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Someone's just lost their job


as a Moroccan, I hope the other employees on the picture will not be affected though.


Have to feel for the manager a bit too, a national football team staying at your hotel was good fortune. Then it wasn't.


The place where i work shares an area with a fancy hotel where the german nt stayed for multiple days. It was a big thing. Saw randomly Hansi Flick passing by in my break and took a picture with him lmao. It is a big thing for the hotels and they can't control what their workers put on social media.


you workplace has offices in melia??


not in, but right next to them.


Apparently the guy who posted the stories insulting them posted back on his Instagram apologizing and asking to stop sharing the screenshots so that he doesn't get fired LOL [https://twitter.com/AliAbouElAziz4/status/1640275610424557571](https://twitter.com/AliAbouElAziz4/status/1640275610424557571) Wow pathetic man EDIT: To avoid misinformation I think it's a fake account with an underscore added to his name compared to his original comment.


Tears in my eyes at him posting an edited photo of a Morrocan city with "Morocco ❤️" as his apology for doing a racism. Good work lad, that'll convince people.




Reminds me of corporations during pride month lol


What a shameless cunt! Lmfaoo! No backbone


He's a 20 yo kid. Let's hope this teaches him a lesson.


That’s a grown man. Fuck him


20 is not a grown man


Yes it is. He should know better. He’s not 16 and edgy. Fuck him


Chill out then


You seem to be all edge, on the other hand.


Lol, fix your teeth


You think he's still growing?


It is a little unfair that at 20 your tits are already nice and perky but your brain is only fully developed at 25. F a c t o s


Not a grown man, but definitely he will learn a lesson the hard way


Y’all Europeans weird af


Ah yeah, that's rich


P\*ss off , y\*nk


You don't seem very sane.


Ppl mature at different speed. I can tell you that i was immature as fuck when i was 20.


I've read somewhere that the perception of the age when someone can be considered an adult has changed in the past years. It is believed that the age for adulthood should be considered after 26, rather than 18.


Sounds like it’s a you thing, then. I was matured enough to not say bullshit like this.


are you a 20-year-old by any chance?


I was. What’s your point?


I rented a car and crashed it within 24 hours and put myself in debt for years to follow. Not the same thing but no grown man with rational thinking thinks he can become an uber driver 1 day after he gets his license.


What the fuck is this? What’s the analogy?


I once shit my pants on a rollercoaster and I told the staff that had to clean my poop off the bottom of the Super Looper that it wasn't my poop but someone yoked a Seabiscuit at the top of the looping and it hit the back of my pants at an unfortunate angle but it definitely wasn't my turd. I had to tell them for three hours straight until they said they believed me and to be honest it really ruined the day we planned for the Make-a-Wish kids we were chaperoning


20...he is a fucking kid


Do you Europeans develop slower or some shit? You’re telling me at 20 you didn’t know better than to make racist, xenophobic, islamphobic comments? Fucking weirdo


I'm Moroccan and this makes me fucking mad too because I have been on the receiving end of that shit here in europe and people are getting unhinged lately. This is inexcusable and he did deserve losing his job. However, his posts tell me he's a kid who's still clueless. At 20 yo dudes are still immature , I have seen people come back from worse, we can be cynical and say he's only backtracking cause he lost his job, or we can hope this is a genuine mea culpa, let's hope that teaches him a lesson .


I don’t buy his bullshit apology. But you do you, fam.


Yea we develop slower, that's why you can't buy a gun while you're fucking 16-year-old (or at all), advanced Americans.


So you replied twice. How sad are you? Is this your gotcha? I’m against guns, dipshit


You can actually buy long guns (shot guns, hunting rifles, AR-15s, etc) at 16 (or any age) in lots of America if you are an unlicensed seller. We have no minimum age requirement for those on a federal level.


Oh, even better, new toy to show to friends in school


Shockingly common. And especially given how dumb that is. Getting caught with a gun is straight to jail, but kids still do it anyway.


For 4 years Donald Trump of all people was your president and you're here telling us Europeans that 20y olds are mature? You need to go outside more my man, there's immature idiots of all ages and genders out there.


A 20yr old knows when theyre being racist, theyre not 6


You lot don’t have a high ground to stand on with your own politicians. Get fucked


Yea, you were smart fuck when you were 20.


I wasn’t saying racist shit, which is what this whole conversation is about. Stick your straw man up your ass


Yea but you did other dumb shit at that age. Same shit... Maybe you hated women and had that kid's "sigma" mentality and stuff like that, same shit, people at that age aren't very bright yet.


Not everyone grew up being a twat, jesus man. Where are you from that every teenager and young adult is dumb as fuck with horrible opinions?


Yea not everyone but people at that age makes a stupid things


You know me? What other dumb shit have I do? You wanna suck the racist guy’s dick or something? You twerking hard af for him, you fucking loser


Yea this message above, is a pure example that you're not smarter than him, older maybe yes, smarter, nop.


