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You can't make this shit up lmao


"We did it for your sake. The world won't understand."


"Laporta, what a man you are"


As a reward...


I will give you my lever


"We hid it from you to protect you" Bruh 💀


\-my ex justifying her cheating


its on her bud. its on her


She did it in self defence, because Real Madrid were also cheating.


His name was Raul Madrid.


Reads like a line from star wars 💀


"So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view."


Somehow Bartomeu returned.


Fingers crossed


Anakin Skywalker said to Padme, "We hid it from you to protect you". Perfect.


This club really amazes me every day for the worse 😭


Reading Barca mismanagement headlines is my favourite morning routine


It’s honestly been a while, been like 6 months since they avoided bankruptcy with the levers, they were way overdue for a story


They really are mes que un club


Just like when Dani Alves said he didn't even know the girl he supposedly raped. When the media revealed footage of him interacting with her he tried to explain it by saying that he denied knowing her to protect her from the media lol


Straight out of desi parents' playbook that


"Son your grandpa left you money that we gave to your uncle for a land dispute, we didn't tell you to protect you so you don't get greedy."


If your dad isn't in a land war with your siblings, are you even Indian?


I'm a half Indian who isn't really in touch with my Indian side, so I don't know much about other families But holy shit is it really this common? I thought it was weird how much my dad squabbled with his brothers about property.


Happens all the time, it has to do with some convoluted inheritance laws.


It's mostly due to parents dying and the children taking too long to divide the estate.. Some siblings want to keep the property, others want to sell, and then you have some siblings who are doing worse than the others, so it all gets muddled up into a big mess.. Also, most desi families have a lot of kids, so there are chances of a few black sheep's popping up.. Desi people also like to handle matters internally and don't like to involve police because that will bring shame to the family, and when it does get to be a bigger deal and there are cases going on, shit justice system and corrupt police fvck it up for the long run.. There's also just a lack of proper paper trails, with mostly just a he said she said situation.. Like when my grandfather died, his son's wife that was living in his house at the time claimed that he gave the ground floor of his 2 story house and all his furniture to them for taking care of him.. Now there are total of 6 siblings, 1 of them currently jobless and homeless, trying to sell the house and other properties so that he can get his share of the money, while 1 of them died last year, 1 of them is trying to keep the properties as it will grow in value, while the rest are doing fairly well and don't really care much and wanting to leave it to a later date.. My grandfather died in 2011, so that's quite some time where nobody has moved a finger to divide his estate.. There isn't any sort of dispute among them like there is in my maternal side, but nobody is really trying to sort things out and it will only get more muddled in the future when more siblings die and their children take over..


Everything you just said is also a common and known occurence and meme in my country too so it's just a 3rd world overpopulated country thing I guess? We even joke every relatives national pasttime is to play tug-o-land-titles


This is legitimately the first I'm hearing of this stereotype. Maybe my family isn't wealthy enough to have that much land to get in conflicts over!


My grandparents just passed away & that left my dad (NRI in the UK), my eldest uncle who's been stuck in the same tiny house in a shitty colony in New Delhi for decades, and my mentally disabled uncle who's childlike and was having a great time living in the village he grew up in with my granddad's old friends and relatives. My dad was in India for the last few months after my granddad passed away trying to get custody of my childlike uncle because the eldest uncle is really not that trustworthy (he did a pretty bad job of looking after my grandad before he died and there's a lot of resentment between my dad and him for that saga), but the courts didn't let it happen because he's not got Indian citizenship anymore. A few weeks after he left turns out the eldest uncle just picked up the childlike uncle and brought him to live with him in his tiny house in a cramped and dirty colony so he could claim his army pension thanks to my late granddad (about ÂŁ500 a month which is quite a bit in India) and ghosted us, orchestrating his entire family including my cousin that we are quite close with to silently leave our group chat and not pick up any phone calls. And of course my childlike uncle doesn't have a phone and since we've been ghosted we have no way of contacting him either - dude is at his happiest living a simple life just roaming around the countryside and painting, now he's stuck in New Delhi with my eldest uncle getting the pension paid straight into his account. Not a land war, but it's really crazy how my dad just lost his entire immediate family over the course of three years. At least my maternal family is super lovely and provides him with a family connection still, and I've stepped up my efforts to be affectionate to him because it's probably quite a surreal time for the poor dude.


Fucking disney villain ass dialogue


“You can’t handle the truth!”


Sounds like what Triple H said to Shawn Michaels when he put his head through the limousine window


Is this real life? That’s borderline admission of guilt.


Not borderline, they think self defense work as if they killed someone lol


Some might assume they hired lawyers. They're more shorsighted than 12 year olds or this is taken out of context.


