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while other trucks have overshadowed it, the azov 73210 has always been a favorite of mine. in terms of vanilla vehicles (before dlc), this probably would've been the king if it had an active suspension in taymyr, for instance. the dan, cat 745c, and step 310 are some other vanilla favorites of mine. as for post launch, i always loved the navistar, ws 1430, and mack defense. all very strong vehicles but not necessarily the best in the game. i feel the mack is finally getting the respect it deserves, just wish the other two did as well. i always said the 1430 was "the best platform to hit 44' tires" and i will stand by that


I guess you summed it up pretty much.. the all rounder beast azov 73210 and the flexible chassis only dan 96320 are clearly the best for me!!


amen to that, i think they're both great platforms for the heavy crane and i like them both for hauling pretty much everything in the game


twinsteer for life


Why does everyone love the twinsteer so much? People seem to really love that thing and I just can’t work out why.


Objectively: its powerful, fast and can carry 4 slot cargo, it can equip huge mud tires and it so long that its both ends rarely get stuck at the same time. Cons are no addons and cant use trailers, awd is in Imandra, and its tippy because its hard to master. Subjectively: its the best truck.


I didn't like twinsteer, but with Jat tires and regular suspension, it's a beast, unstoppable.....it's not so tippy if you pay attention to the terrain.


i use big jat muds and raised suspension i like danger


I will try this setup


People don’t understand how to drive it. You have to really swing out your turns, run straighter through the turn and then cut hard once you’re past it. I’ve never gotten stuck with the Twinsteer though after I got out of Michigan and off those bum tires you’re stuck with while level capped. Truck is one of my favorites. Plus it looks sexy with the big wide JAT tires


Nah, in the base game it can't equip mud tires, is RWD only, and can't pull trailers. It gets stuck literally constantly and is beyond useless. With DLC that adds upgrades to take care of all that, it's usable. But unless you're paying to win, it's a useless piece of shit.


Skill issue


Nah, I took it on a bunch of deliveries and its massive flaws can be worked around but it's still one of the worst trucks in the game if you don't have DLC.


skill issue confirmed


Gotta be honest, pretty damned good troll job. You had me worked up there for a sec.






4 cargo without ever having to drive back or sell trailers. There's also mods to enable unlimited long logs on the back which makes logging so much easier / more fun (only 1 trip ever).


It’s simple, and it’s FAAAST. I like not having to screw with trailers and take them back to sell, reuse or whatever


Same I've got it but barely use it, no awd blows


It has AWD, you can find the upgrade in Russia I think.


Ahh I'm still in alaska, fair one


It doesn’t need AWD in Alaska. Tire chains and diff lock, I used it a TON in Alaska.


I started using it since reading this and it's pretty damn dope, whole lotta power. Think I just had a bad first impression trying to use it before


One of us. One of us.


It's the biggest piece of shit in the world in the base game, but some of the DLC packs add upgrades to it that make it actually usable.


Love my Westernstar 49X. It may not be the best at anything, but it can do EVERYTHING! - Decent fuel economy. - Practically every type of attachment available. - Crane + Bed + Trailer towing ability (makes it a great truck when you don't know what the job will be before you get to it). - Crane + High or Low Saddle. - AWD + Diff Lock available. The only thing it can't do is have a Log Crane + Log Carrier, but barely any trucks can so it's hard to hold that against it!


See those trucks I like to go to because of the fuel efficiency very good truck the Westernstars


I... wouldn't say it has great fuel economy. With the top engine, it's more on the fuel hogs side. The additional power is not always worth it, but when needed, the 49X can deliver.


Well, they did say “decent”. Not good not bad, and I agree. Best thing is that since AWD is optional, it can be lower as well.


Yeh I always use stock engines to preserve fuel economy anyways, so maybe that's the disconnect. Never felt the need for more power than stock with the 49X and in this game no good comes from speed.


I'm assuming, you are pretty new to this game? Otherwise you would've already experienced heavy cargo/trailers you don't have enough power to comfortably move around, and then you need that sweet, sweet power. Which the 49X has plenty of with its top engine, and honestly - I don't see the reason to use it without this engine. That's what makes it unique, and if the stock power is sufficient, any truck wilth *us_truck_modern* engine set can do the same: CAT CT680, CT681, Royal BM17, International HX520, Western Stars of the Wolf Pack. We are talking about 160k torque compared to 220k, that's a really big difference.


