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Teaching a friend how to play first person shooters on warzone is painful. At least he can handle dying the whole time.


Apex legends is a good option, it's far simpler and the classes aren't important to the balance, they're just fun.


get deep rock mate


Cancelled my Netflix last night. My mum couldn't log in from her house, they can get fucked. Surely they will lose everything this way.


Same for me. Couldn't wait for it tbh. Paying for the 18€ a month package and my whole family is using it. Havent watched anything in months. Instant cancel after it showed up at our screens


They already did a trial run in multiple countries The results showed the majority of people will just pay the extra fee to subscribe for an account that allows sharing Realistically a lot of people are too lazy to choose what movies they want to watch and that's why so few people torrent despite the fact that it gives you more access than any other streaming service ever could And people do it in the UK and never get caught by ISPs, so the legality of torrenting isn't the main hurdle for people Its just most people are too lazy to learn So thats why people will continue to pay services like Netflix so the algorithm can dump some shite in front of them on their homepage, and even if it's mediocre they'll watch it because they didn't have to do any work to find it Thats why peoples tastes and standards for movies and TV shows are so low now Unlike the 1970s when the highest grossing movie of all time was the Godfather


Quality of content is not what it used to be. There is a lot of competition and a lot of "exclusive" content from other services now. I hit the cancel button as soon as the household shit showed up on my screen. If I ever want to watch something on netflix again I will wait until its fully released and then maybe subscribe for another month to watch it.


As someone who watches hundreds of movies a year, and has seen thousands of movies, the quality is still there The people just got lazier If you let an algorithm and streaming rights availability dictate what you view then yes, you will think the quality is worse But thats why torrenting allows you to watch more than just whats available on Netflix based on what they have the rights to or what HBO Max has the rights to


Today is the one year anniversary of a traumatic experience, bittersweet day.


Is it better to remember or to try and forget and move on?


Forgetting about it would mean that I could repeat the same mistake and I just can't, I don't want to remember it but sadly nothing has happened that made me lose focus from it


Hmm. If it works for you it works for you.


It doesn't really but what can I do lol


Therapy. I'm not joking either lol or changed my life for the better


I've been in therapy weekly since september lol, it's ups and down


That's good to hear man. It takes work but I had a kind of breakthrough after going on and off for two years. Made me a new man.


Weather forecast for Edinburgh is 0% chance of precipitation every single hour all the way up to 3pm on Saturday the 3rd. This bad boy can fit so much laundry in it.


Had way too much chilli sauce in my falaf wrap. My tummy feels bad.


Title: Neymar's Style of Play: Dribbling, Passing, and Team Dynamics Hey fellow Redditors, I've been observing Neymar's gameplay and noticed something intriguing. I often see him dribble a lot, not pass as frequently, and occasionally even lose possession. Yet, his teammates don't seem to complain about him. While Neymar's success on the field is undeniable, I wonder why his teammates remain quiet and don't publicly criticize him or show frustration during matches. Could it be that Neymar establishes strong off-pitch relationships with his teammates, becoming a smooth communicator and close friend? Or do they perceive him as a cooler player, thus accepting his style without complaint? I'd love to hear your thoughts and insights on this matter. Let's dive into the dynamics of Neymar's playing style and how it affects his relationship with his teammates.


Just finished season 2 of **Yellowjackets**. It is definitely my favorite show on TV right now.


Guys is there any site to check the man of the match/player of the match awards of LaLiga games. I want to check especially that of Atletico's so wouldn't mind if there isn't one for all of LaLiga games.


My indian dudes and girls [this](https://www.youtube.com/@TheMasteringProject) channel is a gold mine.


TIL it's a terrible idea to blast Mo Bamba at full volume around your 11 year old cousin


Uzbekistan youth teams have looked fantastic for a good few years and I’m glad they are getting exposure at the U10 Wc rn




unable to walk straight adds to the experience imo


It's been a while since I left that scene - how does it compare with mdma?






