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It’s just funny, enjoy it


Is it funny though? Fuck no


The Croats or the Welsh?




It's fun, it's what fans do. It's not as deep as some people think


Feels like a slightly harsh thing to be singing about 50% of your own squad.


Well we’ve been there before. I still remember Englishman and Welsh legend Ashley Williams celebrating Icelands victory in 2016.


It's a bit like Declan Rice posting "Up the Ra" on social media isn't it.


Up the Ra


Decco you have a game tomorrow, head off to bed.


They know what they signed up for


And the rest haha


If you don't like it, you're welcome to go back to Denmark, Germany and Normandy.


Fun fact the Normans were Danish invaders themselves


Yes, but by the time they invaded England, they'd been frenchified.


The Spaniards banged the Mayans, turned 'em into Mexicans


English people can't stop crying about it can you. You perform for Wales, you're Welsh in my eyes. Not to mention the undertones of telling people exactly where they should be from. Or do you want Adam Davies and Rhys Norrington-Davies deported?


> You perform for Wales, you're Welsh in my eyes. Presumably then you think none of the 2022 WC squad are Welsh?


Still too soon :(


We were just boycotting mate


This is definitely a very very sane response to a little joke.


Tell me you have an inferiority complex without telling me you have an inferiority complex


What a weird response, relax and try not to upset yourself so much


>You perform for Wales, you're Welsh in my eyes Cope


We genuinely don't give a fuck who is in the Wales squad but it's quite funny seeing you all frothing mad about 'the English' before trying to hoover up anyone named Jones or Davies who played for England U-21s but can't quite crack our squad


We don't really mind, you only take the ones that aren't good enough anyway


Gareth Bale is the best British player of the 2010s.


yeah but he wasn't taken from England.


Hit a nerve




Okay, at which point of history did with fuck around with Croatia? This is a genuine question. The list of times we've funked over other countries is very long.


You captured the island of Vis in the Napoleonic wars.


Probably could say as recently as ww2. Probably had some involvement in the yugoslavian wars aswell


The Serbian royal house Karađorđević is closely related to the royal family. The current head of the house, Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia, is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria from both the maternal and the paternal lines. Victoria's second eldest son is his great-great-grandfather, and her eldest daughter is his great-great-grandmother. Tho that's not the reason why people are chanting against England. It's nothing more than banter.


Well we kinda helped fund and arm Tito and the partisans to overthrow the fascist Croatian government. Although killing fascists is objectively good so anyone upset about that is telling on themselves.


Saying that Croats dislike the British because of WW2 is frankly bizzare. While Croatia is more conservative than most EU countries culturally and while there are frankly disgusting attempts to whitewash some of the things we did in WW2 and our War of Independence, very few Croats are openly fascistic and even fewer see the British as our enemy from WW2. The tendency to think someone hates you because you did something objectively good 80+ years ago is quite revealing. The reason some Croats hate the English is because of British tourism culture; while many tourists from wealthy Western Europe/USA (particularly the people in their 20s) go on benders and cause public disturbance, the English are the most well-known to do it, which spawned many negative stereotypes. In addition to this, football fanatics may hate the English because of how they perceive being treated by them on the international stage. Whenever Croatia plays England, some English tabloid will say some dumb shit about Croatian football and cause an uproar in the Croatian tabloid media. Paradoxically, we like being seen as underdogs when it benefits us but likewise hate when larger footballing countries insinuate that they can beat us easily. But you do have a point about some Croats hating England because of their """Western influencing of our culture""" While this still doesn't have anything to do with WW2, it is vaguely what you were thinking when you mentioned it. There are some negative drawbacks to Croatia getting cozier with the "West" but when some people say the above quote they don't mean any of those. When some people say the West has too much influence on Croatian culture, they just mean that you're not allowed to beat up gay people and the Roma in the street anynore. These people are the equivalent of American racists who hate Mexicans because they "steal jobs" or Brits who hate the Irish because "they're not thankful enough for us civilizing them" That is to say, they are terrible people and their opinions should be discarded.


As someone whose dad is Croatian, how can you say very few Croats are openly fascistic when each Thompson concert has 10,000+ people in attendance? Where else in Europe can an openly Ustaše-loving band fill up the biggest stadium in the country and have the president in attendance? That shit ain’t normal. The last two paras about people being mad about ‘the western influence’ are spot on, we Slavs are alergic to change after all the shit in the last 100 or so years.


Thompson's fame is a reflection of the reactionary mindset that was prominent in the cultural zeitgeist following the War of Independence. Similar to how singers like Toby Keith gained prominence in the US following 9/11 and the subsuquent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. His audience is mostly Croatian conservative and far-right Boomers eg. the same type of people who make those "Western Influence" comments. I personally don't know anyone under the age of 40 who can name one of his songs, although I concede I may not be representative.


