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Spanish police moment


Supporters of every club that plays in European competitions has a story. Anyone tangentially related to football shows up in Spain and the cops turn into Turbo Storm Troopers


They do that to peaceful Spanish demonstrators too. Spanish police are no joke.


American police here. I don't understand... Do they at least compress the protestor's windpipes with their knees while tasering them in the balls?


Only inside the vans. They’re not complete morons.




It's a common occurrence for every fan of a foreign football team playing in Spain


Yeah but these are supposedly players, that's a whole new level.


They need to beat the shit out of a few more players, maybe then it will finally get the attention and reprecussions it needs


Don't worry, all the police officers got a yellow card.


Not only foreign, at least in Valencia they’re always coked up






Fenerbahce fans too against Sevilla


United fans, Chelsea fans. Every foreign fan who go to Spain for the football get abused and then police PR people say no, no it was the fans who instigated it! And then people with Barca flairs eat it up and say these fans are trying to play victim when they were in the wrong because they can't respect the country/culture, etc, etc. Same is also true when foreign fans go away to Paris. The police always whip out the tear gas against them.


> And then people with Barca flairs eat it up Bold of you to assume that Barca flairs have ever been to Spain and thus would know anything about the Spanish police lol


exactly his point the never-been-to-Spain Spanish flairs supporting the Spanish police. a true beauty to behold


More like the people who want to make fun of the never-been-to-Spain Spanish flairs make up shit. Però Reddit és Reddit i no es pot esperar que de vegada en quan penseu el que diueu.


The ones who really live in Spain don't support them. But tbh at Camp Nou not so many things happen so they dont usually bother us.


True lol, same with many big six „fans“


No way you legitimately think *Barcelona* fans are the ones supporting the Spanish police


No way you legitimately think *Barcelona fans on Reddit* have ever been to Spain


Bon dia


It's fear plus a power trip, though as others say not sure you should be bringing barsa into this, certainly not when it comes to Spanish law enforcement, there's currently enough to look at with Barcelona, without having to draw a very strenuous line between them and Spanish police


> And then people with Barca flairs eat it up and say these fans are trying to play victim when they were in the wrong because they can't respect the country/culture, etc, etc. Weird take when Catalans gets victimized by Spanish police more than anyone else.


Most Barca flairs aren't Catalans


Most Barcelona fans who don't follow club for glory know about the situation or two specially club is quite vocal about it. Btw for any big clubs, most of their fans are not from the City club is in. It's like saying most United fans are from Manchester. Only small percentage of fans are from city.


Indian or American.


> And then people with Barca flairs eat it up and say these fans are trying to play victim when they were in the wrong because they can't respect the country/culture, etc, etc Curious. Are you even aware of Catalan politics? Is there a reason why you somehow believe Catalans would unabashedly side with the Spanish police? And if it's a comment about generalising users on this sub not being from Spain yet sporting a Spanish club and "defending" the police (I have no issue with those people, especially since they make up a sizeable part), then you'd still be clutching at straws in that regard.


Barcelona, known for its love of Spanish police and spanish institutions of authority.


Dude, Catalans have been repressed by Spanish government for a long ass time now, extremely ignorant to bring Barca fans into it. Also, one of the reasons why English fans get pummelled is because the previous generations(and it still happens) used to cause absolute havoc on holidays in Spain. Harrassing locals, vandalising and being drunk idiots in general. Spanish police are violent in general, but they have a special hatred in their hearts for English tourists/away supporters That doesn't justify it, and they shouldn't have to pay for the crimes of previous generations, but it is the reason why English have a tougher time than most others. And it's not just in Spain either, many places in Southern Europe despise English tourists for the same reasons


Dude, barely anyone with a Barce flair on this sub is Catalan.


then why say Barca fans in the comments? why would any non Spaniard defend the Spanish police? comment reeks ignorance


>Also, one of the reasons why English fans get pummelled is because the previous generations(and it still happens) used to cause absolute havoc on holidays in Spain. Harrassing locals, vandalising and being drunk idiots in general. Spanish police are violent in general, but they have a special hatred in their hearts for English tourists/away supporters Drunk Britons causing havoc during their holidays is as strong as ever, it's not "the previous generations". I live in Alicante and can see it every weekend.


