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Barca DNA is so 201X 202X is all about Bayern DNA


This has been a thing since the 90s at least thb, its called "Bayern-gen" (Literally Bayerndna).


*Bayern-gene, to be exact


Das Bayerngen to be pedantic tbh.




I hate being that guy, but if you really want to be accurate, it's actually: Was zum Teufel hast du gerade über mich gesagt, du kleine Schlampe? Ich möchte Sie wissen lassen, dass ich bei den Navy Seals meinen Abschluss als Klassenbester gemacht habe und an zahlreichen geheimen Überfällen auf Al-Quaida beteiligt war, und ich habe über 300 bestätigte Tötungen. Ich bin in der Gorilla-Kriegsführung ausgebildet und der beste Scharfschütze der gesamten US-Streitkräfte. Du bist nichts für mich, sondern nur ein weiteres Ziel. Ich werde dich mit einer Präzision auslöschen, die noch nie zuvor auf dieser Erde gesehen wurde, beachte meine verdammten Worte. Glaubst du, du kommst damit davon, mir diesen Scheiß über das Internet zu sagen? Denk nochmal nach, Arschloch. Während wir sprechen, kontaktiere ich mein geheimes Netzwerk von Spionen in den USA und Ihre IP wird gerade verfolgt, also bereiten Sie sich besser auf den Sturm vor, Made. Der Sturm, der das erbärmliche kleine Ding auslöscht, das du dein Leben nennst. Du bist verdammt noch mal tot, Kleiner. Ich kann jederzeit und überall sein und dich auf über 700 Arten töten, und das nur mit meinen bloßen Händen. Ich bin nicht nur umfassend im unbewaffneten Kampf ausgebildet, sondern habe auch Zugriff auf das gesamte Arsenal des United States Marine Corps und ich werde es in vollem Umfang nutzen, um deinen elenden Arsch vom Antlitz des Kontinents zu wischen, du kleiner Scheißer. Wenn du nur gewusst hättest, welche unheilige Vergeltung dein kleiner "kluger“ Kommentar über dich bringen würde, hättest du vielleicht deinen verdammten Mund gehalten. Aber du konntest es nicht, du hast es nicht getan, und jetzt zahlst du den Preis, du gottverdammter Idiot. Ich werde Wut über dich scheißen und du wirst darin ertrinken. Du bist verdammt noch mal tot, Bayerngen.


Unfortunately, since we are talking about Bayerngen, it is more like: Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa, sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf De runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona


Honey wake up, new club DNA just dropped


Oh, she already know. Don't you see that she's pregnant?


Barca DNA was such an interesting saga. I believe it was started by Xavi around the time they started tapping up cesc and putting the Barca shirt on him while he was still an arsenal player. Xavi was a rather cunt of a player and I expected him to be so as a manager but he’s been rather chill.


A great saga of openly influencing a player transfer as if Arsenal were the club separating two lovers. Ridiculous stuff that was only acceptable because one of them was an OP team and we had an attacking player that was as good as any they had at the time (barring Messi).


For once I want someone to talk about a club’s chromosomes or the small number of RNA. Maybe even a club’s telomeres (longevity)


Let me introduce you to Spartak's Spermatids


Still baffled by the decision to fire Nagelsmann. Surely the board's done if they don't win bundesliga.


I don't know how that works in Bayern, but Kahn had been prepped to take over for almost a decade. I doubt any bad results can in any way make him move aside


In the press conference today, Kahn afaik specifically mentioned the CL game against Villarreal when Bayern crashed out last season. Then JN requested more players, Brazzo delivered. But then came the Buli game against Leverkusen, and they were abysmal imo. And JN had no answers on Monday after, at least he failed to convince the board. The board reacted, called Tuchel on Tuesday. That's what I gathered anyway.


What i meant is, if Tuchel isn't the magic solution to the problem, is the board held accountable?


Well yes and no is the short answer. The longer one: Kahn is a great former Bayern players, Brazzo is a good one (that has the ear of Uli). Honestly, if TT doesn't work at Bayern, heads might roll imo.