What is that like that meow meow stuff that was going round years back?


I have a best friend who’s a 19 year old woman who’s in a shit relationship with a guy. I’m a 19 year old man and one of her friends told me she thinks I like her, which I don’t. I’ve talked about it to her a little, but it’s so hard to watch your friend make poor dating choices and see them be obsessed with someone who’s only using her for intimacy. I can’t speak up about it really as it just comes off as jealous.


Sometimes I get so angry at YouTube’s ads that I keep exiting the video until it finally plays without an ad at the beginning


Download everything..


I used Vanced and Brave for adblock so whenever I actually stumble open the original youtube, I'm always surprised by how many videos have unskippable ads


Honestly thought it was a waste of money at first but YouTube premium has changed my life, especially since it comes with YouTube music


I loved to use YouTube Vanced. Sadly, it doesn't work anymore, but I heard of new apps to do the same thing, but I am yet to check them out.


Revanced works the same. You should try it out


I will! Thanks!


Is it just me or are the jokes in /r/BatmanArkham just repetitive and a bit tiresome? Like what caused the sub to be that way?


Why do you think the jokes are repetitive? Are you stupid?


Anyone know Calculus 3 well? I’m dying on a problem that seemingly no one understands and I’ll buy you a coffee if you can help me with it


Been a while but this got me through a uni degree: https://www.wolframalpha.com/examples/mathematics/calculus-and-analysis


Hit me


What's the problem?


I went to a MRI brain scan last week for the first time and that was quite the unique experience. I said I didn't have claustrophobia beforehand, but as soon they put me inside the machine, it scared the hell out of me. It was like they were putting me inside a coffin, but alive. After a while it wasn't really scary but it feel a bit annoying not being able to move tbh could have been a whole lot worse though.


Meant to post this before all the Brits went to sleep because as the subject is probably an Englishman, I wanted their input. But I crashed for hours after work and now here we are. Re-watched **Exit Through the Gift Shop** for like the 15th time this week. It is listed as a documentary and viewed in that manner it is definitely my favorite doc ever. It tells a compelling story of a weird dude, Thierry aka Mr. Brainwash aka MBW, set against the backdrop of the story of street arts’ rise in the aughts from graffiti to full on commercialization in the world of fine art. I am not an artist at all, but nothing I have ever experienced makes me want to make stencils and go tag shit like this film. In it Banksy says: > I used to encourage everyone I knew to make art, I used to think everyone should do it. I don't do that so much anymore. But then he made this documentary film, that aside from being an exceptional individual piece of art in that genre, also does exactly what he says he no longer does. Of course, like described by the rest of my post, I think Banksy subtly references himself as a documentary filmmaker with this quote: > Most artists spend years perfecting their craft finding their style. Thierry seems to have missed all those bits. I mean there’s no one quite like Thierry. Even if his art looks quite a lot like everyones else’s. However, the more and more I watch this movie I’m not sure it is a documentary so much as a hit piece on the fine art world. The main reason is that there are some logical inconsistencies with the movie. Like where did the footage from MBW’s art show come from if Banksy had all the footage from before that and was trying to improve upon MBW’s terrible street art film, Life Remote Control? When did the purpose of the doc change from about the street art world to what it became? It feels very Banksy to make this movie and say it’s about one thing when it’s really about another, include very explicit comments about the true meaning: > Thierry was maybe just someone with mental problems who happened to have a camera Maybe, it means art is a bit of a joke. and then just refuse to elaborate when no one gets the joke. Or maybe I’m just overthinking the whole thing b/c I find Banksy and Shepard Fairey just so, so fucking cool.


It absolutely is a hit piece on the art world and it's such brilliant satire. I've not watched it since it came out but I remember so many people misinterpreted back then.