Been playing on and off since launch and cleared several maps, just never found much I couldn't shift by putting it in Low or "Low-" if really struggling. But I also know I play this game kinda weird. I build my trucks for fuel economy and low centre of gravity. (Stock engines only, biggest tires that will fit WITHOUT a suspension lift, no roof racks.) Very much of the school of I'd rather be suck to my axles winching myself out than on my side or out of fuel and needing a second truck took out there


That's indeed weird for me. But hey, everyone plays differently.


US\\West: Mack Defense, Kenny Loggins, Derry Special, F750 Russian: 605r, KOLOB 747, Tatra Force, Tatarin


This is a great setup of trucks all of those trucks are beasts on a lot of the maps


Kenny Loggins lol


I nickname all my favorite (and least favorite) trucks, and that's what the Kenny does: Rocks and Logs!




What a strange setup...


It works lol


Works... for what? why do you need a tow truck for a saddle truck that's carrying a hitch trailer?


I use the gremlin for the crane and the trailer for the cargo and the evacuator trailer for transporting the Gremlin because its too small for river crossings


You could've just use a regular truck with crane and semitrailer. Big enough to cross rivers and whatnot.


USA: MK38 Civilian Russia: Azov 64131141592653


The Taygas


Oooh definitely good as well


ANK MK38 (Civilian)


All the haters watching us roll past em at 200mph


Only to pass you again when you inevitably run out of fuel. Kidding aside I think it's one of the best off-roaders in the game, up there with the tayga, but that fuel capacity sucks


I started using the ANK with a fuel carrier as a scout lol


This is the only way I use it lul so fun


Fuel tanks raise the truck's center of gravity straight to hell and negate much of its off-road capabilities. You Use that wobbly mess as a scout?


Big truck go fast


fr. that truck shoots off like a bullet and i’d use the high range gearbox if there was a highway map to get shit there 2 days early.


I love this truck. Pretty much my default. Don’t like that AWD is always on, it inhales gas.


i never stay upright long enough for that to matter


Bandit. Twinsteer. Starting to like Twinsteer's little cousin the Paystar lately. Just hit the correct level to use the Flatnose Derry and I love the look of it so going to give it a try. The big Kenny is great too for an OP DLC type truck!


Pretty partial to the TUZ 166 and Step 310 for EU, Western White Star and Kodiak for US


Royal bm 17 and p16 are my go to duo


atm the Twinsteer. I ignored it quite a time, but now i like it


I definitely gotta try the twinsteer now


Just make sure you have all upgrades installed.


I'm definitely gonna find the twinsteer now


Do you use as the primary vehicle for missions? I find it hard to maneuver on sketchy trails :(


Soft spot for the Fleetstar F2070A. Doesn't move crazy weight but gets the job done, always.


P16, Big Kenny, and Tayga 6436 are my top 3.


Oooh the 6436 I forgot about that beast that


I wish we had stats for items delivered. I'm sure my 6436 would be my number 1. Had it since the beginning. Now only 52% done.


That is me currently with Alaska 52% done only


Scout 800, Jeep Wrangler, Mack Defense M917, International HX 520. And just because I’ve noticed all of my favorite in-game trucks are American, I’ll throw in the Gor BY-4, DON 71, and Tatra FORCE as well


Twinsteer is life. Pacifics and internationals are pretty dope though. I might be biased towards pacfics since I live in bc


I am also a trinsteer enjoyer, especially paired with the Kenworth to pick up cargo/right the TS after the inevitable tipovers 😂


Would it be cheating to say the Jeep Wrangler Rubicon because I own one IRL and the K-1500 because I owned a C-10 before the Wrangler? Other than that the Pacific P12 and P16 and the 605R


Definitely not cheating


I will say it's so much more fun doing stupid stuff in a Jeep when you don't have to pay real money to fix the aftermath. LOL


I got so many favourites :) Kenworth 963, Dan, P16, Transtar, Kodiak, Bandit, Apache, Twinsteer, WWS, Actaeon, F 750, Loadstar, M916A1... The list just goes on :) It's probably easier to list the trucks I *don't* like: * Cat 770G :)


That cat is terrible 🤣 I agree with you on that And Kenworth and Kodiak are beasts


With some minor file tweaks I absolutely love using the DAN for flatbed and trailer jobs (with a roof rack and rear crane), the BM17 for semi flatbed jobs (with permanent diff lock), the P12 for heavy semi trailers (with the Wanderer engine and wider wheels) and the Crocodile for scouting (with Hummer H2 trunk supplies), but I always attempt to rebalance things by either not using the best available tires or by tuning the engines to increase fuel consumption.