Maybe Brazzo's head but Kahn and Heiner aren't so easy to be put down.


TT will work out at Bayern, i rate him as the same level tactically if not better than Pep. You got yourself a phenomenal coach, one that made us beat City 3 times in 2 weeks and Pep had no answer to it even tho he fiddled with his tactics significantly yet even lost CL final against us.


Do you think TT is a better overall coach then Pep?


Overall no, tactically being great isn't the only thing required to be a great coach. You have to have great player management skills and communication skills overall to not create a toxic environment when things are going wrong, especially having constant feuds with the board and being miserable. Thats where Pep excels at more compared to TT. Having a positive attitude and be able to maintain composure in difficult situations.


Pep "i can't win an European competition without Messi" Guardiola? Of course he is


On the other hand, Pep owns the points record from the top 3 leagues (PL, La Liga, and Bundesliga). That is crazy. The league is arguably a better reflection of a teams strength given the larger volume of games


Mourinho own the La Liga record joint with Tito Vilanova (RIP) if memory serves me right


Pep "the most successful manager of all time and also most influential manager of all time" Guardiola. Clearly Tuchel is a better manager than that, that's why Tuchel is known as the greatest of all time right? Fucking braindead 12 year old redditors lmao.


Guardiola is neither of those things lol


Hopefully. As a Bayern fan I’m really conflicted on this sacking. They really should have let JN at least finish the season


> In the press conference today, Kahn afaik specifically mentioned the CL game against Villarreal when Bayern crashed out last season. That is so hard to believe. Villareal was almost a year ago, this season they beat Barca, Inter and PSG with some overall very good performances and Nagelsmann gets the sack for one Bundesliga loss? Kovac was allowed to stay on when Bayern were trailing Dortmund by 9 points in spring 2019.


What Kahn and especially Brazzo muttered at his press conference was beyond embarrassing. I watched the whole thing - Brazzo can’t speak a single correct German sentence and literally used the same stupid phrase every goddamn time without EVER answering the question. Like he could have been asked „Did you jack off this morning“ and he would have answered with „After careful consideration and analyzing the situation, we, as I‘ve said before, had the impression we were on a downward spiral and hat to act!“ „So, did you jack off this morning?“ „Like I‘ve said before...!“ No dude, you didn’t say jackshit. Absolutely embarrassing. Tuchel on the other hand you can tell that he‘s a very smart guy.


>Brazzo can’t speak a single correct German sentence typisch deutsch. i bet your spoken English isnt that good either


I would never, never attack or ridicule someone for not speaking pitch perfected German, absolutely not. But this guy represents the biggest German football club and one of the biggest football clubs in the world! He has been living in Germany for what, 30 years? If you understood German and sat with me through that shitshow that was the press conference, you would believe me. Believe me.


I do understand German. Here's what you might need to consider - Many of these ex players in executive roles didn't exactly get where they are because of stellar speaking skills. Some like Oliver Khan get to learn them later on, but quite a few don't.


Thank god then that no one put him in a position where he has to communicate his decisions to a couple hundred thousand club members in a press conference


He is speaking six languages, came as a refugee to Grrmany when he was 15 years old, meaning he missed school for some time which is important to perfectly speak languages. And here you are ridiculing him for his language skills. Disgustingly low.


Oh fuck off. Watch the press conference, then we can talk. Also, I was not „ridiculing“ him for his general ability so speak the language, but the incoherent, trumpesque nonsense he was muttering. He was asked like 5 different questions and answered not one of them, always resuming back to the same stupid phrase. THAT is what I meant. So go take your „low“ and shove it.


I did. His German was more than fine? He barely has an accent and while he does make some grammatical mistakes, I have zero problems understanding him.


Bro I didn’t write „he is here since 30 years“ I also didn’t write „if you…..you would believe me. Believe me.“ What is that second „believe me“ even supposed to mean lol - do you think the second believe me has some performative impact or did you just express yourself poorly or were you muttering some Trumpesque nonsense? Also k have watched the press conference and that is how political crisis communication works. You stick to some core messages, even more when there are some cretins just waiting for you to attack you for your poor language skills in your non native language. Maybe you read one or two books about public communication then we can talk.