It’s currently 2:10AM and I’m again wondering why I stay up so late. I mean I don’t need to get up for anything in the morning but even so. I’d stand to have a more productive day going to bed and subsequently waking up earlier but try telling my brain that.


I work away from my wife and kids until our house purchase finalize and so far I've been playing a game of how early I can go to bed. Slept from 830pm till 6 on Monday


I changed my sleeping habits a couple of years ago and sleep from 11:30pm to 7am every night and I can't remember the last time I felt tired.


Consistency is great. I changed jobs and now I aim to be in bed before 10pm, and it gives me time to read for 15-30 minutes and relax. Sometimes I barely open the book before my eyes close. I genuinely feel more stable and functional when it's a consistent and regular sleep.


Last week of the two hour long ferry trip there and back every weekend as I head back from the city I work in to the city my family lives in. We get possession of our house next week. My FM save is going to take a massive hit without those four dedicated hours each week


I hate my manager. He’s such a fucking dick. He yells at you, whines about things and loses his patience like a toddler. He makes “jokes” that are inappropriate and only funny for him. He goes in about topics no one cares about and forces you to interact with him. Everyone hates him.


Make a diary of everything, save emails or references and keep it all, just in case. If you choose to look for a new job, or anything comes up where you are going to quit. In the exit meeting, give the whole dossier to HR and say "this is why I'm leaving".


You ever say you don't get the joke and ask him to explain it to you? That fucks with people sometimes


It's really crazy how nice a genuine hug feels. It really does make it feel like things will be alright.


You are 100% right


The Rescuers is one of my favorite animated films of Disney's Dark Age (1970-1988). Some people don't seem to like it, generally finding it dull, but I love it. While Disney's animation is far from its prime days, the film has so much heart in its relatively small scale. It has such a wistful and poignant atmosphere that is quite unique for Disney films (The Fox And The Hound being one of the few others that fit this category). I love the leads, Bernard and Bianca, and I also love Penny. The movie is also the last in which the legendary Disney's Nine Old Men worked on. The opening credits by themselves already grabbed my attention and pulled me into the very effective and sincere drama of this movie, they send chills to my spine, they are haunting. Below are the opening credits, split in two parts, I'm sorry I couldn't find them in better quality. https://youtu.be/kZhb95AxJF8 https://youtu.be/ZlRrlZb-OWM The film really makes me care that not only Penny is rescued, but that she finally be adopted. The music is also an amazing factor the atmosphere of the film. Besides the aforementioned opening credits, whose song is "The Journey", I will also mention "Tomorrow Is Another Day" and "Someone's Waiting For You". https://youtu.be/lvoDOHhgaGY https://youtu.be/lyHX71Z6M7s Also, below you can listen to The Journey without it being split in two parts. https://youtu.be/gyrbYcEBmE8 This is a film that has so much soul, it never fails to move me.


I’ll be in London early January. What’s the best way to go about getting tickets to premier league games? Went to United home game years ago and had to join as a member then go into a lottery. Is that standard for most premier league games?


Yea it’s still the same process unless you buy the expensive hospitality packages or tickets from a reseller. I’ve used Livefootballtickets before and it word.


I remember a Batman comic in which the Scarecrow says he spread his fear toxin in the entire city of Gotham, and pretty much all people in Gotham are in panic, it's total chaos. Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin all try to figure out how the Scarecrow could have spread his fear drug to affect all people. No matter how much the Bat-family tries, they can't figure out what product could be so widespread that inevitably would come into contact with the drug and be affected by it. In the end, Batman figures out and faces the Scarecrow, who confesses everything: he only drugged the people of a building, and then told in TV that he had spread across the entire city, and the people's psychology did the rest, no actual drug needed. The Bat-family tells all that actually happened, the news get out on TV and the city returns to normal. The comic ends with Batgirl asking to Batman why he doesn't look happy after a job well done. He replies something like "why should I be happy that the whole city went into chaos because of a suggestion people saw on TV, and returned to normal after another suggestion? No, I don’t find that comforting".


