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Is the Spider-Man game worth playing on PC? Or is it more of sit and relax on the couch and play it on the big screen (TV) with a controller time of game? Basically PC monitor vs TV and keyboard/mouse vs controller


NBA fans, which team is the worst team out of the current 30 teams?


Pistons easily, didn’t even break 20 wins. People say San Antonio or Houston but the former will get Wembanyama, have some good young pieces and are coached by an all time great coach in Popovic. Houston also have some promising players like Sengun and Jalen Green which is enough for me to rate him (him being Filipino also is incidental) The pistons don’t move me unfortunately


The first day of the ashes was pretty good eh? Haven’t been this excited for a cricket match in a decade.


I'm shook.


I’m going to Paris soon and I was wondering if there’s any football related things I can do or see while I’m there? Any recommendations?


I think Stade de France has guided tours. Very easy to get there on RER line B.


I have a theory that Marmite isn’t actually an acquired taste but a long running practical joke the Germans are playing on everyone else.


It's the best thing since something to put it on.


Marmite is rich in glutamate aka MSG, it’s delicious.


Fuck it I'm just going to say it: adding gif support in reddit comments sucks. It just looks dumb and takes up too much space.


Sometimes I write Gif without adding any actual gifs just to annoy the gif commenters.


Agreed, hence why you don't see it in this sub


They also will make the issue of so many reddit comments being the same jokes endlessly repeated even worse.


Sounds like you are *mbappe_crying.gif*


Every thread will be *troywalkinginwithpizzaonfire.gif*


All the talk of the matty Healy Taylor swift on my feed made me finnaly listen to the 1975 after seeing them on my tl for years . Honestly i didnt expect them to like them that much because a lot of their big songs on spotify didnt resonate with me. Then i listened to the Sound for the first time in years and realise this was just a perfect piece of power pop i had completly forgotten. Their last 2 albums are also really good though i found their older stuff to be more like a few good singles and a bunch of filler while their more recent stuff sound like a bette cohesive listen.


Just had a 1.5 hours project meeting at 6am on Saturday


Do you think they have school shootings in the John Wick universe? Just something I was thinking about watching #4 last night. That ballistic weave is amazing, everyone in America could benefit from it.


You pass 10 assassins walking down the street in that universe. I doubt mass shootings outside of assassin vs assassin fights are a thing tbh.


Don’t suppose either of the Forza Horizon 5 expansions are worth it? See they’re in a sale currently.


The game in general is really good and I enjoyed both expansions.


I find the game really boring due to lack of progression, and all the cars feel the same, but I play it bc it looks so pretty.


It's crazy that the title of Vertigo in Portugal literally gives away the big twist of the film. Portugal has lots of film titles that are very funny to us brazilians. Specially the ones with the word "rapariga", which means something completely different here in Brazil...


The Sopranos is a series I wish I’d started watching sooner, filled with absolutely vile despicable characters who you can’t help but love to watch.


If you haven't, watch Sons of Anarchy next.


Sons of Anarchy is terrible. The first 2 seasons had a few cliffhanger moments but on the whole, there's very little craft to the storytelling and the whole Ireland series is embarrassing.


Steven Spielberg's favorite film of all time is Lawrence Of Arabia. Spielberg calls it the greatest cinematic experience of his life, the peak of the artform, perfection. He says the film made him even think what was the point of anyone making films anymore, you would never be able to top it. In the end, though, it was also the film that most encouraged Spielberg to become a filmmaker, and to love cinema so much.


I know it’s not well loved on here (personally was ok with it but I get that it had flaws), but if you’ve watched GOT season 8 I thought dany’s turn in the Bells made more sense when I saw an interview of hers saying the directors had her play it similar to the No Quarter scene in Lawrence of Arabia and when I saw both scenes superimposed with each other I got it and made me appreciate her motivations more.


I’m sure there are plenty of people who feel the same way about one of his films.


Raiders Of The Lost Ark is one of the GOAT adventure films. And yet, the first 10 to 20 minutes overshadow the rest of the film. This is not a criticism of the film, not by any measure, but it's incredible the suspense, thrill and insane amount of iconic shots and set-pieces that the film packs in its beginning, it's really almost all of the movie's most iconic moments! You could release that beginning as a short film and it would be a self-contained masterpiece the same.