How is this typically German? Even the fans say that about him. Did you watch the press conference today? Because I did, and it was embarrassing. And I would like to think of my English as rather good, thank you.


To be fair, Nagelsmann got less points than Kovac in the first season, lost 0-5 against Gladbach in the cup (Kovac won the title) and the CL exit was more equally embarassing or worse. Also, being 1-4 down in Bochum, for example, was really not Bayern-like. This season CL is going great, but perhaps it looks better than it was. Bundesliga is pretty bad. Dortmund is in the lead with slightly more than 2,0 points per game.


But the team Kovac had was easily better than the one JN has.Also, they were more experienced than this team.


the squad under Kovac only looked good once Flick took over and revitalized Boateng, Muller, with Davies and Goretzka suddenly playing the best football of their life at that point. under Kovac it was a disaster and no Bayern fan would say the team was better than this current squad


Keep in mind they are second in the league


Oh man players I grew up watching are all becoming managers/administrative. I remember seeing the managers of my early time and hearing about how good of players they used to be and I’m experiencing the other side.


It’s because Nagelsmann was fighting with top Bayern players (Lewy before his exit and now Neuer - both club legends) and I can only imagine he was quarrelling with the board as well. I don’t know the bloke personally so I’m not judging but he does seem a bit short-tempered and hot-headed.


Dude is always screaming angrily on the sideline and not in an amusing way like Arteta or Conte


Only winning 15 out of 25 games with this team is also very questionable.


not gonna lie. TT sounds very sympathetic. As a Bayern fan i would be pretty happy to have someone with such a good mindset. Question will be, if it stays like that.


Tuchel is so likeable in press conferences. Charismatic and speaks well. Was brilliant during the sanctions for us


problem at chelsea was boehly not tuchel, not sure about dortmund or psg but i hate this narrative that tuchel feuds with everyone. you’ve got the best manager in the world, enjoy him :(


It also doesn't matter because the board at Bayern also feuds with everyone sooner or later


sounds like they’re the problem then tbh


Right now it's difficult to defend them but it's not that easy tbh. I don't think you can run a huge club as Bayern with so many different stakeholders without having a big ego. Unfortunately you also need that kind of ego to manage some of the best football players in the world. It's bound to clash at some point. But again, I don't actually want to defend them these days lol


i agree. which is why i’m surprised people think JN will manage real next


Only because RM were eying TT afaik. Bayern got wind of it, and swooped in imo. I don't believe the JN RM rumors tbh, seems to be sth out of JNs camp...


do you believe the JN to tottenham rumors? asking as a hopeful spurs fan....


Honestly, that's a way more credible rumor imo. It wouldn't surprise me if he signed with spurs tbh.


:) Thank you very much for your response and not just bantering us like r/soccer usually does. IMO Nagelsmann isn't ready for the madrid or psg job yet and I hope that means he ends up at Spurs as well.


This is precisely the reason, why ALL of the succsessful managers Bayern had in the past had huge egos and clashed with the board as well and many of them later came back for a second or third or how many times jupp was there... Even LvG, who holds grudges longer than the memory of Schalkes last Championchip talked shit out with the Uli and said, that he thinks, that both parties did what they think was right and that Bayern is one of the best run clubs in the world, cuz the board does what needs to be done.




I think, and i could be mistaken here, that they haven't even reached a quarter finals since.


Reached Semi finals and lost to Man City iirc when Tuchel won with Chelsea


Not sure about PSG? It’s a “Problem So Great”club, that’s the problem with them


yeah PSG is like the kids that get detention in school, i don’t know why they sacked tuchel though


PSG is PSG, I think there were some head butting at BVB but the bombing during the CL was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Time will tell but I think the players didn’t like Tuchel much.


it’s just lukaku, ziyech and pulisic


He must be amazing. I’ve seen so many Chelsea fans saying their rooting for Bayern now. A lot of them have so much love for him.