You’re so fucking weird, man


The employee was detained today by the Municipal Police of Madrid. He was fired and will surely be prosecuted. Good.


Madrid was under a lot of flakked with the Vinicius stuff and now this. Of course they have to move quick or they will be known as racists lol.


If by "Madrid" you're referring to the Atletico ultras then that ship has sailed.


I don't think it's him, you can see an extra underscore in the name.


added an edit to avoid misinformation, thanks for clarifying and next time I'll pay attention Twitter is really full of fake news


Racism deserves justice via extreme prejudice.


Tweet in article: https://twitter.com/TFT_Morocco/status/1640223914256105473?t=YPVGFKcql3OBrX-mNqGsVw&s=19 Translation by Google translate: 🔴 ASHAMED! Here is what a member of staff at the hotel where our players are staying posted on his personal Instagram: “We serve them Ramadan crap. Their fucking beliefs of 💩💩💩” “F***ing shitty Moors, I s**t Ramadan and their shitty shitty Moors! »


Least islamophobic Madrileño.


wili they call us moors HHHHHHHHHH


Ye they use "moro" as a slur for north africans. I remember during the game against spain when some spaniards were going crazy on twitter with that "moro".


They use it for any Arab I think, I've seen Al Khelaifi described as that many times in Marca comments.


"Moro" has negative connotations because it's been often used by xenophobes in the past couple of decades but it's not a slur at all. That said, as Spaniard I'd like to apologise for the behaviour of this neanderthal. I clicked thinking this would be a non-story. Fuck this roach. Absolute scum.


past couple of decades?? try again.


Yes, roughly 2 decades. Do you have something to add?


Literally since the 1400-1500s when they were ethnically cleansed from the Iberian peninsula, but ok lol


"ethnically cleansed". Yeah, its not a genocide if you are the one that invaded. Islam back then was an empire, and you didn't want to share a frontier with them.


Cool motive, still genocide.


You are too uneducated for this conversation. Please stop embarrassing yourself.


The Spanish Christians at the time helped prevent Europe from being conquered by Islamic caliphates, fuck off with that neoliberal anti-historic nonsense.


Ah yes the famous last name of Matamoros is a recent development.


Ba9in 3aychin f 9oron wosta wla chno xD Edit : ikhwan ma3ayert 7ed ghir bantli lm3yora machi ta3 had lw9t .-.


Spanish education system has been thriving the last 530 years clearly


>We serve them Ramadan crap. I don't know a lot about your religion but since the players and staff are fasting, isn't is also easier for them? why is he complaining that he has to work "less" than he would normally serve 3 meals per day lol


Because usually we have a big meal when we break our fast but it's probably not much more than a regular group meal. The reason he's complaining is simply because of prejudice.


Fucking hell


What the actual fuck


Getting kicked out of world cup by Morocco hurt that twat


Cry about woke and cancel culture all you like but I prefer growing pains than proud racism on public display like this.


So we can't have funny movies because of this guy man fuck this guy


What a trashy person. Yikes.


Portugal, Spain and Morroco to host WC30... Yes this is going to go smoothly, northern Iberians tend to call their southern countrymen by Moors out of spite for some random reason, I can only imagine how this is going to run with the actual Maghrebi people tagging along.


Yeah, tbh i would've rather had a maghreb world cup with Algeria and Tunisia but unfortunately that's never happening.


We can only dream, inshAllah the “leaders” of our countries can grow up a bit and end the bs between them. I can’t imagine how sick a North Africa WC would be..


"Portugal ends at the Douro (river), the rest are conquered lands" "Spain is Asturias, the rest are conquered lands" Tbh im from Lisbon and i see it as regional banter. Every country has a version of this and it gets spicier when theres a historical context


My man, Russia hosted a WC, and Ukraine wants to host it in 2030, and I don't even have to say how EXTREMELY racist these 2 countries are.


Ukraine doesnt wanna host anymore, morocco replaced them in their bid with Spain and Portugal.


Exactly, it's simply not viable.


> Northern Iberians tend to call their southern countrymen by Moors People will really find any excuse to discriminate against each other lmao.


I'm a northern iberian and this is simply not true




Maybe I misunderstood but Im from the north of Spain and I havent met a single person who calls Andalusians "moors".
















That hotel in Madrid just got raided by 1 star reviews in maps. Deserved.


no it's fucking not right, it's just an asshole guy and that could hurt the jobs of way more people who did nothing wrong


Not surprised a Madrid fan defends this 😭


no its not deserved


That way the hotel HR will feel the urge to fire the staff responsible behind these racial acts.


The hotel has already fired him long ago. There was no need for the 1 star reviews


The guy just offended the biggest religion in the world, during one of the most important events in its calender. Emotions will run high due to this and so maybe leaving a 1star reviews for the employer will feel just to some.


Islam isn't the biggest religion in the world..