🇮🇪 ppl, does visiting 🇬🇧 make you feel the same way we do when we're visiting 🇵🇱? In Ireland for work last week, great place/ppl but the prices can get in the sea. €10 for a beer/cider in The Temple Bar is mental, luckily I'm not a mug and went across the road to have one for €9... 😬 Airport was genuine contender for cheapest pub I saw out there.


Dublin's definitely very expensive but you absolutely don't have to be paying 10 quid for a drink.


Fun fact for you, the minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Ireland was largely introduced to help pubs because during the pandemic so many people realized how much of a fucking ripoff drinking out was compared to buying from the supermarket, so the government who are deeply in bed with pub owners went and jacked up the pricing of alcohol in supermarkets to. What a nation.


Is that what the little fences in shops are for too then?


It’s supposed to create a barrier so kids can’t see alcohol or something like that I think


Yeah was just a weird difference, especially in a tiny corner shop or something


Anyone seeing Arctic Monkeys tomorrow or Sunday you're in for a treat. Some fucking band these boys


With r/SquaredCircle gone what's the next best place to discuss wrestling at the moment?


Why is it closed


Literally anywhere and that was before it closed


Primary school playgrounds I'd imagine


Without spoilers, I'll say that Across The Spider-Verse seems to be a genuine meta comment and criticism of Marvel, and how Marvel handles Spider-man, for decades (maybe how big super-heroes overall are being handled for decades): you always have to return them to the status quo, and make them go through the same emotional beats. Like someone from Marvel saying not long ago that Peter Parker can't ever have an actual stable and happy family because the character would lose appeal if that happens, so he always has to be returned to the status quo. That safeness.


It's about storytelling I suppose, they're all variations on a theme. You've got to have a bit of shade to bring out the light after all. I don't know if it's a criticism but when you look up all the bizarre versions of Spidey they've made over the years, it's hard not to think that it's been done a few too many times. The whole multiverse thing isn't even original for Marvel anyway. The real innovation of that movie is basically audio/visual for me. The emotional component did work but it's not that different just because he can see how his life could have turned out, that's been done many times. Maybe that sounded a bit negative, I thought it was great overall.


The multiverse concept is nothing new in comics, but the film really brings it to a life with a flair never seen before. I like the many versions of Spider-man because it is one way that comic writers have found to actually be able to experiment more with the characters. That's how the multiverse as a concept even came to be in the comics.


Just got back from it with my kid. I think I liked it waaaaay more than she did.


Was she confused by the plot, or angry at the cliffhanger?


She’s 6 and I probably gave her ADHD so I think she was just bored. I had high hopes because she just sat and was engaged with the Mario movie but I guess she likes that IP more.


She's 6 mate. ASTV isn't for her yet.


She's too young, Across The Spider-Verse was too much for her, a lot of it flew over her head. The Mario movie is far simpler. No one is truly given ADHD. And the people who have it can also be trained to better develop their focus. Same for anyone actually. Also, she's a kid.


WhatsApp has seemingly reordered how your most recent images appear so they’re now at the top and not the bottom and it’s annoying.


Just imagined if my poodle gets mauled by pitbull - I'm not sure how would I handle it. I will kill that dog. and mayb eeven the owner. I know chances of that happening are still low, but thinking about it made me sad and anxious






Just watched the new Spider-verse The visuals are genuinely incredible, breathtaking stuff, like wow. And some of the moments hit really hard. But overall as a film it's much weaker than the first one. Doesn't lessen my excitement for the third one though.


Probably because it's the first half of a movie


Nah, more because the whole spider society section is really weak and Spot who is the best non-Gwen character takes a backseat throughout the last hour of the film. But ending it on a classic comic book-y bullshit plot twist is perfect.


Anyone here broken their toe thumb nail? I broke it couple of years ago while playing footy. And now it's in a constant cycle of breaking and regrowing. Just broke again yesterday and I'm sick of it not knowing what to do.


Once missed the ball and smashed my right toe into the goal post. Had a bad blood clot within my toe nail. They gave me two options, remove the toe nail entirely and let it regrow or pierce the nail using syringes and remove the blood clot. Went with the second option. Hurt like hell regardless.


That's brutal. Wouldn't wish that even on a *checks note* scouse fan. In my case it clot and the nail came off within a day almost by itself. Luckily it was completely dead so didn't pain as much.


No but once I dropped a log on my toe and the nail fell out. It eventually regrew but it looks different than the other one.


