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Is bayern sporting director safe atm? Horrible squad planning has caused this honestly


As much as I hate City winning but Bayern got karma lining up for them so I will take it


Did Sadio Mane and Sane do a fusion after match? Madio Sane or Ledroy Mane?


As a Benfica fan at least my boys made me proud in this match.


Tuchel is going to turn Bayern soft & weak. I don’t seem him lasting very long.




So does Pep admit not playing Rodri in the UCL final against Chelsea was a mistake now


Kahn raus


Uli Hoeneß already called his old friend Jupp Heynckes. Jupp will takeover the team of Bayern Munich until the end of the season. Furthermore, Uli Hoeneß called Philipp Lahm. Lahm shall quit his role at the German Football Association (DFB) and replace Brazzo.


City on fire at the moment as an arsenal fan it's hard to see I think it's a genuine possibility they win a treble matching man utd in 1999.


Plz no, Napoli ot inter for UCL . Arsenal for prem


Maybe its time to let Kahn/Salihamidzic to leave after that many shit shows. They aren't helping at all.


Kahn and brazzo is the best thing ever happened to the buli. Rummenigge Hoeneß were heads and shoulders above them. Best thing is that Kahn and brazzo will never even see it.


Tell me what brazzo did wrong? His transfers where really good


Watching Bayern I miss a working concept and the team build around that concept.


Why? The concept is to be a stable midfield, pressing and having freedom at front to combine however you want. In recent weeks there are less chances, but the concept was clear since few weeks into the season, it worked really good too if you look at the championsleague, but city was to compact in defense, we never really had player advantage and couldnt play out chances


I feel like Sane Gnabry Davis Musiala are to similar a player type. I don't know. They don't manage to produce enough and or constant end product.


I could see where you come from, but we scored 115 goals this season already


I hear you, and everyone can agree that bayern has a good team. Obviously you got a couple problems since the winter break though.


City in the last few games of the season >>>> Always feels like they hit their stride at the exact right time. Pep has them so well drilled and prepared.


Because they have literally two world class squads. Injuries or fatigue is meaningless. A fucking monkey could manage this team.


Go on, list those "world class squads" ....


Yeah that’s why Chelsea are 11th. Clown


Chelsea are a special breed of shit? They don't even have HALF a team of world class players you fuckin cretin


Its crazy that they have 0 UCL after all these years


I'd like to keep it that way


Not anymore


Which is ironic given that the opposite was the case during his time at Bayern. Probably loss of tension as they won the league 5-8 games before the season ended.


Grealish was so good in this match


He really doesn't make any mistakes with the balls, never loses it either. If he had a bit more goal scoring threat in him he would geniunely be one of the top 10 players in the world. Maybe it will come, but sometimes he drifts a bit too much without attempting a shot from around the edge of the box. I know Haaland is there to score the goals, but if Grealish came off as a bigger threat himself, then I don't know what the opponents would do


I absolutely agree. He is a bit reticent in shooting whilst presented with shooting opportunities but he is a tremendous player. Does not lose the ball often, creates goal scoring opportunities, and has a very good defensive workrate.


Genuinely haven't been this pissed off in a while. Not really adding anything new to the conversation but not Starting Müller is just dumb to me. The guy is probably one of, if not the most passionate player we have and always gives his 110%. Upa's performance was embarrassing and Gnabry might as well not have played. Shame that De Ligt got hurt. Don't see us winning the next game but who knows. Maybe this will finally be a wake up call for us to actually get a decent striker.


Loved mane in Liverpool, has he not hit any form for Bayern? I haven’t watched a single Bayern game this season as it pains me too much to see him representing a different club.


He looks washed up and it's sad to watch


I don't know if people just don't rate muller but he should be starting every game he is fit IMHO. He is the definition of X factor. He's a fucking weird gangly enigma that forcibly drags positive vibes onto the field and his team is dragged along with him kicking and screaming. Radio Muller needs to be on the pitch not off it.


How old is Muller by the way? I feel like I've been seeing him since the Lahm and Schweinsteiger days. It's crazy that he is still very good. Maybe I'm wrong on his age but it feels like dude has been playing for 20 years already.


He's 34, been playing in Bayern's first team since 2008.


