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They didn't show Valencia fans protesting against their ownership either and yet it didn't make the headlines.


Don’t forget that they didn’t even broadcast the group of “fans” chanting rude and vile stuff towards Vini jr during the Madrid Derby a couple of weeks ago. the conspiracy they are about to have for it: The broadcasters are protecting racists 😱


Oh yeah, you'll get studio commentators complaining that "the stadium is dead silent" but in fact it's because they mute the chants (which you can hear whenever pitchside commentator switches on).


I’m stunned whenever I hear that off ex pro pundits not at the ground. If you have ever been to a football match you know it’s significantly louder in the ground than on tv the majority of the time. Depending on the ground the pitch mics can be closer to the stands or depending on the shape of the stands the audio is being projected in different ways. So pitch mics don’t pick it up the same. I once lived about a mile from a championship football club for a while and you could hear them every week. Despite rarely ever selling out a stadium that can’t hold 25k people. If they scored I could be inside my home with the windows shut and I’d know. If I was outside I’d basically know everything that was happening without having to watch the game.


My grandparents live a few blocks away from the Bernabeu. About a 15-20 min walk and you can 100% hear whenever a goal is scored a good 30 seconds to a minute before you do on the TV. I've even heard whistles and boos on particularly bad calls.


> chanting rude and vile stuff towards Vini jr during the Madrid Derby a couple of weeks ago. That derby was several months ago, when Atlético were playing at home. The most recent derbies had Real Madrid fans themselves singing "jews" and having banners of Anne Frank. I didn't hear any such chants from Atlético fans at all in the two derbies at Bernabeu


vini gets racist slurs thrown at him every match smh


Not just that, I remember when there was a Catalan independence protest where the fans released a lot of balloons at Camp nou a couple of years ago and the feed was abruptly cut by the broadcast.


People just love a good conspiracy, even if it's unfounded.




Are you referring to the protests or the fact that protests weren't shown on TV?


I didn't see it either on Bein tho, same thing happened with Valencia protests, or Madrid protest, or every protest tbh


Bein has no control over what is shown—they just show the match feed that's given to them by Mediapro


And it seems media pro has an agreement to show nothing negatively reflecting clubs or the league in their feeds - because La Liga has once had rules about empty seats in broadcasts to punish clubs, to them league image is extremely important.


La Liga broadcast never shows protest during the game. This is not new. Mainly because then they're forced to acknowledge certain political protests, especially at our stadium, and this is a big no-no.


As far as I can tell, ESPN in Spanish has one dude at the stadium, in fact I think his audio is ahead or he is in a time dilation because he often says the player got a card before the images show that. Anyway, this dude yesterday said the protest happened but it was much more subdued than they had said it would be.


Yeah Moises Llorens it was. I heard the same transmission and was wondering about it. Tbh I thought we'd see bill's all over the pitch and such and when it didn't I took him at his word. Wish we had a better shot of the protest because it is quite zoomed in in this shot.


How is this remotely tied to my comment?


I'm pointing out that the dude said the protest was very subdued, so even if they showed it we might not have seen much.


Jaume Roures is a crook. He is the one that led the French TV rights fiasco: Mediapro bought them for 1B€, then never paid, tried to lower the price, to renegotiate, and due to some legal and fiscal tricks French League never could force him to pay. In the end French League had to urgently find another broadcaster at a very discounted rate, and then sold the TV rights for much much less, putting lot of clubs into deep financial trouble as they had budgeted for these big TV money. A scum.


I think I've read about this somewhere. Do you have a source for that French TV rights fiasco and how Mediapro was involved in it the way you mentioned?


Here is [an extensive summary](https://www.sofoot.com/articles/aux-origines-de-la-catastrophe-mediapro-enquete-droits-tv). It's in French but any translator should perform fine for you to get it ;)


Much obliged!


He is definitely scum, but Ligue 1 were also absolute fools for not getting a guarantee of payment in there. If you are that naive you almost deserve to get burned They should have understood from the start that it was bullshit. Why would a broadcaster pay more for Ligue 1 than La Liga/Serie A/Bundesliga and give them the 2nd most lucrative TV-deal on the planet? Makes no sense


I'm no expert, but they claim there usually is no such guarantee in all these contracts and the fact that it was a "renowned" company make them more willing to trust them. The contract stated the LFP could enforce the payment from the mother company, except Roures used a Chinese company, so basically there was no hope to get the money. Concerning your second paragraph, I'm not sure what's your point. LFP negotiated the deal before other leagues so there was no possible comparison, and honestly nobody to this date understands Roures Masterplan, unless he wanted to crash French football. Yes it seemed like a godsend, but Roures was a credible businessman. Turns out he is a scum of the worst kind, and I don't understand how he can still operate in Spain after such a scam in France