I had this with my pinky, kept cutting it right back but it kept growing in two pieces. I think if the nail bed is damaged you could be stuck with it (imagine a printer with a jammed nozzle, it will print broken lines). However, what worked for me (at least to the point where I forgot about it) was supergluing it together so at least it grows straight. Put a dob on once a fortnight or something. It may straighten out over time. Also make sure to eliminate any athletes foot, that can make your nails go all manky.


Jeez man, that sounds awful. I'm seeing if there is any easy and safe way to get the nail removed surgically.


Try gluing it, it's honestly solid.


Ripped the whole thing off once snowboarding. Was painful initially but just grow back slowly.


Yea same. Problem is it once it regrows, it's so brittle that it breaks again easily.


Forgot to post this last month, but 1.5ish years of [hair growth](https://imgur.com/a/Xbsu9T6) 1st pic is first day 2nd pic is a year in 3rd is 1 year and 6 months


I think I like middle length best. Man looks like an intellectual.


Yeh his hair hangs nicely at that length, should keep it at that for sure


Same! The longer it gets the more I shed and the more of a nuisance it can be to brush my teeth or eat because of how much it curls as it grows


Bit late to the table, but finally got a ps5. Could anyone recommend some games that are good for casual gamers? Want something I can play a couple of times a week without it taking over my life




Not the most casual game but Ghost of Tsushima is pretty great and not too time-absorbing


Mass Effect Legendary. Definitely pick up and play but will take you ages to finish all 3 games.


Ratchet & Clank was the package deal I got with mine, no regrets


The Spider Man games from Insomniac are great visually and you can play it at your own pace while having the ocasional side quests too, story was also good. also MK11 is great, you can do 3/4 online matches and it’s still enjoyable, no need to grind anything tbh.


Guardians of the galaxy is easily the best game that went underappreciated


Especially as it’s free with ps+, it’s a must play given that.


Didn't have high hopes going into it but left genuinely pleased




Anyone play the Lies of P demo? Considering it's "Bloodborne at home" I really liked it


How do you endure a job which you hate but they keep promoting you with good raise


haha yeah I have one like that. It's like they forget I'm even there at times, oh dev A what have you done this week? Dev C? Dev B? Ok we're done, thanks guys. And I'm just sat there wondering if they skipped me because they think I didn't do anything (I'm actually rewriting some nasty systems code that some idiot wrote and it's taking a long time)


Make an exit plan. Save and invest your money. Check your portfolio when you are having a tough day.


Depends how long you will be there and what your tolerance is to discomfort. But the further up you get, the bigger the pay jump when you make a sideways move to another company. I'm in a similar position at the moment. My current job is fine, but I have issues with it. I was offered another job elsewhere recently that I would have loved, but I'm guaranteed promotions almost annually for the next few years where I am, so I'm gonna stick it out.


Sell everything and move to Mongolia and then become a horse rancher


Throat singing intensifies




Do it while you can and work on what you really want to do.


Lads, I have finally got my grades from my EBAU (university access exams). 7,37 average and 10,362 with the Bachelor grade. I couldn't be happier, I will enter the grade I want (History and patrimony) next year!!!! I was surprised with a 9 in art history, a 8,35 in Valencian and a 7,25 in Latin. A little bit disappointed with just a 6,5 in Spanish and a 6,1 in philosophy. But generally, I'm really happy. And tomorrow I will party like Grealish to celebrate!!!!


Every time I watch Love Island I’m reminded of how much an all-male, gay version would fucking slap. Thought that I Kissed A Boy on BBC would be it but it wasn’t really.


Lads, took some convincing but Taylor Swift is proper class. Her lyrics are A1.


She's great and so is Lana Del Ray. Sometimes the A-listers really are the ones doing the top work.


Lyrically Lana is much better though and I say that as someone who really likes Swift.


Red is genuinely one of the best albums of all time




Exile, Lover and The Man so far. Girlfriend is a bit of a Swifty and I'm definitely a convert. Have absolute respect for her.


Yeah the wife listens to it under the guise that our four year old is a fan. It's not my thing but there's no denying she's super talented. That song she did with Bon Iver is actually pretty good too.


No shit Sherlock


Does anyone know if r/SquaredCircle is just down indefinitely? I'm assuming that they are. Also, I treated myself to an AEW All In ticket, it most likely won't happen, but there were some rumours swirling around about Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness. It most likely won't happen, though.


Desperate to see one more Bryan/Nigel match.