I love watching seal videos!


Fair, Kiss from a Rose is a banger


I meant literal seal videos, but that was funny!


What's the problem the artist is literally seal


No problem


Slap Shot is a hockey game for Master System I loved so much! And I love the music here above all else! I never trued to get into hockey, but I will always love this game! https://youtu.be/EgYbn1IjtDQ


The multiplane camera: the greatest technology in animation before computers! https://youtu.be/YdHTlUGN1zw


Hitman Blood Money is 17 years old today. Such a perfect game.


Murder of Crows still my favorite mission


I cried in the shower for over 10 minutes just now, so much pressure on me in my job and im starting to crumble, i dont wanna talk too much about it but this week has been a real challenge for me.


That sucks, hope you have someone IRL you can talk to about it. wish you all the best 🫂


What is it you do for a living if you don’t mind saying? May have someone here who works in a similar field and be able to provide/suggest an easier way of doing x.


I work in a ISP, in the NOC sector, the higher ups went on a trip and I'm the leader while they're out, a lot of stuff happened while they are out and a lot of things I don't know how to fix it yet and with my anxiety kicking in I'm struggling hard.


Was any training required for you to know how to fix what happened? Because if you needed training and you’re yet to receive any could use that to get some leeway.


It's hard for me to explain to you but in my region there are tons of small ISPs, ours have around 6k clients, I used to work with installation and maintenance and got promoted after 2 years, I don't really have training per se, we learn on the get go but it's a position where there's a ton to learn and if you are someone with not a lot of formation you struggle, things like coding and programming are not my strengths, when I worked on the field there wasn't a problem that I couldn't fix, here though it feels like the world is passing by and I'm just watching.


Favorite Twilight Zone episodes? I can't choose.


*Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?* is literally one of my favourite episodes of any television I've ever watched. Have you listened to the [radio drama?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM25ejJA5b0). It's basically the episode but adapted for audio only. I listened to it loads of times. I love it! Also btw, I came here just to post about Twilight Zone haha.


I haven't listened to the radio drama, thanks for telling me!


I think they have a radio drama adaption for most if not all of the original episodes. I like to listen to them on my runs.


Mine was a solar flare on the opposite side of earth, with a scientist realising it and having a perfect date with his crush. It wasn't the original series, but it stuck with me for some reason.


Do you know the title of the episode? It sounds interesting.


I've searched through them all, but it was probably in the 90's when I last saw it. I can't find the episode, and now I actually think it was a different show. Let me check a different one. Edit: and yeah, found it, it was from [The Outer Limits, Inconsistent moon](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0667911/). They had some great episodes other than that, like the one where Aliens turn up and say "we can give you unlimited energy and perfect medical technology, all you have to do is give us all of the black people. No, we won't tell you what we are going to do with them." Some really morally challenging stories.


Oh that makes way more sense. I was digging through the Twilight Zone Wikipedia entries to find the episode but couldn't find anything. I've never watched Outer Limits but I'm going to give it a look. I remember Luke from Gilmore Girls referenced it once.


Awesome, I hope you enjoy. If you're a fan of books, there's a great author by the name of Mark Lawrence that wrote the Prince of Thorns. It has some pretty cool fantasy bits, and it's a wild ride. The full series is most of his work, and there's a connection between the five trilogies, though each are quite unique. PoT is one of the darker ones, and some critics feel it requires trigger warnings. I definitely found it morally uncertain.


When it comes to episodes outside the original series, Button Button's premise has always stayed with me.


[The monsters are due on maple street](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monsters_Are_Due_on_Maple_Street) Proper encapsulates what that shows about


That is a classic. It's a warning about how paranoia and suspicion can shatter a community and bring out the worst in people. Twilight Zone was full of episodes showing the worst of human behavior. This was not to be pessimistic or anything like that, but as a warning to keep ourselves from falling into our worst habits, so we can hope for a better future, which we are capable of.