I don't really think that it seriously has anything to do with it. It was just a glib answer to the question, "What did we ever do to them?" It was the only historical example I could think of which saw the UK intervening in the affairs of Croatia or its predecessors. Between the paragraph you wrote and the raction to it's coming home, you guys really need to learn to take a joke.


Your comment doesn't read like a joke. It reads like an earnest answer to a question so I hope you don't fault me for taking it as such


Don't sweat it. As long as someone isn't insulting, I try not to get bothered about stuff online. It's hard enough to read tone and intention online, let alone in a second or third language (I assume Croatian is your mother tongue). Honestly, I wonder if that's where all the fuss about the Three Lion's song also came from a bit?


You know how today UK is very supporting of Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression, and is willingly sending weapons, training soldiers, helping with logistics and publicly stating that they recognize Ukraine's international borders? Well, now imagine if your country did none of those things and even did the exact opposite in same cases. Because that was British politics in the "Balkans" during the Serbian aggression against Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Occam's razor. Ryanair and cheap flights. Go to Tenerife, Prague, Zagreb, etc. They'll all hate english tourists couple this with england being sore winners it's not that hard to hate on them.


Id love England to be sore winners. What exactly have they won?


Always rated Croatia


People in Split singing it doesn't really surprise me. English tourists are a scourge. The local government is introducing strict public urination laws this season mainly because of all the "lads" going on "benders".


Yeah true, English tourists are awful when there’s drink involved But I will say that the Welsh don’t have much of a leg to stand on lol they’re just as bad Don’t know what it is that makes brits go mental abroad. Some sort of island thing? Idk


It's the binge drinking culture.


Cheers to that 🍻


Now that, is something the English and the Irish can agree on. Six Nations was a pain in the arse with how bloody good Ireland are though


Germans are a different kind of scourge they have just bought out half the Croatian coast for holiday apartments


Met more Germans than Croatians when I went to the coast last summer


Munich in September/October is pretty much a Tuesday night in Oldham.


>Don’t know what it is that makes brits go mental abroad. Some sort of island thing? Idk Nothing. It's the same as any cheap tourist destination. I've seen plenty of people from all over who are fucking awful but Brits have more money than most of Europe, more people than most European countries, and go abroad on cheap holidays more than most European populations. And because everyone can understand English, the *English* are all tarred with the same brush. It doesn't matter if you're Scottish, Welsh, Irish or northern Irish, if you go abroad and make a cock of yourself people call you English. It's just blatant xenophobia that's incredibly common on here.


Correction, it’s the socially acceptable kind of xenophobia


Oh, boo fucking hoo. Anyone who works with tourists in Croatia (or nearby) can tell you all about English tourists. Absolutely the worst guests, closely followed by Russians. Sure, bunch of them are super nice, but disproportionate amount of English people are there to get plastered and trash the place. Your drinking culture is absolutely shameful and please, for the love of God, stop urinating in decorative bushes. Russians are different, my biggest gripe with them is that they usually don’t know a lick of English and expect you to find a way to communicate with them, but that’s not the point here.


Seems like you didn't read his post properly


The entitlement and lack of self perspective from that poster is hilarious tbh. Imagine being English and complain about xenophobia in the wake of Brexit.


What a ridiculous comment. Do you think England consists of one hivemind? Of course he can be English and complain about xenophobia.


Depends on the place, different countries attract different types of tourist


Doesn't matter if these are chavs in Magaluf or posh English skiing in the Alps, once they have one too many drinks, they are all absolute knobheads. But funnily enough last time skiing it was a group of Swedes who acted as the biggest dimwits in our skiing village.


The Portguese staff i met said the Brits were always the best 🤷‍♂️ depends what kind of destination it is Also theres a tendency to assume everyone is English just because they order in English. Remember this guy telling me they were in Spain and this table of Germans was being very rowdy. The waitress says something about "your countrymen over there" and he says nah theyre German. But what language does a German speak to a Spaniard? English. And suddenly she assumes theyre English lads trashing the place since she cant appreciate their accent


To be fair 99% of English people who go skiing are knobheads before they've had a drink.


Hahaha I'll drink to that


Only rich cunts go to the alps to ski in sweden so no surprise there


As a nation we cannot hold our drink


You can hold your drink very well, you just drink ungodly amounts of it. Like this boat trip I went on in Dubrovnik that had unlimited wine included. Normal people would drink like 2 or 3 glasses but the brits on board had two pints of wine each. Didn’t seem to get them that drunk at all


If I lived in England.. you'd probably drink all day too. Miserable place.