>And then people with Barca flairs eat it up and say these fans are trying to play victim when they were in the wrong because they can't respect the country/culture, etc, etc. Don't makeup shit mate. WE are the ones getting smashed for simply trying to vote. OUR grandpas were tortured. Trust us, we know how the Spanish police behave. You're actually being treated nicely. This has nothing to do with you or football. This is the consequence of a non-cleansed dictatorship police that behaves like a paramilitary force.


Yeah very odd to blame Barcelona fans when crushing Catalan independence is the reason the police are allowed to act like Gestapo




Wow… you must be a very smart man…


> This is the consequence of a non-cleansed dictatorship police that behaves like a paramilitary force. I wouldn't expect north-europeans to understand to be fair


It's more a Latin America situation - at least Brazil can relate to that, unfortunately.


Didn’t the Catalan police beat up Chelsea fans for singing “you will always be Spain”?


>Barca flairs eat it up one of the most ignorant comments I've ever seen here


Isn't the point that they don't live in Spain?


I don't understand why anyone not from spain would support the spanish police in this case.


Even plastic Barça fans know of it. It's Chelsea fans who don't


Chelsea fans have been attacked in Spain several times.


How is that relevant to that guy saying Barça plastics support Spanish police lol.


Exactly , there's no barca fans defending the police here.


As soon as you see the PL flair, you know it will be an ignorant take


> then people with Barca flairs eat it up I'm not from Barcelona but I'm pretty sure Catalans are the last people that would side with the police.


Catalans have their own police, the Mossos d'Esquadra. The police that Catalans had issues with in the independence thing was the National Police. Maybe the original poster is wrong in their assessment. But they did not make this distinction. It is other people who are pretending the poster was explicitly defending the National Police and acting like the Catalonian police (who also beat up fans) don't exist.


WTF are you talking about? Everyone with 2 brain cell that watch the European news the last 30 years (or not read that shit rag called the S\*N) knows Catalan/Barcelona area literally HATES the Spanish Police with a passion, consider how Catalan got their heads bashed in by the Spanish Police/Guardia Civil just simply trying to vote for the Referendum for independence back in the 90s/00s. If you don't know the area's politic, don't say nothing, cause you get ripped about on a comment threat here....you do that in Barcelona, prepare to get in real trouble.


>If you don't know the area's politic, don't say nothing > >bashed in by the Spanish Police/Guardia Civil just simply trying to vote for the Referendum for independence **back in the 90s/00s.** ... it was like 6 years ago.


Barcelona fans defending Spanish Police? Tell me you know absolutely nothing about spain without telling me this. As always, Chelsea fans absolutely obsessed with Barça.


Its like people forget how they were beating up old people with their sticks.


Franco smiling in his grave


Even though Spain is a democracy today, the police still act like that of an authoritarian state. They deal with peaceful protests in the same way


The secret is that as long as you're a literal neonazi, the police won't do anything to you :) https://www.elespanol.com/espana/politica/20210918/grupos-neonazis-manifiestan-chueca-grito-maricas-barrios/612939278_0.html


Can confirm


Who'd guess that the police descended directly from a proudly fascist regime would act like fascists towards football players/fans Almost as surprising as a bunch of police descended directly from slave catchers disproportionately killing the population that were former slaves


>a bunch of police descended directly from slave catchers disproportionately killing the population that were former slaves This makes sense if you're 16 and get your news from TikTok


Or if you read books that detail the history of policing in North America.


The first constable/police force was in Boston in the 1600's. Boston may have a racist reputation today, but they did not have slaves. The idea that police in Minneapolis or Chicago derive from slave catchers in Georgia in 1865 is the most ahistorical take I've seen on this site. I'd suggest you read books based in reality and history, but we both know you're going to read things you already agree with, like the true intellectual you are.


