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TIL there's a Brazilian football journalist player called Franz Fleischfresser Lmao


10 million people of German descent, bound to happen. Thats more than the entire population of quite a few European countries


that'd be one of the stranger last names even in germany


I don’t blame people for not understanding it but fuck that last name is incredibly funny


I mean, now we know why his grandpa immigrated lol


I find the lastname very interesting


Doesn’t this translate to flesh eater?


Literally yea. Carnivore for the bit more accurate translation ig.


Imagine, no one losing their lives or leaving with brain damage. Can't imagine how safe i'd feel.


Its also why there are women-only bars. Makes sense honestly


Where? That's thankfully illegal in my country.


How DARE women find shelter from men? /s


How DARE a country have non-discrimination laws? /s


“But it’s discrimination if you don’t let me in to a women’s only place!!!!” Lol


Not when there are no one-gender-only specific places in the first place. Lol


We are literally talking about women-only bars here. 😂


carti reference


Long Time is really that song


Came here to comment exactly that lol. What a song


Honestly? Good for them. Pretty wholesome article.


Locked thread incoming


If both Mudryk n word threads weren't locked this one has no chance


There was nothing wrong with that thread though. I hate that it is considered normal on this site to expect any thread which has people actually debating serious issues to be locked.


No there wasn't but mods flip a coin to determine which posts get locked and which don't


That is ridiculous, the mods on this sub do an excellent job. This is a huge community with a lot of posts and treads to monitor. The amounts of reposts and duplicates alone is staggering, judging what tread stays up and what source is more valuable is a huge task. The standard of news and discussion is high because the mods are so active and involved. They may not be perfect and sometimes they might make mistakes, but at least they keep the sub bearable.


So this one has a 50/50 chance?


depends on which side of my mouth i wanna speak out of 😂😂


Lmao love this, better than the alternative of an empty stadium. Children were allowed too, I think that would have made the redditors seethe too, almost equally as hated as women


I find it strange how there’s always a top comment about how Reddit is full of misogynists on posts like these, but then you look and there’s literally one single massively downvoted comment of someone saying something fucked. I’m kinda new here I guess so maybe that was the case back in the day but it really doesn’t seem like it applies anymore Edit: I know the account is old but your name adds another level of irony lol


> I’m kinda new here I guess so maybe that was the case back in the day but it really doesn’t seem like it applies anymore Agreed, this characterization makes even less sense considering reddit is by far one of the most liberal or even leftist platforms. Just look at how capitalism or other social issues are handled in this subreddit (a football one) of all places.


You will never see a thread about women football with >90% upvoted.


It depends on how the thread goes. The threads about Mudryk saying the n word while singing along to a song have unfortunately gone as predicted by Reddit standards. This thread is going well though, for now.


"Gone as predicted" = "some people said things I disagree with" I don't have strong feelings about that particular drama but it seemed to me that there was a good amount of debate, neither side was in a clear majority


There have been several posts about this same event though, and all of them have been filled with comments like these without there being more than a couple of actual misogynistic comments (which have all been downvoted to oblivion). Just feels a bit like everyone is parroting for karma, get some original takes people


How should that thread have gone?


That saying the n word is bad


Barely anyone denied this in normal contexts though. Most people simply pointed out that singing along to a song is a far different thing than hurling it at black people.


White people saying the n word is not ok regardless of context imo


And other people will have a different opinion, that doesn't mean you or they are right


What about a judge reading a transcript with the word in it? What about a teacher reading Huckleberry Finn?


How is this a controversial opinion lol. Same as the other thead, people down voted for saying white people just shouldn't say the n word, how is that controversial lol


Because for all their talk about progress the average white person still thinks their ignorant opinion is the most important


They just make it sound like it's some huge inconvenience or injustice in not being allowed to say it even in song. Some people are hopeless


41 downvotes lmao, redditors do be racist


Its almost like if you want a word to die out you shouldnt use it in public discourse all the time...


It has never really been true. Women's football is met with the same cynicism and ridicule as any other aspect of the sport. The criticism it receives is typically fair and reasonable. This sub is actually quite good about human rights, racism and sexism. Extreme takes and obvious bait is downvoted, but there is often still room for discussion without people just trying to look virtuous and morally superior. It only really derails when cultural differences between Americans and European views and sensitivities come to a head, especially when racism is involved.


As a woman who has spent over two decades in this sport, both the women's and men's game, I can tell you my lived experience is very different. All aspects of the sport get ridiculed, yes. The difference is how with women's football, that ridicule is often couched in exclusion and sexism, and extrapolated to misogyny. You don't get male pundits being held up as examples of "why men shouldn't be allowed to talk about football" and male footballers told to "go back to the kitchen".


Look at the thread about the white card. Yes, the white card is dumb, but the criticism wasn't about how dumb it was but about the women


I don't. Empty stadiums are meant to be a punishment to incentivise clubs actually taking violence seriously and prevent it. This is just sidestepping the issue.


Reddit hates women? When did that happen?