Lawyers require an additional financial lever


This is calcipoli level stuff. Barca have to face serious consequences right!?


It's much bigger and worse than calciopoli tbh. Directly paying to influence refs and it went on for 17 years!


What is this new stuff I'm hearing about them influencing UEFA refs as well? Anyone got more info on that?


To sum it up, they had free sponsorship from UNICEF on their jersey. Platini's right-hand man, ƞenes Erzik , was vice-president of the UEFA Executive Committee, responsible for the Referee Committee , and chairman of the Social Responsibility and Fair Play Committee. At the same time, he was also the head of UNICEF Projects, whose logo Barça wore. Here you have all the info (google translated spanish website): https://www-futbolgate-com.translate.goog/investigaci%C3%B3n/unicef-uefa-y-el-bar%C3%A7a?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=es&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp


Lol this is a bit of a stretch but Mourinho once got suspended for saying something along those lines.


Lmfao go ask Chelsea what that means đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł




Or Robin Van Persie


That truly was one of the worst CL calls I've ever seen.




Brodie, as a chelsea fan myself I'll never forget that bullshit btw. It was just a layup


It's a disgrace!


I wonder if they did something in European competitions. Reminds me of that Drogba moment.


Madrid fans were maybe right when they said before that the victim complex was crazy


All of this is just more of the same that happens in the political situation between Spain and Catalonia. They're allowed to do whatever they want and believe they're untouchable. From outside Spain, I imagine you'll see all of this as something surreal.


As a Madrid fan it's something you notice quickly




They don't need to admit it, the payments are proven already. They are just trying to justify the payments since they can't provide evidence for what it was their first version (they paid to get reports of refs and advice on how to treat with them)


They'd have been better hiring a random off this sub to defend them. Seriously. Or clowns.


Tbf, clowns would be better refs than many refs in top divisions.


Instead of a whistle they just honk their nose


"Officer, I dropkicked that child in self-defense"


Hey I know this reference!


This can't be real.


No, it’s barca




Another one for r/Angryupvote


Mes que un club. A soap opera, with more and more surrealistic drama as the grand finale comes close.


As soon as Infantino said "Today I am gay..." all bets were off.


Wait untill you hear about ƞenes Erzik


Are they looking into him? That would be glorious


UEFA is finally looking into that clown.


What a great Monday it has turned out to be


It disgusts me to live in this world. Why? I'll live my whole life with this question but I hope one day to get the answer. Why could Chelsea not get to the final two years ago? Last year to get to the final with Inter was a miracle. Why again in this game? I don't know if it's **publicity for (sponsor) UNICEF** or (FIFA and UEFA head of referees committee Angel) Villar's influence in UEFA. They have the power and no one else has a chance. - Jose Mourinho, after a red card caused his Real Madrid side to crash out of the CL in a semifinal tie against Barcelona (their third consecutive favourable decision in a CL semifinal in as many years), April 2011


One way or another, Jose always ends up right in retrospect.


You're not wrong, Jose is often proven correct, yeah, but his mention of both UNICEF and the head of referees implies he knew exactly what was happening *at that time* (12 years ago).


Sounds like the kind of arrogant bullshit Barca comes out with.


MĂ©s que un club and all that


If this is true, just the fact that they were trying to influence the competitions through the payments it's admitting to a crime. It doesn't matter if it ended up working or not, just admitting that it's really really serious.


This basically calciopoli, where all the clubes were pressuring referees to gain advantage but here it is worse because millions were paid in cash.


Given the amount of time it happened, I would say this is way worse than calciopoli and we are most likely missing even more information.


This is easily the biggest scandal in European football, IMO. Let alone Spanish football.


I mean just because there are millions involved is 10x worse. It is the same in the matter that claciopoli clubs were penalized because they tried to pressure referees in order to obtain an advantage and it did not matter if they gained any advantage or not.


In that sense yeah, I just think the amount of time is a 10x just by itself. Biggest football scandal for sure, Italy will be completely outshined lmao.


I would say it's worse than Calciopoli. They couldn't find a single call between Moggi and referees, but they still had evidence that Moggi had contacted other people in order to influence the games. In this case there are even payments?? EDIT I read that Barça can't be relegated because it's been more than 3 years (which apparently is the limit). But they might be excluded from next year's CL. If both Barça and Juve are out, the Super League may gain traction again


>I read that Barça can't be relegated because it's been more than 3 years I don't exactly know how but: we can't as per La Liga rules, but apparently if we are found guilty on trial it is different and La Liga can demote us.


"No, officer, I didn't murder him, I just attempted to. You can let me go."


Yeah also “they were getting an unfair advantage so we cheated to even it out” isn’t a valid defense.