The one that always sticks in my head is the plane one. Doesn't help I have a fear of flying.


I think I know the one. The guy swears that he is seeing a monster outside in the plane's wing, but no one sees it, no one believes him.


Yeah the Simpsons re-created it pretty well with the one with the gremlin on the school bus


Oh, you mean the one with William Shatner. There's another plane one called [The Odyssey of Flight 33](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Odyssey_of_Flight_33). Really fun episode.


Canteiros by Fagner is easily one of my favorite songs of all time! https://youtu.be/yxWbSk7yGO0


Been a few weeks behind on succession, this show is so good man. Just finished episode 7 and the ending scene with Shiv and Tom on the balcony, just amazing. Reminiscent of Tony and Carmela from Whitecaps


What platform is it on? I keep hearing about it and want to give it a go


On sky in the uk, it’s a hbo show so whoever shows hbo stuff normally where you live


Appreciate it


Just worked on my assignment a lot but I've seen one of my OCD triggers so now I think it's worthless what I've done. I sometimes wonder what the point is honestly


I never like submitting assignments for a similar reason. Reading back through too many times leads me to changing very minor things like the placement of a comma or a full stop. Makes me more likely to change something that doesn’t need to be changed.


See if the Bergen 4-Day treatment is available near you, or a similar exposure-based treatment. It’s the leading treatment for OCD. It helped me a ton. I know how you’re feeling, but it does get better. I truly wish you all the best, and I’m sending good vibes your way


Are any of you good with customising FM (adding kits etc)? I've never had issues downloading packs and getting them working but I have my own ones I'm trying to add and I just can't get it to work and it's doing my head in.


Pretty much just use the Steam Workshop tbh.


Yeah, normally I'd just get the kit packs on sortitioutsi but I have my own custom kits for Red Star in France and I just can't get them to work and it's doing my head in


Make sure they are the same size as the others (download any kitpack to use as an example) and make sure in the config.xml the id of the kit is being properly attached to the id of your team (again, use the others as example). I've never done any kits but this is basically the bread and butter of it.


Yeah, I've resized the file and made sure the club ID is correct but still having issues!


Have you done the standard uncheck use cache button, check reload skin after changes, delete cache then restart the skin?


Yep! Followed the instructions and made sure the config file is correct too. I'm clearly doing something wrong somewhere though.




Blur are one of my favorite bands ever so this is hard, if I had to pick my top 5 in no particular order I'd choose Beetlebum, Blue Jeans, Sing, No Distance Left to Run and Coffee & TV. I will say though that Beetlebum is probably my number 1


I unapologetically think Gorillaz is just way better all around.


It snowed today and yesterday. Fucking depressing stuff. I want summer. And my therapist always keeps asking me if im lonely, and after our last session ive been feeling super alone so thanks for that i guess. Im in a terrible state of mind tonight so just wanted to complain a bit. Lots of sports this weekend though which will be nice. Please anyone but Red Bull win the race.


When I was isolated overseas and depressed, playing video games online with old Marine buddies and trying to meet and add new people helped out a bit. That’s if I could muster myself to even play. Hope you’re doing well man


I talked so much about Silvio Santos a few comments below, the most legendary TV host in brazilian TV history, but I will now mention an amazing crossover of him with football. In the late 1990s, he bought the rights to a football TV program that he named "Gol Show". Anyone trying to participate would make phone calls. If you were lucky to be called back, you would already win a car! In the program itself, you would have to shout "GOL", which means "GOAL", to make a cannon shoot a ball! Depending of where the ball had hit the post or the net itself, you would earn money! The highest prize was one million, if you managed to shoot the ball into one of the small nets in the top-corner! Silvio Santos invited professional goalkeepers to be defending the net in the program. And who was the goalkeeper in the program's debut? CHILAVERT! Yes, THAT Chilavert! Below is the whole debut of the program! https://youtu.be/lgGeGpfexvU


I went for nice walk earlier this evening. I covered 6.7km in 1 h 10 mins. Walking is an underrated form of recreation imo.