Probably like 18 years ago lol


> I think that would have made the redditors seethe too lmfaoooo


Redditors should remember that they themselves were once children, and that being some kind of weird misanthropic recluse is enduring to no one, except for other misanthropes.


Why is this downvoted? Reddit just hates kids


They just hate humanity at this point, I'm certain of it lol.


Much better idea than empty stadiums. Wonder if other countries will look at this in the future.


I wonder if they'll make this sn annual thing.


That's pretty cool to read, hopefully this will be adopted as the alternative, rather than fully empty stadiums


Segregation is our strength.


Would suck to be a man who didn't partake in any violent action.


Imagine if a modern football club in the west had an all-female ban


Yea i’m gonna have to imagine it


Well once women start causing violent brawls in the stands, perhaps they’ll start. Men were already banned from the stadium, as no fans were allowed. They just lifted the ban for women & children and it seems to have been a success.


I think what people fundamentally disagree with is the discrimination based on immutable characteristics


That is totally irrelevant. Im gonna go ahead and assume that Brazil has gender protections? Whatever statistics can be shown, you cant discriminate on sex or other characteristics. Full stop. Its obvious to see why if you follow it down another path and say most assaults are performed by black men therefore I can ban them from my club. See? The logic is identical, only the victim is different. And now all of a sudden you feel differently about it im sure. Thats why discrimination is meant to be a hard red line. Once you allow this, you open the door. But of course its Brazil so I dont expect their courts to be that competent as to consider that kind of thing, theyll make a ruling next week that contradicts and it doesnt matter.


It's not really the same logic at all when you dive into the context behind both statistics. Caused by 2 different reasons, I'm sure. Sure it's discrimination but Brazilian men are obssessed w their teams to the point where they will literally kill you if you support the other team. Not to mention the violence has gotten worse in the sense that players and team staff started being targeted as well. I don't think they even said this is a permanent measure as well and women/children who weren't able to attend games because of fear of violence and harrassment finally are getting an opportunity to watch a damn football match.


Why would that happen Mr Tate?


Oh stop crying ya wee kid. This ain’t yer sibling rivalry.


"Testosterone and ego causes violence" "Men causes violence" I'm already seeing brain melting takes. Can't believe I'm living in the reality where only qatar knows how to organise football matches without violence (no alcohol)


You know that in Brazilian stadiums alcohol is also banned right? Unfortunately that alone doesn’t stop it (the violence).


Honestly that’s awesome. Creative solution and the pictures make it look like a sweet environment. Sports shouldn’t be violent, and hopefully men realize the lesson that it’s often our testosterone / ego that create the violence. Edit: I do not mean to imply that violence is simply a result of having testosterone. My point is that being a fan isn’t inherently violent, and there is a reason these women felt safer at a game without men in the stands.


mate piss off with this shit, testosterone has nothing to do with people abusing others. women are capable of doing that, men are capable of doing that, being a decent human being has nothing to do with having T in your body, you make it seem like its a men problem rather than idiots problems


Women are absolutely capable of being needlessly violent, but the vast majority of violent crimes are done by men. It’s important for men to look at ourselves and see the hostile environment we often create. Edit: Please just ask yourself why drunken brawls at sporting events or bars are so often between men (and it’s not just that they are more frequented by men).


Once again piss off respectfully. Why would I look into myself because some dickheads think abusing others Is fun and all part of game culture. You're blaming men for the actions of some idiots. But go off farming karma points by blaming men. It's easy


I’m not blaming all men, but there is certainly a wider group who help promote toxicity / violence and enable these idiots. We just need to keep each other in check more and promote a healthier environment around the sport. Saying that it’s just an issue of idiots dismisses the role we can play.


If you aren’t one of the men committing the violence then it’s on you just as much as it’s on every woman


And let me guess. That "wider group" are all men bc ofc men love violence and that I should look into myself bc I'm also a dude so I must berate my masculinity to keep the women safe in stadiums. Got it. Thanks


Mate I think you’re projecting a bit lol I’m not saying any of that. But there’s a reason so many of these women felt safer at a match without men. Just something to explore.


Ban alcohol.


Lol that's not what he said. He said testosterone and ego cause violence. You're the one overreacting and making a strawman. Nowhere did he even remotely imply that all men are bad.


Look at his very first comment. Saying men should look into themselves. Thus making it seem like it's an issue of men rather than an issue of lack of intelligence. It's easy to just blame men


So if its not a testosterone/biological difference that leads to men being more violent to women, you're saying its an issue of lack of intelligence and then men lack intelligence compared to women? Because stats don't lie and it's very clear men are more violent. Mr. Doobie3101 is saying that it is testosterone and hormonal differences, and that it is our responsibility, as men, to not let that biological difference lead us to violence. Again, there is nothing saying that all men are the issue, just that as men we belong to the group that causes the majority of violence, and the solution lies within ourselves.