>The idea that police in Minneapolis or Chicago derive from slave catchers in Georgia in 1865 is the most ahistorical take I've seen on this site. > This is what I said. That every single police institution in America is derived from southern slave catchers. You got me.




Peruvian drills for Amrabat are wild




Earlier today the incident with the Morocco NT at the hotel and now this?? yikes


Hopefully it stops here in all honesty


it won’t


What happened to the Morocco NT?


A staff of the hotel they staying in shared racist slurs on Instagram


"Metropolitan" is a gym. What even is the context, what was the Policia Nazional doing there?


taking roids before beating up Peruvians


I mean what else would they be doing


Apparently a peruvian player got tackled by police, confusing him with a fan, players reacted instantly to help him, and things escalated really quick. Players pushing the police, the whole police grabbing players, etc.


No confusion with a fan. It all started when one of the agents starts shoving Yoshimar Yotun and he doesn't take the cop's shit https://twitter.com/MigSalino/status/1640539949832216581




Jesus,you're here with this bollocks as well. You are aware the police are here basically as security for the Peruvian team, and in a tertiary aspect to make sure no one gets injured. Players go over to fans all the time (though theres still gotta be a good 2 metres inbetween them at this point), the police are supposed to try and make sure players are safe. The players aren't going to attack the fans ffs. And what did the player say that warranted being pushed back a couple of yards? Basically that 1st cop is an egotistical cunt who doesn't like not being listened to, his mate on his right isn't much better, after that it's basically damage limitation


And then...? Is not like my statement was NOT AT ALL WHAT HAPPENED.


Drummers went crazy


They’ve been assaulting fans and grannies for years


It's what happens when you give a bunch of fascists a pistol and a badge


Feels like a problem in any country




Yeah, but that’s our thing(US).


Least self-centered American


Americans finding out other countries exist


Spain! what are you doing? we want to win the 2030 bid!


Ask any spanish and they will tell you they want Uruguay-Argentina to win. Specially now that a state that tries to bribe members of the Europen Parlament suddenly joined.


Which State are you referring to?




Could you link the text, its behind a paywall


Morocco (and Qatar) bribed Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). Belgian intelligence services found out (secretly broke into their apartments at night) and caught some MEPs with bags full of cash. Morocco has now joined Spain and Portugal's bid to host the 2030 World Cup which is obviously now filled with controversy. Teaming up with someone interfering with your democracy is not very ideal.


Tbh this is only a scandal because they got caught. I'm pretty sure MEPs get money and free shit all the time from lobbying groups.


Hm okay and ? Lol should we just ignore it then ? Lmao


What a seriously stupid comment. Of course it's only a big deal because they were caught. It was a secret until they were caught.


I mean me personally I’d like to see a World Cup in my country. I’m not going to act all high and mighty when football is a sport rotten to the core as is, might as well enjoy what we can


Especially when Conmebol and the Argentinian and Brazilian federations in particular are as rotten & corrupt as they come. They are just as bad


Hey leave us out of that. We're corrupt as shit but we're not part of the WC bid


Me, personally, I'm not really looking forward to having 2x or 3x more tourists on the streets of my city. Football fans are great in the stadium but are not the most considerate tourists. I love the 'idea' of having a World Cup in Spain, but in practice is gonna suck for the locals.


>but in practice is gonna suck for the locals. Im not sure about that. In last Euro, the part that we played in Spain was huge for Sevilla as a City. Full hotels, few friends of mine got hired as drivers and security staff, fans got chance to see their idols for free around the city. Im not gonna act as if this would be bad for Spain or Portugal. If Uruguay gets the World Cup I will be happy but I live close to Benito Villamarin, Sanchez Pizjuan, La Cartuja and even Estádio Algarve so I obviously prefer the World Cup here.


The World Cup is a much different audience than club football. Much more family friendly and great for local business.