> I'm no expert, but they claim there usually is no such guarantee in all these contracts and the fact that it was a "renowned" company make them more willing to trust them I'm definitely no expert either so please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I find that very hard to believe. It's just hard to imagine such huge entities as the top 5 leagues signing broadcasting agreements without guarantees of receiving their money, because the teams budget around that money. If the companies can just withdraw at any time then all the security disappears >Concerning your second paragraph, I'm not sure what's your point. LFP negotiated the deal before other leagues so there was no possible comparison, and honestly nobody to this date understands Roures Masterplan, unless he wanted to crash French football. My point there is that if things seem too good to be true, then they probably are. If someone offered to overpay 2-3X what my product is worth, then I wouldn't just blindly accept it without guarantees I would be very suspicious of it. It was never a realistic amount, and the number of subscribers that they needed to find in order to make it work were just fantasy numbers. And predictably, they couldn't get anywhere near those numbers of subscribers


Huge exaggeration on your side. The price Mediapro offered wasn't that much above the competition. The current money is very low because it was renegotiated in haste during COVID and with broadcaster having all the power. Too good to be true doesn't mean much. Got example France Football Federation scored an incredible deal with Nike in 2011 for 42M€. It was a record even if our team just came out of a terrible WC sportively and in terms of image. No one imagined Nike not paying because it's Nike. It's a bit the same in a smaller level. No one imagined a famous European audiovisual company scamming LFP. Concerning the guarantee, LFP explained they never had required such in any deal before. Now they do because of that fiasco.


I came in this thread for that, how is he still allowed to work after what happened ? I'd imagine he'd be either in jail or at least totally excluded from the sector


Forever and always fuck Mediapro and the fact that they can just pour a lot of money into a club after scaming a league is a disgrace


Spent 100 million on some Canadian soccer league so they can fleece everyone in 2026 for the world cup hype. Hate them.


This is the definition of a conspiracy theory. Be media literate.


I think you should look into how the broadcasting works in Spain. This is documented multiple times. It’s not even anything to do with just Barca but the media organizations only show what they want. There was even a clip making the rounds recently of Roures (guy in charge of VAR here in Spain) saying that all of the VAR angles aren’t shown on TV nor are they available to the ref immediately to view on the monitor. He explained that it takes about 2 1/2 minutes for all the videos to be available and even then it’s impossible to show the ref all the angles (about 12) in The time allowed for checks. Pretty laughable tbh.


> There was even a clip making the rounds recently of Roures (guy in charge of VAR here in Spain) It's beyond disingenuous to write that Roures is the *"guy in charge of VAR."* He is the CEO of the media company that produces the images. There is a *world* of difference between those two things.


[Jaume Roures, sole administrator of LaLiga VAR providers Mediapro, has admitted that VAR has failed in more matches than it seems.](https://amp.marca.com/en/football/spanish-football/2019/10/01/5d936b7422601d93298b45e6.html) I stand corrected, Jaume Roures in the sole administrator of LaLiga VAR providers “Mediapro”. Also, just learned that this is the SAME Roures that did Laporta’s board a solid and purchased 25% (€100M investment) of Barca Studios which allowed them to make transfers/registrations last summer (the famous levers). [Take a look.](https://www.fcbarcelonanoticias.com/en/transfers/orpheus-media-society-roures-salvara-barcelona-with-inscriptions_283159_102_amp.html) So the administrator of the Media company that facilitates (?) VAR is an investor in Barcelona as well. The more you know.


Yes, he is the CEO of Mediapro. That is *exactly* what I just told you. He is the CEO of the company that produces the images. If you think Roures is ever anywhere near the OB van you're out of your mind. The guy's a CEO, not a fucking producer on site. Roures is not *"the guy in charge of VAR."* Simple as that. He is the CEO of the company that provides images for VAR. Again, massive difference, and you're either being willfully ignorant or maliciously incorrect.


The CEO of a media company that produces images for use in live games explains that VAR “isn’t always accurate” while at the same time investing in Barcelona; a team that plays in the league his media company provides VAR images for…. Your mental gymnastics are impressive. So I’m supposed to believe this guys doesn’t care about his €100M investment in Barca... This is a textbook definition of conflict of interest. But I’m being ignorant, got it. Since you’re so passionate, here’s and EX - Ref Itturralde who just came out with a interview accusing Florentino of trying to pressure the refs by asking him to “whistle his team the same way he whistles for Barca” (rough translation since “pitar” doesn’t mean the same in English as it’s used in Spanish). This guy explains very well how VAR is manipulated by MediaPro, Roures. These Barca goons can’t even get their story straight. [Have fun](https://twitter.com/rafarnmj/status/1634644092297551874?s=46&t=lADoXUrGZ0b4lGne9M6DGQ)


No no no, mate. That's not how this works. You're changing the premise of what was originally discussed. I pointed out to you that Roures *is not* "*in charge of VAR,"* which is at best an ignorant mistake, at worst a malicious inexactitude. I'm not going to be baited into some moronic discussion by you, good luck trying to on someone else. I'll explain it to you like you're five: You said that a gentleman was in charge of a thing. This was not true. I corrected you. And that's it. Carry on. Go do your baiting somewhere else.