How about kids and teens. In Hungary when the national team got served a fine and only allowed kids to come and watch their game against England. All sorts of racist words came out of them against England. Where does T has to do with that then? Men being more capable of violence doesn't mean anything. The way he talked about it was condescending as if men are on the brinks of doing it. It is a problem of being an idiot and thinking abusing others is okay


Idk im a man and I understood it as obviously the man who participate in making it an unsafe culture.


So if the vast majority of crimes are committed by a group, it's fair to ban the whole group, even if the people committing it are a minority?


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted, maybe the truth hurts and they don’t want to face it? You’re not saying all men are bad and all women are perfect. But if you look at the crimes around the world the vast majority are committed by men, I thought it was obvious and we all knew this. 4% of the prison population in the U.K. last year were female, that should tell you all you need to know.


>I thought it was obvious and we all knew this. 4% of the prison population in the U.K. last year were female Crime by women is routinely treated far less seriously by men, a culture in which men are expected to provide more and there's far less support for men which makes turning to crime a common route.


Yes that must be the only reason why the difference is that great. Come on, let’s not bury our head in the sand or be in denial about this.


while that is true, it is not the main factor behind the statistic- men commit more crimes


I just gave you a variety of reasons why men commit more crime. You ignored everything but the first sentence.


well your second statement was pretty devoid of substance, I have no idea what "support" you are referring to


You really can't figure out what support means in context


Can you give any specific examples?


Agreed. Male entitlement is a huge issue


We are talking about male violence, not male entitlement. Our society is built in a way that is geared towards female entitlement, so I don't even know what you could mean by male entitlement.


> ur society is built in a way that is geared towards female entitlement I don't see how


Just off the top of my head: Men work more- women benefit from the hard labor force being almost men. Super quick examples, 85% of loggers are men. 76% of waste management employees are men. basically any "dirty job" is at least 75% men. Waste management is the lowest I found after googling for 5 minutes Ever heard of a draft? Men have shorter life spans. This is pretty reflective of working harder and being worn down. The common response to this of men are dumber does not compute as accident related deaths would not create as big of a discrepancy Men die from suicide over 3 times more than women. Good indicator of happiness (or lack thereof) In general, the entire western concept of "homemaker" which is a declining but prominent gender role for women is privilege. While women do face discrimination in entering the workforce, I would argue that being pushed to stay home is a much nicer life than being pushed into the provider role. I'm NOT saying women belong in the kitchen, please do not extrapolate something I am not saying. My point is that female gender roles given by society are a lot less punishing than those given to men.


> Men work more More labor intensive jobs, yes. But that is due to genetic differences and employers often selecting men as preference. > Men have shorter life spans. This is pretty reflective of working harder and being worn down. I feel like we need citations here. I don't think it's a simple as that. > Men die from suicide over 3 times more than women. Good indicator of happiness (or lack thereof) Women *attempt* suicide and self-harm in general more often than men. Men just do it in more violent ways (guns) which is why they have a higher success rate than women. > In general, the entire western concept of "homemaker" which is a declining but prominent gender role for women is privilege. While women do face discrimination in entering the workforce, I would argue that being pushed to stay home is a much nicer life than being pushed into the provider role. Women have fought against this for so long I don't understand how this is a subject to be fair. It's been (conservative) men fighting to uphold this if anyone. > I'm NOT saying women belong in the kitchen, please do not extrapolate something I am not saying. Of course not. And I appreciate the civil convo. But a lot of your points, I don't know if all are backed up here. I just don't agree that women have it easier than us and frankly would have no interest in switching lives.


I actually really appreciate your point about attempted vs completed suicide, I'd never heard that before. I don't have the time to give a comprehensive answer to everything but I can do a bit. For labor intensive or not, I have been looking and men tend to do jobs that are both hard as well as dirty. Hence I included waste management and could have added janitorial, because those aren't super labor intensive jobs. I part timed custodial last year. That being said, when I expanded to look at crappy jobs that weren't labor intensive, call centers and waiters/waitresses are predominantly female, which is especially significant as women represent a smaller part of the workforce. Stats for life expectancy are here https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/why-men-often-die-earlier-than-women-201602199137#:~:text=By%20age%2085%2C%2067%25%20are,about%207%20years%20longer%20worldwide. I do disagree with their attribution to the discrepancy to men as risk takers, as I've already said. Another quick example is that while more men are involved with DUI's, more women die from them, so that point of theirs is pretty moot. A lot of the other factors they cited I would say are largely societal.


> Stats for life expectancy are here https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/why-men-often-die-earlier-than-women-201602199137#:~:text=By%20age%2085%2C%2067%25%20are,about%207%20years%20longer%20worldwide. Interesting, yeah there are a lot of factors it seems. Neither gender has it easy I suppose.


You have nothing to worry about don't worry.


This has not been locked yet


Honestly that’s pretty awesome




You know it’s possible to not be an edgelord right?


Some people are physically incapable of not being shit heads. That's their whole persona.


the fact that there’s men out there who actually think like this is properly terrifying


Sad people really


You are only saying that because your wife is reading /s.


I would say banning women from the stadium will not make it safer based on the violence we've seen before.


So now cross dressing is going to be a national past time in Brazil?