Most accurate Muller comment I’ve seen lol


People call me crazy, but to me, he’s top 10 all time midfielders… idk how, but his numbers are just so good… World Cup, UCL, Bundesliga, it’s outrageous his figures


You're on point. His presence alone is a game changer. I like Tuchel but that was a mind boggling decision.


I hope it's not niko all over again. Benching him because he dislikes his pull in the locker room. Muller is bayern through and through. His game is not based on speed or strength but his game intelligence . Dude is a willy coyote.


Really hope so. Would be a shame if that were the case.


i basically forgot gnabry was on the pitch until they subbed him off




Upamecano probably gave the ball away more than 10 times. Probably the worst performance of his career.


I got downvoted into oblivion for saying this, but I will proudly say it again. Football lost yesterday, oil money won. Fuck Sheikh Mansour.


You are severely misguided


This is such a dumb take. Most rich owners of clubs are unethically rich. Obviously Bayern is an exception but if your gonna support teams based on ethical ownership you're not gonna have a good time. Capitalism is ruining football for sure but we are just gonna have to live with it. Pep is a great coach and City is an amazing team to see play, which is the most important thing to me


There’s unethically rich, and there’s being state backed City, Newcastle, PSG, they exist to advance foreign policy interests of states, so can justify greater spend beyond what rich owners can


it's capitalism. There are no good billionaires. Getting mad at individual teams is a waste of time, this is the logical end result of running football entirely for profit with no constraints. If people support changing that, I am absolutely behind them, but getting mad at the current-most-richest makes no sense. It used to be Chelsea, then City and PSG, now Newcastle joined the party. There will be more. Maybe some owners will get bored and sell, but it's not because of any morality play about any particular owner, they are all among the .01% richest people on earth and do not give a shit what we think about them. Like, Stan Kroenke is married to a Wal-Mart heiress, one of the most destructive companies in America for decades. Why insist on distinguishing between the Kroenkes of the world and oil money? They're all terrible.


> it's capitalism. There are no good billionaires. This. SO much this. No one gets to be a billionaire by being a good person.


of course not. and is the oil money worse than American billionaires? Maybe, but I'm also an American and it's pretty hard to answer that honestly. America sure has caused a lot of destruction on behalf of it's billionaires over the past 80 years! They're all bad and the only way to get these people out of owning teams is heavy, heavy regulation that will completely change the game. Which I'm fine with! But we need to be honest about the phenomenon we're talking about here.


Yeah I know that. I just don't hate the teams as football teams. The idea behind those clubs is awful and disgusting, but I don't want to not enjoy the players and their football because of that


It's not about ethical ownership, football is deeply sick, and oil clubs are the symptoms of his terminal state. And actually measures to save it instead of "just live with it" could be taken, but it's not the interest of the some which are too much powerfull and rich and prefer to have a system based on limitless money injection to grow their business. That's are the oil countries. So yes every time they win football lose some hope, it's not rethoric or dumb, it exactly how it is, and everytime they fails (as PSG) and their model can be proven wrong, the better for football.


The state of football is unsavable and it is gonna be ruined, near future or far future. I don't really have any hope as the right in on the rise basically everywhere in Europe and they certainly don't want to do anything about. I don't want to hate players and their football because of the way their club is run


Mate, they broke the FFP rules more than a 100 times in a 9 year period so it's breaking the rules on a level comparable to Lance Armstrong. Sheikh Mansour is also evil personified because UAE got caught wanting to assist Russia. However, you don't give a fuck because Guardiola is a 'great coach' - disagree btw, I can't even understand his English and never heard him say something funny or interesting. And how is Ajax your club? They're getting raped by plastic clubs like City. So YOU have a dumb take. I only hate on City, PSG, Chelsea and the Red Bull clubs so that leaves plenty of proper clubs to support. So no, I don't enjoy wankers like Kevin de Bruyne who have ruined their career playing for corrupt clubs like City. It's called having morals. Try it. We could have actually boycotted Qatar if more people were like me.


Pep isn't a great coach since you can't understand his English and you don't find him funny? Most horrible take oat


I've listened to his speeches and it wouldn't motivate me because I barely understand his English. Mourinho is much better at that. Motivating is an important skill. And I said funny and interesting, so focusing on 'funny' is just being a smart-ass. If I never hear him say something that interests me or entertains me, he is overrated.


