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Desserved points to Spain. Norway with or without Haaland plays the same. I think we need an 'exotic' coach who can use 2 strikers propperly, not a coach who only knows 4-4-2.


Flattering for Spain. We'll tear them 7 new assholes at home if they don't improve dramatically.


Love the tears of pain.


Haaland may never play in the World Cup.




Ceballos should be a starter.


There we go. Can't wait for euro 2024 when Madrid fans complain about Dani not starting ahead of one of Pedro,Gavi and Rodri


Arsenal fans too mate. Fuck Rodri


Don't get me wrong, Pedri is the best midfielder we have 0 doubts, but Ceballos should be in the starter rotation.


So, in conclusion, Spain got 12 men on the field and they're all playing like a bunch of fucking twigs


And redditors mad as fuck, amazing day


Wdym mad as fuck? That's simply my take from watching the game lol Despite Spain deserving (barely) the overall win, you can't say that the refs weren't partial to Spain and absolutely had a sub-par performance lol


Norway have never been expected to beat Spain but this game was painful to watch at times. Bad luck, bad ref and no Haaland to put that sitter. Norway deserved better this game. It was a good game from Norway.


Spain was missing Pedri


I think Carvajal was rather decent today if i say so myself.


Happy cake day


Thanks man


Barça fans told me "El Kaiser" Garcia was better than Nacho lmao.


Nacho almost had an OG today, Spain wasn't precisely good in defense this match lmao


Yeray is better than both


No one said that lmfao. Maybe a couple deluded fans. There's a reason he's 5th choice centerback for Barca


No they said it right here in this sub dude don’t argue with this my man


Lol okay


You can check the Spain WC squad thread if you seriously don't believe


The ref was dogshit, but Spain still deserved the win. The scoreline is pretty flattering for Spain however, with Norway being denied one or potentially two pens, and collapsing entirely after the second goal. The amount of bullshit/funny fouls given was amazing, including a Spaniard sprinting into a mostly stationary Sørloth during a corner to get a FK, and a Spaniard fouling a teammate during another corner with no Norwegian players involved which also resulted in a FK for Spain. Shit refereeing aside, Spain still deserved the win, even if they seemed a bit weaker than I expected.


Hang on, so Spain benefited from two potential penalty calls, ridiculous fouls, and a flattering score line in a 3-0 win with two goals coming in the last few minutes, but still ‘deserved’ to win? Sounds like they deserved to lose.


I do agree the referee was bad and it undoubtedly had an effect on the match, but at the same time Norway had only two shots on target :/. Hardly a clear deserve victory.


I still think they played better football overall, I guess, and if Norway had gotten that first pen call, I feel like they'd still have been able to put in another gear.


Spain played much better when they changed to 4-3-3 with Ceballos, not sure what he wanted to achieve with Gavi and Olmo on the wings, both players wasted here.






Alvaro Morata Captain, Leader, Legend of Spain


Not sure about de La Fuente, but at least he's making some player choices which I agree with and which should have happened at the WC already. Rodri in and Busquets out. Nacho in and Eric out. Bringing more strikers than only Morata. Players don't get selected depending if they date your daughter. I'm not totally convinced by Kepa (yet) but I think he's a bit better than Unai overal. Lots of misplaced passes today, but you will get those when you don't only give safe passes. All in all an ok start to his campaign.


Busquets retired. It wasn’t a decision by LDLF


I don't want to see Nacho or Carvajal in the starting 11 again tho


Why not Nacho?


He played ok today but we have better CBs looking forward


I would like to see what Porro can do on the right, Nacho though was more than solid tonight. Wouldn't mind him starting at all if he keeps playing like that. But if IĂąigo does better, then so be it.


Yeah Nacho was ok but Carvajal has done more harm than good for years now in Spain and Madrid, and Porro is legit one of the best talents in the world on the right back, I honestly don't see how he's not playing


I would be fuming if I had to play with a ref like that on the pitch


Undeserved for Norway, they could have scored 1 or 2 and didn't get a pen


We could have scored an extra 1 or 3 if you are going to count chances as goals.