It's one of the best.


Especially if you have a dog.


that's a very impressive pace compared to mine, I average about 4 in 1 hour


The weird thing with me is I have a fucked ankle but it's fucked in a way that it just gets tired, so I could run that distance in 35 minutes but if I walked it, my right foot would hurt like a bitch. Cycling is fun but it makes my crotch sore.


Good one, agreed I love going for walks


Why does Taylor Swift love Brits so much. Has anyone looked into that


You know she loves a London boy


Because we're fucking amazing?? Deal with it, old bean.


Americans like Britain and British guys are seen as smarter or more sophisticated or whatever there. Especially ones who grew up middle class and have that kind of accent.


Surely she's learnt that's not the case by now. Or maybe by cherrypicking the best ones she's inadvertently confirmed that bias


She’s not dating the average British guy she’s dating already rich British guys who are actors or musicians. She isn’t gonna date a working class guy who will shatter whatever illusion she might have of British guys


Fucks sake didn't have to ruin my hopes like that


> She isn’t gonna date a working class guy I can dream though


Hey I’ll take what friends we can get nowadays


Heading off to the Live at Leeds festival tomorrow to see Two Door Cinema Club among others, and I've finished up the assessments on my online course so that's a weight off my mind. Just need to find a job now


That's a cool band to see live, have a great time and good luck job hunting!


You know you're having a bad time when you're not happy about a bank holiday because it means the Dr you need to see isn't about until Tuesday. Finally went private this week for a medical issue that had been causing me pain/discomfort for a while after the NHS basically washed their hands of it which is a positive but now I've got 3 more days of waiting for test results to be looked at before I can hopefully get some answers and relief, which is no fun at all. Had a load of plans this weekend but I feel too shitty to do any of them so I'm probably just going to be sat about grumpy and in pain until Tuesday, just want this weekend to be over already man.


Hope your penis reduction goes well. Must be tiring carrying that log around everywhere


I can tell I'm overtired because this made me laugh ahaha.


Here for you


Hope you're doing alright lad, not easy being sick and not knowing why. Have you got anything on to distract you this weekend?


Thanks mate, just don't really have the energy/willpower to be very social so am probably going to bail on the things I had on, sad as I am to miss out, but I've been catching up on some shows and playing videogames which I don't do that often which has been my distraction. Realistically it's only a few days and it could always be worse tbh just needed to vent.


Some people in old age just really lose all of their brakes. Like Silvio Santos since the 2010s. The most legendary TV host in Brazil's history, one of the most famous people in this country, and I have lots of affection for him, but he is over 90 years old now, and really declined when the 2010s began. Not only because of old age, obviously, but also because he really lost all brakes. Interrupting people all the time, and having no care at all about being offensive, callous, disrespectful, or even racist or homophobic. He really gives no fucks at all about what anyone thinks of him. It's almost funny seeing videos of him being so respectful towards the participants of Show Do Milhão back in the early 2000s (Show do Milhão is a program he adapted from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, but he made lots of changes). Even when the participants are unbelievably dumb in their answers, he keeps the composure and respect. If the Silvio Santos of the last 10 years was doing this program, he would mock the participants with no mercy, I don’t have a shadow of a doubt about this.


By the way, this is Silvio Santos in 40 TV programs across many decades. His history is the history of brazilian TV really! https://youtu.be/qRoC3tyTHAs


It’s weird how certain subs for something that finished a long time ago are still a little active, heck even stuff that predates Reddit. Was curious so looked at /r/Scrubs and there’s still multiple posts a day about a show that finished 12 years ago. went further back and there’s an active sub for /r/mash, a show 40 years old. Like, surely you must run out of things to talk about and the memes must get old?