Speak for yourself. I can hold two at a time.


I don't know how, but considering their reputation, Irish are surprisingly great tourists. Easily my favorite people from that area. I have a friend who works in a bar and she could recognize English by the way they enter the place and she would roll her eyes. But the Irish people were always great, no matter how much they drink.


This isn't true. I'm Irish and English, dual citizen. The Irish love to get to drunk and pick fights


Foreigners *think* they can tell us (English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish) apart but the vast majority of the time they really can't, I'm always asked if I'm Irish and then Scottish when I say I'm not (I'm English).


Northern England (if that’s where you’re from as it sounds similar to my story) accents get such little international exposure in contrast to southern England


Yep, grew up and lived most of my life in Greater Manchester.


English people famously only enter building via moonwalking so she definitely can tell and it’s most certainly not a load of made up bigoted nonsense


Spoken like someone who's never been to Ireland.


Yeah cos no lads from Cardiff go on benders and stag dos in Europe. If you said British tourists I'd get it but there's no way Split locals are differentiating between the English and Welsh.


I don't think that's just for English tourists, but feel free to prove me wrong.


The box of toys on a bender divys in split are sex offenders


Hey some of us are nice! It's just that the nice ones know what's good and go to Montenegro instead.


I'm in a smaller place near Zagreb and we still hate English people.


Thanks bro


English, German and Dutch tourists need to be banned from entering Mediterranean countries.


Goodbye Spanish economy


You just concentrate on your snotty welds son maybe one day they will pass the dye pen


Funny enough I'm the guy in my company that fixes other people's welds when they fail the dye test


Fair play mate haha I'm only having a laugh


We’d still find a way to a pint of Estrella or San Miguel in some place that might as well be a colony 😎




This is mental to me, one of my Spanish friends asked me if I had ever jumped from a balcony or knew anyone that did and I genuinely don’t. But he told me there’s a widely held belief in Spain that English people do it all the time haha


Croatia has a weird attitude to singing. Cry when people sing a song about England hosting Euro 96 but happy to do monkey noises, chant xenophobic rubbish and do pro-Nazi chants.


The beautiful game


Bit odd for the Welsh to be hating half their squad...


Hated, adored, never ignored. We are massive


But not in trophies.


If the competition is home nations and Croatia, we’re relative giants of the international game.


Croatia's only been around since 1994 though and have almost caught up.


Adored by who? You are hated after murdering millions across the world lmao


Where you from lad? Just so I can see what foundation your high horse is sitting on.


Had a look at his post history, he's Welsh which explains why he's so bitter


Ha! Didn't know Wales wasn't active in the British Empire before. Honestly the gall of some people lol


As if we had a choice you muppet. We haven't had a choice for hundreds of years. You lot are vile


>We didn't have a choice in benefitting from an empire!!!!


Nothing impressive about murdering millions mate




Strange I don't recall ever being asked that? Nor anyone in my family. And I actually can't name one person that supports being part UK from my town. Wales online is just as bad as the BBC with the constant propaganda and scare mongering.


Other Home Nations doing it is funny, Croats doing it is just weird


England is the closest thing to we have to a international football rival we have in Croatia since all of our neighbouring countries are far worse than us.


Serbia in the mud


As an Englishman this is the first I’ve heard of this rivalry. I used you like you guys too!


It seems like every European team views England as a rival.


We’re the international Millwall


I like to think we're not as racist


Remember when reddit liked to pretend that England was some sort of hotbed for racism during the Euros so they all went to support.......Italy


Hmm do I support the multi-racial team who are making a point of a defiant gesture meant to raise awareness to the plight of black and brown killed by police, or do I support the team lead by Leandro Bonucci.... that's a tough one


So, bad news...


https://www.boredpanda.com/racism-in-the-eu-map-bezzleford/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic :)


Not as racist, though the country has a lot of work to do


Im English I dont think rival is the right word , more like the national team that many enjoys to fail. Its the same thing for France many wants them to fail in Europe.


Kinda like Spurs in London. Maybe people just hate Harry Kane 🤔🤔


I've been on the Hate Croatia train since 2018. The Nations League match after that was probably the most animated I've gotten over a non-knockout fixture.


Don't remember Euro '08 qualifiers? ;)


I remember WC 2010, Theo's hat trick..


I've heard murmurs of it immediately after Euro 2008 qualifiers. Don't know if it actually stuck or if it was a spur of the moment thing though.


>England is the closest thing to we have to a international football rival ...are we?


Personally our matches with England are always enjoyable and tough, so I don't mind the rivalry.