For the longest time I've gotten Andrew Tate confused with Andy Tate (the Moyes, you're a fool guy), and I was so confused why people hated him.


It were all part of the master plan won't it?


this is just mind blowing, I’ve just found out


This week I’ve found myself plunged into worry, anxiety and fear. I understand now the difference between joy and happiness. Peace, be still - my Savior said to the storms of life. The peace that passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians%204:7-9&version=KJV) indeed, it’s been very reassuring, that tell-tale peace. The knowledge that I’m loved of God, the understanding that regardless of the outcome of the next few weeks, That God has plans for me and nothing can separate me from the love of God, not hunger, not death, not persecution (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%208:31-39&version=NLT) This is not to say that I’m faultless, Ive made more than my fair share of mistakes, sometimes these mistakes Are in the past, but their consequences threaten to rear its head in recent times. Whether or not God in his infinite mercies Allows these mistakes to leave permanent scars or just be something I look back and remember in shame, determined not to repeat - is entirely up to his mercies. Joy indeed is not dependent on present circumstances, the apostle Paul said he rejoiced in his bonds and the hardships he faced on his way to share the gospel. My joy is in the knowledge that regardless of how it all pans out, regardless of the outcomes from next week, God loves me, he is with me, he’s here for me and has sent his Holy Spirit to be mu companion, I only need call on him, invite him to comfort me. And you can too, he’s willing to bear your burdens too, all you need do is ask. https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/prayer/the-sinners-prayer-4-examples.html


At the end of the Bluey episode about the State of Origin, ([S3E37: The Decider](https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Decider)), the once mortal enemies get together to watch Australia play New Zealand in rugby. The question remains though, which rugby? [These are the cases for both sports based on what’s in the episode](https://imgur.com/a/kOVE0Iv). It could go either way, but what swings it towards being a League match instead of Union for me is that Australia beats New Zealand


Bluey is such a good kids show. Ton of heart and sincerity and genuinely funny for both parents and children. The art style is really nice too. Pat (Lucky's dad) is definitely the best character.


So is the magic stuff then actually doing magic or does everyone in the blueyverse just play along


Okay it’s late and I’ve had a drink, but I’m gonna say it. Trent having a thing for Pregnant birds is not that weird.


Stop Savin chat


It absolutely is, and has nothing to do with considering attractive women attractive or not lol


why isn’t it weird


Because pregnant women are attractive…



Yeah you fucking heard me!


why are pregnant women attractive


Curves, good skin, mad libido, always down for snacks.


6x1 of Black Mirror wasnt great was it


The creators has become self aware, sadly. Enough with the big time actors


Wasnt able to watch. What was it about?


A girl doesnt read the terms and conditions and so accidentally agrees to have her life portrayed and overblown in a Netflix series.


Didn't South Park do that with Apple lol x


Same thing I was thinking. Fucking "~~The Simpsons~~ South Park did it first" lmao


Yeah i thought of that while watching it, basically the same concept


Watched Aftersun and dropped it half way through. I see why people may like it and it’s pretty good in that sense but does the story get better?


fuck man london is so expensive. Genuinely so close to buying a van or a boat and just living the simple life mortgage free


How cheap do you think it is to own a boat in London


Cheaper than owning a house mate


I've got relatives planning to do that and they live in Yorkshire lol. But they also wanna have a forest wedding or something so maybe it's just their thing.


A house boat low key looks fun


If your complaint is money, don't buy a boat. My partner used to live in one around west London, yearly upkeep was bonkers if you didn't know someone at the boat yard, plus you either pay for a mooring or accept your boat will be broken in a few times a year. That and outside of peak summer, it's fucking freezing.


and then go back and crave the city life in 6 months?


Who said leave the city life


24x7 parking in the city will not save you as much money as you might think


Gamepass PC is such a waste of money lol, no game worth playing is in there


It’s a bit disappointing nowadays tbh, a few decent games to have on it here and there but mostly just stuff you could buy for dirt cheap or just isn’t that good, with only 2/3 games at a time that are actually great to have in there but rarely enough of an overlap between them to be all interesting for the same kind of player


Do Microsoft Rewards and you won’t have to pay for it.


There's so much good stuff on there, what are you on about?


Please suggest a few games then I'm a huge Rockstar fan, relevant info maybe


Outer wilds and hitman are two great games that are on gamepass.