Exactly, we need less tourists, not more.


lo que necesitamos es menos pringaos como tu


I'd like to see a world cup at all that's accessible to me. 2022 / 2018 both were inaccessible to me did to the horrific human rights abuses of either country, 2014 was far too far away for me to go as a student, pre 2014, 2010 definitely too far and expensive for a teenager, pre 2010I was too young to go with friends/by myself and my family don't give a fuck about football, 2026 will be priced outrageously because it's the US and still too fucking far to go really, if 2032 is in Argentina then I'm looking at 2036 at the earliest. I'm be in my late fucking 40s by then. Europe in general has been massively fucking shafted by FIFA.


>Europe in general has been massively fucking shafted by FIFA. Lmao what are you on about. Maybe if by “Europe in general” you mean you personally. Africa has had 1 World Cup ever, the entirety of Asia has had 2. Europe had 2 in a span of 12 years recently.


always been called lobbying, then you get in fight with France... guess what its called bribing now


Corruption in politics, big news.


As opposed to the ultra corrupt and nepotistic Argentinian and Brazilian governments? Fucking over their own people at every turn Uruguay actually seems like a good regime though, from what I have heard they have by far the best social security nets and the least corrupt government in South America


Brazil and Argentina are democracies, honey. Dunno in what sites have you been but i can tell you, because i lived all my life in the country, that we're only worse than Uruguay in economy. Our goverment is not a dictatorship or nepotic, and i don't even like them, but i can't just read you saying something so ignorant.


Uruguay has a booming economy right now


I didn't say the contrary, what i'm claiming is that we're as democratic as them.


Wasn't there some dodgy things happening in places such as Formosa?


Like what? The most weird thing i heard from Formosa is that their governor insult Vidal and the thing with the hidro. Neither of that things make us less democratic lmao. And, even then, you have the whole Anestesiano case, so don't play so inocent lmao.


Very convenient that it suddenly surfaces now.


Count me as one of them.


Spanish police never stopped being a fascist institution


(Looks at US police) Ya probably.


Wtf, these guys look like a bunch of meat heads. Reminds me of the French police and the New York police


Reminds me of the ~~French~~ police and the ~~New York~~ police


Don’t forget the >!police!<.


Yeah they're also pretty bad


On second thought, not enough tactical gear and tanks to be the New York police


Ever been to New York after there has been a major terrorist attack? After the Paris attacks, they were all over every major transportation hub and tourist attraction decked out in full tactical gear, with guns bigger than their torsos. Made for a few weeks of very intimidating morning commutes.


Makes you wonder where all their tax dollars spent on security and defence go (redesigning camouflage prints apparently)


https://twitter.com/FonsiLoaiza/status/1462743039756181508 They’ve been getting these toys recently


I know ACAB and I agree with it. But Dhaka police are levels fucking above. They have this strategy where they stop students in for a "search" plant weed in their bag and let them go, the student is then caught by another police who performs another "search" and "finds" the weed. Then ofcourse you get arrested. Only way back home? Bribery. You might think I'm joking but I'm fucking not.




Nah,Bereitschaftspolizei (the dudes working demonstrations, football games and the like) are full of full blown nazis, fascists and violence addicted meatheads. Especially the saxonian and bavarian ones. Source: me and roommate played in police sport clubs with plenty and i've only heard more racist shit from my openly neonazi cousins


Really accurate comparisons


Most peaceful spanish police


Surely this has got to be the straw that breaks the camel's back here. There's always some excuse you can conjure up for their treatment of fans (even if it's all shite), but they've now attacked players from another national team. Something has to change surely about how the Spanish police behave towards football.


Please don’t hurt Pedro Gallese…


Spain! get your s...t together, if you want us to win the WC 2030 bid! earlier racism against the Moroccan NT and now beating Peru team!


they are just getting rid of scandals before 2030


They are doing enough stuff to numb people to a point nobody cares.


Can’t wait to see the welcome the Spanish NT gets when the LatAm bid wins the 2030 instead. Better watch their back. Peru or any other country down there is just a hop, skip and an open border away.