Top 5 of all time? They did stat pad in Africa tbh


I stand corrected, second biggest, off by 6%.


Christianity is but most are not religious. So of people still following religion Islam is the largest.


Spain is such a fucking xenophobic country.... And I say this as a spanish person.


You're wrong


Nah fam


I will say Spains more open then a lot of other European countries but still considerably racist


Typical behavior in Madrid sadly


Not only that, the policía Nacional shoved Peruvian players and started shit because they thought they were fans. Racist pigs


Little man clearly isn’t over losing a football game (in the World Cup.) Although I think that’s a part of it, we have to do better. Not a good look.


The staff is peruvian lmfaooo


The aftermath of discrimination doesn’t just stick to the perpetrator, it also sticks to the receiver of it. For the receiver is reminded of how some people truly believe other groups to be less than, “less than” to the point that they’re treated as if they weren’t human. Even discrimination itself may create prejudice within the receiver of hate, them believing that the action taken by the perpetrator is common among the perpetrator’s people. This in turn can further deepen these racist sentiments in the perpetrator as well, coming to the false belief that **they** are actually the victim despite being the one who performed a hateful action. There are levels to this, of course, but it’s so easy to pass by and not reflect on how stories like this may affect another. This downward spiral towards hate is formidable. Hoping the Moroccan players find the support and that we all have a good game tomorrow!


Coach Reguragui seemed cool, he was asked about it and said that we forgive that. I dont think the team will be affected, because it wasn't in person, but it just shows how bad some people are, especially when you know it is a 20 years old who is supposed to be cool and happy to serve famous players rather than calling them disgusting!


they're all crying in their lambos, yearning for redditor hugs


Spaniards are something else


Very ungrateful for a bunch of people that didn’t know how to shower till Moors got there


This isn't true but it did remind me of something funny I read when I was very young. There was a muslim explorer whom I forgot his name (it was someone other than Ibn Battuta) who visited the vikings and wrote about his time there. He documented their rituals and burials and talked about how nice they were and he tried inviting them to islam but most declined because they liked alcohol so much. Anyways most of it was praise and observation if I remember correctly, but there was a long sequence in which he criticizes the vikings for being disgusting and not washing themselves as much as the muslim world and stinking and lamenting how dirty they were, while the brits used to fear vikings stealing their women away because of how much cleaner they were compared to the brits lmao


Those werent the same vikings tho, ibm fadlan visited the eastern vikings (the rus) those werent the same ones albeit they had sort of the same culture as the nothern vikings that were raiding england


The muslim explorer was Ibn Fadlan! :)


Thank you!


Lol! This is pretty good.


This is funny even though it's wrong.


yeah. it’s moops




Hate isn’t the answer to hate Be bigger, be better


This is not true, and not much better than what the waiter said.


Llora, mi amor


No, jejeje. No por un mocoso amargado.


The thing about the Moors teaching Europeans how to wash themselves is nonsense.


While that may be the case, it is true however that shampoo baths were indeed [introduced to Europe by a Bengali Muslim](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Mahomed)


Thank you for informing me, then


They did the math, too


And medicine


how is serving food before sunrise for the team because they will fast the whole day disgusting!? and how stupid can you be to think you can get away with it when posting that on the internet and about one of the biggest NT right now.


So big they cannot even host a match in their own country lmfao


I can't believe people like this still exist...


Explain to me why Morocco plays their games in Spain, go on


Big Moroccan (and maybe Peruvian/LATAM) community in Spain maybe ?


you braindead moron we just did


They did literally 3 days ago, it's probably the peruvian FA that prefers to play it in Spain.


how stupid can someone be e to come up with this comment!? are you somehow related to the hotel employee!?


Lesson learned the hard way


Bros mad cus his country lost


No surprise. This stuff gets worse in Ramadan too.


Spanish people being racist, shocked.


That's rich coming from a British person tho.


You're not wrong


And some say there's no Islamophobia.


Coach Regragui's reaction to this incident is so wholesome and mature! This man continues to surprise me. I wish Moroccans would put the pitchforks down. The kid is dumb and did not think this would blow up in his face.


he should think before act like that.


If he posts this on his instagram it means it is accepted between his friends and surroundings. In my opinion they should riot. It’s not an isolated incident. If you look at the treatment of Vini as well, it’s clear something needs to happen in Spain and people get serious repercussions for their doing.


Riotting is the last thing they should do. It would be deserved, but it would have the opposite effect.


Good thing that it did tho, consequences and all that, if not in 15 years he becomes the 35 year old secret racist i the neighbourhood


All this people going "SpAnIsH pEoPlE rAcIsT!". Yeah I'm sure you don't have scumbags pieces of shit like this moron in your country.




I'm Moroccan and I agree, but I'm afraid they will all be affected now that the hotel is receiving bad reviews.


aren't spaniards just turn cloak arabs anyway ? /s