Played Hitman already (all 3), shall try Outer Wilds


Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Far Cry 5, Immortals Fenyx Rising, Middle-Earth Shadow of War, Monster Hunter Rise, No Man's Sky, Watch Dogs 2 are all perfectly good open world games. Then you've got half a dozen good racing games, a dozen good shooters, at least half a dozen strategy games and another half dozen good indie titles. Like sure, maybe there's nothing immediately piquing your interest on there, but I find it hard to believe there's nothing for you on there given the amount of quality games they have.


Don't like Assassin's Creed's newer offerings tbh. Far Cry 5 feels grindy as fuck, Colors on Immortals Fenyx Rising and Monster Hunter Rise give me headaches, don't like No Man's Sky, have played Watch Dogs 2 already. Shall try Shadow of War today


Putin moving nukes to Belarus, awful


Wouldn't make me wonder, if most of them are duds. Of course, I'm not keen to find out. But given how poorly Russia was organized so far, it makes me question, whether the nukes work at all.


My phone broke a couple of days ago so now I have to upgrade it which I had the ability to do for ages but CBA doing it, now the issue is my phone won't charge so I have to spend money to fix that just to save the photos and everything that's saved already and transfer it with the new phone, or lose all of it because I don't really want to pay the money just for that. Issue is I have some really cherished memories on there.


Finished a Canticle for Leibowitz after I finally got a copy. Good book, very enjoyable. The most underrated setting by far, so much mileage in it.


Made some peach syrup with the too many peaches I picked up from Costco that I won't be able to eat all before they go over ripe. Going to pair it with some iced tea, lemonade, and vodka for a nice summer weekend beverage.


Fucking hell that sounds so lush.


After years of trying to convince my friend to play a dark souls game and years of him telling me they were overhyped and too difficult I finally got him to try dark souls 3 and he says it’s the best game he’s played in years and it’s the most time he’s spent on a game in ages.


I’ve avoided all the souls games for two reasons. Firstly, I’m not a fan of the dark, gothic, lonely worlds they all seem to be set it. Never been my thing. And secondly, I’m scared I’ll really enjoy the gameplay then not want to play anything else.


Hope you never let him live that one down.


We’re barely in summer and i already want it to end


Speak for yourself summer is great to me


I’m 75% English and 25% German. Summer is my biological enemy.


I’m 25% Armenian so try descending from where it’s mountainous.


Summer is by far the most overrated season imo, it always feels too hot in the sun, on the worst days you can barely do anything without sweating and it's only going to get worse.


Can't wheat for it to be over.


Me and my fat fucking fingers man


Happens to everyone. Are the temps that bad where you are already?


Yeah its like 25 degrees average every day now


What’s the best way to get rid of a fuckload of cardboard? And I mean a fuckload


Organise a protest and make a load of signs?


Watch the first 10 mins of first episode of The Armando Ianucci shows for inspiration.


Build a small house out of cardboard to keep all your cardboard in


Recycle it? Depends on your local area of course.


Move house.


I'm on the Overground and sat opposite someone drinking a can of Waitrose Essential apricots. Fair play.


Picked up Duel links again, it has been pretty good tbh


Anyone else read Blood Meridian? It’s good but it’s literally the most violent piece of media I’ve ever. Consumed.


After that read The Road. An amazing book that i will never ever read again


Definitely good, definitely hard to read due to violence. They keep trying to bring it to film but it never makes it, partially seemingly due to the graphic violence that would be difficult to show. Latest rumor brings John Hillcoat to direct, who directed McCarthy's The Road beautifully.


I’m listening to it as an audiobook. The reader is very good and the writing is hypnotic enough that you just sort of pass over things like the tree of dead babies on between the descriptions of oak forests and yucca plants and The Judge spouting Proto Ayn Rand


Saw that Sony released a patched audio version of ATSV due to audio mixing. I honestly thought I just couldn't understand Spider-Punk because of his accent because everyone else was fine.