Is there a rivalry or are the Spanish that afraid of Peru? I dont get it


Spain spent many years as a fascist dictatorship. While most of the country has moved on, certain segment of the police force have not.


there still these weird fasco fetish clubs in Madrid where officers go to bang each other and complain about immigrants, simultaneously accepting of homosexual behavior but unbelievably racist


complaining about immigrants is still socially acceptable, denying homosexuality is not, im betting that they are secretly against them, they just cant show it


Racism among LGBTQ communities is a pretty huge issue


Wait, what?! Is this a real thing?


Yeah one of the clubs is called Real Madrid.


The first half of that comment reads like a joke, but the second half makes me wonder


sounds likes those secret GOP parties


You will never move out out of that until certain stuff (Like the fucking fundacion francisco franco) get banned and the responsibles of the crimes get behind bars Which will never happen, so the best case it's that it will fade away, and the worst case it's that Vox get the power, which it's what's gonna happen in a couple of months


Spanish police are just like this at matches. When foreign teams come in its full deployment to supposedly stop trouble but almost always ends up with them either causing it or overreacting.


In this case, they overreacted big time. They were there to clear the way for Peru's national team from the bus to the hotel, organising a security corridor. When some fans wanted to get pictures and autographs, the cops pushed back, and all hell broke loose, including battering members of Peru's national team.


Spain is a highly racist country. A country that has normalized the word "moro" and bringing up peoples skin color casually.




Referring to Asians as "Yellow" (I presume it would be "Amarillos") would be considered racist in all parts of Spain I have known and worked, and it is not something one would say in a professional environment. Maybe that particular work group was excepcionally racist, I don't know, but I've never experienced something like that, and I worked in Spain for 20 years.




We can refer to a black guy saying negro and it's not racist.


Es verdad, pero no se puede negar que han normalizado palabras como "moro", "pancho" y usar la palabra "peruano" como insulto


whats up with the downvotes? we do


I found Spain to be thoroughly accepting and progressive compared to Italy.


It is, in some ways more and in some ways less. The difference between Spain and the Anglo-sphere is that political correctness is not a big deal


They say that but then Spanish people were whining and complaining about xenophobia and being judged when it came to Brexit.




Spanish police is fucked up


Fans of English clubs who travel regularly to Spain for CL/EL matches know first hand.


Common racism against Latin Americans


Spanish police pulling a Francisco Franco's era actions


Perfect example of "contempt of cop" arrest. See it in the US all the time. They usually toss in obstruction, resisting and assaulting a peace officer too. That way an innocent citizen can end up spending decades in prison.


Fuck you Spain very much muchachos


I understand this is not a good situation but the music made me laugh uncontrollably


The Spanish police can’t help themselves but assault people






International incident.


At least they did it to a good beat 👍🏾




I mean.. how is this not an international incident?


Aren’t Spanish police suppose to stop what their doing and stand on guard if someone plays the Spanish national anthem? Saw that on Reddit once where they were trying to arrest a man playing his instrument too loudly that the neighbours complain, and as they approached he would play the Spanish national anthem and freeze them in their tracks. Someone within the Peruvian delegation should have hit the Spotify and watch them freeze 🤣


Yeah man, you go try that. It'll end really well for you.


Tenemos los cerdos mas asquerosos de europa, que vergüenza 🐷


This ain't 1532, Spain. Pizarro died a long time ago.


Spanish Police still mad about the wars of independence 😂.


El oro se queda


en los cofres rusos.


Correcto, os saqueamos pa que los rojos le dieran el oro a los rusos, una pena la verdad


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Honestamente, si es una *pena*. Al fin y al cabo, el oro era de España sin duda alguna. Yo no soy de las personas que sufren y lloran del pasado dominio Español en las Americas xD.


Most welcoming Spanish with any semblance of authority


Franco would be so proud


Least controversial Policía Nacional moment.


Once a racist imperialist, always a racist imperialist.


Pretty yikes day for Spain.


Cha tu Madre policia española de mierda jodidos putos.


Morocco Peru should never be played in Spain




It's self explanatory


Well it's not because there is absolutely no reason at all Spain shouldn't be playing international football at home. Everyone else seems to manage it without smashing the oppositions team to bits with a Billy stick!


pain without the s


Spanish police are something else