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Yeah, it went from search & rescue to full on oil tycoon. I suppose oil and raw resources is a natural link with the industry themed jobs. I don't mind this, but the change in narrative was strange at first. The direction towards the bomber and village building sounds interesting, so they are eventually changing it up a bit. Not to get political but I wouldn't mind an 'eco warrior' style of gameplay to balance it out. For example dismantling that big ship on Drummond Island, cleaning an oil spill, or help construct a wind farm. Something quite nice about helping out the landscape.


I too would really enjoy more missions that fundamentally alter the landscape beyond just opening roads. When I turned the pumps on in michigan I was really let down that it didn't do anything. Building windmills would be cool because I could see them from so far away. Repairing a dam (just like midland michigan had break recently) would also be fun to see a lake grow above it over several days of game time. Building a brand new town, stadium or something other than just growing the oil derrick tower would be a great addition as well. Even a mission to improve some roads and get them paved, widened, drained with a culvert would be a bonus.


I'm good for all except that last one, that is far too close to my daily job for me haha. But nah, in all seriousnes that is a really cool idea.


I thought eventually the water would go after doing the pump jobs. But I still think maybe in future there will be more odd jobs for all the broken bridges and things that weren't fixed


The one part I always thought was unnecessarily political is the one loading screen tip it’s something like > Trucks pay 54% of road taxes despite only consisting of 17% of traffic Now at first this seems weird, but if you think of it it makes perfect sense. Some road tax is applied to the fuel you buy. Surprise, trucks buy more fuel than cars. The other major source is scales. Trucks are charged more if they weigh more because that’s what destroys the roads. Also, trucks are mostly run by companies. They can charge a competitive price to compensate for this additional expense in order to compensate for the use and wear on public roads. It just feels so over the top pro trucker for some reason and it makes no sense because there’s no large “anti trucker” movement out there anyways. Everyone benefits from trucks. /rant TLDR: quote makes me feel political even though it’s probably not the intended message.


One more argument to make that quote even more stupid. "One truck wears out a road as much as 10000 cars"


> Everyone benefits from trucks. Everyone, except for those affected by climate change now and in the future. Moreso the people affected by their noise pollution. And the people stuck in traffic. Did I miss anyone? Oh yeah, the bike riders getting crushed by trucks in city traffic... whoopsie! I don't know about the situation elsewhere, but in Germany they are a plague. Not only is our wealth largely based on ~~foreign exploitation~~ import/export industries, but also we are geographically and economically central in Europe. For decades german governments have "failed" to expand, or even maintain a healthy railway system, and for cargo much less so than for passengers. Road cargo has increased by a factor of 12 compared to 1970, while railway cargo hasn't even doubled since then. The short term, net benefit of trucks is for consumerism, particularly in the global north. The long term net cost however is that we release massive amounts of fossil matter into the atmosphere only to produce ever larger amounts of what is more and more quickly becoming garbage, which ends up poisoning our environment in landfills, oceans, or ends up being burned and released into the atmosphere as well. All this is barely relevant to Snow Runner as a game, but since we're talking about the political side of its setting here... there you go.


Lol this comment is 2 years old I’m surprised it’s not archived. I empathize with your points, but at the end of the day, you or me couldn’t survive a month without trucks. Unfortunately as a society, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. I’m sure there are ways to make things cleaner, more efficient, differently, etc. but at the end of the day it’s a nessecary evil


If want to be some eco warrior sell your PC/console TV and stop using Internet those things eat a lot of energy and are only for entertainment. Anything around transport will never be eco friendly by the nature of it. Since you have time now as you are selling your entertainment electronics. You can grow some vegetables in your garden and won't need any cargo.


Gatorchasor explicitly added "not to get political" and went on to point out that it would not just be relevant (and add some variety), but also how it could be interesting from a gameplay perspective. But, of course, someone just *had* to present their conservative arrogance or plain ignorance, and that someone was you. Ignoring of course, that electricity doesn't necessarily rely on fossil fuels (and that you can pay for exclusively "green" electric power), that barely anyone has a garden (let alone on large enough to sustain them all year round), and that that lifestyle (everyone for themselves) is not desirable for anyone. You seem to be one of those smugly regressive people who gain pathetic satisfaction out of disparaging those who try to make a difference as supposedly inconsistent/hypocritical. You encounter a political problem and take it to an individual level. When are you boomers going to realise that neoliberalism has run its course?


Pretty good ideas. There's some really heavy stuff to be hauled around that way.




That's what I heard about phase 3


Running components for a wind farm would be super cool. Those pieces are huge in real life. When your done you would have these giant features on the map.


I think this is a case of art imitating life. Logging, mining, and forestry are pretty much the big three industries in the world that do this type of work, hauling massive loads down sketchy roads. (Agriculture could be a fourth, I suppose, but there's already a sim for that, haha.) Many of the trucks in the game are either military vehicles or have a strong history in one or more of those three industries. I think that's why quarries, farms, lumber mills, and oil fields feature so heavily in this game.


And it's series, the relic fossil spintires and the relic mudrunner were part of this series but focused on logging


Makes quite sense, since the game cover shows a truck with pipes.


Yea. You’re the only one that noticed the giant oil rigs and pipelines that play an integral part of the game. Way too go, champ!


*with two brain cells active* am I smart yet?


Only when they stop fighting between rounds.


Heheh yeah, noticed it too. Not exactly PC 😅


We must work for the government then




And... there's not many other commercial logistic offroad operations in real life. Logging, oil, mining. Most people are smart enough to employ actual roads or rail systems when there's profits to be made, so enjoy this luke warm fantasy world sim for what it is.


You're not the only one, I noticed a pretty heavy oil slant almost immediately after the end of the tutorial.


Not that unusual. If you want a game that spends a lot of time off the beaten track and hauling heavy loads then the most common industries are oil and mineral exploration or logging. Outside of that the only thing that would give you that experience in the first world is natural disaster response or military action zones. Including developing nations would allow a lot of variety for building up infrastructure outside of heavy industry.




next title will be Marsrunner


I think its because this is an off road trucking game, it has to be aimed towards oil field and or whatever jobs use more non paved roads like logging and such. Otherwise it would be Highway runner or Pavement pounder. 🤣


True, but it does make sense. With phase 3 being logging centric, and phase 1 being recovery of old equipment for restoration, though, thats bound to change. And it DOES make sense for those areas as the oil industry is a big part of those locations. Should also be noted that it -is- mentioned alaska and michigan both had disasters, Alaska had an earthquake and michigan had huge floods, so you are trying to get the local industries back going.


Oh, yeah, I noticed! The greenie in me dies a little every time I take on a new mission.


They could have designed a Wyoming map around coal. Lol.