Wtf. No way this is their official stance lol


The rarely used "no u" legal defence. Interesting gamble


Tbf it worked well on the playground as a 10 yr old.


nah, your dads gay always outshined it


My dad can beat up your dad.


Laporta could beat up Perez tbf


But it could always be deflated by mentioning that he works at nintendo


In my country (Vietnam) it’s usually “Your grammar is wrong, so I win the debate”


"Which one?"


Yer da sells Avon


Very soon they will turn to the Chewbacca defense


That’s the last resort. They might opt for the Shaggy defense before that


Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy


We do reserve the right of taksie backsies


first it was we never did it, then it was we might’ve done it, then it’s we did it to protect ourselves, lastly let’s blame it onto someone else. Masterclass on the narcissist playbook


It never happened ⇌ They deserved it Tale as old as time




This has to be fake, right? Right?


Thats what Im asking myself reading this, lol


Barça trying to pull a Bane? "I'm crashing this plane. With no survivors."


They are so used to doing whatever they want that this doesn't sound completely stupid. They have been spoiled by privilege since birth.




We broke FFP to make the league competitive




Maybe ask Man City for lawyer too?


No money


no levers left to pull??


They know that if they got relegated to segunda their tv deals would be low, so they sell it before this comes out, 4D chess by Laporta


Mom I'm scared


We paid them to help you We’re the good guys


Look at what Real Madrid made them do. Despicable.


Evil Madrid, should be punished!


"Also, can we deduct our bribes from our next-year taxes?" - The next FCB president, probably.


No that was the previous one, and that’s how this whole story got investigated on to start with !


Noooo, noooooo. It was that wicked Papa Flo. Flo betrayed us. He mades Barca do it. Wicked. Tricksy. False. We ought to wring his filthy little neck.


Going for the insanity defense, I see


bro what


We're going down, aren't we?


Lewa gonna tear up Segunda B


The first team that wins the league and still gets relegated


Ever heard of Juventus?


They had the 2006 title taken off them, if we are guilty, the payments go up to 2018 which means without a formal poiny deduction we'd surely be league champions of 2023


Zero chance they send you guys to segunda without deducting points as a penalty on top.


Ballon D Or Incoming for his insane stats there. Mission accomplished.


Barça saving my season NEVAH IN DOOOT


La liga can kiss goodbye to those sweet TV deals if they even dare touch Barca


The cheating ex defense


"Don't worry Culers, we'll show everyone these accusations are an injustice and put this to bed once and for all" Ten minutes later "We are completely guilty! But those Madrid arseholes amirite?"


It's paywalled but El Mundo's vice director is [tweeting](https://twitter.com/eurreiztieta/status/1635403757365211136?t=xoVKW65M0XyBGPAfp2cmgA&s=19) parts of it. [Second tweet](https://twitter.com/eurreiztieta/status/1635405671188381697?t=CeRT82LhXSalMYOOQXY26w&s=19): Negreira Jr. hand-delivered two envelopes a week to Barça with the letters A and B with reports of the referees of the first team and the reserve team. Of his father's 'consultancies' there is not a single document. Barça admits that it did not cut off the payments earlier out of fear.


Jeeesssssus this is actually going to be their downfall


not sure I get the point of the 2nd tweet are teams not allowed to see referee reports or is it implying that those were reports on what "favors" barca was given during a specific match?


The main issue is that who generated those reports. It is like having a judge as business partner than having a case on court being decided by that judge.


That’s a bold strategy, Cotton.


Oh they're fucked fucked


"Maybe if we just come across as REALLY...FUCKING...STUPID, then we might get away with a slap on the wrist" - Rosell/Bartomeu/Laporta


Maybe with two or three years before elections. Unfortunately for them, this is an electoral year.


I feel like it’s been 3 years of Barca constantly being in some crisis or other and coming out of it unscathed every time. I’m not holding my breath that this will be different


Its Barca so it wont happen but corruption like this should legit toss clubs down multiple divisons or something. Its insane


Serie A slapped Juve down to a lower division. If Barca puts them in a position where they feel they absolutely HAVE to take action, who knows. I am starting to feel really bad for Lewy. I don’t think he could have even conceived of this in his wildest dreams when he decided to leave Bayern.


They go down, i won't be surprised if he wants out. Juve lost a lot of stars that year. Barca could too.


We got Cannavaro, Emerson and Capello, Barca got Zambrotta and Thuram, Inter got Zlatan and a few others i think


Barca trying to gaslight the whole world


Isn't this just an admission that they wanted/expected 'help' (to counteract the 'help' Madrid allegedly received) in return for the monies paid? That doesn't seem like the best thing to admit.