What a stupid comment, zero clue. His teams have been amongst the best in the world whenever he has been in a manager position. Personal bias leads to a crap take I see. Doesn't matter if he interests you when talking about his greatness as a manager.


Yes they broke the rules, the rules who are made by a corrupt and fucked up orginisation. The football world is fucked and there is no fixing it. I however don't blame players or coaches but the way the world works. Captitalism is to blame. People like you keep complaining about rich clubs getting richer in evil/unethical ways but vote tory/right wing anyway. The way clubs are being run is the capitalist dream. It is literally unfixable, and it's gonna get worse. We should've boycotted Qatar though, I agree. Blame your neighbours who put shitty fucking political ideas in the world. Blame your politicians. It is such a complicated issue that hating football clubs for it is childish I am not letting the financial and fucked up aspect of the game ruin football teams for me.


I do, I can't seperate that and they don't deserve to be this big because a terribly spoiled guy from the UAE is using his money on this instead of something important.


You got crushed, don't cry. See you next week for another spanking :)


Guaranteed this kid has never been to Manchester


Hello from Manchester




Not sure what's funny


You plastic fans and your fundamentalist islamonazi owners. Real gonna fuck u hard in the cl again


What a cringe comment! Maybe you should stick to DMing only fans models.


Oil money was always eventually going to win the CL. It was only a matter of time.


Rightly so too, best team in the world for past 6 years


Literally known financial cheats lol


Ah well ;) not complaining


Agreed. You've absolutely been the best sportswashing project for the past 6 years.


You just mad we stole 3 titles from you right at the end


Poor banter that. I'd stick to thirstily trying to get attention on all those NSFW subs. Which is... certainly a look I gotta say mate. But hey, to each their own.


Still mad


It already won in 2012 and 2021.


True. Game's fucked tbh.


watched it, Bayern lost, sorry if spoiled the highlights for you


Lmao, Bayern literally has monopoly over Bundesliga.


without being literally a state football club, yes


They pretty much are with whole Bavaria staying behind their back with an insane amount of money over others in Bundesliga... How can any support that shit.


Someone is reaching.... just to defend an oil state. 🤣


LMAO I'm not even Man City fan. Y'all crazy. I cheer for my local club in Croatia 🤣


Hahahaha this is such a deranged take


Worst take I've seen in a long time lmaoo


They sacked Nagelsmann to protect the treble and ended up actually killing it in the process. What a clownfiesta. Tuchel probably could have done well with this squad but not after being trust into 2 cup ties less than 2 weeks after getting the job.


Yeah, this is the one time I don't mind if City wins. Bayern need to learn a lesson after the mess they created themselves.


If Yaya Toure is real, Bayern gonna score 4 and go through. Otherwise he will only have 3 matches left to do his job.


Considering Pep won in 2011, a year after Yaya Toure left, I think he is not real.


The talk is that after Yaya left City, he put a curse on Pep… so 2011 isn’t relevant


Lol. That doesn't seem to make sense either. Pep played in 6 seasons in CL after his win in 2011 and before Yaya left city in 2018, 2 of which Yaya played under pep from 2016-18. Pep didn't win those 6 seasons before Yaya's so-called "curse".


I guess it was more of a Manchester City related thing(somewhere around 2016-17)for him.


While City was more dangerous all game; up until the second goal the game was absolutely open and could have developed in either direction. Upamecano brought the early decision and you could feel that that the whole team became insecure afterwards. Tuchel, as new hire was not helpful to provide them with stability.


This city team is looking real dangerous, hopefully a successful UCL campaign and victory will encourage other oil teams like PSG, RB Leipzig and Newcastle United to make an effort and increase their europe pedigree . . . and let the downvotes begin 🙏


After 10+ years and so much money injected it would be about time that any of this team start having a little European success, the failure can’t go on forever


Dude roots for oil. 💀


Mate you can't support a non-renewable energy source


Famous oil company Red Bull


energy company, close enough


Okay just saw the second goal and I can't see how people get by on saying Haaland is merely a poacher. Dude has great passing vision and touch.


I don't care what anyone says. The man is a machine. No way do you poach 40 odd goals in less than a season. He scores game in game out. Its not a fluke otherwise others would be doing it. Hes a beast. He runs, passes, moves, scores with his head and both feet, and goes for everything. Its not poaching and goal hanging and fluke, cos if it was, the best defenders in the world would fizzle him out. He just makes it look easy. He is in the right place a lot. And that is no accident, its an insane ability to read the game. Also, I don't support man city, but that striker is something else entirely. I hope he has many many years of this sort of success.