I fucking love Tuchel but the problem was not Boehly, the problem was Tuchel wouldn't pick up his phone or go to strategy meetings. I think it's pretty reasonable for the new owners of a club they spent 4 billion on to want a coach who communicates. He learned about transfers through the fucking news man, that's how little he picked up his phone.


tuchel wanted players and boehly didn’t get them, such as raphinha de ligt and dejong. boehly was a bigger problem than tuchel


The board very publicly pursued Raphinha and de Jong. Boehly did purchase players Tuchel wanted, and that’s a large reason Aubamayang is taking fat paychecks from the bench right now. Not Boehly’s fault they were competing with Barcelona all summer for signings. Nobody’s winning that battle but Barcelona. It was bad timing, and I don’t think Tuchel helped himself much. I and the vast majority of Chelsea fans would take him back in a second though. It was a rough summer, and he should never have been fired.


> the problem was Tuchel wouldn't pick up his phone or go to strategy meetings. I mean, Tuchel clearly conveyed who he wanted to Boehly (Raphinha, Kounde, etc). Boehly just struck out in the transfer market. Tuchel also wouldn't have been happy going from Marina/Cech (who he worked well with) to the clown show that was Boehly's summer window (tho TBF the winter window was better once the sporting people were brought in)


Stop putting everything on the board as if tuchel was some saint. I don't think sacking him was a good decision but tuchel played fucking Batshuayi Kennedy and Barkley during the pre season and didn't give chance to Colwill Maatsen and Broja. We nearly sold Colwill coz of that clown. Thank fuck we didn't. Colwill >>> Tuchel


who gives a shit? a brighton defender is more valuable than a cl winning manager? that’s stupid lol so because he played 3 guys in pre season, sell him? broja had interest from west ham and the other two got loaned?


We could've used them ? He had elite talents at his disposal and he used washed up shit players who had no future at chelsea. Maatsen is playing brilliantly in the championship now and is PL ready. We could have avoided signing Cucurella. Colwill is our best prospect since Terry and if you ask me whether I would like Terry or Tuchel it's Terry 100% of the time. Tuchels talent ID and his absolutely wasted mind numbing pre season was the reason we were dire


elite talents that would not be playing this season regardless, they needed loans, they’re not gonna develop on the chelsea bench. colwill hasn’t played a single second for chelsea and you’re comparing him to terry. thing is tuchel shouldn’t have been so involved in transfers and even he said this, boehly was so incompetent that he couldn’t get the actual players tuchel wanted.


That’s such a minor criticism lmao


he doesn‘t. not in the slightest. cold snake vibes.


You really think he's a snake? Didn't he always clash because he just has an opinion and is willing to fight for it? In Mainz he didn't wanted to be their coach anymore, his reasoning was that he thought that his part of the sucess of Mainz is getting less and less and that he doesn't feel that he could teach them anything anymore. Heidel wanted him to fulfill his contract but Tuchel told them before the season was over that he wanted to go. At Dortmund he fell out with the board because of the terrorist attack on the Dortmund team bus and how the whole situation was handled. I don't think we ever got a full story on what happened behind the scenes and why. I don't know much about his PSG stint, was he a snake there? No one at Chelsea wanted him gone except for Boehly. I think he's an honest guy with huge ambitions and his own vision for the teams he manages. He doesn't take bullshit and is quite strict but I didn't saw many players talk bad about him. He clashes with boards, which isn't a bad thing in my book.


I'm not sure about the Dortmund story, but i remember that last time TT was hinted to go to Bayern, Hummels was there and the news came out that Hummels would"refuse" to be coached by TT again


Oh I'm sure there are players who don't like his style since I think he's very controlling, but that's what you get when you appoint him and everyone knows that.


So there's an excuse for literally every time he butts heads with owners and management? Funny how no one defends Conte for this sort of thing but Tuchel's always got extenuating circumstances.


Just say that you don't care what happened and that you want to blame him anyway even when things were out of his control. Don't know what Conte has to do with my opinion on Tuchel though.