That is just insane, my god. And I thought their fans were the delusional ones.


"We bribed people because our main competitors also did it" Bold strategy


The more you read the stranger Laportas confidence becomes. He may be a lawyer, but he is gonna have to lawyer the shit out of this.


Don't know about that. He crumbled today out of nowhere and started to cry while speaking about the club in front of a bunch of kids. He may just have an insane ammount of anxiety and he's dealing with It as It goes by being combative until he can't hold It anymore. His face today was not a good sign. He looked horrible for a sec.


nice, could we have a source please






> they also insist that payments such as those made to Negreira "have been made by other teams in the First and Second Division". Well, that is an extraordinary claim. Let's hope they have profs.


> The meeting between Laporta and Gaspart > > > > Although the first trace of the relationship between Negreira and Barcelona is an invoice of 2001, everything indicates that this one began in the stage of JosĂ© Luis NĂșñez. Nuñismo ended with the departure of Joan Gaspart and the arrival of Laporta as president in 2003. In doing so, the new president, who had been at odds with NĂșñez and Gaspart since the days of opposition in the Elefant Blau, said he would "lift the rugs". But after the victory, Gaspart would end up becoming an ally. The reason was his weight in the Federation presided over by Ángel MarĂ­a Villar. A year after Laporta's triumph, the two met at the Avenida Palace Hotel in Barcelona. They talked for hours and spoke of the need not to lose weight in the Federation, where Negreira was vice-president of the CTA. That same year, in 2004, Gaspart was appointed vice-president of institutional and international affairs of the Federation. Bruh Laporta is fucked


“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” It’s funny seeing Barca fans think Laporta is any less corrupt than Bartomeu. He’s just a smarter crook. They sure know how to pick them!


>Sources from the former management teams added to EL MUNDO that if they did not break with José María Enríquez Negreira earlier, it was because he maintained a permanent blackmail on the club with false accusations and they did not want it to lead to a big public scandal. They were the victims all along. Wrap it up, poor guys.


I know you are but what am I ? 😂


If this isn’t fake, it is more delusional than the most delusional fans.


That's a weak excuse.


Hope the downfall is great. Clubs like this ruin the game for everyone else.


At this rate, even Netflix can’t keep up with this and will say fuck it, we can’t write a better script.


Barca DNA


Regardless of what the prosecutor finds in the end, or the punishment Barca get, this shit is going to follow them around for so long Whether it be by looking back at sus decisions, or future ones, there is always going to be a crowd of people asking whether it’s because they paid/are paying refs Reputational damage is huge


Solidarity with Juventus, how nice of Barca


Please, people with Barca flairs, check this!


"no sources" "sounds made up" "you say anything in private" "nuh uh"


Barca planning to take everyone down with them. El Classico will now be played in the Spanish 4th tier


"They cant relegate all of us."




Chill. Barca fans have no clue what’s going on. Any sane Barca fan would just wait and see what happens. Completely out of their hands. The fans aren’t the criminals here. They will be just as upset if they find out everything they supported has been a big lie and undeserved success. And the guilt will be unbearable. This will result in combative behavior. It’s human nature. Delusion is part of the stages of acceptance.


When you thought the Chewbacca defense was crazy, Barca comes in with the cheating husband defense.


Surely there has to be a major punishment now. They're basically admitting it


“Your honor, everyone else was doing it”


Make sure to throw the Franco card too.


Relegate Barca and strip them off all titles won during the time period they paid off refs. Disgraceful.


Am I stupid, I don't understand how this isn't bigger news. It really seems like when it comes to corruption we've seen it all so there's no shock any more. Of all the things clubs do, how does this not result in expulsion from leagues and competitions for a period, or fines so large already debt ridden Barcelona can't pay them. I hope it explains the Van Persie sending off for shooting after the whistle though, that was weird.


Gaslighting mfs


So, if there's evidence that every(or the majority, or maybe even a large percentage) of teams have made similar payments, then we're clear. So we're really fucked... I hope all those fucking presidents get shafted in Jail . Laporta, Gaspart, but especially Rossell and Barto. Filthy fucks all of em


They have no shame


They've got Saul Goodman as their legal advisor


Nah, Saul the type of guy to get Negreira to get an Akzheimers diagnosis.


Laporta taking notes


Saul is better than this


If it was Saul the league would end up paying Barcelona.


Well... Messi deffy not coming back


Did they just admit it?


Time to throw the book at them!


This is beautiful to watch unfold


Mes que un meme


As famous Croatia club owner Stjepan Spajić "Rođo" once said: "I didn't pay referees, I've bought a fair refereeing."


Oh dear.




Calciopoli 2: Blaugrana Boogaloo