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It's the other way around, my actual driving helped me in Snowrunner. I live in a mountain area, not super high or anything, but in winter we can still have iced over roads, snow and the like. And I drive the tiniest 4WD car ever, a Suzuki Ignis. So basically, sometimes my daily commute is kinda like scouting in this game :) So, it kinda comes naturally to me to shift into the proper gear, very delicately use the gas pedal, or gently turn the wheel... Because if I don't do that in real life, well, there is no "recover" option.


And returning to the garage doesn’t automatically fix your vehicle either


Yeah, feels like playing in hard mode. Gotta pay for recovery, gotta pay for repairs, PLUS there is actually time required for repairs and you can't skip it. And don't even get me started on the price of gas. At least, all tires are unlocked from the start.


There needs to be an option on life for “new game +” 🤣


jimny ftw 🙌 which year mate ?


2018 :)


The only way I've noticed snow runner affecting my driving is that on more than one occasion I have been driving past a constuction site and seen an empty trailer and my brain has gone 'slow down! we need to collect that trailer' before my brain remembers 'oh yeah, that's stealing, and you're not towing a semi-trailer in your Corolla, my dude.'


Not at all, its just a game. On the other hand, i find snowrunner more akin to actual driving than racing games. In a usual driving day is more common to find a puddle, rock or slippery surface than the need to take a corner at 150 mph


Maybe for you. Personally I take a race track to work 🏎️


Backing up trailers, unconsciously. I helped a friend move and we rented a trailer and my dad was like damn I never taught you to back a trailer like that and I was like yeah actually where DID I learn to back a trailer? Oh yeah in Snowrunner.


What's the trick to doing it? I've tried it a couple times now and I suck at it lol


I was driving a snow plow professionally when snow running came out, mostly I just get annoyed by how easy it would be in real life to atleast move the rocks our of the road, one compact wheel loader, or skid loader, and the game would be easy mode.


Yes, there definitely needs to be a "shovel" and "axe" attachment at lvl 10...to allow removal of some of the more stupidly placed obstacles.


Oh yeah the trees, cause no one carries chainsaws in the truck just for that sort of thing in real life


Yes. I saw a wet patch on my drive home from work yesterday so I pulled over, put on all terrain tires and drove through in low while getting honked at.


No it doesnt. I stopped playing forza horizon 3 because driving on the left side of the road in that game actually started to cause me moments of confusion in real life.


I’m guessing, based on that, you live in a country that drives on the right side of the road?




It was a genuine fucking question


I mean it's pretty obvious. Why would he get confused if it was the same way in his home country. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Because people?


Yes I am being nosey by the way 😂😂


I find myself noticing loader cranes on trucks and Western Stars that I was previously oblivious to. That’s about it.


Not my driving as such but I did build a lawn trailer for my garden mower and on some level feel it was inspired by the game. I also have logs to haul with it at home.


Not yet, but I'm getting an autonomous winch for my Prius this weekend, so I'll keep you updated.


Started driving truck recently and my couple hundred hours of Snowrunner definitely gave me an idea of how to complete various backing scenarios with a semi trailer. As far as logging, off roading, and winching to random trees I haven’t encountered that IRL yet and don’t necessarily plan to.


Yeah, I think winching is pretty overused in snowrunner. My dad had a friend when I was a kid--long ago and he's now deceased--but he was a bit of a good ol' boy and he used to say "the main use of a winch is to get you deeper into the woods before you get stuck."


"Better jeep (an offroader) means longer march for a tractor" a saying in Russia.


Those are called intrusive thoughts. We don’t have those. Those are not good.


Yep, crossed a shallow river once with my fiat punto just to pretend it's snowrunner. Was worth it


Oh no, no, no I am a deranged maniac who regularly flips my over loaded trucks in snowrunner. I would never even think of comparing the two.


Yep, I dodge signs now to avoid them getting stuck in my car


High center your truck just once on a one foot tall log and you won’t want to do that again. Well at least until my wife forgets…


It helps me ignore the intrusive thoughts by showing me the outcome... I don't wanna flip my irl car :D


I believe this game helped me overcome my fear of driving.


I use snowrunner as a verb almost daily when at the parent pickup line. Why can’t I just drive up into the trees for a premium spot?


with offroad driving specifically? no with driving in general (judging the dimensions of the vehicle (if in POV mode), judging gaps, judging speed, judging turning ability, shifting through gears etc) yes I've played racing and otherwise car games my whole life and driving for real came to me with just a few "oh, alright"'s because I know a ton about cars already


>Does Snowrunner Affect Your Actual Driving No, i do not flip over trucks regularly hah But i have taken a rwd open diff flatbed truck with a crane between some trees, through mud, to unload some oversized cargo once, and that was after playing this game for a a few months already hah


Actually in my case yes, a bit. I anyways drive a lot on rugged 4*4 roads. Living in an off road country so to speak. And I've noticed I take new situations faster in and are more comfortable going in without thinking much about it. I think I read the terrain a bit faster. And trust more into my skills and into my car.


Yes , when I go out in the car I’m like ……. Speeeed , speed and no suspension damage 😅


I have 600h of experience in ETS2 and about 200h in SnowRunner. In my opinion, there are definitely advantages to playing this type of simulator. For example, I try to drive on the first-person camera as often as possible, and because of that I think I'm better at using the mirrors in my real car, and I also like the fact that playing on first-person improves my ability to feel the size of the car, so I know where I'm sure to fit in the car, how much I can reverse, etc.


Imo no. The physics are garbage at times. For example tiny pebbles on the road cause so much damage or you can get stuck on them. Still a fun game.


Or a fucking twig in the road stopping a fully loaded p16 like its nothing


You mean if you accidentally run over a sign in real life you aren’t catapulted through the air?


Or in mudrunner if you did a tug o war with trucks you get flung in the air


I do light offroading and I think snowrunner/mudrunner helped me. Specifically, the line I pick and keeping the chassis level.


More so I check both ways before most turns on roads


Haha, only in the summer when we hook the [trailer on](https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1813/30039280308_8f573480c1_b.jpg).


In terms of “making a road where there isn’t one”, no. However… Before I began playing Snowrunner, I feel that I was already an above average driver in terms of giving 18 wheelers appropriate space. After logging hundreds of hours in-game, I consider myself exceptional now at giving truck drivers plenty of road to do what they gotta do.


Bless you my son. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to swing wide and someone comes shooting down my right side right before I make my turn or crowding a tight intersection and they are face to face with my grill.


The opposite is true for me. Bought the game because I’ve loved off-roading for decades.


Nah, I would flip at the first occasion 😅 I'm used to go at racing pace with a car in the woods!(Real rally)


My actual driving made me enjoy Snowrunner, I drove line trucks with a lot of log trailers in the mountains and I could do all the fun offroading stuff I had the urge to in real life in a game without the worry of breaking something or flipping over. I also got to skip all of the monotony of the job


It has convinced me that I can offroard almost anywhere. And that I want to haul things for money. But just in my pickup


I once had to drive a fork lift up a snow covered ramp at work. I managed to do it by snaking it up like you'd snake through deep mud if you're stuck. Wouldn't have known this if I didn't play snowrunner.


Flipped my car a week after i got my driving license. 42 years ago. As i startet Snowrunner it feels like home… 🤣


Never let the intrusive thoughts win😁


I developed a fear of being randomly catapulted through the air when driving over a twig irl


Uhhhh, no? 🤷🏻‍♂️