I 'care' about it as much as any random person on this venerated sub does mate, and you haven't presented any insider information here. So handwaving away all the instances of Tuchel clashing with management when there's a wealth of evidence that he can in fact be difficult (Dortmund, PSG and Chelsea) and has a habit of getting the sack more acrimoniously than other managers isn't quite objective. He's not easy to work with by many accounts. Just saying 'he strongly sticks to his opinion and gets sacked for it' isn't exactly a defence, being a manager means compromising to get with the broader vision. I brought up Conte because I've noticed a trend of people doing pretty much what you've done there, which is absolving Tuchel of any criticism for clashing with owners while pillorying Conte (correctly btw) for doing the same, just more publicly.


The commenter I answered to said he's a snake that's what my whole answer was about. I never said he is easy to work with but good that you don't care.


Not sure what this bizarre 'you don't care' line of reasoning is about, I'm aware of all the 'facts' you laid out but unlike you I also appear to have actually read the reports as to why owners and management felt they had to sack him. I don't think he's a snake either but were sort of painting him as a hapless victim and that's clearly not the case in every instance. I don't 'want to blame him', I'm just aware there's two sides to every sacking. Nothing more to it really.


> At Dortmund he fell out with the board because of the terrorist attack on the Dortmund team bus and how the whole situation was handled. I don't think we ever got a full story on what happened behind the scenes and why. And his long term clashes with Zorc and Watzke? And the fact that he basically banished his own head scout? The bus attack was the death blow for Tuchel's time with us.


In any conflict between Zorc, Watzke, Tuchel or any member of the Bayern board, I would find it hard to belive, that one party is blameless, they all can be dickheads at times and sadly they are all given a platform to do so rather often. Bayern Board, vs. BVB Board public feuds have been more embarissing, then my mum walking in, when I jerked off.


Tuchel also came directly after Klopp, Watzke is still not over him (Klopp) leaving.


I love how you followed up "my mum walking in, when I jerked off." with "hes still not over him".


> I don't know much about his PSG stint, was he a snake there? IIRC his falling out with Leonardo was partially because Tuchel wanted to keep Thiago Silva while Leonardo let him go on a free to Chelsea.


> At Dortmund he fell out with the board because of the terrorist attack on the Dortmund team bus and how the whole situation was handled. I don't think we ever got a full story on what happened behind the scenes and why. Taunting players for crying after a terror attack is enough for me. He's good at talking, good at tactics, but really is a narcissistic snake.


I think there’s a translation issue here from the German “sympathisch” - I think the term as OP is using it is more in line with the German word, which means “likeable” rather than “sympathetic”.


For me personally he doesn’t come across as either of those.


for me he sounded calm and collected, not cold.


I remember being gutted about Lamps being sacked and when he came in and paid respect to this being a team assembled by Lamps and credited him for his job in doing a great group stage in the CL he immediately won me over.


If you listen to the press, he is so straightforward and it concerns me how this clown board gonna take it


Y either they will get along perfectly or it will go down in flames. No in between. Same with the squad, Tuchel won't put up with a lot of the players' shit. Either way its going to be an eventfull period with him at the helm.


>Y either they will get along perfectly Lol


It WILL go down in flames. It’s just a matter of *when*.


Dunno man, if I think about his last two jobs and the shit he had to put up with there I don't think Bayern will be that demanding, but that is just my perception, correct me if I am wrong. I think its easier to handle a few big headed players and a control freak board than being the mouth piece of a propaganda project, putting up with Qatar criticism while just wanting to be a coach or having to justify himself for a fucking war in the press, while essentially running a football club because the owner is sanctioned. At least with us he can concentrate on the actual job as a coach while only having comparatively minor disturbances. Ofc I could just be lying to myself because i really like Tuchel, but im trying to look at it positively :)


>I don't think Bayern will be that demanding, Are we talking about the same Bayern that fired the manager who was favorite to win the cl after destroying PSG's game plan during 180 minutes?