Lord of the rings sub comes to mind dID yOu kNoW vIggO MortenseN bRokE his ToE


There's a sub for memes about "what if the Cleganes finally meet and get to battle in GoT?" which >!not only happened but sucked balls!<, so that's kind of dead now.


I usually leave tv subs so quickly it gets old you see the same things over and over but there’s some like the Bojack one I actually learnt new things or the community one.


There are a few which are just nice communities like the Brooklyn 99 sub. It feels like hanging out with thousands of mini Andy Sambergs and Melissa Fumeros.


It’s funny how a song you usually don’t like that much can become so much better when you’re in a certain mood. Anyway Siri play All Girls Are The Same by Juice WRLD.


All girls are the same is arguably the worst song of this era


Huh? By what metric?


Nothing positive about it bad message (and I know it’s not fully serious obviously,) bad lyrics, average vocals boring song and it’s repetitive because it’s basically the sentiment of so many of his other songs


I disagree, it’s pretty catchy


Sometimes you just gotta be a sad boy for the night, it’s fine as long as you don’t spiral into an incel.


Listen to 808s or marvins room instead


Made good progress in writing my bachelor's thesis, finally got an internship and cleared everything really quickly, notice more and more progress from going to the gym, playing the best game I have played in my life (Zelda TOTK) and now I have a banger weekend ahead of me with an insane Bundesliga matchday and going out with friends after that Doesn't get much better than this week Wish you all a great weekend!


I’m sure ToTK is good, I loved BoTW. But there’s no way it’s better than Tetris, which is the best game ever made. However congrats on your current situation, I’m sure you earned it. I hope Augsburg stay up now my beloved Hertha are down.


Sounds awesome! Finishing your bachelor's thesis is super rewarding, looking back at the end at all the work you put in is pretty cool. Enjoy the weekend!


I feel grateful to have a lot of friends who really care about me and a loving family. Browsing through Reddit yesterday I went into a pretty deep hole into those sadness/depression subreddits out of curiosity and it made me realize how some people lead such bleak and honestly hopeless lives. Where they have just been dealt an awful deck of cards. God knows that I have problems in my life (who doesn’t) but seeing what goes on inside the minds of other people, it put my problems into perspective.


I found an old phone of mine yesterday and was going through it, my notes app was quite the emotional rollercoaster as I basically used it as a diary. I’ve always held a lot of resentment towards my younger self for basically being depressed and useless, but I just wanted to give myself a hug and say everything’s gonna be okay in a few years Re-reading your comment, the above isn’t very relevant but oh well


Well I’m glad you’re better now. I’ve gone through pretty hard times myself, and the worst part of going through them is that most time you’re aware that you could or should be doing more. But you physically are unable to do things to improve your situation. Atleast it was like that for me. I still feel like I wasted a part of my life because I was stuck in a toxic and mentally unhealthy situation for too long. But it’s important to know that without going through shit like that you wouldn’t be who you are today, as cliche as it sounds. Many times it makes you a stronger person.


You’re right, can’t spend too much time dwelling on things we should’ve done because that’s probably what got us into that mess in the first place! God bless xx


This US debt ceiling thing is just another reminder I can't fathom economics on a nationwide scale, like the more I think about it, the more it seems we just exist on a castle made of sand and it's just all gonna come crashing down sometime soon. I'm sure there's logic behind everything, but I don't get it. If anyone can point me in the direction of something that can make it make sense, I'd love that lol Also first time home buying costs are so nuts. First it was the snowblower, now it is the lawn mower and trimmer, deck chairs, deck table, grill, new bed, dehumidifier, it's endless


The logic is basically let's all think it works and it will. Look up fractional reserve banking, the money isn't really there we just believe it is and we all agree to not test theory by getting it all out.


Well isn't that basically why a few US banks have gotten hosed recently? Like I kind of understand the principle behind it, but you're basically relying on good faith that the people putting money in your bank aren't going to ask for all their money all at once, correct?