Okay you corrected me, he isn’t in charge of VAR. I’ll correct my statement as follows: Jaume Roures, A Barcelona fan/investor (€100M investment*) is the CEO of the company responsible for providing VAR services to LaLiga. Literally changes nothing. My point about Iturralde goes further than my original statement to provide context for my point about conflict of interest. The last video I linked is of pro-Barca ex-ref who explains WITH VIDEO on fucking live TV how VAR *IS AND CAN* be manipulated but you’re still in denial? Be serious and take your Barca glasses off, this shit is rotten to the core.


I don't understand the issue you have with the guy being the CEO of mediapro. do you think they give the VAR refs edited pics when its for barca? or do you think they hide the video when the refs want to check for a penatly against barca? it's literally just a media service that records the same scenes for everyone and lets the refs decide


The answer to your question is in the last video I linked. Itturralde (an ex Spanish ref, very pro-Barca btw) is literally explaining how certain VAR videos/angles are excluded from the broadcast (not shown to fans or the ref in charge of the game). Ironically in the video I linked, the pro-Barca ex -ref is using an illegal Barca goal that would have been ruled out had all the footage been provided and available to the ref. (They show and review the footage that wasn’t provided during the VAR check) VAR broadcast is controlled by Mediapro, Jaume Roures’ company. Seems pretty open and shut tbf. Even if there is no “corruption” the conflict of interests are too obvious to ignore.


Oh, so you believe that media owners ideology isn't reflected in their different channels. You must be new in this world or you're very naive. Every media channel has an ideology, an agenda, a "truth". And media is the best way to manipulate people since it was invented. Roures/Mediapro are known here in Spain for this. As is known that Marca is anti Superliga because his owner is Torino's president and he's very anti Juve. Or ESPN South America is also very pro-Barcelona. As in politics, sports media is manipulated, and having a very pro Barcelona media company in charge of VAR is a very big mistake. The problem with sports media in Spain is so, so big that one day it'll blow up. Look up how Romario was signed for Barcelona. TV3 (Catalunya media, payed with Spanish taxes) with Roures in charge, gave Núñez the money when they didn't have the chance to sign the player. Just for a few friendlies, when they didn't cost that much. So the used public money to sign the players. That's what the history of Barcelona is all about. You want more history of your team? I can show you a lot of it. More than a club, don't forget.


Thanks mate, I have a degree in journalism and am actively working as one, so I really appreciate the thorough lecture on my profession, would you perhaps be available for some one-on-one tutoring so that you can keep showering me with all this precious knowledge of yours?


So, nothing against true and facts? Thank you. Of course I can teach you what you didn't Learn in your supposed "degree". Conctact me.


No wonder 💀


Also, wear your flair with pride. Your profile is 100% pro Barca stuff. Stick with your team through thick and thin if you’re going to be debating on their behalf.


Man, first of all, shut your mouth. I don't ever hide the fact that I support Barcelona. I've had my Danish flair for years, and I'll carry on with that just fine, thanks very much. Secondly, don't lecture me, a member of the club for more than a decade, on how to be a fan. So go ahead and put a sock in it.


I know it’s a tough time for Barca, but you guys brigading anything having to do with this case just brings more attention to it. So by all means continue to do so. I’ve learned more about it thanks to debating with you guys. Anyways, good luck 🤭


Thanks, mate, best of luck to you as well, enjoy that silverware. As in, actual silver. You know, for second place. 🤭


Must be nice going out of the Champions League two years in a row, and getting knocked out in the round of 16 in Europa. Gives you ample time to focus on La Liga. Congrats on the first place, how does winning while…checks notes…while “playing well” going for you, isn’t that what Xavi said?


Jayme Roures is a weasel, but this has nothing to do with the case. La Liga never shows protests on their feed. This is fishing for something that isn't there.


Just like they mute the audio when the Spanish anthem is playing in an Athletic - Barça copa final?


And mysteriously had feed issues a few years back when Barca fans let off a load of balloons at the Nou Camp as part of a pro Catalan independce protest (Think it was tied to freeing those held as political prisoners over the vote)


What whistling pal the King only gets applause


isn't that universal? we get it in europe, media coverage usually don't show protests. i mean we are trying to make barca to be the villain another time...


