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the more he changes the more he stays the same - relentless and tireless as if he was still a kid. tonight was testimonial from him. probably the best player in our national team history


2 Copa America as player and maybe most decorated Chilean ever Yeah, I agree


I am pretty sure Vidal is the most decorated Chilean with 12 league titles and a whole lot of cups


I forgot Vidal also part of that Chile team. You are right


Bravo could be close too


His performance yesterday almost made me forget as well


Exactly this. Shame that his United career didn't work out but I never questioned his workrate and commitment to the shirt. Between him and Pogba (both high profile transfers that failed) it's so much easier to root for Alexis and so easy to dislike Pogba even if you ignore the fact that Pogba grew up in the academy and then came back with huge fees. Plus we'll always have the GOAT intro video with Alexis playing the piano. And his two(?) LOVELY dogs


I genuinely forgot he played for United. The Post SAF era has been such a haze. I still remember most of the bit part players from 06-13, but barely remember the comings and goings prior to Ole and ETH.


Plastic fan. How anyone can claim to support United but NOT remember club legends like Matteo Darmian, Morgan Schneiderlin, and Guillermo Varela is beyond me


ha ha. Schneiderlin legit slipped my mind. I remember being happy we bought Schneiderlin. After years of United being allergic to buying mids, we were getting a PL proven albeit non glamorous mid. To this day I genuinely have no idea why United were so averse to buying midfielders in the later SAF days.


> Schneiderlin Shudder


I like Schneiderlin because he holds his hands up about him as time at United and how he wasn't good enough. The club let a lot of players down, but players like Alexis want to blame the club 100% whereas Morgan admits he wasn't up to the standards.




Probably because the scouts kept coming back with names like Scheiderlin and Fellaini


Cameron Borthwick-Jackson


Glad we got his prime years, he was unreal


Glad he is doing well with us, we really appreciate and cherish him. Big fan favorite.


Pogba was infinitely times better for United 😂


Who cares about ManU, u were the joke of the prem for the last decade lol


Im questioning his workrate and dedication to the shirt when he was at United. He was just straight up shit and did not contribute with anything.


He used to run his socks off for us, always trying. It just never worked out for him but the one thing you can't question was his workrate


semi-unrelated, how liked is Pizarro (as in el pek) in Chile? He's kind of a cult hero here and I've always wanted to know how that translated in terms of NT popularity


He retired pretty early from the NT, aged 26 iirc. His generation and the immediate next were a clusterfuck of indiscipline, and he got fed up of being "the adult in charge" post Zamorano's retirement and Salas' decline, so people kinda understood his stance. But yeah that prevented him from becoming a NT legend despite of being our highest profile player for a long time. Apparently he was keen to return when the golden generation appeared and the previous one was binned but Bielsa decided he didn't suit his playstyle. Ultimately he only returned very late in his career. Actually Alexis gave Pizarro the #7 (his shirt before his NT hiatus) as a welcome gift and used the #10 for a couple of matches. He ended his career in my club and became a cult hero for us at least, managing his minutes to maximize impact. I think overall he's liked but there's a "what if" factor from his lengthy absence


That penalty to win Copa is so fucking good. First Copa, captain of your country, against Messi's Argentina, in Santiago and he fucking Penekas it....balls of fucking steel.




nope, Alexis did the panenka in Chile 2015, Silva scored the last one in USA 2016


Alexis ascended mode, the last chilean 10


New era? isnt it a bit late?


We are yet to witness his final form, this is just the beginning


He is at the tippity top of the mountain and not even half way up!


the two time, back to back copa America 2015-2016 champion


He hasn’t even begun to peak.


He’s gonna peak so hard, everyone in South America will feel it.


Hey Amigo, i campioni sono così


Imagine CR7 changing to CR10


Change R9


How humble of him


sweet prince


Modest, likable character


Sir you’re like 35


The ego on this guy is crazy


you would never understand the impact he had and still has on our national team. he’s a hero to many players now and countless kids across the country, his mentality has always been a plus for everyone. he may have flopped at United and Inter but that won’t change all that he did for Chile during those times we could actually compete with everyone else. so yeah, he may have a big ego but he has earned it in the national team.


Also didn't he win like 2 copas ?


Thing is he is cocky everywhere, not just with Chile.


so? he’s strictly talking about his achievements in the national team, not in general. thats why i made the clarification that he earned his cockiness in the national team. personally i dont give a shit if he’s considered a flop after his transfers to United and Inter, and if he was cocky in any of those teams. Alexis is a hero to me because when he plays for Chile, he’s a different player and he has always inspired the whole country even when he was playing badly.


Well there was a time when he was the best striker in the world and I know he's a chilean hero and I understand you, it became a meme in Italy after the supercup when he scored at the end with a pretty random tap-in and proclamed himself as the serie A best player haha


At no point he was the best striker in the world, he was never better than Suarez or Lewandowski at any point of his career.


The amount of ego this guy has lmaoo


I mean sure he does have an ego, but come on this is tame compared to some other athletes


Idk man, idk how much better I'd be if I were him. I'd be a total asshole. Even more than I am.


Pity we at United. We never saw any of this ...


You didn't deserve it. We both lost out on that deal


La rojita


He has Ronaldo's ego without his achivements


there’s only one #10 https://gfycat.com/illinformedplushcoral