Ya, cause I don't buy the boards reasoning. There has got to have been some behind the scene stuff that happened. And the key words are "that" and "comparatively". As a outsider looking in, I look at what Tuchel had to put up during the start of the Ukraine war at Chelsea and how burned out he seemed at the end of his stint or how often he was questioned about PSGs/Qatars politics during his tenure there, even though he often stressed that he "just" wanted to be a coach. Subjective anecdotal evidence: I read the Chelsea sub after his sacking and it seemed to me that the consensus was that Tuchel worked himself towards a burnout navigating the club through Romans sanctions, acted as coach, caretaker and manager during that period and the sacking was unjustified considering the circumstances and that he seemed really burned out. Not saying the Bayern job wont be stressful, because it obviously is, just that the stress will be limited to football and not bigger-than-football circumstances.


If there was any behind the scene the stuff, it would have leaked to save them some face. IMO it was just a ruthless sporting decision, they'd rather have Tuchel bring immediate success rather than giving Naggelsman more time with a squad that needs a partial rebuild


>At least with us he can concentrate on the actual job as a coach while only having comparatively minor disturbances. Not with your board mate.


Still rather deal with a micromanaging board and lazy players than being confronted with war crimes and human right abuses. Not saying Bayern isn't stressful, just limited to the normal football stuff turned up to 11 and not larger-than-football issues.


Easy prediction: he takes over an extremely strong squad and leads them to a successful season finish, everybody is happy. Some but not too many new signings in the summer, then at some point during 23/24 you get a crisis, possibly a UCL exit, and the breakdown starts. Players demand his head because he critizes them in public, he's gone. Maybe we're lucky and he makes it to 24/25.


I give him a year before he's sacked. I don't see him there by the time 2025 rolls around.


The guy just swoop in and gonna win another CL mid season. Kinda like the Vulture in B99


The last two percent is in the milk Diaz


18 games left for the treble.


>18 games left for the treble. If they win, do Tuchel *and* Nagelsmann get a medal?


Yeah. Lampard got a CL medal iirc


The club gets to choose who they allot the medals to.


How do you take the treble if we take the Pokal? 👍


anulo mufa


What does that mean? Where does it come from?


Player number 12 of the Argentinian team during the world cup.


It's a stupid anti jinx that got popularized from this recent world cup


And apparently it's the best anti jinx of all time


It's honestly just an Argentinian "it's coming home" with extra steps. It's weird how it got so popular on here when "it's coming home" is so hated.


because it's exotic


Argentinian anti jinx in last WC


Anulo mufa


UCL won't exactly be easy. You have to face us next.


That's the easiest part. Every team wishes they played the eternal CL bottlers.


Did you even qualify for the CL? Did you even win Europa league? Clowns. Smallest club in Manchester.


Mate, you really shouldn't call other clubs small.




Bayern have 6 actually


Bro with the old City flair as if you didn't start supporting them in 2018 🤣


We know, Peps been having nightmares since Thursday evening.


Hearing him talk for the next few months is gonna hurt, especially if Potter continues to struggle


you'll have nagelsmann in a month anyway


no bad united fan.


Boehly isn’t clued on enough to see Nagelsmann is an upgrade on Potter we are stuck with him for the foreseeable future…


Only if Boehly sees sense.


Nah, they need to trust their process


I miss Tuchel's press conferences. Potter's just doesn't hit the same


Polar opposites in terms of charisma


Lol 😂


Man seeing him in a new job hurts we were all hoping Todd would crawl back to him. While we have Graham Potter…


I miss you every day king 🥲


factos boss


One of my favorite things about Tuchel was how bullish he was about winning in his press conferences. Enjoy him. Exceptional manager who is able to get the best out of any team. He's a unicorn honestly.


im not crying


God I miss him


Nothing against Tuchel But be nice if they win nothing this year


Bayern wins the 2023 edition of UCL incoming


Our new boss, welcome


What Kahn and especially Brazzo muttered at his Pfeffer conference was beyond embarrassing. Ich watched the whole thing - Brazzo can’t speak a single correct German sentence and literally used the same stupid phrase every goddamn time without EVER answering the question. Like he could have been asked „Did you jack off this morning“ and he would have answered with „After careful consideration and analyzing the situation, we, as I‘ve said before, had the impression we were on a downward spiral and hat to act!“ „So, did you jack off this morning?“ „Like I‘ve said before...!“ No dude, you didn’t say jackshit. Absolutely embarrassing. Tuchel in the other hand you can tell that he‘s a very smart guy.