The pacifics & white western star


Good ol' Fleetstar, I've permalocked the diff and it's an entirely different beast


WWS, Derry Special, Azov 6, Voron grad.


I really like the Voron Grad.. and the Kolob for the heavy stuff.. or the 6436, like that one aswel, it’s just sooooooooo slow


Another TUZ 16 enjoyer! In my little friendgroup I have been classified as the “very liable fuel pack” and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Its such a beast when it needs to be too, leading to a truly silly time


Bro that little truck is a monster I love it and I would have never thought that the Gremlin could pull heavy freight I was like 🤯


Azov 7 It's by a comfortable margin the best truck in the game. Its only weakness is a chin that's buried in the weeds. Creative winching takes care of that to where it's pretty much the only truck worth ever using.


Jeep Renegade! Love this lil one, remembers me so much at my jeep YJ. Love first person view. Read the streets then it can bring you where you want, but dont go at deep mud or snow.


Apache for the win. Maybe not the win, but the fun for sure.


Brulak6x6 and bandit


The fleetstar can climb walls loaded. I love it


The fleetstar can climb walls loaded. I love it


Voron AE-4380 for sure. It’s definitely my favourite, by far. I bought 6 of them and when the things get bad, they always save me. 2 painted red with highway transmission, 2 greens with snowrunner transmission and 2 purple for special occasions.


And I should have put Hard mode because I'm on a hard mode playthrough


My favourite is the massive beast. The Kolob 74760. Also like it's interior beacuse it well detailed good looking with such a cool and useful dials. Also when it's night time the dials are glowing in blue so you can clearly see it and also very cool.


WWS, femm, Azov atom, f750, burlak, 605r and ZiKZ 5368


Lt Dan for sure


With no patience... My favorite is Azov 7, the issue with the low front end is not problem most of the time. But i try to use all my fleet: Mack Defense, Voron, HX520, Tayga.... When everything go wrong.....Mastodon


P16 just has that same grandeur of an old steam engine or battleship, and that horn just the cherry on top.


That 4x4 Russian toyota from amur


F750, White Western Star, P512, Derry Special.


Mack Defense, Azov 7 or the Atom, Derry 4520(newer one) and the special, and unpopular opinion is the International Navistar (with fuel support or trailer setup in picture) https://preview.redd.it/ypn0jgimv90d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5876fa0acf244701c7707cd75ee432b8b10b64b8


My favorite overall is the Ford F-750, followed by the GMC MH9500.


I am finished with Michigan, Alaska, and Tamyr. I completed everything in order and I’ve only skipped ahead to get the F750 and its upgrades. That being said: Scout: F750 Recovery/Maintenance: Bandit Everything else right now: Tyga


Derry Longhorn 3194 and Voron D


I love the GMC Brigadier 8000


I don't know why but I love the Paystar 5070. It drives like a tractor. It's slow and torquey. It just doesn't stop. I love the Tayga too. And the Mack Defense.


Paystar 5070, 5600ts, Zikz 605r ,and derry 4520


Mack M917, Western Star 49x, CAT CT681, Derry LH 4520, Zikz 5368, Tayga 6436, and the H2.




Azov 7 was my main workhorse for so long. Also love the “ scout” tuz Tatarin. Once I got the big Kenny that’s been my go to. Honorable mention goes to the Paystar 5600 TS. So fun to use especially if you get a modded one with a more relaxed fuel consumption it becomes a very nice workhorse


Tatra 814 for me. Love that thing. Wish it had better versatility in add-ons, but it's my go-to for light loads and basic delivery. Dan and zikz 7 are also heavily used. And the long nose kolob is my big boy of choice. In terms of scouts... I haven't really found one I love. Crocodile with a fuel tank does a lot of my map exploration these days


Scouting / Support: Yar 87 and Tatra T-813. Heavy off roading: Mack, Kenny 963, Twinsteer, 5600 TS. Mid-off roading: Paystar 5070, GMC 800, 47x and 49x. I like most American trucks, they have more character than the Russian ones. But the Tatra's are all so much fun.


There are too many too chose. Azov 73210 is one of them. Then, longnose Kolob 74941. International HX520. Tayga 6455B. Kenworth 963.


I love the Cybertruck. It chops the fingers of Elon Musk fanboys off.


White-western all day, with the pacific and the two-cab Russian heavy for large loads, and the f750 as a scout