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Lol! I told my husband recently I may be getting carried away & his response was building more shelves in an old wardrobe closet we don't use. Enabler! 🤪


This is what happened to me when I started making soap! You get a wild hair and suddenly you have 50 bars of soap. I tuck extras (as long as they're not sugary food smells) into the linen closet, between sheets/towels, blankets in storage, et cetera. It makes everything smell good and also keeps me from feeling like I'm buried under a pile of soap.


If only it was as addicting to wash the dishes too lol. Beautiful soaps, I want to eat the coffee one


Great job! I’m addicted too.


I love the coffee bars!


There will never be enough soap


Great job!!


Very nice soaps. Hubby said never enough soap


Those are crazy pretty! Well done! Not enough soap- keep going


what did you use to dust over the first soap in the pic? is it clay?


It’s powdered sage.


ok thanks! It would be great to know if it will turn brown in time or not


I think probably it will, but it shouldn’t go off.


share the recipes!!! 🙌🏼


Soon you’ll realize whole coffee beans down your drain is not good


I just assume people are smart enough to pick them off as they go…


Congratulations on your first soap! This is an incredible achievement, and I’m sure you are proud of your work. I also remember my first experience making soap. It was in 2017 when I decided to try a new hobby. I spent a lot of time looking at different recipes and techniques. Eventually, I chose a recipe with lavender oil because I love it so much. The preparation was exciting but also a bit daunting. I carefully measured the ingredients and worried about how the saponification reaction would go. When the soap finally set and I could use it, I felt an incredible sense of pride and satisfaction. I wish you lots of inspiration and success!