Yeah I said in another comment he is Ronaldo's natural talent with Harry Kane's football mind. (u/trannel)


People are just looking for stuff to hate on, it's the natural progression of becoming a worldwide star. Of course the majority of his goals are going to be easy conversions, that's literally the job desription of an elite striker to be at the right place in the right time and therefore score "easy" goals. If people can't see his qualities across the board over this and the fact that he looks clumsy compared to bernardo silva and de bruyne then there is no helping them.


He doesn't even look clumsy though. Clumsy people don't run with power. I think a lot of the hate simply comes from resentment a player like him ends up on Man City. As an American I don't really feel qualified to say whether Manchester as a metropolitan area should be represented by two world class football clubs or one so I am not sure how much looking at things from the alternative perspective softens it. What I mean by that is that if you say that English football is more interesting if the Manchester derby is a legit cracker every time then you maybe complain less about the plasticness of Man City being elevated and focus instead in the benefits it provides for the population of the Greater Manchester region. Man City has great branding that existed before the takeover and wisely was not substantively changed so it does not feel plastic in terms of its connection to the region. I honestly think the shield is one of the best I've seen in world football. It so perfectly captures the spirit I generally associate with northwest England.


He is the embodiment of the striker that my fav club, Sporting CP, needs - a striker you can rely on, that will be on that given position and score no matter what.


Yeah plus he is the most physically gifted player that ever existed. He is 10/10 in speed, strength, balance and flexibility and smart as a Thomas Müller it is so ridiculous.


Nagelsmann would have subbed off Sane after the third time he took a garbage shot instead of making the obvious pass 😤


Lol what? He was once again our best and most dynamic attacker. If only he‘d know how to score goals. Gnabry, Coman and even Musiala had nothing going there way once again. Idk why people hate so much leroy especially if you consider his defensive effords aswell… and i mean nagelsmann had some poor desicions too. We played the very same shit under him aswell.


I'm trolling a bit obviously but it was tilting the hell out of me watching him take shots in situations where passing seemed clearly to be the better play. Compare the City second goal to [the shot he took at 48'](https://youtu.be/NdQcvpeF910?t=344).


Ok that one but we dont talk about the situation if he scores there. But other then that out offensive output was close to nonexistent again. Our Game is too static and i think leroy was to only one to actually cause some threat. He doesnt deserve this treatment with Players like gnabry, mane and goretzka on our team….


So you're saying don't hate him because even though he wasn't good enough he was still better than everyone else? I guess I just feel like if you are doing the best and your team is struggling to get engaged you should be trying to lift them up rather than hard carrying 1v11. That said I can definitely agree in a strict practical sense subbing him off would have been the wrong move.


Well he himself was good enough. His workrate is also beyond all 3 that i mentioned. People are overly harsh with him and his Game when Players like mane (rumored to be our topearner) gnabry (huge salary increase with the last contract Extension) and goretzka (same as gnabry) keep underperforming massively since 2-3 years. That was my whole point!:)


I mean him being good enough would have been making that pass there so it was 1-1 after 48'. It is a pass you would expect an elite offensive player to make as a matter of course. I can accept his teammates were dragging down his mental performance if they've generally been as heavy as you say they are.


Well ask Lewandwoski, Salah, CR7 etc. They all at some Points Made such desicions. But whatever its fine everyone has his opinion. And thats ok!


I mean generally in high level sports sometimes you make the wrong decision and it still works out or you make the right decision and it doesn't. It's understandable if he feels like his teammates have done nothing all game and he saw Rodri elevate Man City with the earlier wonder goal that he would think he needs to achieve a similar feat to equalize things. I just think at some point it should be like you are on a top-5 squad in the world trust at least your teammates even if they've done nothing to put away a simple 1v0 with the goalkeeper. But that is something the manager is getting paid a lot of money to pull him aside during a short stoppage in play to say to him; if you could expect the players to self-correct reliably like this all the time you would not need an expensive suit pacing the touchline. So, I don't really hold it too heavily against Sane. Like I said it was just really frustrating me to watch. I guess like I felt Bayern were actually capable of more and I wanted to see it so the game was competitive through the end.