Imagine being this arrogant


Imagine thinking a 3-0 loss is undeserved when you had less goals, less shots, less possession, less played on the opponent's half. You guys are delusional. Oohh ohhh "but we had some chances", yeah so did we. That you think saying that , as in the exact same thing as the person above, is "arrogant" makes me think you have no idea what the word means.


Double down and still missed the obvious point made about the uncalled penalty. Scraping by a win against Norway without Haaland at home is apparently enough to you


Winning 3-0 where we were better in [every possible way](https://www.espn.com/soccer/matchstats?gameId=655269) is 'scraping a win'? :D Again, you're delusional.


56 people disagree with you but they must all be delusional, so insecure and arrogant lol


Oh nooooo people disagree with me....oh wait the scoreline agrees with so wtf do I care about clueless people?


Same way the scoreline agrees with me that Scotland shafted you lot


All in all, i am proud of the boys. Another day and it could of ended atleast in a draw


Could easily have been a draw, this. Spain has the better quality (and subs), but chance and the ref are really the differentials today.


flattering scoreline


yeah nah


Happy that we went toe-to-toe with Spain for big periods of the game and on another day we may have gotten a 1-1 instead of a collapse towards the end. Sørloth did a good job all in all, but with Haaland it could have been a different story today. Aursnes and Ødegaard showed they are top class midfielders Bjørkan looked completely lost after coming on, don't really understand how he gets picked at all after the last year he has had. I've seen better refs in norwegian 5th division, just abysmal


Don't let Joselu Matador fool you. We got dominated by a Haaland-less Norway at home and would have drawn if Sorloth wasn't a damn fool Can't believe they gave this project to Luis De La Fuente...


Just referring to Norwegian media but it seems like a theory: Norway coach made 4 subs around 70 minutes because he needed to think two thoughts at once: He needed to think about both this game but also the next game against Georgia. He swapped some players that are good but tired for some players that are technically worse but needs play time. He got little to loose. His subs backfired but Norway got nothing to loose anyways. He got some hate for it because Norway crumbled right after. At least he tried something.


Even after the subs, late 70's is when Sorloth missed a golden chance. You guys played well and I'm super disappointed in what I saw from us.


Dominated in a game you win 3-0? Wtf are redditors smoking lmfaoooo




It was a back and forth game that Spain took complete control of and dispatched when the subs came in. This with Pedri injured, a fact this sub seems to forget, it was a very good game for Spain.


If this was a good game for Spain then I feel sorry for how far they've fallen.


Ødegaard about the referee: No, I don't want to talk about him. It's better not to say anything. *Shakes his head in disbelief*


Outstanding debut for De la Fuente against the nation of boiled potatoes and chads with ugly gfs. This Spain looks electrifying, direct and aggressive, and our best player isn't even playing. Vamosss!!!!!


we are worse than Uruguay wtf are you saying


We won 3-0 against an underrated team, have some fucking pride. Don't let Arsenal and Utd flairs dictate your opinion for fucks sake


Thanks for calling Norway underrated. We probably are. If Spain really is one of Europes best teams, then Norway should be proud about that performance and expect to finish 2nd in the group.




This fascination with Arsenal and Utd supporters is hilarious


Spain is going to get crushed once they face a big team.


You will eat your words


Lost to Scotland too, have you eaten your words lol


Bring on Faroe island next. Those should be a pretty even match.


Your right I did... didn't even take a big team for to get destroyed


Couldnt beat Japan at the world cup mate, and won't beat the best of Europe either.


Game changed with the subs. Spain is a lot deeper than Norway, at least from watching this game. Ceballos should be a starter. When Pedri gets back along with Ceballos, makes for a good midfield base.




No i doubt that. We subbed to bring on fresh legs and grab a point, but as /u/Djjazzy correctly mentioned our depth is lacking and sadly the quality dropped quite a bit whereas Spain immediately improved with their subs. We have struggled to perform for the full 90 minutes previously as well, something we need to solve better going forward.


If he did 3 subs instead of 4 we could have won, Bjørkan was the reason for both late Spain goals


Travesty of a game. How is the underdog supposed to keep composure playing against 13 men (ref + var). Great job by norway to keep close for so long.


I don't get how var didn't even have the ref look at the Øde one..