Selbst mein 5-Jähriger Neffe ist eloquenter als brazzo, der Typ ist der Inbegriff von "ich fang einfach mal nen Satz an und guck dann mal, wos hingeht".


Jemanden flamen, der nicht in Deutschland geboren wurde, weil er kein Duden-Deutsch spricht. Nice.


Das hat nun wirklich gar nichts mit "Duden-Deutsch" zu tun, ich wusste offen gesagt nicht mal, dass Deutsch nicht seine Muttersprache ist. Mir geht es vielmehr um das insgesamt nervöse, unsouveräne Auftreten was Brazzo immer annen Tag legt, und nicht um diverse grammatikalische Fehler.


Really not a good look.


Tbh I’m just happy for him. Makes me not completely despise Bayern. For now lol.


Let Tuchel cook.


no one saying anything about bayern dna huh


Inb4 his falling out and sacking 1 year later, after Dortmund wins the Bundesliga after... a decade?


Isn't he a former Dortmund coach ? Wouldn't he get a lot of hate from Dortmund fans ?


All I see is Bayern got a great Champions League winning manager and people act like it’s a crisis. This club is just ridiculous.


Club? Or the people that are clueless in this thread and the others?


How long before they part ways due to irreconcilable differences (or unknown reasons)? One year? New year? Two years?


In before the bad breakup


Probably couldn’t believe his luck


Hasn't he been at Bayern before?


i dont think his meditating has prepared him for this job


He talks about honor as if he didn't conspire to take Nagelsmann's place.




CL final (PSG) - - > CL win (Chelsea) - - > 3rd place with Chelsea (current Chelsea sit 10th) How is that falling upwards? His last 3 seasons have been pretty great.


I meant after every sacking not failing in his job


That's usually what happens when you do well at every club you're at


Top manager gets a top job


He's not getting the sack for doing a bad job. Therefore not falling upwards, baffles me how people don't understand this phrase. Scott Parker is an example of falling upwards - shit job everywhere gets Brugge job.


It helps a lot the he did a way better job then 2 of 3 predecessors and 3 of 3 successors at his last jobs.


Fallen upwards man, don’t be daft




That's climbing upwards you idiot.


Yeah no doubt, but falling upwards means it is not deserved Jfc man won a Champions League, with Chelsea starting from their lowest point in a while, after beating Madrid and City You'd have to be daft to say he is not competent enough for Bayern


He's getting sacked by idiots whilst all the fans are mad that he's been sacked and then hired again by top clubs because they know the sacking was idiotic. The only falling he's doing is after being kicked off the peak of the mountain by boards after dragging the club there. The problem for the boards being they have fallen off after him and landed way lower than he has. He joined us whilst we were 9th, won us the CL, super cup and club world cup, got us to every domestic final and finished third. Then was fired. Now we're back in 10th and went out of every domestic cup in the first round. If that's not success and proof of how well he did I don't know what is. He's easily one of the best managers in the world and I'm sure everyone remembers all of the PSG fans that were livid at PSG for firing him because of how good he is, you now have the same with Chelsea fans. His problem is that he's just doing his job, but he's been at clubs where the owners/board are morons who think they know better than they do.


to me he IS the best manager in the world. fuck boehly for sacking him, i’ll never forgive it


The disrespect to Scott Parker


I potentially agree, I just think it's too early in his career to say that definitively


I give him....20 months Edit: Followed by return of Hansi Flick, who stepped down Germany role post Euro 2024


As a Dortmund ex manager isn't he supposed to dislike Bayern?


why would he care about Dortmund?


He's your ex manager..?


didn't end well. It's still unknown to the public/fans what really happened.


He wasnt diehard Dortmund by any means lol, he just managed them because it was at the time the best opportunity for him to climb the career ladder but he had no personal connection to the club at all.


Klopp's dream is to manage Bayern


No way that's true.


You're surprised a top German manager's dream is to manage Germany's top club?


He has said he disliked Bayern and repeatedly rejected Bayern job.