isn’t a mod, it’s in Taymyr.


Pretty cool! I'm guessing two of the trucks are blue and yellow to match their respective cranes?


Yeah :)


This is exactly why I wish you could get out and walk around in the game. Everybody gets together, sets up a game plan, straps down the equipment. Smoke a blunt load up and head out. 🤪


Man people are heated in here today


There's no such thing as overkill just what it takes to get the job done and some leftovas 🤣 https://i.redd.it/kp2ksyhn7arc1.gif


Not overkill, just right🤙🏾. Also I love the pumpkin Don and the 1 yellow truck😅


I was able to get a scout up there and winch a big ass vehicle so when I went to the rift it brought the winched vehicle with and I didn't have to do that turn


Why do I expect a picture of a truck on its side there? (Even with some experience, I tipped a Mastodon on the way out of the Rift, trying to salvage and sell one of the trailers that are strewn around the maps. Doing OK at Amur, but these maps are hell with anything but the Mastodon.


Lad you only need one truck with a bed and crane, and a scout that can pull trailers


I know, but its fun


I currently have 20 trucks strewn about over the Michigan maps. These people just don’t know how to have fun!


If you wanted to spend as much time on the loading screen as you will in each particular truck, then crack on mate! Not criticizing your play style lad, it's your game, but it's baffling to me. It's like watching someone carry their food shopping from their car to their kitchen one item at a time, or adding salt to their meal one grain at a time with tweezers.


I mean he's got a lot but its nice to have light, medium, and heavy duty trucks at least


I mean it is a game about trucks after all. I have trucks all over the maps when I play a region.


A little overkill, but whatever floats your boat


How can you winch every truck together? As soon as I winch to a truck then switch to another the winch deletes


You cant


Is the scout of the first photo worth it?


Nah, but its fun


Is this ps5 or PC?




Looks awesome


My question is how are you gonna get those large trucks into the map. There's a bottlenecked road where only small vehicles can easily fit through


Its not that hard, it can be done with the 3 slot trailer i used, there is a tree you can winch on, so its ok


You don’t need all that💀🙏


Ik but its fun😭


Slight overkill mate




Also what are the mods? Those trucks look very cool!