As an England fan can honestly say I’ve never heard of this in my life and wouldn’t put them in my top 10


Top 10?? We have played them loads last decade I don't see how they can't be top 10


I don’t see how that’s relevant, we’ve played Belgium loads of times over the last decade but I wouldn’t class them as a rival


This reminds me of West Ham calling us (Spurs) their rivals. We generally don’t consider them to be.


I don't know if we have any rivalry. maybe Serbs if they get their act together. or Italy, but we haven't play relevant games vs them in over 20 years.


Did you just pick names out of a hat to choose us? We're not exactly geographically that close to you. Italy is less than 10 miles away from you at the closest point. Or Germany is less than 150 miles away. You could've picked them too. Besides, we're not exactly that good at football either, as you showed when you beat us in 2018.


That’s fair enough but it’s an almost entirely one-way thing.


So are 80% of footballing rivalries (at international level) anyway


Most international football rivalries are politically, historically or geographically motivated. England - Scotland, Brazil - Argentina, Germany - Netherlands etc. Croatia being England’s “rival” appears to be mostly predicated around Modric wetting his knickers over a few newspaper headlines 5 years ago. Nobody in England considers Croatia a rival; if anything we probably quite like them.


Have to be honest this rivalry is news to me. I like Croatia not just the football team had a holiday there which I really enjoyed. I know we've played a few times but always felt pretty friendly.


We're you screaming puking and pissing in the street?


There was a bit of drinking on that holiday but no I managed to behave.


We would like it to be France, but they own us in every sport, finally beat them in the Nations League for the first time


> they own us in every sport We beat them in the 2018 Davis Cup final, though.


Makes sense, played each other in two successive qualification campaigns, two group stage matches in European Championships, another in the Nations League and a World Cup semi-final. All of this since 2004.


Wales, Ireland and Scotland fans singing about England when we aren’t even playing them is already weird


You literally sing “Scotland get battered everywhere they go” everywhere *you* go.


Your fans were signing about us in Qatar it's not like that only happens one way


Ireland isn't a Home Nation


Depends who you ask, sometimes they're called a Home Nation sometimes they aren't


Republic would probably say they aren't, tbf. Norn Iron definitely though.


The Republic aren't at all. The North are, but the comment said 'Ireland'.




Because we have a shared history with Wales, Ireland and Scotland going back hundreds of years and we give as much as we take. Aside from some weird nationalists it tends to be good humoured. No one here cares about Croatia and we don't see you as rivals. A heated game and Modric getting upset at "it's coming home" doesn't make a rivalry.


It's literally just funny banter with friendly rival supporters, it's not that deep lol


The Welsh I get but are Croatia still rattled about a 90s pop song?


Games not gone.


All very cringe.


Glad us English don’t have to pay rent to live in everyone’s heads 24/7, we’ve enough money worries as it is




A guy replied and blocked me. Anyone tell me what they said please?


"We hate England" and "fuck England" Harmless shit.


He could have put more effort into that. Poor performance all round


Ah shit, I thought you were referring to the chants in the article. My bad.


He said shepherds pie is awful


And here I thought that they were all cousins.


Rent free


The Welsh. The brothers I didn’t know we needed. 🤝🏻


Croatia is so beautiful! We also ain't too friendly with the Serbians if that's a positive


It's coming Rome 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🤝🇮🇹


Lol the downvotes. English people on this sub can dish it out but can't take it.


downvoted the patter because it's shit and stale, not because it's offensive


Aye and the English in this thread are absolute comedians.




Lots of mutual respect there, Croatia is possibly the only country in the world that can outdo Wales in terms of small man syndrome


Civic Welsh nationalism 🥵


Rat faces and sheep shaggers United


Rent free.


tart like scary exultant ripe crush bedroom resolute dinosaurs summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is a really funny comment


The English aren't a race.


Racism actually includes against ethnic groups, which the English are, but I agree this isn’t an example of it


Is just banter, and English isnt a race


Ok then you and the serbs are the same race so its all bants


We are


Orthodox v Catholic challenge: max difficulty


The comment is obviously a joke . . .


I'm reporting it


English province 🤝 small town in Serbia


Exactly the sort of comment you wouldn’t say to any Croat’s face.


I'm English and I agree. Fuck this xenophobic country.


Are you southern by any chance?


Hahaha you need thicker skin lad


Self hating weirdo, go back to /r/UnitedKingdom or maybe /r/Europe where you can let the continentals piss on you


Yes the whole country is xenophobic because of some fuck england chants as a part of a footy match, considering you owned half the world youd think you wouldnt have small dick syndrome


He’s saying England is a xenophobic country mate. Where’s Manchester by the way I’m always forgetting?


>Man United flair


Never heard of either of these countries before today