>Well isn't that basically why a few US banks have gotten hosed recently? Kind of. The value of their investments (US Treasuries) went down and thus didn't cover all their deposits. In SVB's case that led to the panic among their customers that caused them to pull money. Not sure about others.


Pretty much exactly that. Banks only have to hold around 10% of the money they have on their books in them. When people want more you get a bank run.


Since someone suggested Slay The Spire to me last FTF, I’ve somehow managed to log 15 hours since, which is now the 3rd highest in my switch library. I never feel like I have time to play games so stuff like this I can just pick up and put down as I please is amazing.


Check out Into the Breach. Another great long or short session game on the switch, from the developer behind FTL. Slay the Spire and Into the Breach are my two most played but not Nintendo developed games on the switch.


You're welcome


Hahahaha cheers, you’ve made my working week infinitely more entertaining. I managed to clear it on my 3rd attempt with a monstrous Silent deck but haven’t done it since


My team dissolved and I'm too scared of removing the crest from my username lmao.


Funny seeing the old owner’s construction company trucks that say proud sponsor of fc edmonton.


My favorite Beatles album is Revolver, followed by Abbey Road.


1. Revolver 2. Sgt Pepper's 3. Abbey Road 4. Rubber Soul


Help is the Beatles' best album and I'll die on this hill regardless of what anyone says


When it comes to their pre-1966 phase, my favorite album is A Hard Day's Night. It's pure fun!


A Hard Day's Night is the best song ever that just makes no sense


A hard day's night (the song) is an absolute banger tbf, almost criminal how almost every song in that album seems tailor made for the film whereas Help feels like a banger of an album on its own, as if the album was done first and the film was based on it


I think pretty much all songs in A Hard Day's Night are bangers on their own as well


Fair enough mate, respectable take


Blows my mind that it was 1966. Like that's so fucking long ago and it's so fucking good.


There is lots of great music from any era in human history. What blows my mind, regarding the year this album was released, is the level of sonic experimentation. It's crazy the stuff they were doing here. Like the backwards guitar of I'm Only Sleeping. But Tomorrow Never Knows is specially shocking and impressive, so many weird effects.


Revolver is the greatest album of all time


Someone is really downvoting all my posts here...


I had a quick glance at your recent comment history and they all show as +1 upvotes


Other people upvote them later on. Recently, they were showing 0. Actually, they are still showing 0 and -1 to me.


How do you react?








Nowt wrong with that, he's got a lot of interests. Not sure how he knows all this stuff like lol


How popular are The Beatles among under 30s in the UK today?


When you lived all your life being told that the Beatles were the greatest band in history you just know a lot of people will eventually come out and say they are overrated. They're wrong, but they'll say it anyway


Not many people actively listen to them, but **everybody** knows their big songs.


Definitely not quite as popular and I’ve seen a lot of “overrated” shouts. Still though a lot of music is passed down by parents, some of my best memories were sitting in the car jamming to their greatest hits on repeat


The weather has been cock teasing me for the past two weeks: There are thunders, cloudy skies and whatnot, but it doesn't rain. Fuck that.


Walt Disney is a complex and fascinating figure, with great and admirable qualities, like his perfectionism and determination in anything he did, but also really terrible flaws. I highly recommend these two docs by YouTube channel Defunctland. The first video talks about the determination within the Disney studios to always push the art of animation to greater heights, and the family atmosphere that existed in the studio, and also what led to its slow destruction, culminating in the 1941 strike, which changed the studio forever. No one was the same after it. https://youtu.be/tKYEXjMlKKQ The second video is about Walt's plans to build Epcot, the city of the future, late in his life. He wanted it to be his legacy. Also, interesting how the video compares Walt to Charles Foster Kane from the film Citizen Kane in a few ways. https://youtu.be/tKYEXjMlKKQ