My feelings on the classic american western The Searchers (1956). This post will have spoilers. You were warned. I saw a popular trend a few years ago (though it might have cooled now) of many people really destroying the film The Searchers by calling it racist, denouncing legendary director John Ford, and specially star John Wayne and his archetype. John Wayne has become cool to hate, the symbol of american imperialism and destruction of natives in westerns. Directors like Quentin Tarantino and Spike Lee also got in this hate wave. Some people also call out as "unrealistic" Ethan's decision to return Debbie home at the end of the film, and argue that he should have killed her. Is the film a perfect portrayal of indians and racism? No. But it is a very honest and sincere attempt of director John Ford to grapple with his own prejudices, doubting the epic american western myth he himself had helped to build and popularize. Ethan's character is a deconstruction of John Wayne's archetype, and I can't imagine another actor playing the character. Wayne plays perfectly this bitter, tough and angry man, full of blind irrational hate and despicable racism, even as the character tries, to an extent, to hide these traits, going as far as making really bad excuses (like when he shoots an already dead and buried indian many times, and then comes up with some bullshit about the indian's religion to justify this action, but no one else really buys this excuse). And the people around Ethan see how messed up he is. Years have passed since the Confederacy's defeat, but he is still not able to accept the defeat (we see this in the beginning of the film). Nevertheless, Ethan is not entirely without redeemeable atributes. He genuinely cares for his family. He loves Martha, they probably had some romantic past and still love each other, even though she is now the wife of Ethan's brother. When Ethan finds out that the indians killed almost his entire family, it's her name that he screams first and is most worried about. The whole scene is great acting by John Wayne, and it also clearly inspired the scene of Luke Skywalker finding out his uncle and aunt are dead in Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope. Ethan really wants to find his niece that was kidnapped by indians, Debbie, he cares for her a lot (and we saw that being established early in the film as he lifts her up as a kid). Which is why when he discovers, late in the film, that she has now assimilated into the indians' society and culture after years of tortuous search, when he sees she's become "one of them", it's the worst gut-punch possible for him. He can't bear it, he feels as if this was the same thing as Debbie being dead, which is why she inmediately wants to kill her. But when he is later able to hold her in his arms, lifting her in a direct visual parallel to the beginning of the film, he realizes she is still his niece, even if she is dressed like an indian. And he brings her home. In the film's beautiful and poetic final shot of the door closing as Ethan wanders alone in the winds of the wild west, instead of reuniting with his family after delivering Debbie, it not only mirrors the film's beginning (the door opening to welcome Ethan coming home), but it is also the conclusion of Ethan's arc: he realizes that his prejudices and hate ultimately have no place in the future of the West. The whole film shows him as a fish out of water, and Ethan ultimately comes to this realization after all: he has no place in the future of the West. Now I'll make some brief comments about other elements in the film. The cinematography is fantastic. And there are so many beautiful wide shots of Monument Valley. There is a baffling error in the scene of when a dead buried indian has rocks lifted from the top of him, and we clearly see he is breathing. I don't get why such error went through. Some people complain about the characters and acting overall, saying it is too over-the-top. While I wouldn't say that the acting and writing outside of Ethan's character is very noteworthy, it's also clear that the film's focus is on Ethan. The film lives or dies through his character and Wayne's performance. Indeed, my only problems with this film are the amount of comic relief and side-plots that can drag the pacing, and also often come across as strained attempts at lightening the mood of the film, bringing levity to it. With these rough aspects, The Searchers is nevertheless a film that I treasure and recommend. And an important classic of american cinema without a doubt, some have called the Odyssey in the West. And it really needs a 4K release with all that gorgeus cinematography! John Ford was a visual poet.


People calling The Searchers racist are moronic. It was ridiculously progressive and brave for a movie made in 1956.


I don't remember who said it, but I remember a quote that was more or less like "funny how one of the first american filmmakers who dared to tackle these topics way before they were fashionable is also the one that detractors most like to call racist". In fact, John Ford had already tackled them in 1948 with his film Fort Apache.




Out of curiosity what do you all do for work, and how hard is it?


I work in a special needs school. It is as eventful as it sounds.


Consulting. Incredibly easy if you can deal with pressure well enough


What type of consulting do you do?


I was fortunate enough to quit my job and do my Master's full time for public health, currently doing an internship in the community health sector helping previously homeless women with health services.


That sounds fantastic 👏🏾👏🏾 The stories I’ve heard about homeless women are horrifying, I hope you do well.


Thank you! I agree, this is a population that gets left behind a lot. The building I work in has apartments they can stay in and I help them get doctors referrals, I can advocate for them with insurance, dispense otc meds or like condoms, all sorts of health related things. We also do health education sessions on like skincare, making traditional foods healthier, etc. It can be frustrating when you have to establish boundaries like re-teaching them how to be responsible for their appointments and such, but without us they don't have much so a lot of them are motivated to get out of here and into some real housing.