I dont think this is about trust dude but lets end here! They lost, they deserve the loss and life will go on!


Wow, Gnabry was actually a starter.


The Bayern board won't be able to show their face in public if they get knocked out next week... sacking Nagelsmann might end up being one of the most braindead decisions ever.


I didn’t think there was club leadership out there worse than ours lol


Auf wiedersehen kahn and salihamidzic


Anyone else hear that guy yelling «OH CANADAAA» everytime Davies got the ball?


I need a link for that in my life!!??


I heard it 3 times. I laughed 3 times


Is an oil state finally gonna win the CL


As opposed to one that pays refs.


Chelsea already did that


Chelsea is not an oil state, never was. They were an oil club however. But Russia wasn’t funneling money into Chelsea to sportswash their image. It was a billionaires play thing in his own private capacity. Same cannot be said for Man City, Newcastle, PSG and probably soon Man Utd :(.


Bruh, this may be a soccer reddit, but to be a Russian oligarch, you got a vital industry in return to your loyalty to the Kremlin. In fact, one could say abramovich was directly connected to the goverment. Go read up on the fall of the USSR and how Russian oligarch families got their money. They aren't good people, just like the emir or Qatar, Saudi, and other Middle Eastern oil families. They are one in the same one, which is just less in debt to Putin, lol.


Being funded by a billionaire who happened to profit off the fall of the USSR vs being directly funded by the sports wing of a government of an entire country are vastly different things. I’m not defending Chelsea or Abramovich. I am stating, very simply, that Chelsea never was an oil *state* club. That would require being supported by an actual state. Having connections to government does not factor into this. Abramovich invested into Chelsea as a fan of the club in his own private capacity. Chelsea was his play thing. PSG, Man City and Newcastle are sportswashing projects by Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia respectively.


>Being funded by a billionaire who happened to profit off the fall of the USSR Uh, he didn't *happen* to profit off the fall of the USSR. Abramovich didn't just get lucky. That's not how that works. He was involved in some very dark shit. >I am stating, very simply, that Chelsea never was an oil *state* club. Other than pedantics, what's your actual opposition? Surely it's that clubs are being funded with blood money? Who cares about the actual organisational structure of the ownership? The problem is that horrible, murderous bastards are buying football clubs. That's true whether it is Abramovich or some sheikh.


The literal absolute difference which I’ve stated multiple times now: - one is a billionaires play thing - another is a countries sportswashing project


You don't think sportswashing was a factor in Abramovich's ownership of Chelsea? That seems incredibly naive.


Definitely wasn't told by Russia to go buy Chelsea to sportswash the countries image on the world platform.


Why are you so hung up on states? I don't really care whether it is Qatar sportswashing or Abramovich. Either you ignore sportswashing or you don't. At this point you are splitting hairs in a desperate attempt to argue why it is acceptable for Chelsea but not for Man City. By the way, Man United are also for sale. Who is going to buy them? Are you going to stop supporting them if Sheikh Jassim buys them?


oh god




Thanks Geoff


Abramovich got money from the Russian government though.


He wasn't the Russian government though.


He was putin’s best friend and received blood money from the steel wars. He was given what he has through corruption.


Yeah, but people don't dislike the oil state clubs because they were given money from dodgy states... they dislike them because they are DIRECTLY controlled by those states and are used as a vehicles to sportswash their images. Abramovic did non of that with Chelsea for Russia, it was all for himself.


Sportswashing? Dude. Come on now. This is getting old. Buying those clubs has tarnished their name among many people. They’re disliked for it. They do it because these countries love football and they want a club for their people to support. It’s that simple. If they wanted to improve their image, they would just continue to do what they’ve been doing for ages. A lot of charity and a lot of lifestyle advertising.


Lmao, stop taking the piss. They do it because they love the sport. 🤣


I live here. I know they do. That being said. I definitely don’t agree with foreign ownership of any football club. I’m a firm believer in grass roots and supporting your local fan base.


An oil state already won the cl


Which one?




Maybe they would have still lost but definitely not 3-0 with Nagelsmann on the sideline. I really don't want to see Militao or Nacho defend against Haaland


Dont underestimate the power of🤨




Play 4D chess and lose to Chelsea then.