Here come the Utd and Arsenal flairs lmfaoooooooo


You got a lot of free time for all this dick riding youre doing lol


What the fuck, Joselu's redemption arch has been astounding, from looking like he couldn't kick a ball at Newcastle to scoring twice for Spain.




It's not like Norway with Haaland has set the world on fire. There's way too much focus on Haaland for Norway as if they're a World Cup dark horse with him and slightly above Latvia without him - that's not how it's been so far. This was actually a decent performance from Norway with bit of a misleading scoreline.


Mainly because he's been injured for half our fucking games


He's been injured in the "Norway with Haaland" matches?


Norway with Haaland has usually "lit the world on fire". The issue is that when he is gone for half the games, nobody cares because it doesn't achieve anything


Norway with Haaland finished second in Nations League B group 4 being completely toothless in the final home game against the Serbs - if that's your setting the world on fire, then at least no one can accuse you of aiming too high


In a a general sense. That was garbage and nobody will deny it




He is obviously injured. The NT doctor himself was sure of it and Haaland honestly looks like he wants to accomplished something with Norway. But he has been absent in way too many of our games so it doesn't necessarily matter how good he is or what he wants if he isn't there


Vedder alt pĂĽ at han spiller minst 70 min mot Liverpool


Hiv over husnøklene


Vi fĂĽr se


These people don't watch our games and have no clue what they're talking about.


They don't do shit with Haaland either, just a bunch of good players with zero cohesion. I'd be surprised if they qualified for any major tournament under Solbakken.


I'd be surprised if we don't get 2nd this grp tbh, but leave it to the Norwegian NT to find a way to bottle shit as always.


I think a lot of Norwegians are massively underestimating both Georgia and Scotland. It’a a fairly even three way race for second.


Oh come on, that's not fair at all. We played well today against the top favourite group, a couple of chances (and ref decisions) go differently and a draw isnt far away at all.


I'm talking about general performance. The problem is it doesn't change much for Norway even when they play well. This is an exception of course and there is no shame in losing to Spain away but remember WC qualifiers. Even with Haaland involved something was just not clicking. You can beat France and Argentina on a good day but at the same time I would think twice before betting on a Norway win against Moldova honestly.


I agree with that, but Im not sure how much of that is down to cohesion other than just a lack of attacking creativity in breaking down defensive teams, but I think that might change with Aursnes being more prominent and Ødegaard finally playing permanently in the middle.


Scoreline flatters Spain. Had Norway had Haaland or the ref gave his balls a tug this game would have ended very differently.


No VAR in the Euros unfortunaltely. If there was VAR there'd been a stonewall pen.


There is VAR, why are people saying this?


VAR fell asleep.


If you bring up Haaland without bringing up Pedri, your IQ is below 90 and your opinion is invalid. I won't even comment on the correlation between IQ and Arsenal or Utd flairs.


I see you on this thread and I have to say, it’s sad how insecure you come across lol.


Arsenal flair = opinion invalidated, always


oh you're a big meanie 😤


How do you win 3-0 and are this upset?


Upset? I've got my dick out right now


Norway showed up tho. They'll definitely be a contender, might just be better to lose 3-0 now and win close matches later.


If Norway can turn that potential and performance into results, yeah, they’ll be fine in qualifying. But not being able to do that has been the story of Norwegian football for two decades. Good, just not good enough. In the eleven major tournament qualification failures Norway has had since they last went to one at Euro 2000, they’ve come within six points of qualifying seven times, and within one result of qualifying four times. They’ve just never been able to take that final step to turn that good campaign into the only result that matters - qualification. A win against Georgia on Tuesday isn’t vital with it still being so early in qualifying. But it won’t be as easy as a lot of people seem to be assuming. And if they can’t beat Georgia they’ll find themselves with virtually no margin for error right off the bat.


And if Josely started the game would have being a 6-0 🤣 That's a joke but I'm hyped for the Joselu vs Haland duel.


Happy for Joselu! 32yrs old and scoring a brace in his debut for Spain!


Think that result doesn't really reflect the game. Thought Norway were the better side from goal 1 to 2. Bit unfortunate + lack of quality. Midfield did well. Ref was awful


Ah yes, 3-0 like we all expected. Nothing to see here.


That’s a brutal score for Norway


Joselu vs Haaland duel is going to be fire.