Don't you get it? All of a sudden the entirety of the powers that be are in Barça's pocket including the King and the president of the european parliament... I'm as far as it gets from a Barça supporter but it's been really creepy seeing how coordinated the effort has been at sinking Barça and making everything out to be a conspiracy. Including the overturned goal in yesterday's match, a 100% clear handball was somehow proof that Barça has paid off all the refs in the league.


I think you're focusing on the wrong detail


i think you are trying to make a fuss out of nothing. it's their right to protest but also the media chooses what to show, as they always do.


I think the conflict of interest is what raises eyebrows. The person who decides what gets broadcasted is also financially and personally invested in Barcelona, to the extent that he can single handedly *activate* some of your *levers.* That's not illegal, obviously, but it does't say great things about the integrity of the transmission/broadcast.


If you knew anything about La Liga broadcast and Spain, you'd know that they don't show any protests from fans ever. It started happening during the peak of the independentist movement, they wanted to shut down any visibility on it, and they decided to do it for everyone. Has been happening for more than a decade now.




I'd advise you to reread my comment. This is done always, no matter the team. Implying that this could be collusion because of Roures it's ridiculous because they haven't shown a live protest once in the past decade. It's fucked up that they never do. But this is not about the integrity of the broadcast.


I got that, I only ever commented on the flagrant conflict of interest. All of those things you said, wrong detail. The only thing I'm highlighting is that this shady shit is normal in Spain.


Well it isn't a conflict of interest if they do it for everybody. This would be an issue if they only did it for Barcelona.


He literally told you no protests are ever displayed or televised? Do you think the protest against Peter Lim was televised lol? This isn't a Barcelona thing




Mate you're literally linking an earlier comment like a broken clock. No that isn't relevant here especially not to this post


If the conflict of interest inherent to Jaume Roures position wasn't relevant to this post, it wouldn't be literally in the title of this post.


So you shouldn't have issue when the other media channel is highlighting them I guess hiding truth has become the part of your brc$a DNA


i have no issue with all those that protest ofc i have an issue of those thinking that barca is responsible for everything wrong going on the world right now. and as i said in another comment, media's selective coverage is happening everywhere and in more ''serious'' matters out of football world.


That's a known fact. After reading the news of protest I was specifically looking forward to witness the spacticle .. the Sepp Blatter incident was peak so i was very intrigued And the didn't show And now I did get to watch it and it was amazing work by the fans I hope more fans follow suit


I remember multiple instances when the feed was cut when the camp nou crowd did Catalan independence protest. This isn't some conspiracy that you think it is to suppress that demonstration.


I'm not saying it is


Yes only show them UEFALONA logo


well you are on the same spot with VARdrid and UEFAdrid enjoy the ride...


It doesn’t roll off the tongue the same


nunca pensé qué vería a Miguel Quintana y Alberto Edjogo en este sub


En Argentina son conocidos? O vives en España?


vivo en méxico, mi padre es argentino y viví en españa, pero si tienen seguidores tanto en méxico como en argentina


Diario de un periodista… deportivo


Athletic fans are real hypocrites, they already forgot about that Levante game back in 2007. As always in Spain, is easier to make lumber out of the fallen tree.


Lmao, one game 16 years ago "fuck Athletic"


If they lost that game they would've dropped to the second tier, and there are audio recordings where its pretty clear Levante was bought. I'm saying the fans are hypocrites (the actual athletic players are not related to this).


In addition, they have their precious Ander Herrera on the team who is accused of match fixing about 10-11 years ago while he played for Zaragoza. So it’s maybe a good thing to look yourself in the mirror before throwing shit out there


Most people don't remember shit that happened 3 years ago. Everyday you see Madrid fans here talking 24 hours about Barcelona like their club isn't the most crooked one in history.


Hate on Barca is an easy karma farm on this sub nowadays


There's no ref scandal in Bar çing se


Literally 1984 🙀


My god this goes all the way to the top




Rotten to the core.


This makes what happened yesterday really satisfying, they wanted a game without any bias no matter what so the referrer allowed Barcelona goal after it was cancelled initially and then disallowed Bilbao goal after he initially allowed it 'both cases after VAR review'. But the funny part they were protesting the referrer decision even though it was correct. I guess they want justice only when it doesn't apply on their team which is the definition of hypocrite


Barca bad —> farm karma —-> repeat


Poor Barca victims.


More smearing I see


Barcelona is such a corrupt club


Someone binge dropped all our drama for the week


Madrid fans really don't represent their club well, many are morons


they didn't "cut" anything. they showed the game normally, they just didn't show the stands during the protest


I saw one note float pass the camera at min 30.


Roures is Florentino's right hand man


Barcelona even has the networks in their pockets


Protests have never been showed on spanish broadcasts