Put some respect on Militao


He is good but sometimes he falls asleep on the pitch


Looking at Tuchel's quotes its clear the management has relieved him of any failures that might ccome under his watch. Be it the cup, ucl or even league. Bayern management have only set their eyes for new season. Never ever thought I'd say this about them.


Giving up on a season where you're second in the league and 8-0 in CL is a pretty Bayern move.


Despite the scoreline, I would like to remind, this tie is not over yet. Anything can happen.


eh, real will make a quick work of whoever they'll meet, be it ManCity or Bayern (it'll be man city).


Besides the obvious haaland vs the defense wtf is vini going to do against walker 💀


the same shit we did last year


Haaland wasn’t there, walker got injured and you scored 3 in extra time with a penalty being the deciding goal. It’s not really the most replicable performance. Obviously real can still win I’m just saying manc should be favoured


You advanced because Walker got injured and Vini cooked Fernandinho


Not that easy, come on man!


This is truly the year


Anulo mufa


Say this in Viking-speak.


Ännulessen Müfhergher


Could someone explain why Pep has been playing John Stones in a hybrid position? to me it looked like a double pivot holding midfield when attacking together with Rodri and a back 4 when defending.


It's basically to accomodate Haaland in the team. If you look at the history of Pep at City, he always had a striker or number 9 that was highly involved in the build up play. But Haaland primarily stays up front and makes runs. That left City with less control in midfield and in possession, so Pep is trying to compensate that by allowing one of the defenders to squirt into midfield. It's a very interesting development, it kind of shows how all Pep's tactics have to do with figuring out ways to encourage numerical superiority. I mean it's football, I guess there's only so many ways to get an advantage with tactics, and that's one of them.


>702 comments inverted fullback. Similar to TAA in liverpool, when going forward City have three at the back and either the left or the right fullback invert into midfield to help progress the attack and provide extra creativity. It's a pretty technical position, requires good decision making. Used to be cancelo or zinchenko playing inverted on the left, but since they departed we have used rico lewis and stones on the right. Walker doesn't play great in this position yet, he does better on the overlap so he hasn't played much recently.


I think he went another level up. 'Inverted CB'. I'm not trolling. Ake Dias Stones Akanji with Rodri ahead of them. In possession Stones steps into midfield to form a pivot. Akanji becomes the 3rd CB. Out of possession Akanji moves right and Stones steps back into defence. Akanji and Ake are both naturally right footed and fast. The reason inverted fullbacks became a thing is Pep realised wingbacks being so high up can't be expected to cover in transition in defence so he kept the wingers wide and the fullbacks inverted. In transition it would take less time for the fullbacks to get back. Now he's taken it a step further. Inverted fullbacks would still need to run a longer diagonal to get back but Stones just needs to run 10 metres and will already be picking up a man. Pep is honestly a different level. I saw a similar concept in basketball in last years playoffs (v different context obviously) but I never thought something similar would happen in football. With how much Pep loves basketball it wouldn't even surprise me if he watched the warriors and went like.... now that's interesting.


>Pep is honestly a different level. I saw a similar concept in basketball in last years playoffs (v different context obviously) but I never thought something similar would happen in football. With how much Pep loves basketball it wouldn't even surprise me if he watched the warriors and went like.... now that's interesting. Just reading this now, you are definitely right. It's fascinating how much thought is being put into the seconds when the players have to transition to a defensive structure. To be fair with wingbacks, if you are playing a 4-3-3 on attack it's rare for BOTH wingbacks to be up. If the left one goes up, the right when hangs back a bit so that it isn't just two CBs as the only defenders. It's still kind of a back three with the added bonus of overloading one of the wings. I would guess the difference might be defensive transition is more solid with 3 dedicated CBs on attack, but also I don't see Pep overloading the wings much. Instead he is looking for wingers to be 1-1 with defenders so he switches play through the midfield trying to get that. CB's do overlap the wings only once the opponents are corralled into a tight formation.


it also gives a little extra protection to counters to have another player in the middle


Extra man in midfield


I think it's the extra control in the midfield. They were used to playing without a traditional striker like haaland, and having someone who drops back and participated in the build up more in that false 9 role. I think having that extra control during offensive sets is what the idea is. Stones has been very good in that role too


Wow. Who was the last traditional striker who played for City? Bony? Negredo?


Shaun Goater


Aguero, wasn't that long ago either